- Apr 2019
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Teachers use different modes of technology to teach students information in different ways. Each of these modes have specific semiotic meanings which can help students learn in many diverse ways.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Notes from video
- Copy, Transform, Combine (Remix)
- Everything is a remix
- Loss Aversion- strong feeling of protection of what we have or what we have made
- we are dependent on one another- creativity comes from without not from within
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Learning STEM Skills by Designing
Notes from Video
- Making video games is like writing stories where the audience can pick their own stories
- understand broader context of game-making skills in other areas (problem-solving skills- can relate to math, literacy, real-life situations, etc...)
- How is my audience going to perceive my message?- being taught with online game-making but it is being missed in classrooms
- negative comments- if feedback is more productive rather than demeaning then students can learn what they need to fix what they have done wrong rather than just quitting what they are doing
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Cultural Anthropologist Mimi Ito on Connected Learning, Children, and Digital Media
Notes from the Video
- Why do we assume kids socializing and play is not a site of learning?
- why do we assume that schools cant have a spirit of entertainment and play as part of what they're doing?
- Diversity in what kids were learning and doing online- friendship-driven participation (hanging out with their firends online)- site of learning social behaviors and what it means to grow up in a technological world
- "Geeking out" participation- minority/ creative students/ interest-driven orientations- kids using the internet as environments to develop their interests and more specific forms of literacy
- we should value all activities of online participation
- adults have a complicated role in children's societal spaces
- adults role in education of online safety is very important, however,
- awareness of supporting of engagement for students to foster intelectual development using online resources- proactively engage kids in learning with online/ technological tools
- more general perception that associates technology with the media and it is inherently a space that is hostile for learning- learning about the differences between online resources- recognizing the important actions performed when children go online (even the social area of online interactions)
- classroom learning- giving kids access to a baseline set of standards of what they need to participate in contemporary society- reflecting on things that are going on in their lives- formal learning should work with technological learning to help students learn more
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Henry Jenkins on Participatory Culture
Notes from Video-
- Participatory Culture- a world where everyone participates in learning
- Communities begin to produce media to share among themselves
- Faux-cultures- share to share/ not to make money
- media on the internet- do things because we like doing it- sharing videos and multimodal content because it is something that we like doing just wanting to share ideas
- how do we go from participating in our cultures to participating in our political and civic structures?
- Most people gain skill by practicing with technology **"Geek out for Democracy"- get as excited about hte future of our society as we get excited for things that we liek when using technology- making meaning for important ideas and problems in our society Interest-Driven networks- new types of citizens- directing them towards changing society and the world
- Allowing children to do what they want on the internet is letting the children that need to be "guided" slip through the cracks
- Instead of cutting off resources because they are considered "bad" (wikipedia) , we need to allow students to explore these types of resources so they can understand for themselves why they arent used or why they would not be considered important. They need to know "why"
- Mar 2019
www.ascd.org www.ascd.org
We discussed the differences among news articles, blogs, and editorials. Then the students had to post comments on the classroom blog about whether they thought the zoo or the patron was at fault for the attack
Is there any bias in the articles? This could sway the way that the articles portray the information.
Another technique is to create Internet scavenger hunts connected to the curriculum. On completing the challenge, students share their searching strategies with the class
Great way to incorporate search engine skills! This helps to keep students engaged and interested in learning about how to navigate the internet properly.
They chose real-life issues that they face every day as at-risk youth. Sure, the school dress code and the school lunch were favorites, but many students chose such crucial issues as how to stop bullying, reducing drug use in school, stopping domestic and relationship violence, and keeping students in school
By allowing student to choose their own topics, they will delve into the issues revolving their lives. It is important to get them to ask these questions and focus on resolving these issues because it shows them that just because a problem persists, it does not mean that there is no solution.
During Phase 3, students work both individually and in small groups at using strategies and skills from the previous phases to develop lines of inquiry around curricular topics. This type of project requires clear questions, multiple reliable sources, citations, and a final product that communicates that information to others.
Student-centered learning aids in the student taking the responsibility of the own learning. By allowing students to question on their own about a topic, they are producing their own thought process on how to acquire knowledge.
Making meaning during online reading requires students to combine multiple streams of information from text, video, and audio sources.
Multimodal learning to help students understand the content and how to relay the information that they learned. With many different facets of information retrieval, students can help to reinforce the information that they are learning.
Students take responsibility for teaching their peers a variety of online reading comprehension strategies. Instruction also begins to move from search skills to critical evaluation and synthesis skills
In this model, students will help to teach their classmates so that all students can know and better understand the content. When students teach their peers, they are reinforcing the information they already know and they are helping their classmates to better understand the information that they may not fully comprehend yet.
Phase 1 centers on computer basics, word processing skills, Web searching, navigation basics, and e-mail
Basic skills that students should first know when navigating the internet. Some may already have these skills but it is important to still teach them so that they can have a full understanding of the information they are trying to find.
Reciprocal teaching revolves around four global comprehension strategies: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. The teacher explains these strategies to small groups using a shared text, first modeling their use, and then asking students to lead the groups
Using reciprocal teaching to explain to students about internet use and information finding. These types of teaching methods refer to understanding a text of information, which helps when searching for information. Internet reciprocal teaching takes this pedagogy to the next step by including internet literacy and student-based learning techniques.
These Cs include such skills as creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and comprehension
The C's of Change
"You do not simply answer these questions. It is not answer number one; then answer number two. These are questions you keep in the back of your mind as you work."
Internet inquiry is not based on a simple "question and answer" framework, to use the internet to research students have to keep in mind the questions and build up information that they find from credible sources to explain the topic that they are researching.
wiobyrne.com wiobyrne.com
The design, focus, and length of the Internet Inquiry Project should be determined by your student learning objectives, as well as your own technological, pedagogical, and content area knowledge (TPACK) and objectives
To develop lesson plans that use the internet as a learning tool, we must tailor it to our students needs. We have to find out what our students already know and use that as a base to start our lesson plans. If things do not end up working out in a lesson, then we have to fix it so that all of our students can understand the information we are teaching them.
Another takeaway was that K-12 students don’t understand “credibility” and “relevance”…but they do understand words like “truthful” and “useful.”
Providing simpler language to our students can help them to gain a better understanding of the correct ways of using technology. Making the information less complicated will help them to grasp the concept easier. We can also use our students' lack of knowledge about the internet lingo to teach them how to understand words like "credibility" and "relevance".
Please note that each of these phases offers its own challenges and may provide opportunities to slow down and focus, or revisit some of these phases over the school year.
We can teach this throughout the school year and with different topics and subjects. Integrating technology across curiculum can help students to better understand how to use their technology resources
Students critically evaluate online information by considering the credibility (truthfulness) and validity (usefulness) of the information obtained
We teach them how to evaluate their sources so when they get to this point they will know what to look for. (Talk about this with other article- "Prior knowledge we bring to a text profoundly shapes our interpretation"- New Literacies)
Students collaboratively (with the instructor) identify an area of interest and co-construct a driving question to guide inquiry.
Driving questions help to solidify what kinds of information that we are trying to acquire. It is important to establish these driving questions before conducting research so that students can understand what information they need to be looking for.
WebQuests typically contain an introduction, task, process, evaluation, and conclusion
The process of obtaining information from the web which can help students to understand the type of information they are recieving and deciding if it is relevant and accurate
wiobyrne.com wiobyrne.com
pre-publication draft
- "OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license permitting their free use or re-purposing by others"- finding free tools to use is a good way to keep the cost down while integrating technology in our classrooms
- "The Internet can be an empowering tool that allows individuals to create, share, connect, and learn with other like-minded individuals around the globe"- connecting to people around the world can help us to get our students engaged and interested in the topics we are discussing. it can also help them to learn more information.
- "Central to the challenges associated with the use of OER in the classroom are questions about the credibility, value, reliability, and permanence of access of these online materials"- we have to make sure that we are teaching our students to use their critical thinking skills to investigate sources.
- "Many school policies are vague, unclear, or generally do not permit students to construct and share digital content openly online"- it can be difficult in some cases to integrate the internet in our classrooms. If this happens, then we have to be careful about what we introduce to our students
- "The use of OERs has the potential to help teachers find quality resources while encouraging them to share resources. This curation and sharing promotes dialogue about thoughtful teaching and learning within an educator’s PLN"- creating and sharing Open Education Resources can be beneficial to how we set up our classroom learning environment. It can also promote the sharing pedagogical ideas and theories. Teachers helping teachers gain perspective of different teaching and learning ideas.
- "As open learning practices and development of OERs continue to expand and impact practice in K-12 classrooms, issues of ownership, quality, and relevancy must be addressed by education leaders"- we must teach our students about the proper ways to share and search for information online so that they don't have to worry about infringing on copyright or obtaining false information.
lms.cofc.edu lms.cofc.edu
- Read- questioning, locating, synthesizing, and communicating information duing online problem based reading tasks
- Changing nature of literacy- new literacies are central to civic, economic and personal participation in a globalized community and, as a result, the education of all students-constantly thinking about and problematizing information we are teaching our students
- the internet as a text- the use of internet in schools extends the boundaries of literature/ transforms instructional practices
- Questioning- can students restate questions in their own words? can they form keywords from this question? can they understand when they have gotten all the information they need?
- Locating- using different search engines, using internal search engines (search engine within a website), how to find infrmation on a webpage, hot to ignore information they don't need to think about
- Evaluate- know when information meets their needs, know how to identify an author or publisher of online information, judge an author's authority on a subject, can see how an author supports ther argument
- Synthesize- know how to select and construct the information they need, know which information to ignore while reading, know how images and numbers help contruct meaning, know when they have the answer
- Communicate- know how to select the most appropriate communication tool for their purpose, know what information to submit, and what to leave out, share all information needed to completely answer the question
- Scaffolding online readers- Google Forms, Blogger or EDUblogs, Diigo, Google Custom Search Engine
- Why is this important? Students that need it the most may be receiving it the least, little known about differences between online and offline reading, authentic, web-based learning assessments
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Five Keys to Comprehensive Assessment
- Assessments need to evolve to reflect the skills and knowledge that we actually value
- Meaningful Goals and Measures- clear goals help to get students to understand the information
- Formative Feedback- checking for understanding throughout the lessons- steering students to gaining understanding-keep working with them to make sure that they are staying on track, reflecting, and gaining a full understanding of the information that they are learning
- Summative Assessments- summative assessments don't have to be a unit test at the end of a lesson. Having them do a project, write an essay, explain what they have learned so that we can understand how to assess their knowledge of the curriculum
- Performance assessment- collaborting with other effectively, communicate in multiple forms, be critical and creative problem solvers- blend of cognitive and non-cognitive skills and abilities- teaching them to use these skills and abilities so that they can use them in life outside of the classroom- model assessments after real life experience
- Student ownership- When a student takes ownership of their own learning then we can ensure that every student is learning the information- continually engaged in self-assessment and peer assessment- when students have the ability to take ownership of their learning then they begin to value assessment
- Produce a learner that is self-initiating, self-motivated, understands the standards internally, continually driving towards excellence, continually developing their own learning skills, and is able to learn on their own and collaborately with others
- Comprehensive Assessment- improve writing and critical-thinking skills, support engagement and academic performance in a range of subjects, be the most ccost-effective educational intervention
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Middle School Project: Public Art
Kinetic Sculptures
- Using different classes to teach about curriculum- shop class, english, math, and computer
- Engaging and taking ownership of the information that the students are learning
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Keeping Assessment Relevant and "Authentic"
authenntic assessment- hit the skills and the needs of the student population identify common mistakes using mistakes to assess connecting math to real life- instead of "here's the formula" use "this is how the ormula works" make tasks authentic anticipate problems emphasis on the "how" of learning assessment as teaching tool
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
Eli Pariser
Every person gets different news and search results that are tailored to them. Filter bubble- whats in it is based on who you are and what you do and we don't have control over what is in our filter bubbles.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Strategy Exchange
When students share what they found with each other, they are helping each other to find more information.
By figuring out what is the best out of all the MP3 players, they are comprehending the information that is being presented on each website.
Collaborating with each other to boost their comprehending skills.
- Feb 2019
www.gettingsmart.com www.gettingsmart.com
Teachers in the substitution and augmentation phase can use technology to accomplish traditional tasks, but the real learning gains result from engaging students in learning experiences that could not be accomplished without technology. At the Modification and Redefinition level, the task changes and extends the walls of the classroom
Using the whole SAMR model can help our students to use autonomy to learn information and helps us to differentiate their learning experiences.
Researchers have determined that technology integration typically moves through specific levels. The higher the level of an activity the greater the educational benefit.
The more technology is integrated into our lessons, the more learning will occur. It is important to remember that technology helps us to make content more relatable and interesting to our students.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
SAMR in 120 Second
Notes -framework for providing technology in the classroom -Substitution- same task. new tech replaces old tech but doesn't change the rules of how to use it (ex- microsoft word vs. gooogle docs) -Augmentation- same task. Provides more functionality (ex- sharing google doc and shares to cloud more easily) -Modification- midifies task. Technology is used to redesign parts of the task (students collaborating in google docs and commenting to each other) -Redefinition- design and create new tasks that were once unimaginable (connecting to a classroom across the world using google docs)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
TPACK Example
Notes from video -pedagogy, content, and technological knowledge and the integration of all three in lessons -Combining and Creating the Lesson- let them do some research- relate to the plastic ban- research how it is harming wildlife in the area and make a commercial to promote a plastic ban to their area -Content area lesson- utilize a variety of research tools to find the information that they need to do the projects technology -Technology lesson- examples and instruction
RSA ANIMATE: Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
Notes from Video -Group of students and gave them a set of challenges- to incentivize their performance 3 levels of rewards- High, middle, and lower levels of rewards -mechanical skills- bonuses worked as expected- higher pay brought better performance -rudimentary cognitive skills- larger reward led to poorer performance-rewards don't work that way once you get to rudimentary cognitive skills- defies laws of behavioral physics -did the experiment in india- small rewards (2 weeks salary) medium rewards (1 months salary) highest reward (2 months salary)- Higher incentive led to worse performance -replicated over and over again- simple straight forward tasks- rewards work
- when task get s more complicated and it requres some conceptual, creative thinking- rewards don't work -3 factors lead to better performance- (autonomy)- self direction is better- (mastery)- getting better at stuff- (purpose)- need to have a reason for doing something -more organizatoins want to have a purpose- not money or profit- -if we start treating people like people- we can build organizations to make the world a little better
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Motivating Learners
Notes from Video -embracing change -hardcore gamers- surprising things that you find- kids are incredibly bottom-line oriented- want to be measured to see how much they are improving -"if i am not learning, then i am not having fun"- embracing change, leveling up, higher order tasks, or the game is changing -Questioning position helps students to embrace change -Compete with each other and collaborate each other -Start looking at other people online to help them to learn new things -kids that have been turned on to learning- there is no stopping them -passionate community interest group that students can join -learning has to do with learning how to join a group with a common interest -what you are doing becomes a platform for something new -trajectories through life pace as opposed to fixed points -power and importance of play- how to I take an idea and play with it to become something new -learn that not everything works- need to be willing to realize that instead of being afraid of things not working- we need to be willing to change what hasnt worked to make it work for us
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Will Richardson
Notes from video
-Students don't need to have official instruction to learn new information -interactions with online tools can help students to learn on their own and with the help of teachers can help them to learn even more information -"Sharing my work online has become a huge part of the way I learn. Those connections make it possible for me to gain a bigger audience, which means more feedback and more learning" -Teaching information can be facilitated in many different ways- incorporating technology can help students to better learn information than with just us teaching them. -Hard truth- formation of schools how they were established are not relevant in how students are learning today- schools have to be places for deep inquiry where they can solve big problems- create important work where they can collaborate with people around the world-LIFE PREP- getting our students ready for real life and helping them to solve future problems that may occur.
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
Her aims are to help students visualize the concepts already introduced in the classroom and to reinforce the learning through group collaboration. The assignment requires teamwork, communication, and precision
Using tools outside the classroom to help students better understang the content that they have already learned.
Encouraging students to reach out to each other to solve problems and share knowledge not only builds collaboration skills, it leads to deeper learning and understanding
Students can help each other learn by collaborating their efforts. Each student can bring a certain strength to the group so that they can all work out problems together
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
A primary goal of this research is to understand the relationships between two key domains: (a) teacher thought processes and knowledge and (b) teachers’ actions and their observable effects. The current work on the TPACK framework seeks to extend this tradition of research and scholarship by bringing technology integration into the kinds of knowledge that teachers need to consider when teaching
How can teachers instruct using what they know about teaching, their content knowledge about a subject, and their knowledge about technology tools that will help them to gain full student understanding?
Each situation presented to teachers is a unique combination of these three factors, and accordingly, there is no single technological solution that applies for every teacher, every course, or every view of teaching. Rather, solutions lie in the ability of a teacher to flexibly navigate the spaces defined by the three elements of content, pedagogy, and technology and the complex interactions among these elements in specific contexts
Every teacher is student and every group of students are different. The way to use this information is to base it on how we teach the best and how our students learn the best. There is no "right" or "wrong" way but there are many different ways that work for different teachers and students
Instead, TPACK is the basis of effective teaching with technology, requiring an understanding of the representation of concepts using technologies; pedagogical techniques that use technologies in constructive ways to teach content; knowledge of what makes concepts difficult or easy to learn and how technology can help redress some of the problems that students face; knowledge of students’ prior knowledge and theories of epistemology; and knowledge of how technologies can be used to build on existing knowledge to develop new epistemologies or strengthen old ones.
Using technology to incorporate content knowledge and teaching strategies in our lessons will help students to better understand the information that we are trying to teach them.
As such, pedagogical knowledge requires an understanding of cognitive, social, and developmental theories of learning and how they apply to students in the classroom
Theories help us relate what we are teaching to the learning abilities of our students. Every student learns in a different way so it is important to understand the ways that have worked in the past and relate them to our students now.
A teacher with deep pedagogical knowledge understands how students construct knowledge and acquire skills and how they develop habits of mind and positive dispositions toward learning
(Maybe use this quote). Understanding students and how they learn helps us to incorporate technology and teach content so that they can get a full understanding of what we are trying to teach.
Pedagogical knowledge (PK) is teachers’ deep knowledge about the processes and practices or methods of teaching and learning. They encompass, among other things, overall educational purposes, values, and aims. This generic form of knowledge applies to understanding how students learn, general classroom management skills, lesson planning, and student assessment
This is what we learn in "teacher school". This is why we learn about many different ways of teaching and why the education system is set up the way that it is. Pedagogy is probably the most important aspect of lesson planning because it shows that we have an understanding of not only making content interesting to our students but managing behavior and assessing if they understand the information, all at the same time.
The cost of not having a comprehensive base of content knowledge can be prohibitive; for example, students can receive incorrect information and develop misconceptions about the content area (National Research Council, 2000; Pfundt, & Duit, 2000)
The importance of understanding the full extent of the content we are teaching is to give our students correct information. Learning incorrect information and having "misconceptions about the content area" is detrimental to our students' learning.
As Shulman (1986) noted, this knowledge would include knowledge of concepts, theories, ideas, organizational frameworks, knowledge of evidence and proof, as well as established practices and approaches toward developing such knowledge. Knowledge and the nature of inquiry differ greatly between fields, and teachers should understand the deeper knowledge fundamentals of the disciplines in which they teach
It is important to not only understand what the content is that we are teaching but to understand what goes into the content that we are teaching. The article gives exampled of art and science; the importance is not only on the art or science it is the history and understanding of artists and their meaning and "knowledge of scientific facts and theories, the scientific method, and evidence-based reasoning"
Equally important to the model are the interactions between and among these bodies of knowledge, represented as PCK, TCK (technological content knowledge), TPK (technological pedagogicalknowledge), and TPACK
The interaction of all three areas is important because it will help us to understand technology when it comes to lesson planning and content knowledge. Knowing what types of technology to use based on our pedagogical methods and the content that we are teaching our students will help us to implement them to ensure full understanding from our students.
At the heart of good teaching with technology are three core components: content, pedagogy, and technology, plus the relationships among and between them. The interactions between and among the three components, playing out differently across diverse contexts, account for the wide variations seen in the extent and quality of educational technology integration
Incorporating technology on its own will not be helpful to us when we are teaching. We must also base what tools we use around the content that we are teaching, our teaching methods and ability to differentiate a lesson, and the type of technology we are trying to incorporate. Technoology is useful when used correctly and wisely, so when we lesson plan, we must think about these before implementing our instruction.
There is no “one best way” to integrate technology into curriculum. Rather, integration efforts should be creatively designed or structured for particular subject matter ideas in specific classroom contexts
We should find ways to incorporate technology based on the content that we are teaching, the students' abilities in our classes, and our understanding of the technology that we are using. If we don't understand a certain technology or it doesn't relate to what we are teaching or the technology is too advanced for our students then incorporating the technology will be unuseful in our lessons.
Furthermore, teachers have often been provided with inadequate training for this task. Many approaches to teachers’ professional development offer a one-size-fits-all approach to technology integration when, in fact, teachers operate in diverse contexts of teaching and learning
Technology is always changing, how will we keep up with the changes and how will we incorporate tools that we are unsure about? It is understandable that in college, we learn about the current technology of that time, but it is our responsibility to understand that technology will always change and that we should try to keep up-to-date on what tools we can use to teach our lessons.
Understanding how these affordances and constraints of specific technologies influence what teachers do in their classrooms is not straightforward and may require rethinking teacher education and teacher professional development
We must continue to learn new information and about new technologies so that we can better teach our students. Professional development can help us to understand the problems that can arise when using technology so that we can easily work through them when they do happen.
Rather, particular technologies have their own propensities, potentials, affordances, and constraints that make them more suitable for certain tasks than others
How will we use these technologies to help our students learn even though they will have problems that come along with it? How can we make sure that we limit the amount of problems that will occur in our lessons?
By their very nature, newer digital technologies, which are protean, unstable, and opaque, present new challenges to teachers who are struggling to use more technology in their teaching
How do we incorporate new technology into our teaching? What are ways in which these new technology features can be used in other ways than instruction? There has to be some place that we can use the new technology that will be beneficial to our students.
Teaching with technology is complicated further considering the challenges newer technologies present to teachers. In our work, the word technology applies equally to analog and digital, as well as new and old, technologies
We must always be prepared to learn about new information or new technology so that we can plan lessons around them. New technology and information will always come about so we must be ready when things do change (which is often).
Teachers practice their craft in highly complex, dynamic classroom contexts (Leinhardt & Greeno, 1986) that require them constantly to shift and evolve their understanding
As teachers, we must be able to think on the fly and change the direction of the lesson if students are not understanding the information we are teaching them. When we lesson plan, we try to make sure that all the students in our class are learning the information. Sometimes it doesn't work out as planned, so we have to be ready for any type of mishap or misunderstanding.
Connected learning is realized when a young person is able to pursue a personal interest or passion with the support of friends and caring adults, and is in turn able to link this learning and interest to academic achievement, career success or civic engagement
Helping students to have a relatable interest with their learning can help them to succeed in their futures. Making our lessons more understandable and related to their interests is important when setting up their learning environment.
clalliance.org clalliance.org
Groups that foster connected learning have shared culture and values, are welcoming to newcomers, and encourage sharing, feedback and learning among all participants
Teaching our students to be open with others' differences is important when setting up their learning environment. We need to have a safe space for every single one of our students no matter who they are.
Sponsorship of Youth Interests
It is important to get on our students levels when we are teaching them information. We need to find out what their favorite things are and try to base our lesson plans on incorporating what they like along with the curriculum that we need to teach them.
Connected learning does not rely on a single technology or technique. Rather, it is fostered over time through a combination of supports for developing interests, relationships, skills, and a sense of purpose.
When we start off the year using different teaching methods and establishing healthy relationships with our students, we can help them to grow immensely in the small amount of time that we know them.
Providing our students with opportunities to learn outside the classroom or using technology as a tool when we are teaching are good ways to get them involved in their learning and can eventually help them to take control of their learning experience all together, with us being the facilitators of knowledge.
Learners need support from peers and mentors to persist through setbacks and challenges
We can help to guide our students through their mistakes ad hardships by being supportive and encouraging. Building a positive relationship with them is very meaningful and lucrative to setting up their learning environment.
A growing body of research indicates that interest helps us pay attention, make connections, persist and engage in deeper learning
Making content relatable and interesting to ouor students will help them to be more engaged in what we are teaching.
Learning is irresistible and life-changing when it connects personal interests to meaningful relationships and real-world opportunity
When we understand our student's interests and build relationships with them, we can help them to love learning. We can do this collectively with our classes and we can do it with each student individually.
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
When we encourage students to use technology, do we remind them of the risks of placing their information online and give them choices of how much personal information to reveal? Do our students recognize the ways in which Facebook’s privacy settings continually shift without user permission, and what posting a photo today might mean for their future employment opportunities? Do students recognize the importance of password-protecting their devices and having different passwords across platforms?
Twitter plays a large role in my teaching, but the essential elements can be applied in many technological contexts
Twitter usage
When we encourage students to use technology, do we remind them of the risks of placing their information online and give them choices of how much personal information to reveal
Internet safety is extremely important!!
These discussions can be fraught with power dynamics, resulting in controversial issues appearing unbalanced as more powerful authors block alternative viewpoints.
Students need to know which information is going to be unbiased and true. There are MANY internet sources that use shock value information or biased information rather than presenting corect information.
means talking about audience—whom they are addressing and who are people who might accidentally come across their blogs or tweets
Knowing who the information is available to, whether it is the whole world or just a few people. Who are you talking to and how are you communicating to them?
When we encourage students to use technology, do we remind them of the risks of placing their information online and give them choices of how much personal information to reveal?
Safety is super important!
It means teaching progressively rather than sequentially, which helps learners understand better and more clearly over time.
Keep adding onto current knowledge base to develop full understanding of topics
educational researcher Doug Belshaw’s eight elements of digital literacies, I have just mentioned the civic, critical, creative, and communicative. The other four are cultural, cognitive, constructive, and confidence.
Digital literacy skils that we can use to understand the internet and use it to our benefit.
Digital skills focus on what and how. Digital literacy focuses on why, when, who, and for whom
The difference of digital skills and digital literacy is very important. Digital literacy takes a deeper look into digital information so that we can understand the full extent of the content.
mozilla.github.io mozilla.github.io
To hold information-age jobs, people also need to think deeply about issues, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate clearly in many media, learn ever-changing technologies
Technology changes things. We have to change the ways that we think so that we can understand the current technology.
Managing and maintaining the privacy and security of your digital identity through behaviors and digital tool settings
Staying safe online is the most important aspect of learning internet usage. Knowing the repercussions of online sharing and how if it gets into the wrong hands can turn very dangeruos, very fast can help us to stay safe and continue to present ourselves in a safe environment.
A group of local or global learners who reach a common outcome while connecting and learning online
It is important to collaborate with other people so that we can get a better understanding of other opinions and views. We can share knowledge base by collaborating and we can even develop an even better understanding of ideas just by explaining our views to other people.
Understanding basic principles, purpose, and applications of coding and programming languages
The setup of a website is important to understand. It helps to make the content more approachable and understandable.
Creating mental and physical representations of digital content focused on accessibility and approachability
Creating visual representations to understand the content being researched.
Integrating separate and unique information from multiple online sources
Using multiple sources to establish content knowledge.
Using questions and keywords to find the information you need
Learning how to search correctly can help to find more accurate information faster by using keywords and other searching practices.
What we concluded is that people needed the map to be more approachable, accessible, and applicable for learning and teaching web literacy skills.
Making the information more understandable and relatable will help to spread knowledge about safe internet usage.
It also includes having a grasp of security basics, like protecting your online identity and avoiding online scams
Also another thing that should be taught in k-12 schooling. I was talking to 3rd graders about their online identity and one of them said "I don't care if I act crazy in my videos that I post online". Number one, a 3rd grader should not have the ability to post videos of themselves online, in my opinion, and number two, even though they are only in 3rd grade, thses videos coud resurface one day and harm their image online.
They can evaluate web content, and identify what is useful and trustworthy
This should be taught throughout k-12 schooling. Learnng this in college was super helpful but it was taught a little late for me. I know now how to choose sources that present good information but growing up I wouldnt have been able to do that
1) develop more educators, advocates, and community leaders who can leverage and advance the web as an open and public resource, and 2) impact policies and practices to ensure the web remains a healthy open and public resource for all.
Teaching people how to use the internet safely can allow for the internet to continue to be a place that helps someone obtain information, communicate with others, and express their knowledge to others. Providing a safe environmet for people to do these things is important for successful internet usage.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
-digital literacies are plural, need to be s9ocially negotiated, and they depend heavily on context -digital iteracies learned in a linear order is not effective. The way to learn digital literacies is to combine individual interest with important issues to make the learning process an autonomous choice -eight essental elements of digital literacies: cognitive, constructive, communicative, civic, critical, creative, confident, cultural with REMIX at the heart of the elements -digital literacies change
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Understanding by Design
- -prepare you to think in the short-term and long-term teaching
- -student comment as an entry point on where we want to end up
- -proactive, autonomous learners
- -a planning framework
- -critical and creative thinking- you don't need these skills to make all A's in school
- -pedagogical effectiveness
- -critical thinking test- NO GAIN
- -long-term goals and short-term plan
- -desired and actual results
- -strategic thinking- teachers that tell you what to do all the time- doesn't make room for student thought
- -when we teach, we need to be more goal focused (comment)
- backward design thinking- long term goal- what follows for assessment (not grading, assessing/ judging how we are doing against the goal, coaching) and what follows for instruction
- What do we have to do to make our students love what we are teaching them?
- the textbook is not the course- only used as a resource
- given our understanding goals, which chapters should be highlighted, skimmed, skipped, re-sequenced?
- aim for explicit understanding
- Backward from Goals: Meaning-"I want students to leave having inferred/realized that, now and in the future..."
- Background from Goals: Transfer - "I want students to leave able to transfer their understanding- on their own- to concrete address current and future situations
- 3rd day of lesson- textbook is used (not on the first day)
- the way we do math is bad- this is why people don't like math or they think that they are bad at math- backward design lesson planning expands the pool of interested parties and is differentiatable for individual students
- it is our jobs as teachers to make the design of the lesson relatable to every student- we are given this backward design plan but we must figure out how to plan our lesson to make sure that every child is learning- DESIGN CHALLENGE
- Intellectual engagement- finding ways to help students that are uninterested in the content to want to be engaged in the content
- Incentivize- incentives to learning the information
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
This process helps avoid the common problems of treating the textbook as the curriculum rather than a resource, and activity-oriented teaching in which no clear priorities and purposes are apparent
Making our own lesson plans and using the textbook as a resource. Integrating technology can help to shy away from using the textbook as the backbone of our lesson plans.
transfer their learning through authentic performance
Putting their skills to use can show their knowledge of the process
the ability to effectively use content knowledge and skill
Understanding content and how to use it to prove a point, explain a topic, or shed light on an issue
Yet, as early adopters, history’s first generation of “always connected” individuals do not have the knowledge and skills to critically explore, build, and connect online
Knowing how to navigate the internet is very different than understanding the internet and internet uses. Understanding how to use the internet is essential to communication, sharing, and learning on the internet.
- Jan 2019
www.aeseducation.com www.aeseducation.com
A creative communicator expresses themselves clearly and concisely through digital media
It is sometimes difficult to interpret what someone is saying through technology, so it is important to be fully aware of how and what you are saying to people through technology.
It also requires students to learn solution design, meaning they have to diagnose problems, prescribe solutions, and even make those solutions with digital tools
Learning how to deal with problems digitally can help students to learn how to work out problems in their daily lives and even other areas of technology.