- Feb 2025
- Oct 2024
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
If we can see how some of the basic assumptions that we bring to the development of computing technologies lead us away from improvement in our ability to solve problems collectively, we can reexamine those assumptions and chart a different course.
for - quote - Doug Engelbart\ - collective IQ - status quo heading in the wrong direction - Indyweb dev - flipping the web - Doug Engelbart - Collective IQ - the Flipped web
quote - Doug Engelbart - If we can see how some of the basic assumptions that we bring to the development of computing technologies - lead us away from improvement in our ability to solve problems collectively, - we can reexamine those assumptions and chart a different course.
Indyweb dev - flipping the web - Doug Engelbart - Collective IQ - Flip the current web - the Flipped web - leverage the decentralized design of the original web via named content of IPFS network
- Nov 2022
github.com github.com
Can i use this search-engine to build a promnesia back-end for full-text searched?
- Feb 2022
www.codica.com www.codica.com
What criteria do we pay attention to when we want to order some service? Certainly, the cost is important. When it comes to website development, the final cost depends on many factors. The first and one of the most important factors is what kind of website you want to create. In this article, we will try to help you understand how much it costs to build a website, and estimate the approximate cost of your website’s creation.
- Dec 2021
There will also be a "Fire Button," which has become popular on mobile devices as a quick (and animated) way to clear all your tabs and browsing data with a single tap or click.
What the actual fuck are y’all doing on your phones that this is such a consideration for you? Like… Is the web just for porn for you or something???
- Nov 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
[2020] Basics of Module Bundlers for web development
- Provides a number of uses, most commonly used to compile multiple .js files into a single file for browser to load when users visit a website
- Terms: Code Splitting, Loaders, Plugins, Dev Server
- Bundlers: Webpack, Rollup, Parcel, Snowpack
- Snowpack - only rebuilds files that have changed vs. rebuilding the entire project
- Jan 2021
6. Add Purgecss for unused CSS removal (optional) Add Purgecss to Sage. Once you’ve successfully added Purgecss, you will need to complete an addition step to make sure Purgecss can extract Tailwind’s classes properly. Luckily, Tailwind has a guide in their docs to add a custom Purgecss extractor.
Date: 28/01/2021
Had problem during purgecss installation in my project. Solved using:
yarn add --dev purgecss-webpack-plugin@0.23.0 glob-all
More info: Getting an error regarding webpack, during step 1 of adding purgecss ( https://roots.io/guides/removing-unused-css-with-purgecss-uncss-in-sage/ )
Solved using the command for yarn as given in here:
That is :
yarn add --dev purgecss-webpack-plugin@0.23.0 glob-all
- Nov 2020
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
They are often cited as the first website to feature banner ads.
If, indeed, Wired invented the banner ad, it is also worth mentioning that wired.com was one of the last websites to be rendered completely unusable by them (when it was still running on the old CMS. idk about now.)
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>I love @LaurenGoode and find her insight very worthwhile even in this format, but I really wish the platform on which it now resides (Wired's CMS) wasn't *completely* and *entirely* broken. Chorus should've been a package deal. https://t.co/OweeG30jR6
— ※ David Blue ※ (@NeoYokel) July 13, 2019
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
DX: start sapper project; configure eslint; eslint say that svelt should be dep; update package.json; build fails with crypt error; try to figure what the hell; google it; come here (if you have luck); revert package.json; add ignore error to eslint; Maybe we should offer better solution for this.
- Aug 2019
phenomenalworld.org phenomenalworld.org
And worst of all, we’ve lost sight of the most salient part about computers: their malleability. We’ve acquiesced the creation of our virtual worlds, where we now spend most of our time, to the select few who can spend the millions to hire enough software engineers. So many of the photons that hit our eyes come from purely fungible pixels, yet for most of us, these pixels are all but carved in stone. Smartphone apps, like the kitchen appliances before them, are polished, single-purposes tools with only the meanest amount of customizability and interoperability. They are monstrosities of code, millions of lines, that only an army of programers could hope to tame. As soon as they can swipe, our children are given magical rectangles that for all their lives will be as inscrutable as if they were truly magic.
I was a professional web developer for two years and I now have to bring myself to even touch CSS or the DOM. Whenever I have to make anything on the web work I know I'm gonna spend 3 hours in pain for something that should take 5 minutes.
- Jan 2019
inclusive-components.design inclusive-components.design
developers.google.com developers.google.com
- Sep 2015
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
This is the main reason we end up with bloated code bases, full of legacy and unknown CSS that we daren't touch. We lack the confidence to be able to work with and modify existing styles because we fear the consequences of CSS' globally operating and leaky nature. Almost all problems with CSS at scale boil down to confidence (or lack thereof): People don't know what things do any more. People daren't make changes because they don't know how far reaching the effects will be.
docs.angularjs.org docs.angularjs.org
The debugger allows you to access the currently selected element in the console as $0 variable.