- Aug 2024
git.doit.wisc.edu git.doit.wisc.edu
(sc->order > PAGE_ALLOC_COSTLY_ORDER || sc->priority < DEF_PRIORITY - 2))
magic number?
git.doit.wisc.edu git.doit.wisc.edu
constant for the number of pages to scan
Constant default value for pages to scan
- Feb 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Despite the crudeness of his experimental setup 500 years ago, da Vinci, Dr. Gharib said, was able to calculate the gravitational constant to an accuracy within 10 percent of the modern value.
Nearly a hundred years before Galileo and two hundred years before Newton, in a series of diagrams and notes in the Codex Arundel, Da Viinci was able to calculate the gravitational constant to an accuracy within 10 percent of the accepted value.
~ is a dimensional constant, called Planck’s constant, the value of whichdepends on what units one uses for time and for energy. It has the dimensions[energy] · [time] and its experimental values are1.054571726(47) × 10−34Joule · seconds = 6.58211928(15) × 10−16eV · seconds(eV is the unit of “electron-Volt”, the energy acquired by an electron movingthrough a one-Volt electric potential). The most natural units to use for quan-tum mechanical problems would be energy and time units chosen so that ~ = 1.
- Sep 2022
chem.libretexts.org chem.libretexts.org
where R has units of 8.314J/mol-K
This is a constant of and its units used in the Arrhenius theory.
- Sep 2021
Update API usage of the view helpers by changing javascript_packs_with_chunks_tag and stylesheet_packs_with_chunks_tag to javascript_pack_tag and stylesheet_pack_tag. Ensure that your layouts and views will only have at most one call to javascript_pack_tag or stylesheet_pack_tag. You can now pass multiple bundles to these view helper methods.
Good move. Rather than having 2 different methods, and requiring people to "go out of their way" to "opt in" to using chunks by using the longer-named
, they changed it to just use chunks by default, out of the box.Now they don't need 2 similar but separate methods that do nearly the same, which makes things simpler and easier to understand (no longer have to stop and ask oneself, which one should I use? what's the difference?).
You can't get it "wrong" now because there's only one option.
And by switching that method to use the shorter name, it makes it clearer that that is the usual/common/recommended way to go.
- Aug 2021
I really hope they keep breaking it. Being the lead on a library for several years, most of the forced refactors were pretty straight forward and in almost every case made our code either more sound or easier to be consumed. Now I work on a runtime that embeds TypeScript and 3.5.1 has broken some code, thought it took me all of about 15 minutes to make the changes to adopt it, and in every case, it broke because we were being a bit loose with the types. While it didn't find any bugs, it made the code more "safe".
I really hope they keep breaking it.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The best way to do this is to derive the type Format from a value like an array which contains all of the Format literals.
- Apr 2021
medium.com medium.com
each of which we could show to be more beautiful, and more usable than the original.
You might not always notice, but Material Design is constantly evolving and iterating based on research.
- software development: making changes/improvements based on user feedback/data
- beauty
- Material Design: text field
- answer the "why?"
- usability
- user feedback
- constantly improving
- form design
- visual design
- Material Design
- component design
- text field
- opportunity to improve/fix something
- constant evolution/improvement of software/practices/solutions
- learn from your mistakes
- based on actual/real data
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
This creates what is essentially an evolution process for the program, causing it to depart from the original engineered design. As a consequence of this and a changing environment, assumptions made by the original designers may be invalidated, introducing bugs.
github.com github.comd3/d31
D3 4.0 is modular. Instead of one library, D3 is now many small libraries that are designed to work together. You can pick and choose which parts to use as you see fit.
- Feb 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Each of the programming language generations aims to provide a higher level of abstraction of the internal computer hardware details, making the language more programmer-friendly, powerful, and versatile.
we’re going to look how improved pattern matching and rightward assignment make it possible to “destructure” hashes and arrays in Ruby 3—much like how you’d accomplish it in, say, JavaScript
- Jan 2021
outline.com outline.com
Ever since the election, it has been incessant.
incessant: continuing without pause or interruption.
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
Progress is made of compromises, this implies that we have to consider not only disadvantages, but also the advantages. Advantages do very clearly outweigh disadvantages. This doesn’t mean it perfect, or that work shouldn’t continue to minimize and reduce the disadvantages, but just considering disadvantages is not the correct way.
I don’t find the software slow, I find the startup time for snap packages when the start for the first time on a session slow, but that has been improved, and it’s public that the snapcraft team has been working hard to improve that.
- trade-offs
- do pros outweigh/cover cons?
- progress
- compromise
- Snap
- good point
- the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
- software performance
- working on it (improving)
- focus on ways/what you can improve
- improving one's process
- constant evolution/improvement of software/practices/solutions
- progress requires compromises
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
That practice went from being standard practice to being a faux pas (not abstracting JavaScript functionality away from HTML) to, eh, you need it when you need it.
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
Additionally, if we ever want to standardize more of JSX we need to start moving away from some of the more esoteric legacy behaviors of React.
but everything they were doing started to make sense
- Sep 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
From npm@5.2.0, npm ships with npx package which lets you run commands from a local node_modules/.bin or from a central cache.
engineering.mixmax.com engineering.mixmax.com
After years of copy-pasted, locally-hosted scripts, maybe Bower if you were lucky, npm has finally made it possible to easily distribute client-side packages.