- Apr 2017
Along the way, there should be “checkpoints,” which could involve biweekly reflection papers, evaluations, powerpoints, etc
I like this because instead of just learning about phenomena all the time, you would actually get to work with them and get first-hand experience.
Students could embark on multi-field projects within a cluster and get experience working in a variety of fields, not just the one main one they are majoring in. We hope that projects won’t just involve students; we hope that students will be able to have input in the design of projects as well
The opportunity for students to not only collaborate with others, but to collaborate with different disciplines is huge. A team of scientists can now be a team made up of biologists, chemists, etc. instead of just one strict discipline.
clusters is the opportunity to further internship and experiential knowledge in organizations and businesses outside of PSU
Such a great idea with limitless potential, however it is dependent on its implementation and limitations.
www.plymouth.edu www.plymouth.edu
Our goal is for students to find their passion while at the same time discovering how their interests fit in with the challenges and needs of the twenty-first century global economy,” Birx explains
In a rapidly growing work environment, learning how to adapt to never before seen challenges is important.
PSU students can collaborate with community members to solve real-world challenges. From the time they enter the University, students will have the opportunity to work side-by-side in open laboratories with practitioners in business, industry, government, and non-profit agencies, seeking solutions that benefit both the University and the region.
This is so important to the college experience, that you get out there and do something to affect the world around you. For a time is was only through research, but now we are getting practical.
by 2030, Plymouth State will be powered by 100% renewable electricity. “It’s an impossible mission, yet it’s a great cluster project for precisely that reason. These types of challenges create an incubating environment where great things can happen. The task will draw together individuals from across the University community
I don't think there is a bigger way to let students apply their education to real life than by having them problem solve a transition to 100% renewable energy in 13 years!
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
As important as it is for there to be highly specialized scholars in every discipline, it’s just as important to have interdisciplinary students building bridges between ideas, creating cohesive, universal collaboration
Although highly specialized scholars bring tremendous value to a discipline, it is just as important if not more to have a scholar that studied more than one discipline. This is because they can bring a unique way of thinking into an area of study, by using their array of knowledge.
Hopefully the attitudinal barriers in education are not as indestructible as the attitudinal barriers in politics, but, then again, everyone has an ego.
I understand that everyone has different opinions but sometimes i just don't understand why some people do not believe in things that are supported by scientific research (such as climate change).
the mosaic wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t an artist, or group of artists, to put the tiles together
I like this ideology!
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Work now, play later” sends the message to students that now is never good enough; that education will be relevant later.
I like how the framing was dissected. Even though "Work now, play later" doesn't seem like a negative thing to say, it can allow students to feel like they are trudging through school and feel like it's forced not chosen.
but the decision should come from them for it to be a meaningful, beneficial experience
This is a really big concept that can be lost, that if a student isn't invested into their education then they won't enjoy it. Sure you can try to do things to aid that process, but at the end of the day if someone hates math they will probably never enjoy math class.
First, what does it mean for something to be relevant
I like how there is just a little bit of time taken out so everyone is on the same page. Everyone knows what relevant means, however now we all have the same idea when reading this.
Education is about more than passing a test or being accepted to the “right” school, it’s about self-discovery and personal growth as an individual.
This is very true, I am a horrible test taker however, I have gotten accepted to a couple of the greatest art schools in the US. I'm glad that art schools really analyze portfolios because my SAT scores were not the best!
but the decision should come from them for it to be a meaningful, beneficial experience.
Yes! I agree with this because you shouldn't be forced into a field that you have no interest in or that your parents forced you in.
- Mar 2017
gillianmccreedy.wordpress.com gillianmccreedy.wordpress.com
We know from many of history’s examples that when particular disciplines rule over a single issue, myriad unforeseen consequences may result.
This is because each discipline has a lack of knowledge regarding the other disciplines. Leaving them with one track minds.
Already we see much collaboration in medicine between researchers and doctors, but how much of it is multidisciplinary, rather than interdisciplinary as it should be?
I feel like collaboration would create interdisciplinary concepts though?
Considering this, I already know that nutrition, age, and mental state all contribute to the health of one’s skin, and I would love to be able to study these interactions with other specialists outside my discipline one day.
I feel like a lot of people want this, but don't know how to or are unsure about its 'practicality'. My program is similar to this, and I think that if someone wants to then they should go for it!
The disciplines, where we find wealths of specific knowledge and, on occasion, narrow-minded specialists, are the very building blocks of interdisciplinary studies.
What an amazing introduction. I feel like some people feel like interdisciplinary studies is here to take away disciplines, when it's actually to bolster them and create new ones!
shelbychapman1.wordpress.com shelbychapman1.wordpress.com
I will be able to belong to my own discipline community of art therapy and be a member of the American Art Therapy Association while also being a part of the art and psychology social communities on their own.
Having knowledge in more than one discipline is beneficial because you will be able to fill more gaps between the disciplines.
This was weird to think of how they are able to still make a social connection when in competition.
I feel like a lot of people make social connections when in competition. I think it's interesting when teachers have meetings that are not necessarily in the same field. It's a good thing because the teachers get different perspectives on different fields of studies.
Also they most likely are part of an association that probably hosts conferences
I never really knew about associations/societies until I got to college. The only societies I knew of before college were just the honor societies, but there are so many here at PSU.
It never really came to mind that teachers of the same subject were together during the school day simply to discuss developments in their field, I just thought it worked out that they were friends.
Never thought back on this until reading this, interesting perspective. I imagine my teachers were probably friends, as well as people discussing their fields.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Charles Eliot (21st president of Harvard) gave a speech stating that there is no best method or focus for learning, therefore Harvard will have them all.
Everyone learns in different ways, it does not make them any more or less smart.
More and more disciplines in the twenty-first century are built to teach about technology, with technology.
I feel like eventually a Graphic Design Major will be more popular than a Studio Arts Major.
Most universities were strictly religious and only accepted students within that particular religion.
Wow I wonder what the world would be like it this was still in affect.
Universities of this time focused on faith because it was the foundation of their civilizations
This is true, I feel like religion definitely brings people together.
rhetoric and religion
Wow am I glad that education has evolved and there are more options than just learning these two subjects!
drnissani.net drnissani.net
In such cases, those who stop at the disciplinary edge run the risk of tunnel vision. Besides these obvious intellectual costs (cf. Saxe, 1945), narrow disciplinarity is frequently accompanied by a social cost.
Knowing information in only one discipline can cripple a mind.
Unlike interdisciplinarity, specialization may be in harmony with Western tendencies "to compete, excel, dominate, and control" (Gusdorf, 1979, p. 147). People educated in our universities find it difficult to conceive of anything other than the current departmental structure
Nice perspective, I also feel like this way is 'easier'. Instead of having to go out and create your own curriculum, you just follow an already made one instead. It also allows you to get extremely focused into one area without interruption.
Even under the best circumstances, an interdisciplinarian is unlikely to gain as complete a mastery of her broad area as the specialists upon whose work her own endeavor is based. She must risk dilettantism to gain her bird's eye view. She may become jack of all trades, master of none. Literary critics, for example, often borrow a theory from another discipline, even though they fail to "first understand what it means in that discipline and how it is judged there"
This is a good premise, however this probably only really applies to certain interdisciplinary programs. Anything involving Neurology would be where this point stands strongly as the brain needs to be fully understood before you can start working on it.
a discipline can be conveniently defined as any comparatively self-contained and isolated domain of human experience which possesses its own community of experts
Really correct definition, but this is also a really complicated way to define what a discipline is.
Disciplinarians often commit errors which can be best detected by people familiar with two or more disciplines
This. So many times do ideas fail because there was an enormous mistake that no could actually see, because they could only look through one lens.
permutation of ideas from two or more disciplines
I feel like this concept is very common, I guess an example could be medical drawing, you can be interested in aspects from the science feild and aspects from art.
No people in our own time could rationally proclaim that they knew everything about everything, or even everything about their own fields
It is mentally impossible to know all the information in the world.
katherinedeluca.wordpress.com katherinedeluca.wordpress.com
Many say that colleges around the world are simply watering holes filled with creativity, and talent so why not start with higher education to incorporate the interdisciplinary knowledge one will need to be successful within life!
With all that creativity and talent, so many new discoveries can be made to better the world. Having each student follow the same path as the person before them, is much less effective than letting them guide their own learning through Interdisciplinary Studies.
According to Greenwald, and from my own personal experience more and more students have shown an increasingly large interest in interdisciplinary students
I feel like this is because people want to be more in control of what their classes are. People want to become 'x', but often times don't like a lot of aspects of becoming 'x' due to the amount of classes they have to take. For example, Musical Theatre Majors have take Music Theory 1. Although it could be useful, they would be much better off with a music theory class tailored for just them, and not thrown into the Music Theory 1 designed for Music Ed majors.
If every single person build his or her degree from the bottom up, how creative and amazing would that be
If people get to choose what constitutes their education versus them choosing an already made curriculum, people will be more likely more invested into their education.
Many say that colleges around the world are simply watering holes filled with creativity, and talent
I really like this analogy. I agree with this statement.
spinmelikearecord.wordpress.com spinmelikearecord.wordpress.com
majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies has given me the confidence to create something of my own that may not be out there yet.
Being able to express myself through my major, and being so involved in what I learn gives me more opportunities to be myself and strive for what I truly believe in.
Engaging in this study has had me step back from each discipline of my choice, and relate the assumptions of both, which has ended up teaching me a lot about myself
I love connected learning, which I think what IDS is all about. I really like Psychology because of it's connectedness, you don't learn one thing at a time but learn how one thing affects an entire system.
Secondly, being able to think abstractly, is very significant to me. It is so important to have different ideas that may even seem impossible
People talk about Critical Thinking a lot, but I feel like people need to start thinking about Abstract Thinking as well. It has shown the world to me a new way, and others should be able to see through new ways as well.
With metacognation, you are able to take your mind out of society’s views and have your own views
It is important to have your personal views too, in some cases they may be better than what society wants you to do.
It is so important to have different ideas that may even seem impossible.
This is also important in the art world too. What you as an artist may think is impossible, other artists might see it as an opportunity.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
the negative consequences of a specialized education are becoming more apparent, demonstrating that graduates need more than one kind of skill if they want to compete in today’s job market.
This is just one reason why it is in EVERYONE'S interest to pursue an education using more than one discipline.
The unique environment created by residential college life is an incredible experience for most young, college-aged students
Another big thing that contributes to the big shift in college is the fact that you essentially live with your peers.
the negative consequences of a specialized education are becoming more apparent, demonstrating that graduates need more than one kind of skill if they want to compete in today’s job market
I remember as a kid always being shocked at how people studied one thing and got a job in something similar but not the actual field itself. i.e. I had a math teacher who's B.S. was in like Nuclear Chemistry or something. They were an amazing Math Teacher, just surprised me that their B.S. wasn't in Math Education or something like that.
Many educators disagreed with Eliot, arguing that schools exist to guide students through the established hierarchy of education
I feel like in high school you need to have some constructed program to go off of, but even then you ought to be able to have some say in your course load. However, at the college level, I feel like people ought to control their education. With interdisciplinary you get all the things you want out of your education and not the hopes of what you want.
In order to break apart and reorganize a system, a preliminary system must already exist
We talked about this a little bit in class before Spring Break. Something that can be forgotten, but essential to know.
it seems almost irrational to expect students to know what they want from it before they arrive
Very true! I changed my major three times before I knew what I wanted to do!
Graduates with degrees in art history may seem—at face value—less desirable than students who graduate with degrees in computational biology
This is very true, I even feel like they are changing the art history major at PSU, because my friend had to drop out of PSU because the Art History Major wasn't offered anymore.
Knowledge transformed from an experience to a product.
Now, is this a change for the better or for worse?
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
we have to set the numbers into context, asking how many crimes per capita (or per person) each location has.
If we don't look at the numbers, we aren't getting an accurate description.
That makes Plymouth sounds so much safer, but in order to know for sure, we have to set the numbers into context,
I feel like a lot of numbers or statistics avoid this part of contextual thinking, they forget to explore the background a bit. It's good to be able to not only information that lacks support, but to then find it out for yourself.
We can also think of breaking a larger whole into its parts in order to understand the whole more fully, and this is called “systems thinking.”
This system of thinking can be good, but also has a drawback too. If you go too far down the hole, then you completely lose the big picture.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
In literature, however, the dominant epistemology is one of subjectivity and relationships.
I like the analogies presented, and how math and english are used to contrast. I feel like it also explains an idea that can be extremely complicated with extreme ease.
qualitative, using interviews, case studies, and observations of human behavior to understand its content.
I feel like psychology uses this a lot, unless you get into more anatomy and physiology. The scientific process seems to fall under this too.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
For example, if you can gain fluency in a language, is it worth the extra time to achieve the perfection of a native speaker, or is it more rewarding to branch out into other areas to add to your language proficiency?
Interesting thought, either option is good however which one is better? Something that may not be able to be answered right away, but now there is opportunity to have a dialogue about it.
For example, a literature student might begin a paper about a feminist story, “Ever since the dawn of time, women have been struggling against patriarchy.” An anthropologist might be able to sharpen up that overstatement, and explain that gender roles are tied to both history and culture.
Amazing example. Even though I do interdisciplinary work, I always get amazed hearing how two disciplines can come together to make something incredible.
When people are trying to avoid the cookie cutter pathway to how an outcome may seem.
New solutions to common problems seems like an amazing thing to have.
may not like the idea since it shakes up the basic organizational structure of our silos and can draw resources and power away from the individual disciplinary units.
I think that change is a positive factor. Education should be evolving throughout the years, as well as more academic disciplines that should be offered in more traditional majors.
Most majors and fields look at parts of the world, but there is something beautiful and exciting about trying to step back and see how things connect.
This is so true! At the college that I transferred from the only major offered was Human Ecology and now that I look back on it, that major definitely had interdisciplinary aspects. It combined different academic disciplines such as art, science and philosophy.
Crossdisciplinary Oversights: Scholars from a different field can often catch errors and flawed thinking that scholars in another field miss because they are not connected to the right information or concepts
When combining disciplines you expand your mind in more ways than one.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
It is the process of integrating knowledge in order to solve problems
The process of going from classroom to real world. Application can be hard to achieve sometimes, but hopefully with interdisciplinary perspectives it won't be the case for much longer
“multidisciplinarity” is like a fruit bowl
Great analogy. Interesting to see the analogies used later too, amazing!
Interdisciplinarity: Incorporates several fields of study to allow collaboration among diverse disciplines to either specify or broaden students’ education, to gain understanding, and/or to problem solve.
Really like the collaboration portion, something that I feel that can really push people to new heights. Being able to have multiple perspectives on complicated issues is always good!
Have you been part of a disciplinary community in high school or college so far? What did you do as part of that community?
In my high school there were only a couple clubs (maybe there were more that I didn't know about) but I was in French club for a couple years and that was run by students!
- Feb 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
The domains project isn’t revolutionary to the traditional classroom, but it is revolutionary to a classroom reimagined around public scholarship
Definitely going to be a huge challenge for some teachers to navigate. How do you go from having students producing work that displays competency of the material, to producing work that, in addition to displaying competency over material, also allows there work to be appealing to a larger audience than the classroom.
Can ‘ownership’ and ‘assignment’ go hand in hand?
Yes they can, but the difference may not be very clear at this moment. Digital Scholarship is a very new thing, so it could be a long time until there is an established pedagogical approach to this.
The web is a network for conversations, and if students still see their audience as a teacher with a red pen, then nothing changes.
This is a great statement from the author. If ePorts are treated like an online poster, then can we truly say we have established a digital place for our scholarship?
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
radical act
Is it radical, or is it innovative? Similar meanings, but definitely two extremely different nuances. Also, is something 'radical' if the general populous supports that change? Although the movement for digital ownership is small, it's growing and will definitely continue to do so until it becomes a part of common curriculum.
And if a student owns their own domain, as she moves from grade to grade and from school to school, all that information – their learning portfolio – can travel with them.
Innovative idea, but I feel like it could have as many repercussions as benefits. Sure you'd get to see if the student's progress has been astronomical over time. However as a student I wouldn't really want to do this until senior year of high school, or freshman year of college. The reason is because I don't know how I would feel if someone could look back at my work from freshman year of high school or even earlier.
Schools routinely caution students about the things they post on social media
If you tell people all the bad things about something and nothing about the good things, then how are people expected to take initiative to try something on their own accord? Instead of telling about all the bad things that could happen, tell people about how to be in control and all the good things that will happen.
It isn’t simply a blog or a bit of Web space and storage at the school’s dot-edu, but their own domain
This sounds similar to something I've heard of at my college, oh wait . . . that's what we're doing right now! I think it's great that there is now a slow movement in higher education to help better prepare students establishing a professional online presence.
restrictions on data might hinder research
Always at least two sides to an argument. Although student privacy is important, what about the people who need their data to do research? In my opinion this is definitely a topic that can be debated in terms of the ethics of both sides.
Today, UMW and a growing number of other schools believe that students need a proprietary online space in order to be intellectually productive.
I think this is so true. I had never thought about it before this class but I think if I had this online space throughout my entire college career, I may have been a better and more hardworking student. I think people tend to take more interest in something when it is going on a place that they have created for themselves and that will be public.
A transcript is by definition a copy of their education record. The transcript is often printed on a piece of paper with formal letterhead, perhaps with a watermark or stamp to show that it’s “official.”
I think that it is important for people to remember that an official transcript does not always truly reflect a students work and ideas. In my opinion, a lousy grade does not make a lousy student. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and it is important for people to remember that. I think these domains are definitely a truer reflection on someone. You can go on and actually see someones work and form your own opinion of it instead of seeing a grade that someone else gave them.
To own one’s domain gives students an understanding of how Web technologies work. It puts them in a much better position to control their work, their data, their identity online.
I think this is so true, there are so many students out there that do not know enough about technology in general and I think if students had been learning how to do this throughout their educational journey, it would have been very beneficial to them. I am glad we are doing this in this class
And if a student owns their own domain, as she moves from grade to grade and from school to school, all that information – their learning portfolio – can travel with them.
This is beneficial!
One student uses her domain to showcase her artwork.
I really wished that I had a website in where I kept pictures/slideshows of my artwork and their descriptions when I was applying to art schools. There were so many art colleges that required pictures of different pieces of art work and it would have just been more beneficial to have one website with all of my art work.
when domain ownership is transferred to the student.
I wish that we didn't have to pay for our own domains.
all arguments about student privacy, whether those calling for more restrictions or fewer, fail to give students themselves a voice
This definitely depends on how much the student wants to reveal about themselves.
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
The student does not want to be represented by their assignments
I feel like this depends on the assignment. If the student is taking classes pertaining to their major, shouldn't they take pride in their assignments? I know I have taken a ton of art classes and I am passionate about some pieces of artwork that I created in those classes.
I could even keep the domain after graduation. It is a living portfolio, my representation in the digital world.
"wow this is very cool, I've always wanted to have a website where I keep pictures of my artwork"