15 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2020
    1. Музей М. А. Булгакова (ГБУК г. Москвы) — первый и единственный государственный мемориальный музей Булгакова в России, учрежденный в 2007 году в пространстве легендарной квартиры №50 в доме 10 по Большой Садовой. В настоящее время Музей М. А. Булгакова активно расширяет поле культурной деятельности, открывает выставки и проводит мероприятия как в самом музее, так и на внешних площадках. Цель Музея — всесторонний рассказ о булгаковском творчестве, булгаковской Москве, культуре булгаковской эпохи.

      Bulgakov's museum in Moscow. It was open in 2007 with the purpose of promoting multifaceted discussion of Bulgakov's work and historical context of his novels.

  2. Aug 2017
  3. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. -tYouhavenownoneedofatrade."

      Booker T. Washington was a big proponent for African Americans learning trades. When Booker T. Washington founded Tuskegee University, the student built the buildings themselves, harvested their own food, and provided for their basic necessities. He thought learning skills would lead to the advancement of African Americans.

  4. Feb 2016
    1. n Saul Carliner’s LessonsLearned from Museum Exhibit Design, exhibit design is broken into three main stages(2003). The “idea generator,” “exhibit designer, and “idea implementer,”leads each phase respectively (Carliner, 2003). The idea generator determines the main concepts or themes and chooses the content of the exhibit. Then, the exhibit designer takes the concept to prepare physical designs for the new gallery, creating display cases and deciding wall and floor coverings for the overall ambiance. Lastly, the idea implementer brings together everything to create the exhibit. The implementer collects any missing pieces for the gallery, ensures conservation of displayed pieces, and oversees all parts of the assembly(Carliner, 2003)

      Types of museum visitors outlined: idea generators, exhibit designers, idea implementers. Next paragraph introduces that an aspect of exhibit design missing is 'audience targeting' - reaching out to a specific clientele intentionally with an exhibition's design.

    2. it is not art itself that people are turning from. People are turning away “from the traditional delivery mechanisms” (Cohen, 2013)
  5. Feb 2015
    1. identifying one primary audience

      RK&A says doomed for failure if try to focus on too many communities at once. Choose one primary audience (probably the highest need), and build intended impact/programming/marketing/etc. around them.

    2. Faculty members have the capacity to create their own meaning and feel comfortable and enjoy making sense of the thematic arrangement of objects. Students, on the other hand, usually sought out interpretive devices, like text labels, for an explanation of how they were “supposed to feel.” Further, students did not perceive the thematic organization of the works of art as the interpretive device, whereas faculty did. While most faculty used the text labels to reinforce their own thinking and reassure them they were on the right track, most students used the text labels as their entry point to understanding and experiencing the exhibition.
    3. Faculty and students had distinctly different experiences
    4. RK&A believes that successful exhibitions result when staff acknowledges the perspectives, perceptions, and knowledge of their target audience.

      this should apply to all types of exhibitions

    1. There are two essential building blocks to creating a success project: 1) selecting an audience; and 2) articulating clear outcomes.
    1. we promote the lifecycle approach to exhibition evaluation because we know that when evaluation procedures are built into an exhibition’s lifecycle

      RK&A types of eval: front-end evaluation (after concept-development but before design develops), formative evaluation (evaluating prototypes), remedial evaluation (post-installation/troubleshooting), summative evaluation (at end of everything)

    1. The presence of volunteers further added to visitors’ experiences as volunteers’ presence encouraged visitors to ask questions, look for hints when appropriate, and learn about the mathematical principles behind the exhibits.

      Value of volunteers / peers as POC's in the space. Works for dedicated galleries/museums, but not so sure for libraries. Spatial differences - people not coming to library as a "destination." Possibly helping text/hands-on technology and automated feedback channels more useful for our case.

    2. inviting and amusing nature of the exhibition, designed to be interactive, entertaining, provocative, and challenging all at the same time

      Challenging/less "popular" topics (i.e. math in this case) benefit from simpler exhibitions that still address the challenge, but make it interactive/entertaining

    3. follow-up telephone interviews with visitors one month after each festival date in order to identify how visitors’ ideas about math change over time.

      follow-up interviews to measure impact/changing perceptions over time

    4. onsite interviews with visitors
    5. RK&A explored the ways in which science festival visitors used the MM2GO exhibition and how the exhibition affected visitors’ ideas and attitudes about mathematics.