7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. for - social tipping point - 2023 paper - paper details

      paper details - title: The Pareto effect in tipping social networks: from minority to majority - author - Jordan Everall - Jonathan. F Donges - Ilona. M. Otto - Preprint date - 20 Nov 2023 - Publication - EGUsphere Preprint Repository

      summary - This is a recent 2023 paper that summarizes social tipping point research for fields of interest to me, such as climate change. - I'm reading, looking for any real world experimental validation of social tipping point in climate change - I didn't find any but still interesting

      from - search - google - research on complex contagion refutes the 25% social tipping point threshold - https://www.google.com/search?q=research+on+complex+contagion+refutes+the+25%25+social+tipping+point+threshold&oq=research+on+complex+contagion+refutes+the+25%25+social+tipping+point+threshold&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRhA0gEJMjAyOTRqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - search results returned of interest - The Pareto effect in tipping social networks: from minority to ... - https://egusphere.copernicus.org/preprints/2023/egusphere-2023-2241/

  2. Jun 2024
    1. for - paper

      paper - title: Carbon Consumption Patterns of Emerging Middle Class - year: 2020 - authors: Never et al.

      summary - This is an important paper that shows the pathological and powerful impact of the consumer story to produce a continuous stream of consumers demanding a high carbon lifestyle - By defining success in terms of having more stuff and more luxurious stuff, it sets the class transition up for higher carbon consumption - The story is socially conditioned into every class, ensuring a constant stream of high carbon emitters. - It provides the motivation to - escape poverty into the lower middle class - escape the lower middle class into the middle class - escape the middle class into the middle-upper class - escape the middle-upper class into the upper class - With each transition, average carbon emissions rise - Unless we change this fundamental story that measures success by higher and higher levels of material consumption, along with their respectively higher carbon footprint, we will not be able to stay within planetary boundaries in any adequate measure - The famous Oxfam graphs that show that - 10% of the wealthiest citizens are responsible for 50% of all emissions - 1% of the wealthiest citizens are responsible for 16% of all emissions, equivalent to the bottom 66% of emissions - but it does not point out that the consumer story will continue to create this stratification distribution

      from - search - google - research which classes aspire to a high carbon lifestyle? - https://www.google.com/search?q=research+which+classes+aspire+to+a+high+carbon+lifestyle%3F&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgGECMYJxjqAjIJCAAQIxgnGOoCMgkIARAjGCcY6gIyCQgCECMYJxjqAjIJCAMQIxgnGOoCMgkIBBAjGCcY6gIyCQgFECMYJxjqAjIJCAYQIxgnGOoCMgkIBxAjGCcY6gLSAQk4OTE5ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - search results returned of salience - Carbon Consumption Patterns of Emerging Middle Classes- This discussion paper aims to help close this research gap by shedding light on the lifestyle choices of the emerging middle classes in three middle-income ... - https://www.idos-research.de/uploads/media/DP_13.2020.pdf

  3. May 2024
  4. Dec 2023
      • for: James Hansen - 2023 paper, key insight - James Hansen, leverage point - emergence of new 3rd political party, leverage point - youth in politics, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics

      • Key insight: James Hansen

        • The key insight James Hansen conveys is that
          • the key to rapid system change is
            • WHAT? the rapid emergence of a new, third political party that does not take money from special interest lobbys.
            • WHY? Hit the Achilles heel of the Fossil Fuel industry
            • HOW? widespread citizen / youth campaign to elect new youth leaders across the US and around the globe
            • WHEN? Timing is critical. In the US,
              • Don't spoil the vote for the two party system in 2024 elections. Better to have a democracy than a dictatorship.
              • Realistically, likely have to wait to be a contender in the 2028 election.
      • reference

  5. Mar 2019
    1. Within the frame-based loss term, we apply a weighting to encourage accuracy at the start of the note.

      From Onsets and Frames paper

      "we define the weighted frame loss as:

      $$L_{frame}(l,p) = \begin{cases} c L'_{frame}(l,p) & t_1 \leq t \leq t_2 \\ \frac{c}{t-t_2} L'_{frame}(l,p) & t_2 < t \leq t_3 \\ L'_{frame}(l,p) & \text{ elsewhere } \end{cases}$$

      where c = 5.0 as determined with coarse hyperparameter search."

    2. we also restrict the final output of the model to start new notes only when the onset detector is confident that a note onset is in that frame.

      From Onsets and Frames paper

      "We also use the thresholded output of the onset detector during the inference process, similar to concurrent research described in [24]. An activation from the frame detector is only allowed to start a note if the onset detector agrees that an onset is present in that frame."

      From referenced paper [24]

      "Finally, we peak pick the two-channel activation matrix to convert the framewise piano roll to a list of note events. Per note, we step through each time frame and place an onset at positions where the articulation channel is above a set threshold, and then include all frames onward until the sustain channel is under another fixed threshold, at which point we output an offset. If a new articulation is found during an active note event we simply fragment it by outputting additional offsets and onsets."

      where articulation channel refers to the parallel piano-roll channel where only note frames corresponding to note onsets are active, so here onset labels (onsets = articulations in authors' lingo), and sustain channel would be our frame-level predictions corresponding to note-level frame labels.