748 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
  2. Dec 2024
    1. when we analyzed the the dominant cultural operating system, because there's more than a political economy, it's a it's a, as we've said, a totalizing operating system. And we're going to call it neoliberalism

      for - definition - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - summary - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 definition - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - Neoliberalism is a totalizing, cultural operating system for modernity - It is all of these things: - a political philosophy - an economic practice - a cosmology - a wordview - an ontology - a theocracy - a religious worldview based on faith - Most of the dogmas of neoliberalism have been proven to be false, and yet it is still taught in most institutions of higher education summary - Some of the premises of neoliberalism are: - 1. humans are homo economicus - our chief concern is our selves and NOT others - Enlightenment theories - Scientism - Evolutionary theory - All our systems are designed on this false premise - 2. Hierarchy is inevitable and necessary for order. Without it, we would revert to beasts - The system embeds - Patriarchism - White Supremacy - Gender inequality - 3. The individual is the primary unit of power - together with 1) and 2), it creates inherent competition - 4. Material wealth and power is the measure of wellbeing - If you have money, you are considered a success, otherwise, you are considered a moral failure

  3. Nov 2024
    1. The fossil fuelindustry is a significant contributor to the Big Green organizations, and many of theseorganizations are financially invested in renewables and fossil fuels, so they do not want tosee nuclear power as a competitor.

      for - climate crisis - large green organizations in bed with fossil fuel companies - to squeeze out nuclear - question - Can Jim Hansen name names? - Jim Hansen

    1. DINO, democracy in name only

      for - definition - DINO - Democracy in Name Only - Otto Scharmer

      definition - DINO - Democracy in Name Only - Otto Scharmer - An acronym coiled by Otto Scharmer which is similiar to the popular MAGA acronym RINO (Republican In Name Only) - Democracy is under attack, and is heavily influenced by dark money and dark tech

    1. TRSP Desirable Characteristics The name that the repository provides and what users commonly call the repository.

  4. Oct 2024
    1. I am just surprised that there is no clear official name for such a popular and well known convention.  Internet searching seems to indicate that the common term used is "Red Squiggly Line", but it seems like a term quickly made-up just to describe something for which we know no name.  There's a technical name for the dot on an "i" for goodness sake (tittle).
    1. This is a bit awkward since TypeScript already defines its own thing called Iterator purely for type-checking. So due to this unfortunate name clash, TypeScript needs to introduce a separate type to describe these native/built-in iterable iterators.
  5. Sep 2024
  6. Aug 2024
    1. 954 most common RGB monitor colors

      The 954 most common RGB monitor colors, as defined by several hundred thousand participants in the xkcd color name survey.

      Some boring notes on data handling:

      For the sake of anyone who might use this, I also snapped three of the 954 colors to corners of the color space when they were hovering almost on the corners and the data was fuzzy; e.g. I moved black from #000102 to #000000. But mostly I left it alone.

      There were about 40,000 women and 100,000 men in the main data set used for this, which could in principle skew things (if men are overrepresented and disagree with women over what a particular color is) but when I reran the analysis with the genders separated the results were roughly the same.

      There are a couple of 'again's and 'darker's which are survey artifacts (e.g. 'green again' or 'darker blue') that I missed while cleaning up the table. I can't regen it now, but I've deleted them from rgb.txt.

      The algorithm used the hillclimbing setup when there were enough data points available, but for the lowest ones on this list, it used a simple geometric mean of the color values.

      I've normalized the 'gray' spelling to 'grey' since that was more popular among my users, and when colors varied by punctuation (blue-green vs blue green) I used the most popular version. I left "darkgreen" separate from "dark green", because it wasn't always obvious to me that it was a different color word. I also pulled most of the spam and a few other non-color entries. Following Crayola's lead, I also decided to leave out 'skin' and its derivatives from the final list, since that seems to be a whole can of worms; judging from the RGB values, though, my readership skews white and nerdy.

    1. Lacan connects the unconscious with language. How can thesetwo insights—that the unconscious is of the order of language,and that it is also bodily and sexual—be reconciled with eachother?

      VERBALISATION AND SEXUAL/BODILY function is together in the unconscious! very relevant for CMBYN?



  7. Jun 2024



    1. Joaquín Arturo Armenta Ochoa



    1. Aashish Rao Gottimukkula






    1. Krishnavasu Chalasani






    1. Chappell A. Grant-Willis



    1. Sivanaga Ratnakar Addada



  8. Local file Local file
    1. Frank Faroughian



    1. James L. (Jim) Staudt

