4 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. each bird interacts only with its seven closest neighbors.

      adjacency - between - starling murmuration discovery of seven closest neighbors - cosmolocal impacts - cascading social tipping points - SIMPOL / SIMACT - adjacency statement - Could this finding of starling murmuration behavior also apply to collective human behavior, especially social tipping points?

    2. human murmurations - from - LinkedIn post - https://hyp.is/xHpumACHEe-9MfvNBLN4Cg/www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7183258116195561472/ - then Youtube search for " starling murmurations Italy" - - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-GZV2Af5Fyo

      • Stimulated by the Linked In post that came across my feed this morning and exploring adjacencies with my Living Cities Earth peers, Paul Hawken's book came to mind:
        • Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming
      • and began googling to explore the adjacencies between

      adjacency - between - sparling murmurations - human murmurations - human potential - emergent collective whole system change

  2. Dec 2023
  3. Nov 2018
    1. developed by the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research.

      Hypothesis being used for open peer review on Murmurations, an interdisciplinary journal hosted on PKP OJS!