114 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Een warmteplan plan maken voor de hele buurt, hoe gek moet je zijn? Maar ook, hoe begint zoiets? Voor het Amsterdamse Wilhelmina Gasthuis terrein begint het avontuur in Den Haag
  2. Mar 2024
  3. Feb 2024
  4. Jan 2024
    1. I have compiled a list of database sources for global information about energy so you can save time.

      List of database sources for global information about energy

  5. Dec 2023
    1. Renewable Energy Communities as Modes of Collective Prosumership: A Multi-Disciplinary Assessment

      Shubhra Chaudhry. Articles 2022. Hanze + Frauenhofer Institut. Renewable Energy Communities as Modes of Collective Prosumership

  6. onebillionresilient.org onebillionresilient.org
    1. Arsht-Rock builds individual and community resilience in the face of climate impacts.

      Goal to reach one Billion people with climate change resilience solutions till 2030.

    1. Here are the 10 courses to complete that cover major aspects of the energy industry -

      Educational resources from universities about the Energy Transition

    1. The Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) is an international alliance of governments and stakeholders working together to facilitate the managed phase-out of oil and gas production.
    1. It's time for a redesign. Solar panels and wind turbine blades ending up in landfill are flaws in product and business model design.

      We need to talk about renewables - Part 2: Using a circular economy approach to redesign renewable energy infrastructure

    1. Watch along as lead author Heymi Bahar & I launch IEA’s Renewables 2022 report and discuss the key findings ⬇️

      Video of key findings of IEA Renewables 2022 Report

    1. 6 key insights into accelerating the energy transition <img src="https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg" srcset="https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_big_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg 1600w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_large_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg 800w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_medium_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg 485w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_small_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg 350w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_tiny_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.jpg 97w" webp_srcset="https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_big_webp_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.webp 1600w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_large_webp_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.webp 800w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_medium_webp_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.webp 485w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_small_webp_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.webp 350w, https://assets.weforum.org/article/image/responsive_tiny_webp_o1s9nmmQY2-K5Io_3NYU5bfvGIvioGJ1d87kY3BkXgc.webp 97w" sizes="100vw" html="{:loading=&gt;&quot;eager&quot;, :class=&gt;&quot;&quot;, :alt=&gt;&quot;wind turbines energy transition&quot;, :style=&gt;&quot;width: 100.0%; margin-left: -0.0%; margin-top: -11.64%;&quot;}" use_picture="true">

      World Economic Forum - 6 key insights into accelerating the energy transition

      1. The energy transition is not keeping pace with the growing urgency for change.

      2. Lack of access to an affordable energy supply has emerged as a threat to a just energy transition.

      3. Energy diversity - and security - are in short supply.

      4. Regulatory frameworks need to be strengthened to meet the moment

      5. Demanding change increasingly means changing demand

      6. Industrial-strength decarbonization requires industrial-strength collaborations

    1. "There's so much pressure and emphasis on getting the Green Revolution happening that it's almost by any means necessary without that pause of 'well it is green, but is it as green as it should be?"

      We need to talk about renewables - Part 1: Why renewable energy infrastructure needs to be built using a circular economy approach

  7. Nov 2023
  8. Oct 2023
    1. How offshore wind and renewable power-to-X can help solve Europe’s energy crisis

      Orsted whitepaper - offshore wind and renewable power-to-X

  9. Sep 2023
    1. De provincie, die de vergunning voor de bouw van de biomassacentrale had afgegeven, ging ervan uit dat de houtpellets geen afval zijn. Vattenfall had ook weinig informatie gegeven over de herkomst van de biomassa en de intentie van de leverancier.
    1. Bij datacenters in het Science Park komt warmte vrij bij het koelen van de servers.

      Meer Energie data center warmte van het Science Park

    1. The Net Zero Tracker collects information on targets for net zero emissions (and similar aims) pledged by countries, cities, states/regions/provinces (hereafter 'regions' for short), and companies.
    1. New guidance for the real estate sector on carbon accounting!

      Real estate sector guidance on carbon accounting, including role, type of lease, and GHG Protocol categories

    1. Gold Standard for the Global Goals customises safeguards, requirements, and methodologies to measure and verify impact on a wide range of activities

      Gold Standard to set requirements to design projects for maximum positive impact.

    1. This week Four Corners journeys deep into the Papua New Guinean jungle to uncover the confronting truth about the carbon trade.

      Video on "Carbon Colonialism" in Papua New Guinea

    1. Renewable energy certificates threaten the integrity of corporate science-based targets

      For companies easy way to decarbonise. And this is not necessarily driving new renewable energy deployment.

    1. In a new report, we look at the economic transformation that a transition to net-zero emissions would entail—a transformation that would affect all countries and all sectors of the economy, either directly or indirectly. We estimate the changes in demand, capital spending, costs, and jobs, to 2050, for sectors that produce about 85 percent of overall emissions and assess economic shifts for 69 countries.

      McKinsey Net-Zero

    1. “Our new work provides compelling evidence that the world must radically accelerate decarbonising the economy. To achieve that, we need to trigger positive social tipping points.”

      social changes required to avoid breaking climate tipping points

    1. Company culture is a lot more than what you say or what’s on your site. It’s about how people treat each other, how things are decided, and even how people use their workspace.

      Company Culture Iceberg

  10. systemschangelab.org systemschangelab.org
    1. Shifts

      System Change Lab Shifts:

      Power, Industry, Transport, Cities and the Built Environment, Technological Carbon Removal, Food, Forest and Land Management, Ocean Management, Freshwater Management, Circular Economy, Finance, New Economics for Climate and Nature, Social Inclusion and Equity, Good Governance

    1. The first in a series of events exploring the potential of decentralised economies for enabling systems-level innovation in business, in finance, and economy towards a more sustainable model

      SI Network - Decentralised Economics

  11. nonprofit.ventures nonprofit.ventures
    1. Nonprofit Ventures is dedicated to supporting the Post-Growth Entrepreneurial community.

      Post Growth Entrepreneurship website

    1. As we’ll explore in depth in a forthcoming article, these supply chain emissions can account for a significant portion of the total life-cycle emissions from gas.

      Varying Life-cycle Emission Factors for CO2 and CH4 from gas depending on the origin and route to destination

  12. Aug 2023
    1. 12 AI tools to 3X your Peoductivity!AI tools can save 100s of hours.AI tools greatly enhance productivity in various sectors. They automate routine tasks, thereby freeing up time for employees to focus on more complex tasks. For example, AI chatbots can handle customer inquiries 24/7.
    1. The Rise of EmpathAI: Now or Never

      Article written in collaboration with Chat GPT. AI for the well-being of all. ethical integration of intelligent systems (living and non-living, human and non-human)

    1. In this editorial we assess 50 years’ worth of peer-reviewed publications to establish traditions and trends in the study of the commons.

      review of 50 years worth of peer-reviewed publications in the study of the commons

    1. This month's Museletter kicks off with a short response to the latest IPCC report and why we're failing to curb carbon emissions despite the dire warnings. The second article looks at recent data from China on declining population and slowing economic growth rates and why, contrary to most analysis, this may not all be bad news.

      Curbing growth and emissions

    1. Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth.