30 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
  2. Oct 2023
  3. Sep 2023
    1. Company culture is a lot more than what you say or what’s on your site. It’s about how people treat each other, how things are decided, and even how people use their workspace.

      Company Culture Iceberg

  4. systemschangelab.org systemschangelab.org
    1. Shifts

      System Change Lab Shifts:

      Power, Industry, Transport, Cities and the Built Environment, Technological Carbon Removal, Food, Forest and Land Management, Ocean Management, Freshwater Management, Circular Economy, Finance, New Economics for Climate and Nature, Social Inclusion and Equity, Good Governance

    1. The first in a series of events exploring the potential of decentralised economies for enabling systems-level innovation in business, in finance, and economy towards a more sustainable model

      SI Network - Decentralised Economics

  5. nonprofit.ventures nonprofit.ventures
    1. Nonprofit Ventures is dedicated to supporting the Post-Growth Entrepreneurial community.

      Post Growth Entrepreneurship website

  6. Aug 2023
    1. In this editorial we assess 50 years’ worth of peer-reviewed publications to establish traditions and trends in the study of the commons.

      review of 50 years worth of peer-reviewed publications in the study of the commons

    1. This month's Museletter kicks off with a short response to the latest IPCC report and why we're failing to curb carbon emissions despite the dire warnings. The second article looks at recent data from China on declining population and slowing economic growth rates and why, contrary to most analysis, this may not all be bad news.

      Curbing growth and emissions

    1. Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth.