- Jul 2024
www.epi.org www.epi.org
for - from - demographic trends - U.S. - people of color in majority of working class by 2032
summary - These statistics show a major U.S. labor force trend of - people of color constituting the majority of the working class by 2032, -10 years earlier than predicted by the U.S. census bureau. - This is a source of racial tensions in the United States being fanned by the far-right - The bigger picture is that - the working class has universally been ignored and - class inequality has been the result of a complex set of variables that - are fundamental structural issues common to both major political parties
from - Backfire: How the Rise of Neoliberalism Facilitated the Rise of The Far-Right - https://hyp.is/F6XYujyREe-TaldInE8OGA/scholarworks.arcadia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1066&context=thecompass
demography will have an impact on the future of the American economy, politics, and social infrastructure.
for - key insight - demographic shift will have major implications on U.S. economy, politics and social infrastructure.
- Jan 2024
www.climatechangecommunication.org www.climatechangecommunication.org
for - climate crisis - 2023 U.S. poll - demographics - climate communication - 2023 U.S. poll - demographics - climate change - 2023 U.S. poll - demographics - U.S. Hispanic / Latinos - 2023 - high concern about climate crisis - U. S. African American - 2023 - high concern about climate change - U.S. Gen Z - 2023 - high concern about climate change
- African Americans - 2023 - high concern about climate crisis
- climate crisis - 2023 U.S. poll - demographics
- climate communication - 2023 U.S. poll - demographic
- U.S. Gen Z - 2023 - high concern about climate crisis
- climate change - 2023 U.S. poll - demographics
- U.S. Hispanic / Latino - 2023 - high concern about climate crisis
- Dec 2023
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
for: remote COP29 project proposal - demographic data
- this is the first year the full participants list has been published. If it shows city/country of origin, that would be very useful for this proposal
- Sep 2023
www.futurity.org www.futurity.org
“On one hand, if it’s only 12% accounting for half the beef consumption, you could make some big gains if you get those 12% on board,” Rose says. “On the other hand, those 12% may be most resistant to change.”
for: quote, quote - meat eating, climate impact - meat eating, leverage point - meat eating, leverage demographic
- On one hand, if it’s only 12% accounting for half the beef consumption,
- you could make some big gains if you get those 12% on board
- On the other hand,
- those 12% may be most resistant to change
- On one hand, if it’s only 12% accounting for half the beef consumption,
- author Donald Rose
- reference: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/15/17/3795
- Dec 2022
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troduction and main findingsChapter 1: Profile of private rentersChapter 2: Housing costs and affordabilityChapter 3: Housing
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- is:report
- lower wages
- safety net policy
- disadvantaged minorities
- immigrants
- researchers
- microdata
- lockdown
- labour market
- COVID-19
- less educated
- men
- Hispanics
- essential workers
- lang:en
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- social insurance
- policy makers
- demographic market
- American Community Survey
- frontline workers
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Karatayev, Vadim A., Madhur Anand, and Chris T. Bauch. ‘Local Lockdowns Outperform Global Lockdown on the Far Side of the COVID-19 Epidemic Curve’. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, no. 39 (29 September 2020): 24575–80. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2014385117.
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- behavioural science
- crisis
- is:preprint
- social network
- physical health
- psychological outcome
- public health
- nationwide lockdown
- social distancing
- psychosis-risk
- social factors
- general population
- COVID-19
- mental health
- South Korea
- stress
- loneliness
- lang:en
- anxiety
- females
- demographic
- depression
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failing to recognize that my own identity was blinding me to opportunities that would allow my students’ identities to take center stage
What are some ways I can help grad students at PSU see their blind spots?
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
how to maximize that stack of evaluations.
5 useful tips for new teachers about how to look at student evals in a meaningful way.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
"We interpret this result as evidence of 'teaching to the exam,'" the authors write, "where TAs divulge information that is pertinent to the class’ exams if given the opportunity. Students who are more likely to interact with the TAs by attending the TAs’ discussion sections and office hours are the beneficiaries of teaching to the test."
What are the other implications of this research? Is the recommendation that TAs should be paired with classes that most closely match their ethnicity?