4 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2020
www.weforum.org www.weforum.org
How COVID-19 revealed 3 critical AI procurement blindspots. (n.d.). World Economic Forum. Retrieved June 22, 2020, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/how-covid-19-revealed-3-critical-blindspots-ai-governance-procurement/
- diligence
- diagnostics
- procurement
- is:blog
- COVID-19
- transparency
- fairness
- chatbots
- citation
- risk
- AI
- prediction
- lang:en
- blindspot
- app
- contact tracing
- Apr 2020
iapp.org iapp.org
Privacy impact assessments or data protection impact assessments under the EU GDPR, before the collection of personal data, will have a key role
www.csoonline.com www.csoonline.com
These massive dumps of free passwords lower the cost of an attack dramatically. Password reuse or password guessing attacks are script kiddie stuff. Defending your organization against such threats is basic due diligence.
- Mar 2020
www.cmswire.com www.cmswire.com
“But, if you’re unsure or haven’t mapped out entirely your processing activities,” he said, “it’s impossible to accurately reflect what your users or clients are consenting to when they complete a consent request.”