- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
A Quick Overview on the Groma Kolibri by [[Typewriter Chicago]]
Lucas Dul loves the Groma Kolibri as one of the finest (ultraportable) typewriters out there.
He also loves the Omega 2 (which is nearly identical to the Princess 200.)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The 1957 Groma Kolibri by [[Typewriter Chicago]]
Another sexy sales video by Lucas Dul, this time for the Groma Kolibri portable out in the woods and backed by a lovely piece called Ashitaka and San by Joe Hisaishi.
- Jul 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The Minimal Complete Typewriter Collection by [[Joe Van Cleave]]
Joe Van Cleave's personal six categories in a (his) typewriter collection: - Standard manual - medium-sized portable (largest segment in the collector's space) - lightweight portable or ultra-portable - typebar electric - IBM Selectric - Electronic typewriter (thermal typewriter), portable, quiet, battery operation.
Joe's minimal collection based on what he's got in his collection currently and the condition that they're in: - Royal KMM (his only standard) - Hermes 3000 (boxy middle era) - Olympia Splendid 33 (he's also got a Royal Mercury & Groma Kalibri) - Olympia Reporter - Selectric I (the only one he's got) cloth, ribbon cartridge system, no lift-off correction - Canon Typestar 220
Some of Joe's most important criteria in a typewriter: he prefers an elite face, 1 1/2 spacing, and bichrome setting.
At the time of this recording Joe had 30 typewriters.
- Jun 2024
writingball.blogspot.com writingball.blogspot.com
One to get rid of<br /> by [[Richard Polt]]
- Mar 2024
slate.com slate.com
As strange as it sounds today, German klein (“small” or portable) typewriters were among the most sought-after souvenirs for soldiers fighting in World War II. Think of it: Adjusted for inflation, top-of-the-line portable typewriters cost roughly the same as your MacBook Pro today, and their usable lives were measured not in months or years, but decades and generations. Consequently, thousands of Uranias, Gromas, Erikas, Rheinmetalls, Continentals, Olympias, and other high-quality, precision-made German machines were looted from Nazi military and government offices, businesses, and even from civilian homes, whether their owners were dead or alive. “War trophy” is of course a pleasant euphemism: It denotes a reward for heroism, bravery, and sacrifice, while simultaneously acknowledging that even the good guys steal, pillage, and destroy amid the haze of total war.