16 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2020
    1. Institutional membership in UNICollaboration is not required

      How much is an institutional membership?

  2. Nov 2019
    1. Blackboard Learn Help for Students

      This is too general. The site is a mixture of new and original experience information. We either need direct URLs (e.g., how do I submit an assignment) or leave this link off of this page entirely.

    2. H

      I can't select the "What does this mean for me?" header, but I think this header would be appropriate for two sub-items: Students and Faculty. Then create a completely separate section for Important Dates (keep it at the top of the list).

    3. e

      Add below: All sessions will take place via Zoom video conferencing. Information about how to register for a time slot will be posted here soon.

    4. will be provided to all instructors, and


    5. November 1st, 2019, 11 AM CT

      Remove the Nov. 1 date.

    6. four

      change to "four, 30-minute"

    7. must

      change to "are asked to"

    8. first phase.

      change to "first phase - the change in the way Blackboard looks and in the way you navigate the system. The second phase will be a change to the way courses function. We anticipate rolling out this phase in time for the ES 20 term."

    9. save instructors time

      change to "save instructors and students"

    10. Will Blackboard change inside courses?

      This seems like an item for an FAQ. It seems out of place here.

    11. Discussion Analytics

      Are discussion analytics available now? I thought this feature was tied to Ultra courses.

  3. Oct 2019
  4. Mar 2019
    1. Training And Development: Communicating For Success Author: Beebe, Steven A. ISBN: 9780205006120 Status: Required Edition: 2 Copyright:

      This is the wrong book. Students in this course should check their course syllabus in Blackboard for the correct book information and for information about where to get an e-book quickly - in time for the term start.