4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240630131807/https://www.w3.org/TR/ethical-web-principles/

      Dated June 2024 a set of 'ethical' principles for the web. Curiously it never mentions linking, not even in context of the principle of enabling verification of info.

      Some things are handy checklist to run against my own website / web activities though.

  2. Mar 2020
    1. he wants to focus on maximizing the health of conversations, and prioritizing people spending their time learning on the site

      Jack Dorsey on Twitter's future

    2. Dorsey doesn’t have all the answers. He’s more like a captain of a ship, wondering aloud how to avoid the many icebergs in his path while continuing ahead at full steam.
  3. Dec 2018