5 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. it is a really good idea to check the status before doing an add .

      maybefore, but check mainly AFTER indexing new files !

  2. Nov 2022
    1. It is handy to manually generate the diagram from times to times using the previously created command: npm run db:diagram:generate. Though, getting the diagram to update itself on its own automatically without a developer interaction would ensure that it the diagram is never obsolete. There are several ways of doing this.You could use a pre-commit git hook or even better simply configure your CI/CD pipeline(s) to run the npm script whenever something gets merged into the main branch 🙂
  3. Feb 2022
    1. Can't annotate the comments for some reason, so I am copying the below:

      The Jerk talked about getting hit by a bus, etc. I said who cares about code if a guy’s in hospital or there’s a war, we’ve got better things to worry about than a few days of lost code.

      I feel the pain. I do. I understand. I get scared. I want to check in early and often, but source control isn’t your personal unlimited undo. When I look at history I don’t want to see rubbish. I want to see snapshots of working code.

      Don’t hold back, and don’t go dark, but use your f’ing head. It’s far better to locally integrate multiple times per day and merge back after a few days because guess what, no surprises.

  4. Jun 2021
  5. Jun 2020