- Nov 2023
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Eine neue Studie ergibt, dass sich das Abschmelzen des westantarktischen Eisschilds selbst dann fortsetzen wird, wenn die Erderhitzung auf 1,5° begrenzt wird. Das Schelfeis stellt ein Kipppelememt dar. Der Abschmelzvorgang verstärkt sich selbst und führt zu einer unaufhaltsamen Erhöhung des Meeresspiegels, weil er den Weg für das hinter dem Schelfeis gelegene Gletschereis frei macht. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000192327/meterhoher-meeresanstieg-durch-abschmelzen-des-westantarktischen-eisschelfs
Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-023-01818-x
Mehr zur Studie: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%27report%3A+Unavoidable+future+increase+in+West+Antarctic+ice-shelf+melting%27
- Triggering Climate Tipping Points
- feature: Thwaites glacier
- region: Amundsen sea
- study: Unavoidable future increase in West Antarctic ice-shelf melting over the twenty-first century
- feature: pine glacier
- 2023-10-23
- process: seaice melting
- process: sealevel rise
- expert: Kaitlin Naughten
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- institution: British Antarctic Survey
- region: Antarctica
- Apr 2021
Currently, Pine Island Glacier together with its neighbouring Thwaites glacier are responsible for about 10% of the ongoing increase in global sea level.
- Apr 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Pine[edit] The Greek word ῥητίνη, used in the Septuagint for translating tsori, denotes a resin of the pine, especially Pinus maritima (πεύκη).[26][27] The Aramaic tserua (ܨܪܘܐ) has been described as the fruit of Pinus pinea L., but it has also been held for stacte or storax.[28] The Greek ῥητίνη ξηρά is a species of Abietineae Rich
- Jan 2018
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Improved recovery of ancient DNA from subfossil wood – application to the world's oldest Late Glacial pine forest
- Feb 2015
www.pickacarrot.com www.pickacarrot.com
MUI - PINE Type: Resource Earth: United States Sun + Moon: N/A Cost: Free