33 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
    1. Visions of planetary disaster “[leave] us with an intuitive understanding of infrastructure as almost necessarily a source of friction or impasse,” notes anthropologist Dominic Boyer, in his incisive argument regarding “revolutionary infrastructure.”18 Solarpunk worlds, meanwhile, are rooted in infrastructural logics that promise a viable (and truly revolutionary) way forward.

      Infrastructures! we need more narratives about them. Yet ... my experience is that the moment you mention things infrastructural - #interoperability, for instance - eyes of many people glaze, even those technically minded. Solarpunk is a valiant effort to expose infrastructures.

  2. Feb 2022
  3. Oct 2021
  4. Sep 2021
    1. What kind of world do we want to live in?

      I think of the Bauhaus as the futurists who turned intention into pedagogy, practices, designs, artifacts, and architecture. They turned intention into the modern world. Now that we live in a postmodern world, we are thinking through the errors and mistakes in our designs and iterating on those designs with incremental changes to the way we live modern life. We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us.

      A letter to the future in the form of a manifesto:

      “Let us then create a new guild of craftsmen without the class distinctions that raise an arrogant barrier between craftsman and artist! Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting in one unity and which will one day rise toward heaven from the hands of a million workers like the crystal symbol of a new faith.”

      — Walter Gropius

  5. Oct 2020
    1. https://www.publico.es/entrevistas/petrocalipsis-antonio-turiel.html

      En el caso concreto de los biocombustibles de primera generación, aunque derivásemos todos los campos del planeta para producir cereales destinados a su producción, solo conseguiríamos generar 15 millones de barriles diarios. Es una cifra pobre, si tenemos en cuenta que ahora mismo estamos consumiendo una media de 95 millones diarios. Los combustibles de segunda generación tampoco han funcionado y los de algas no son rentables porque se ha demostrado que controlar ecosistemas acuáticos no es nada sencillo.

    2. https://www.15-15-15.org/webzine/2017/01/18/la-transicion-renovable-durante-el-colapso/

      Existen varios escenarios imaginados en el camino hacia un 100% de energías renovables. Para identificarlos los llamaré:

      Capitalismo verde Tecno-optimismo estacionario Permacultura con decrecimiento Colapso ecologista Por supuesto lo normal será que cada persona se encuentre entre varios de estos escenarios-tópico.

  6. Sep 2020
    1. Designing a society that makes happy humans with healthy bodies and minds in resilient ecosystems does not involve “going back” to any ideal period of history, but it does require us recognizing that Indigenous knowledge and ecological stewardship are and will continue to be successful; that ecosystems have regulating functions that are better at preventing pandemics and responding to climate change than present human technology; and that the legacy of industrial agriculture, capitalism, and its exploitation of people and the planet should no longer be the standard that shapes our vision of progress.

      The number one takeaway.

    2. We could use our technological advancements and industrial scale, guided by Indigenous knowledge, to reintroduce the bison herds onto the Prairies at the same time that we install wind turbines to power the cultivation of food that nourishes people with minimal land use or waste. We can rapidly reforest areas that were clear cut for industrial agriculture or pipelines, and revive animal populations in traditional food forests. We can use low-carbon infrastructure to cultivate mollusks that clean polluted waters,  feed people, and create habitat for other species all at the same time. We can create new social norms and cultural institutions that centre children, the elderly, and our interdependence with life on Earth. 


    3. In reality, solutions to ecological and social problems that were historically or are presently used by non-European cultures are compatible with modern technology, often in consensus with cutting-edge scientific findings, and more necessary than ever. 

      An important point for proponents of solarpunk to take note.

  7. Jul 2019
    1. “The materialistic consciousness of our culture … is the root cause of the global crisis; it is not our business ethics, our politics or even our personal lifestyles. These are symptoms of a deeper underlying problem. Our whole civilization is unsustainable. And the reason that it is unsustainable is that our value system, the consciousness with which we approach the world, is an unsustainable mode of consciousness.”— Peter Russell (Lazlo, Grof, & Russell, 1999, p.5)

      Strongly relates to my thinking re: solarpunk and "the age of water":


  8. Sep 2017
  9. Jun 2017
  10. Feb 2017
  11. Jan 2017
  12. Aug 2016
    1. CPC is currently developing our first research project, on how to make a rapid transition to a post-carbon civilization

      Something to consider publishing to?

    1. Perhaps they need not even be infrastructure in the traditional, utilitarian sense, but efforts to create lasting human works that can provide keystones of cultural continuity for centuries to come — works I believe capitalism has proven nearly incapable of building, or in some cases even maintaining.

      This is the tie-in with Transition design!

    2. These projects could themselves be the organizing principle around which unique solarpunk communities are organized.

      Interesting. Could this include/be exemplified by "city labs" such as the Venus Project, Arcosanti, Earth Center, etc...?

    1. The false separation between nature and culture is the root cause of many of the converging crises we are facing
    2. We are also beginning to apply our understanding of nutrient, energy and material cycles in mature ecosystems to the redesign of cities

      Solarpunk needs to adopt/steal this insight!

    1. I see the task of contemporary Commons development as the cultivation and engineering of an alternative, parallel, infrastructure building on these overlooked resources
    2. I’ve come to regard the emergent Post-Industrial culture as a kind of insurgent civilization emerging amidst the declining Industrial Age, filling the gaps in its progressively crumbling edifice with new systems and structures of its own, recycling and repurposing its detritus.
    1. Greathouse reckons Solarpunk could one day leap from the confines of Tumblr blogs and Google brainstorms to become a rebel yell to action
    2. Each little step, he says, represents a Solarpunk signpost for a brighter tomorrow. “It gives context to shutting off your lights or conserving water instead of it just being a nebulous good thing to do.”

      This is a uniquely "Solarpunk" way of thinking, with direct parallels to Transition design.

    3. Solarpunk sailboat

      This is so freakin' cool.

    4. guerrilla tech is a solarpunk staple

      Good line.

    5. Quite 'journalistic' and clickbaity, but decent introduction to the topic of solarpunk.

    1. One way to do that––to make risk more approachable––is to run small tests. To build something that isn’t necessarily grand, but rather light, lean, and quick—experiments that we can send off nimbly through the gates and learn from, regardless of what returns. A Trojan Mouse instead of a Trojan Horse.
    2. Unless we’re willing to experiment, we can’t expect big breakthroughs. 
  13. Jul 2016
    1. Stories of little creatures that had created secret, hidden, civilizations within the overlooked and forgotten interstitial spaces of our built habitat, repurposing the detritus of our own civilization.

      This is so perfectly solarpunk!

  14. sunvaultantho.wordpress.com sunvaultantho.wordpress.com
    1. I am adamant that the solarpunk movement should NOT be separate from the genre. Literature is so important to activism, so having the genre reflect the movement, and the movement reflect the genre, are going to strengthen both.
