- Feb 2022
www.teachthought.com www.teachthought.com
- Mar 2019
drive.google.com drive.google.com
This is a description of the form of backward design referred to as Understanding by Design. In its simplest form, this is a three step process in which instructional designers first specify desired outcomes and acceptable evidence before specifying learning activities. This presentation may be a little boring to read as it is text-heavy and black and white, but those same attributes make it printer friendly. rating 3/5
- Feb 2019
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Understanding by Design
- -prepare you to think in the short-term and long-term teaching
- -student comment as an entry point on where we want to end up
- -proactive, autonomous learners
- -a planning framework
- -critical and creative thinking- you don't need these skills to make all A's in school
- -pedagogical effectiveness
- -critical thinking test- NO GAIN
- -long-term goals and short-term plan
- -desired and actual results
- -strategic thinking- teachers that tell you what to do all the time- doesn't make room for student thought
- -when we teach, we need to be more goal focused (comment)
- backward design thinking- long term goal- what follows for assessment (not grading, assessing/ judging how we are doing against the goal, coaching) and what follows for instruction
- What do we have to do to make our students love what we are teaching them?
- the textbook is not the course- only used as a resource
- given our understanding goals, which chapters should be highlighted, skimmed, skipped, re-sequenced?
- aim for explicit understanding
- Backward from Goals: Meaning-"I want students to leave having inferred/realized that, now and in the future..."
- Background from Goals: Transfer - "I want students to leave able to transfer their understanding- on their own- to concrete address current and future situations
- 3rd day of lesson- textbook is used (not on the first day)
- the way we do math is bad- this is why people don't like math or they think that they are bad at math- backward design lesson planning expands the pool of interested parties and is differentiatable for individual students
- it is our jobs as teachers to make the design of the lesson relatable to every student- we are given this backward design plan but we must figure out how to plan our lesson to make sure that every child is learning- DESIGN CHALLENGE
- Intellectual engagement- finding ways to help students that are uninterested in the content to want to be engaged in the content
- Incentivize- incentives to learning the information
- Jun 2018
cft.vanderbilt.edu cft.vanderbilt.edu
As the quote below highlights, teaching is not just about engaging students in content. It is also about ensuring students have the resources necessary to understand. Student learning and understanding can be gauged more accurately through a backward design approach since it leverages what students will need to know and understand during the design process in order to progress. “In teaching students for understanding, we must grasp the key idea that we are coaches of their ability to play the ‘game’ of performing with understanding, not tellers of our understanding to them on the sidelines.”
Benefits of Backward Design - Teaching is about ensuring students have the resources necessary to understand. This can work in a backward design approach since it leverages what students will needto know and understand during the design process in order to progress.
The three stages of backward design:
- Identify desire results.
- Determine acceptable evidence.
- Plan learning experiences and instruction.
www.learning-theories.com www.learning-theories.com
Backward Design can be summarized as a process or model for designing instructional materials where the instructor or instructional designer focuses on the desired end results (i.e., the outcome) of a class or course instruction. Rather than beginning the planning process with a focus on supporting exercises, resources or long-used textbooks, the designer focuses on the learners and begins the design process by asking what learners should be able to understand and do after the provided instruction.
Backward Design deals with viewing the intended outcome and working backwards through the exercise.
- Sep 2016
digitalcommons.mainelaw.maine.edu digitalcommons.mainelaw.maine.edu
Documents produced during trial
These are public record. We could find them.