- Sep 2024
It's a fork of Memery gem. Original Memery uses prepend Module.new with memoized methods, not touching original ones. This approach has advantages, but also has problems, see discussion here: tycooon#1
- Jul 2024
www.stonespecialist.com www.stonespecialist.com
Such a new post-modern system of construction could produce the loose-fit, low-energy, long-life principles proposed by RIBA President Alex Gordon in the 1970s – and ignored ever since!
for - post-modern sustainable building - RIBA President Alex Gordon - 1970s proposal for stone system - ignored
- May 2024
generally 00:58:40 speaking the answer has been zero no response no attempt I wrote an article just two years ago outlining the 00:58:52 four Illusions as I call of the mod senses including the S of Dogma the vican barrier the self-replication of genomes and nobody's answered it there's something funny 00:59:05 going on
for - adjacency - scientific revolution in action - paradigm shift - ignored by scientific community - critique of gene centricity
adjacency - between - scientific revolution - paradigm shift - critique of gene centricity - ignored by scientific community - adjacency relationship - Ray and Denis Noble's work advocating for an alternative to gene centricity demonstrates scientific revolution in realtime. - They are at the stage of being ignored by the peers for scientifically invalid reasons. That's a good indicator of the early stages of a paradigm shift. - As they point out, this refusal to openly debate has realworld consequences. - The entire medical community is oriented towards the wrong direction, looking for medical interventions in gene therapies which aren't going to happen because the science does not allow it.
- Dec 2023
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Enable ActiveRecord unsigned integers to use 8 bytes instead of 4. This fixes the ActiveModel::RangeError problem where AR models with perfectly fine 8 bytes primary keys are taken for ActiveModel::Type::Integer with a default limit of 4 bytes.
- Sep 2022
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
The server possibly can send back a 406 (Not Acceptable) error code when unable to serve content in a matching language. However, such a behavior is rarely implemented for a better user experience, and servers often ignore the Accept-Language header in such cases.
- May 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Negative margins are in many cases equivalent to position:relative; with negative position, e.g. position:relative; top:-100px, as in Guffa's answer.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Negative margins get removed by Gmail and others. So, no negative margins.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
You can't use negative margin in html email. To mimic this, there are 2 ways to do it, the nested tables way and the more complex rowspan way:
gmail and other mail services are ignoring the negative margin.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Negative values are mostly unsupported in html email. So is CSS position. For webmail at least, this is so that your email doesn't render outside of the desired window. Imagine Gmail with your CSS or email affecting the interface - they've limited the CSS you can use specifically to prevent this.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
Ignore the warning, given that it's just a warning anyways. It's annoying, but it won't break your app
- Aug 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Harper, Craig A., and Darren Rhodes. ‘Ideological Responses to the Breaking of COVID-19 Social Distancing Recommendations’, 19 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dkqj6.
Harper, Craig A., and Darren Rhodes. ‘Ideological Responses to the Breaking of COVID-19 Social Distancing Recommendations’, 19 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dkqj6.
Harper, Craig A., and Darren Rhodes. ‘Ideological Responses to the Breaking of COVID-19 Social Distancing Recommendations’, 19 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dkqj6.
- recommendations
- ingroup flouting
- is:preprint
- behaviour
- public health
- lang:en
- socialize
- ignored
- ideology
- outgroup flouting
- polariation
- ideological symmetries
- ideological responses
- Western democracies
- COVID-19
- conservatives
- condemn
- breaking rules
- judgements
- liberals
- ignored public health guidance
- social distancing
- May 2020
- Oct 2019
disappointing that the Labor Party actively boycott this event when its intention is to uplift women
Divya Ahlawat was simply stating the facts - Liberal councillors did not vote to ban the event, nor did council - but Labor councillors have ensure a course of action which doesn't reflect the decision made by council.
And that's mainly to cover for the stuff up of a departed member of their dominant Left faction. Although he is attached to the hip with Mayor Laxale who has made unfortunate previous comments on social media.
It's amazing that you would have your male mates on one side partially geeing you up on social media to trick you into another story and then on the other hand, you've come along to the event - after pre-writing most of the story - only to hear the previous year's queen debunk the misinformation assembled by your mates.
And then, this year's winner's comments just didn't fit with the story you wanted to do (see further down).