17 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2022
    1. V-3

      Case#: V3, Pakistan, female, 23 years old (report),

      DiseaseAssertion: GAMT deficiency

      FamilyInfo: Patient V3 is a sister of V1. Consanguineous family.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0010864, HP:0001250, HP:0001257, HP:0003487, HP:0001251, HP:0001761 (severe intellectual disability, seizure, spasticity, Babinski sign, ataxia, pes cavus)

      CaseHPOFreeText: Neonatal onset of seizures, Spasticity in upper and lower limbs, Peripheral neuropathy probably present, sitting delayed, standing delayed, walking delayed, never developed speech

      CaseNotHPOs: HP:0001347 (hyperreflexia)

      CaseNotHPOFreeText: Bed ridden, recurrent bone fractures

      Biochemical analyte testing:

      Brain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS): N/A

      GAMT activity assay: N/A

      Zygosity: Homozygous / compound heterozygous.

      Variant 1: c.134G > A (p.Trp45)

      ClinVarID: N/A

      CAID: N/A

      gnomAD: N/A

      Variant 2: N/A

      ClinVarID: N/A

      CAID: N/A

      gnomAD: N/A

      ParentalGenotypes: Both parents confirmed to be heterozygous for c.134G > A

      AlsoPublished: N/A

    2. V-1

      Case#: V1, Pakistan, male, 25 years old (report),

      DiseaseAssertion: GAMT deficiency

      FamilyInfo: Patient V1 is a brother of V3. Consanguineous family.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0010864, HP:0001250, HP:0001347, HP:0001257, HP:0003487, HP:0001251, HP:0001761 (severe intellectual disability, seizure, hyperreflexia, spasticity, Babinski sign, ataxia, pes cavus)

      CaseHPOFreeText: Neonatal onset of seizures, Spasticity in upper and lower limbs, Peripheral neuropathy probably present, sitting delayed, standing delayed, walking delayed, never developed speech, bed ridden since age 17, recurrent bone fractures

      CaseNotHPOs: N/A

      CaseNotHPOFreeText: N/A

      Biochemical analyte testing: GAA: 13.7 μmol/L, creatine: 2 μmol/L

      Brain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS): N/A

      GAMT activity assay: N/A

      Zygosity: Homozygous

      Variant 1: c.134G > A (p.Trp45)

      ClinVarID: N/A

      CAID: N/A

      gnomAD: N/A

      Variant 2: N/A

      ClinVarID: N/A

      CAID: N/A

      gnomAD: N/A

      ParentalGenotypes: Both parents confirmed to be heterozygous for c.134G > A

      AlsoPublished: N/A

  2. Sep 2022
    1. 2

      Case#: Subject number 2, 37 years

      DiseaseAssertion: Late Onset Pompe disease

      FamilyInfo: N/A

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0008994 (proximal muscle weakness in lower limbs), HP:0003325 (limb-girdle muscle weakness), HP:0003701 (proximal muscle weakness), HP:0003691 (scapular winging), HP:0002355 (difficulty walking).

      CaseHPOFreeText: N/A

      CaseNotHPOs: N/A

      CaseNotHPOFreeText: N/A

      CasePreviousTesting: Serum creatin kinase was 7.7 μkat/l

      glucosidase activity: Whole uncoagulated blood samples used for leukocyte and DNA isolations.

      GAA activity (w/o acarbose) 35 nmol.h.mg–1 (control 37±14).

      8 nmol.h.mg–1 (with acarbose) (control 16±6).

      Ratio of with/w/o acarbose is 0.24 (control 0.42±0.08).

      Variant 1: NM_000152.5(GAA):c.-32-13T>G

      Variant 1 ClinVarID: 4027

      Variant 1 CAid: CA116606

      Variant 2: NM_000152.5(GAA):c.1456G>C

      Variant 2 ClinVarID: N/A

      Variant 2 CAid: CA401366835

      Zygosity: compund heterozygous

      ParentalGenotype: N/A

      PreviouslyPublished: N/A

  3. Aug 2022
    1. 1

      Case#: Subject number 1, 18 years

      DiseaseAssertion: Late Onset Pompe disease

      FamilyInfo: N/A

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0003325 (limb-girdle muscle weakness), HP:0008994 (proximal muscle weakness in lower limbs), HP:0008968 (muscle hypertrophy of the lower extremities), HP:0007340 (lower limb muscle weakness), HP:0003797 (limb-girdle muscle atrophy), HP:0002515 (waddling gait), HP:0003691 (scapular winging).

      CaseHPOFreeText: Positive Trendelenburg sign

      CaseNotHPOs: N/A

      CaseNotHPOFreeText: N/A

      CasePreviousTesting: Serum creatin kinase was 19. 9 μkat/l

      glucosidase activity: Whole uncoagulated blood samples used for leukocyte and DNA isolations.

      GAA activity (w/o acarbose) 29 nmol.h.mg–1 (control 37±14).

      3 nmol.h.mg–1 (with acarbose) (control 16±6).

      Ratio of with/w/o acarbose is 0.10 (control 0.42±0.08).

      Variant 1: NM_000152.5(GAA):c.-32-13T>G

      Variant 1 ClinVarID: 4027

      Variant 1 CAid: CA116606

      Variant 2: NM_000152.5(GAA):c.-32-13T>G

      Variant 2 ClinVarID: 4027

      Variant 2 CAid: CA116606

      Zygosity: homozygous

      ParentalGenotype: N/A

      PreviouslyPublished: N/A

  4. Jul 2022
    1. mutations in the α-sarcoglycan gene (SGCA)

      PMID: 30989758

      Gene: SGCA

      HGNCID: 10805

      Case: 8 year old boy, Chinese.

      DiseaseAssertion: LGMD

      FamilyInfo: Family members denied relevant family history

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0006785, HP:0003551, HP:0003391, HP:0003560

      MotorAchievement: Noticed around 7 years old that he had trouble climbing stairs and standing up when crouching and had slower activity than other peers.

      CreatineKinase: Creatine kinase CK 15550U/L, MB fraction 276 U/L

      CasePreviousTesting:430 genes associated with muscular dystrophy were captured with a liquid catch kit.

      GenotypingMethod: NGS

      PreviouslyPublished: NA

      SupplementalData: NA

      Variant: NM_000023c.218 C>T

      ClinVarID: Unregistered varient

      CAID: Unregistered varient

      gnomAD: https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/variant/17-48245003-C-T?dataset=gnomad_r2_1

      "0.000 Allele Frequency - East Asian

  5. May 2021
    1. p1

      Case#: p1, male, no ages given DiseaseAssertion: Pompe disease FamilyInfo: None given CasePresentingHPOs: N/A CaseHPOFreeText: bright tongue CaseNotHPOs: HP:0001260, HP:0002015, HP:0012473 CaseNotHPOFreeText: Tongue weak

    2. p2

      Case#: p2, male, no ages given DiseaseAssertion: Pompe disease CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0012473 CaseHPOFreeText: Bright tongue CaseNotHPOs: HP:0001260, HP:0002015

  6. Mar 2021
    1. affected boy (IV-1; 11 years)

      Case#: IV-1, male, 11 y.o, Pakistani

      DiseaseAssertion: Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD2F), sarcoglycanopathy

      FamilyInfo: Consanguineous parents, both described as healthy and showing no abnormality. Three unaffected siblings were also reported: IV-2 (male, 10 y.o), IV-4 (male, 7 y.o), and IV-5 (female, 1.5 y.o). A deceased sister is included on the pedigree, but no details about this individual were reported. See Figure 1.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0001288, HP:0002650, HP:0003547, HP:0003749, HP:0001655

      CaseHPOFreeText: Reduced weight gain noted at 3-4 y.o. Mild cardiac hypertrophy observed on cardiac review (additional echocardiography results reported in "Echocardiography" section). Additional phenotypic information reported in Supplementary Table 1.

      CaseNotHPOs: HP:0009077, HP:0000703, HP:0001382, HP:0000365, HP:0001510, HP:0001249, HP:0000478, HP:0030148, HP:0011675

      CaseNotHPOFreeText: Extensor muscles of the wrist, toes flexors, and hip abductors noted to be relatively normal. Additional phenotypic information reported in Supplementary Table 1.

      MotorAchievement: Sat without assistance at 8 months of age, walked at 15 months of age, ran at 1.5 months of age. Never jumped or hopped. Frequent falls noted, as well as difficulty in walking and climbing stairs since 3 y.o.

      CreatineKinase: 18SU (normal: 20SU for children, 10SU for adults) (see Supplementary Table 1). No assertion was made by the authors regarding whether this represents a normal or decreased CK level.

      PreviousTesting: Thyroid stimulating hormone: 2.3mU/L (normal: <0.6mU/L); Serum VZV IgG: 286mlU/ml (normal: >150mlU/ml); IGF-1:186 ng/μl (normal: 102-520 ng/μl for males, 14 y.o); PRL: 202 ng/dl (normal: 42.5-414 ng/dl for males); Vitamin D: 47nmol/L (normal: 25-50 nmol/L); Free T4: 17.0 pmol/L (normal:10.8-19.0 pmol/L) (see Supplementary Table 1)

      GenotypingMethod: (1) Targeted next generation sequencing of 31 genes associated with LGMD from proband genomic DNA extracted from peripheral blood sample; (2) Sanger sequencing of genomic DNA extracted from peripheral blood samples to confirm SGCD variant of interest in proband and three family members (III-3, III-4, IV-4). Variant was identified in homozygosity in the proband, in heterozygosity in each of the parents, and was not present in the unaffected sibling (IV-4).

      Variant: NM_000337.5:c.289C>T (p.Arg97Ter)

      CAID: CA3530549

      gnomAD: Not reported

  7. Jan 2021
    1. AJV

      CaseAJV: 17 years diagnosis, Australia

      DiseaseAssertion: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

      FamilyInfo: Father (index case) died awaiting cardiac transplant (carried both variants). Two possibly affected relatives.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0001639, HP:0006536

      (Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Obstructive lung disease)

      HPOsFreeText: Maximum left ventricular hypertrophy at 17 mm, Sudden cardiac death event at 17 years, Maximal wall thickness at 22mm,

      CaseNotHPOs: N/A

      NotHPOsFreeText: N/A

      CasePreviousTesting: See Table 1

      CaseGenotypingMethod: DNA was isolated from peripheral blood. Most participants underwent testing from the Illumina Cardiomyopathy Sequencing Panel, which includes 46 cardiomyopathy related genes. For others, whole exome sequencing or Sanger squencing was used. After the results were returned, variants were filtered for pathogenicity and rarity.

      Variant:NM_000257.3:c.1954A>G (p.Arg652Gly)

      ClinVarID:177626 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/variation/177626/

      gnomAD: Not in gnomAD

      Multiple Gene Variants:

      MYBPC3 Variant

      Variant: NM_000256.3:c.2980C>T (p.Leu994Phe)

      ClinVarID:180992 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/variation/180992/

      gnomAD: European (Non-Finnish) 1.624e-4, Overall 8.461e-5 https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/variant/11-47355487-G-A

  8. Sep 2019
    1. I 1

      CaseI1-2: Case I1 is the asymptomatic paternal grandfather of proband 2 in family 2. The heterozygous Thr295Ile substitution was found in this individual.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0005543, (Reduced protein C activity)

      HPOsFreeText: Protein C activity was reduced: Normal range = 70-140% (actual = 39%). Patient also had reduced protein C antigen: Normal range = 70-130% (Actual=36%).



      CaseAddInfo: This individual was asymptomatic.


    2. grandmother (I3) of Proband 2

      CaseI3-2: Case I3 is the asymptomatic grandmother of proband 2 in family 2. The heterozygous Leu-34Pro substitution was found in this individual.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0005543, (Reduced protein C activity)

      HPOsFreeText: Protein C activity was reduced: Normal range = 70-140% (actual = 48%). Patient also had reduced protein C antigen: Normal range = 70-130% (Actual=36%).



      CaseAddInfo: This individual was asymptomatic.


    3. asymptomaticmother (II4

      CaseII4-2: Case II4 is the asymptomatic mother of proband 2 in family 2. The heterozygous Leu-34Pro substitution was found in this individual.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0005543, (Reduced protein C activity)

      HPOsFreeText: Protein C activity was reduced: Normal range = 70-140% (actual = 55%). Patient also had reduced protein C antigen: Normal range = 70-130% (Actual=34%).



      CaseAddInfo: This individual was asymptomatic.


    4. paternal relatives II2

      CaseII2-2: Case II2 is the asymptomatic paternal uncle of proband 2 in family 2. The Thr295Ile substitution was found in this individual.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0005543, (Reduced protein C activity)

      HPOsFreeText: Protein C activity was reduced: Normal range = 70-140% (actual = 44%). Patient also had reduced protein C antigen: Normal range = 70-130% (Actual=33%).



      CaseAddInfo: This individual was completely asymptomatic.


    5. he asymptomatic fatherof Proband 2 (II3)

      CaseII3-2: Case II3 is the clinically asymptomatic father of proband 2 in family 2. The Thr295Ile substitution was found in this individual.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0005543, (Reduced protein C activity)

      HPOsFreeText: Protein C activity was reduced: Normal range = 70-140% (actual = 43%). Patient also had reduced protein C antigen: Normal range = 70-130% (Actual=34%).



      CaseAddInfo: This individual was completely asymptomatic.


    6. Proband 2

      CaseIII1-2: Proband 2 (Case III 1 family 2) was a 19 year old male diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis in both legs since the age of 16. The family of this individual was asymptomatic with respect to thrombolytic disease and was non-consanguineous.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0002625, HP:0005543, HP:0004936, (Deep venous thrombosis), (Protein C deficiency), (Venous thrombosis),

      HPOsFreeText: Deep vein thrombosis was in both legs since age of 16. This patient also had low protein C antigen.



      CaseAddInfo: This Case (Case III1-2) was designated as Proband 2.


    7. the father (I1) of Proband 1

      CaseI1-1: Case I1-1 is a 54 year-old male from Family 1. This individual has a heterozygous Asp255His mutation and is the father of the proband (II1-1). This individual was asymptomatic and lab results were within normal ranges.




      NotHPOsFreeText: Patient was completely asymptomatic.



    8. Proband 1

      CaseIII1-1: Proband 1 (Case II1 Family 1) was a 28 year male admitted to the medical facility for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and mesenteric vein thrombosis. This patient had a history of DVT and pulmonary embolism before admission. The mutation was compound heterozygous.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0030780, HP:0002625, HP:0002204, HP:0005543, HP:0004936, (Abnormality of the protein C anticoagulant pathway), (Deep venous thrombosis), (Pulmonary embolism), (Reduced protein C activity), (Venous thrombosis),

      HPOsFreeText: Patient had mesenteric vein thrombosis (no HPO# found). The patient also had reduced protein C antigen.



      CaseAddInfo: This case (II1 family 1) is designated as proband 1. Proband 1 was also given heparin and warfarin (together) in an attempt to control clotting. Doses for this treatment regimen were not included. All other members of the family were asymptomatic with respect to thrombolytic disease and non-consanguineous. CasePMIDs: