- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:23:06 How can we get a neighbourhood to operate at full capacity (strengths) while minimising to its collective shadows
- Mar 2021
s22.q4cdn.com s22.q4cdn.com
over 500 titles currently in postproduction or preparing to launch on our service
The amount of titles in post production for Netflix is a great strength of theirs.
- Feb 2021
Jans-Beken, L. (2020, November 25). A Perspective on Mature Gratitude as a Way of Coping with COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.632911
- Mar 2019
www.sharedbook.com www.sharedbook.com
Instructor-Led Training
SharedBook.com published this article about the state of Instructor-Led Training (ILT) in 2018. It claims that technology has not caused instructor-led training demand to decrease, but instead as simply altered it to provide instructors with new tools. It is important to note how technology changes the delivery of ILT, because now trainers are able to reach more people in a variety of places, and have far more at their fingertips to help facilitate training than they did before technology became so pervasive. Technology also helps with assessing learner outcomes, as it provides more analytical tools. Hybrid ILT is also becoming more common as a super-training platform that combines strengths of E-learning with ILT. It is important, however, to ensure technology is used purposefully in technology-heavy ILT environments. 9/10
- Dec 2018
www.creativitypost.com www.creativitypost.com
as societies become wealthier and more gender equal
are these two really related?
- Mar 2018
ryancordell.org ryancordell.org
small beginnings help instructors focus on what DH they can teach effectively. To be frank, I was not prepared to teach all of the DH in that “Intro to Digital Humanities” course I proposed.
I appreciate the author's recognition of his limitations. I do not think teachers ought to assume they are able to "do it all". My teacher did a great job this term understanding her personal limitations by bringing in outside sources to assist her in teaching digital tools. It not only made class interesting by switching up the instructor, but it also provided us with another informed resource to reference.