4 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2024
cleantechnica.com cleantechnica.com
Oil and gas are next for consideration on the no-go list, as reported by our friends over at Grist. That will be much more difficult than cutting off coal, which had a much smaller share of financing to begin with. However, EXIM has already demonstrated its willingness to throw oil under the bus.
Interesting. I didn't know there was already precedent set here
Among other projects, ESS is providing its iron-based flow battery to the Nigerian firm Sapele Power, for use at a power plant. The goal is to cut the widespread use of diesel backup generators in Nigeria, by improving efficiency at the power plant.
Flow batteries are being used in Nigeria to cut the use of backup diesel generators. Diesel is expensive enough to justify the use of an alternative.
- Feb 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Auseinandersetzungen in Frankreich über die "Zonen mit schwachen Emissionen": Verbotszonen für Dieselfahrzeuge, die dabei nach Emissionsmenge klassifiziert werden. Die Rechten fordern den Verzicht auf diese Zonen, die Linken soziale Begleitmaßnahmen - wobei aber die Rhetorik teilweise ähnlich ist
- Dec 2017