14 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
    1. Bull Ridge Member of Mission Canyon Limestone —This member also does not vary greatly from equivalentbeds to the south. However, the solution zone at the baseof the member is somewhat thinner (10 to 25 feet thick),although the maximum thickness of the member (120 feet)is greater than it is in the Wyoming Province. Moreover,several thin terrigenous intervals occur above the uppersolution zone at most localities. T h e thickness of themember is quite variable (10 to 120 feet) owing to thevarying depth of post-Madison

      Bull Ridge Member description

    2. Cliffy limestone member of Mission Canyon Lime-stone— This member is essentially the same as its expression in the Wyoming Province, differing chiefly in itsslightly greater thickness. It consists of cliff-forming limestone overlying a basal solution breccia (Figure 9). Thesolution breccia (lower solution zone) is about 25 to 50

      Cliffy Limestone member description

    3. The lower limestonem e m b e r is i n t e r p r e t e d as a s h a l l o w - w a t e r s e d i m e n tdeposited in a generally less restricted environment thanits equivalent to the south

      Lower limestone member interpretation

    4. the upper beds are in part shattered and brecciated likethose of the cherty dolomite member of the WyomingProvince. Stromatolites occur in some of the limestonebeds. Fossils are generally rare except for their occurrencein the lower oolitic beds, which contain a fauna of Osageanage similar to, but less diversified than, that of the underlying Woodhurst Limestone Member

      Lower limestone member of the Mission Canyon Limestone description and fossils continued

    5. Lower limestone member of Mission Canyon Lime-stone— The lowest unit of the Mission Canyon Limestoneis a cherty sequence of limestone and dolomite about 280to 325 feet thick that is the time-stratigraphic equivalentof the cherty dolomite member to the south. This unitbegins with thick, commonly cross-bedded, crinoidal oos-parite strata that stand in sharp contrast to the thinnerbeds of the underlying Lodgepole Limestone. The upperpart of the member consists predominantly of interbeddedfine-grained limestone and dolomite. At some localities

      Lower limestone member of the Mission Canyon Limestone description and fossils

    6. Woodhurst Limestone Member of Lodgepole Lime-stone — The Woodhurst in this area (Figure 8) is verysimilar to its expression in the Wyoming Province, differing by its slightly increased t e r r i g e n o u s c o n t e n t andslightly increased thickness (340 to 378 feet

      Woodhurst Limestone Description

    7. represents an environment of somewhat deeper water than thatof t h e lower d o l o m i t e m e m b e r .


    8. Identifiable fossils are rare, consisting of a fewsmall solitary corals, brachiopods, and bryozoans. Cono-donts from this unit belong to the Siphonodella crenultaZone, which is of Kinderhookian age.

      Fossils: Crinoids, solitary corals, bryozoans, brachiopods

    9. Paine Shale Member of Lodgepole Limestone — ThePaine in this area consists of about 110 to 155 feet ofpredominantly thin-bedded, dark, fine-grained, verycherty limestone (Figure 7). Most of the limestone bedsappear to be micrite or pelletal limestone, but coarsegrained bioclastic debris is also present, particularly in thelower 20 to 30 feet

      Paine Shale Member

    10. Cottonwood Canyon Member of Lodgepole Limestone— This member is greatly reduced from its expressionin t h e s o u t h e r n part of t h e Beartooth M o u n t a i n s . Itincludes only 2 to 3 feet of silty, dark, conodont-bearingshale and mudstone noted at three localities. It was notrecorded by Richards (1957) in the Shell Mountain section. The Cottonwood Canyon Member is slightly youngerin this province than in the Wyoming Province; its cono-dont fauna ranges from highest Siphonodella sandbergi-S.duplicata Zone to Lower Siphonodella crenulta Zone

      Cottonwood Canyon Member of the Lodgepole Limestone Fossils/ Description



  2. Jan 2023
    1. 18 states participating in the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS)

      18 states out of 50= 36% I am not sure that its enough information.

  3. Dec 2022
    1. By contrast, two studies using national data did not find any significant relationship between race/ethnicity and suicide ideation or attempts2, 6.

      look in to this more. Lit review on ethics and suicide. at least statics on rates

    2. research should also focus on increasing the effects of factors that protect against suicide.

      Due to the noted protective function of these cultural beliefs their maybe a correlation between these and decreased suicide risk.

  4. Mar 2021