5 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Feb 2024
    1. Hugh will be the first to produce aconcordance to the Bible, to break the book down and rearrange itinto an alphabetical index of its words.

      Hugh of Saint-Cher was the first person to produce a concordance of the Bible around 1230.

    1. In 1894, she moved to Oxford andher days as a Dictionary contributor came to an end as she took up the post ofLibrarian of Manchester College, the Unitarian college that had opened itsnew buildings in Oxford the year before. The Unitarians and the college hadalways been radical – already co-educational before any other college – so theappointment of a female librarian was in keeping with its spirit. LucyToulmin Smith, with her extensive scholarship and networks, and from an oldUnitarian family, was the perfect candidate.
    2. There was a high number of librarians among the Americans, such asCharles Ammi Cutter of Harvard and the Boston Athenæum (who producedAmerica’s first public library card catalogue).
  3. Feb 2023
    1. he British government duly declared Avery an “enemyof all mankind” and an international manhunt was announced—theworld’s first.