- Feb 2025
herbertograca.com herbertograca.com
Most companies where I worked have a history of rebuilding their applications every 3 to 5 years, some even 2 years. This has extremely high costs, it has a major impact on how successful the application is, and therefore how successful the company is, besides being extremely frustrating for developers to work with a messy code base, and making them want to leave the company. A serious company, with a long-term vision, cannot afford any of it, not the financial loss, not the time loss, not the reputation loss, not the client loss, not the talent loss.
- Apr 2024
Local file Local file
It is prudent to maturewell before improvements are adopted. Improvements rashlyintroduced may give cause for regret when it is too late to turn back.
Regular note taking practice will be the best indicator of when potential improvements are worthwhile. Though you may see someone else's advice, workflows, or potential improvements, they may be just as likely not to work for you and your particular needs. Adopting changes without thinking them through or even practicing them for a while are more likely to cause harm, regret, or additional work without any value added to the system.
- Apr 2022
www.jeyamohan.in www.jeyamohan.in
மனதிலிருந்த கதையில் இருந்த மாயக்கொப்பளிப்பு புறயதார்த்தத்துடன் ஒன்றவில்லை. ஒரு செவ்வியல் காவிய வடிவை உருவகித்தபின், செவ்வியல் அளிக்கும் வடிவச் சுதந்திரத்தைப் பயன்படுத்திக்கொண்டு உள்ளே யதார்த்தவாதம் உட்பட எல்லாவகையான எழுத்துமுறைகளையும் கையாளும் வெண்முரசின் எழுத்துமுறையே இதற்கு உகந்தது. ஆனால் அதைக் கண்டுபிடிக்க பன்னிரண்டு ஆண்டுகள் மேலும் தேவைப்பட்டிருக்கின்றன. இது ஒரு மானசீகமான பாவனைதான். ஆனால் இதுதான் இலக்கியத்திற்கு அடிப்படையானது. ஆசிரியன் தன்னை எப்படி நினைத்துக்கொள்கிறான் என்பது. நான் என்னை ஒரு ‘காலம்கடந்த’ கதைசொல்லியாக உருவகிக்கவேண்டியிருந்தது. மாநாகத்தில் இருந்தது ஒரு அரசியல். வெண்முரசில் எல்லா அரசியல்களும் உள்ளன.
Venmurasu philosophical writing style
- Nov 2021
drive.google.com drive.google.com
educational improvements
- Aug 2021
makerdao.world makerdao.world
Not sure how to add content to GitHub? Check out our guide
'our guide' clickable link leads to wrong address; 404
See what’s expected
'See what's expected' clickable link leads to wrong address; 404
View Template
'View Template' clickable link leads to wrong address; 404
makerdao.world makerdao.world
Please follow the Naming Convention guidelines found in the writing style guide.
'Naming Convention guidelines' clickable link leads to wrong address; 404
makerdao.world makerdao.world
Note-Taking Formatting Guide
'Note-Taking Formatting Guide' clickable link leads to wrong address; 404
Note-Taking Team Process
'Note-Taking Team Process' clickable link leads to wrong address; 404
Note-Taking Template
'Note-Taking Template' clickable link leads to wrong address; 404
See summaries of past meetings
'summaries of past meetings' clickable link leads to wrong address; 404
makerdao.world makerdao.world
Consult the Writing Style Guide and Reviewer Guides for additional information.
'Writing Style Guide' and 'Reviewer Guides' clickable links lead to wrong addresses; 404
Do not use backticks when referring to generalized system language.
'generalized system language' clickable link leads to wrong address; 404
Table of ContentsStandard Operating ProcedureGetting StartedRolesWorkflow
'Getting Started' 'Roles' 'Workflow' All three links lead to wrong addresses; 404.
makerdao.world makerdao.world
**Summaries** Read summaries of past meetings
Summaries clickable link leads to a wrong address; 404
**Frequent Topics** See what's discussed in meetings
Frequent Topics clickable link leads to https://makerdao.world/en/ instead of topics.
**Audio Recordings** Listen to past meetings
Audio Recordings clickable link leads to Frequent Topics
Earn Dai by Taking NotesNotes are a primary way to document discussions and decisions. They make the content more accessible to the people who can't make the meetings or don't have time to watch the full recordings.Join our Summary Team, and we’ll pay you!
'Join our Summary team, and we'll pay you!' clickable text leads to wrong address
makerdao.world makerdao.world
Discussion PlatformsWriting Platforms
The 'Discussion Platforms' and 'Writing Platforms' clickable text leads to wrong address.
app.tophat.com app.tophat.com
In studying economics, we will explore ideas such as:
This needs to be edited
- Apr 2021
medium.com medium.com
You might not always notice, but Material Design is constantly evolving and iterating based on research.
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
This is a breaking change so it'll have to go into a major release. I was working on a v4 release but it's too much. I think I'm going to pair it back and we can add this to the new v4. When I have that ready, I'll rebase the merge onto that branch.
hilton.org.uk hilton.org.uk
If we renamed things more often, then it probably wouldn’t be so hard to name them in the first place.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
Got a bit sidetracked into refactoring the Element visitor code, so haven't actually started on the event handler stuff per se, but that'll come soon. Element stuff is starting to feel a bit more logical and easier to follow.
- Nov 2020
laniewski.me laniewski.me
It is important to notice that if you are planning on making your application a PWA, you don’t have to rewrite all the logic.
- Oct 2020
www.booker.senate.gov www.booker.senate.gov
that will advance justice and opportunity for college athletes. The proposal will guarantee fair and equitable compensation, enforceable health and safety standards, and improved educational opportunities for all college athletes.
Parts of the College Athletes Bill of Rights (CABR)
www.counterpunch.org www.counterpunch.org
the institution of a far less expensive, voluntary intramural system that is typically practiced at the community college level.
But maybe this PR should still be merged until he finds time for that?
- open-source software: progress seems slow
- not a blocker (issue dependency)
- big change/rewrite vs. continuous improvements / smaller refactorings
- don't let big plans/goals get in the way of integrating/releasing smaller changes/improvements
- pull request stalled
- waiting for maintainers to review / merge pull request / give feedback
- iterative process
- Sep 2020
You are not sure which path to take between the big re-write or continuous improvements(using refactoring)
- May 2020
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
With a single file in the repository, everyone with read access can see the contents, making it much more inviting to improve and review the build scripts.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
However, since problems are only addressed when they arise, maintenance is reactive rather than proactive. Small problems left unaddressed can balloon into major failures due to focus on cost.
- Apr 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Potential for political focus on building new features over technical improvements (such as refactoring)
- Apr 2016
wiki.surfnet.nl wiki.surfnet.nl
Open science is about the way researchers work, collaborate, interact, share resources and disseminate results.
As per https://via.hypothes.is/https://wiki.surfnet.nl/display/OSCFA/Amsterdam+Call+for+Action+on+Open+Science?focusedCommentId=54701361#comment-54701361 , add the idea of improving the things that are listed here.
- May 2015
www.ooooby.org www.ooooby.org
This box is all about organic then local
I wonder if we could get a better photo of the average Ooooby box. This one just doesn't do it justice.