3 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Running a cluster directly on EC2 also gives you the choice of using any available Kubernetes distribution, such as Minikube, K3s, or standard Kubernetes as deployed by Kubeadm.
  2. Sep 2021
    1. kind, microk8s, or k3s are replacements for Docker Desktop. False. Minikube is the only drop-in replacement. The other tools require a Linux distribution, which makes them a non-starter on macOS or Windows. Running any of these in a VM misses the point – you don't want to be managing the Kubernetes lifecycle and a virtual machine lifecycle. Minikube abstracts all of this.

      At the current moment the best approach is to use minikube with a preferred backend (Docker Engine and Podman are already there), and you can simply run one command to configure Docker CLI to use the engine from the cluster.

  3. Jan 2019