2 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Feb 2018
    1. ephemeral nature

      It almost seems counter-intuitive to think of digital art as temporary. Once something's on the internet, it lives forever, right? I was tripped up by this idea but then I remembered what I heart a tattoo artist say (on one of the many tattoo art shows out there--can't remember which) in response to someone who rejected tattoos on the basis that they're permanent: "Tattoos are the least permanent kind of art. We're all going to die." I got so caught up in thinking of the art itself that I forgot about its canvas--human skin. A material that will not stand the test of time. I think this is applicable to the idea that digital art is temporary. At least, as temporary as a tattoo. It will leave its mark in a moment but that moment will not last. It almost makes me appreciate the medium more, if that makes sense?