4 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Extensible user profile management (avatars, display names, etc)

      Better: let peers have personal profiles of their friends.

      Like you do with your contacts on phone. You know their id (phon number), you give it a name, assign a pic. It's up to you.

  2. Oct 2023
  3. Jul 2018
    1. The new organs process this enormous amount of information to break you down into categories, which are sometimes innocuous like, “Listens to Spotify” or “Trendy Moms”, but can also be more sensitive, identifying ethnicity and religious affiliation, or invasively personal, like “Lives away from family”. More than this, the new organs are being integrated with increasingly sophisticated algorithms, so they can generate predictive portraits of you, which they then sell to advertisers who can target products that you don’t even know you want yet. 
  4. Jul 2016
    1. “In my perfect world, I have a competency profile — you know, on LinkedIn, presumably — that is kept up to date in real time on the competencies that I am exhibiting in my work, as well as competencies that I’ve demonstrated through assessments, through my education, the formal credentials that I’ve accrued,”

      It’s a very specific dream, but it sounds like it’s shared by a lot of people.