2 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. According to the Greek minister that hands out the pensions, over 9,000 people over the age of 100 are dead and collecting a pension at the same time. In Italy, some 30,000 “living” pension recipients were found to be dead in 1997.

      Greek and Italian centenarians are regularly dead / fraud cases.

    2. https://web.archive.org/web/20240915125021/https://theconversation.com/the-data-on-extreme-human-ageing-is-rotten-from-the-inside-out-ig-nobel-winner-saul-justin-newman-239023

      Saul Justin Newman won an Ig Nobel for finding most claims about people living over 105 are wrong / faulty.

      Blue zones wrt human aging are actually bad data zones. Either because actual birthdata is missing (war, bad administrative quality) or pension fraud is rife.

      Jumped out at me as I just yday saw snippets of a docu about increasing personal longevity which visited Sardinia, one of the blue zones.