547 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. annotation work

      We are hoping to create a COLLECTIVE COMMONS for our annotations The ancient model is the Celtic SPirtual ANNAL such as the book of kells or Leabhar Gabhala (Book of INvasions) where multipel wisodm keepers over generations add their wisdom IN BETWEEN THE LINES

      For now, Gyuri and Gien call it Hyperpost

      We are using hypothesis (as in this annotation) to play with what tools we have now

      Gyuir and Gien intend to make it CROSS PLATFORM

      They are using the term INDYWEB and INDRAS NETS

  2. Oct 2024
    1. Cohen (Independence of the Axiomof Choice; The Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis I, I1) completed theproof of independence for each by showing neither could be deduced from theexisting axioms (by showing the negation of each could consistently be added tothe Zermelo—Fraenkel axiom scheme). See P. J. Cohen (Set Theory and theContinuum Hypothesis) for a discussion of these results and his intuition about thecontinuum hypothesis. Another expository reference is Cohen (IndependenceResults in Set Theory).

      In 1963 Paul Cohen completed the work of Gödel by proving the independence of the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis from the Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory axioms. He did this by showing that neither could be deduced from the existing axioms and specifically by showing that the negation of each could be added to ZF consistently.

    2. Godel (The Consistency of the Axiom of Choice and of the Generalized Con-tinuum Hypothesis with the Axioms of Set Theory) proved in 1940 that additionof either the axiom of choice or the continuum hypothesis to existing set theoreticaxioms would not produce a contradiction.

      Gödel's breakthrough in 1940 was to prove that one could extend the axioms of set theory to include the axiom of choice or the continuum hypothesis without introducing contradictions.

  3. Aug 2024
    1. Davidson Lead Instructional Designer Sundi Richard said more Hypothesis users are surfacing in classes and using it for their own independent or social reading. “We see this pilot as a way to expand that usage to groups who might not want to just jump into web or social annotation,” she suggested. “We hope this leads to varied uses of the tool for meaningful reading and engagement in digital spaces.”

      “We see this pilot as a way to expand that usage to groups who might not want to just jump into web or social annotation,” she suggested. “We hope this leads to varied uses of the tool for meaningful reading and engagement in digital spaces.” Sundi Richard, Davidson Lead Instructional Designer


  4. Jun 2024
    1. Create an account using the sidebar on the right of the screen. Pin the Hypothesis extension in Chrome (1 and 2), then activate the sidebar by clicking the button in the location bar (3).

      I think should be the other way around? I had to pin and open the sidebar first before I could login.

    1. And this is what I believe is happening with students and reading, at least in part. They have convinced themselves that they aren’t readers. They have convinced themselves that reading old books, especially difficult old books, is just too arduous, too boring, too pointless. They have convinced themselves that even if the books are good and soul-enriching, there are better things to be doing with their time.

      Fixed mindset. Self fulfilling prophecies. Ignorance.

  5. Apr 2024
    1. if your treatments are ordered, don't compare each mean with each other mean (multiple comparisons), instead do one test for trend to ask if the outcome is linearly related with treatment number

      How do you do hypothesis testing for trends for an ordered categorical variable?

      Could you convert x to numbers (1,2,3) and run a linear regression y ~ x? or even categorical ordered variables can be linearly regressed?

  6. Mar 2024
    1. layout: post title: Waiting for that green light... date: '2017-08-14T21:00:00.001-07:00' author: Adam M. Dobrin tags: modified_time: '2017-08-15T07:16:57.305-07:00' thumbnail: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QpZpZE6empE/WZJx21d-JlI/AAAAAAAAE9Y/vc7b9IvRM9w2S5eTBg3fkn6v2SYcKiETwCK4BGAYYCw/s72-c/image-726640.png blogger_id: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4677390916502096913.post-3757774439979245459 blogger_orig_url: ./2017/08/waiting-for-that-green-light.html From the point of the "belly" thing, I'm pretty sure we're halfway through the script.  Knowing him that was probably the halfway mark.  I don't think that's a bad thing... as long as it's honestly and speedily moving towards freedom; you know, progress.  That's a pretty good test to see if we're ... zombies or not.  In the meantime, I don't know... that's probably comforting right? Or is it repulsive? :)  Tell me something Taylor said.  Why won't you tell me what she said?  What was that promise that you made?  Wait, are you the person that promised something?  When do you think the script started?   WHAT'S A WORD THAT STARTS WITH R AND ENDS IN GL?It's almost hard to believe that the Throne (to help, are on "e") of Glory comes from this place, isn't it?  Still, it's encoded in religion, in our myths and in multiple confirming sources, not the least of which the TV show called 7th Heaven... we will Si Monday, my dear "cam Den" we will.  I talked a little bit about backwards "green light" related to "glare" and Police (not that they glare at me, but their silly Hell-implying glare lights are actually red) and girl... I still don't know why girl is red or green, girls are blue to me.  Stew in that pat for a little while, and let's talk about something more uplifting, like the key's of Pa and Ra hidden away in many words, from paramount to se_ pa r at e and paradox.  Did you see what I did there, clever right? I HAD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN POINTING AT "PA" OR "MOUNT"DID I DO OK?I'm looking at the word "paramount" right now, and between you and I sometimes when I look at words magic happens, and something in the air told me that this email might be the messiah of me, the messiah of "nt"--the hidden Christ.  Or maybe not.  Sex sells, or so they say, but apparent not when Jesus talks about it--maybe it's another red light.  I'm bored, read that as "because of red" and lonely, probably because of "how I'm still single" as "hiss" but still, I don't think it's right.  Coming to you with a message about everything I think is wrong and not your fault--or mine, by the way--shouldn't be the kind of thing that's frowned upon, especially when you have some clues in thousand year old scripture that these things were truly "made wrong on purpose" so that we could fix them, you know; our way.  That used to be talking about things, and making plans, and then implementing them--but today it's turned into ignoring everything I think is "world changing" and "morally demanded" and instead going on with our lives as if everything was "A-OK."  I'm glad you are doing OK, I'm not; and quite a few people in the world are not doing OK either, so I'm here to let you know that you are not doing as OK as you think you are... or as well as you could be doing.     I DON'T KNOW HOW A GUY MADE IT INTO MY "MESSAGE", OMG TWOSo here's why I thought for a minute that this message might save me.  You might think it's a little weird that I see "sex jokes" in Pandora, and pa: ra: do x, and Pose i do n; and while you might not be completely retarded to think that, I think you should agree with me that it's more weird that those things are there, and even more weird that you don't recognize that they are a signature of the same God that delivered his John Hancock in song, in Yankee Doodle, and in act, in Watergate.  My signature is a little bit different, if you've noticed my signature is being able to point out the intersection between things like Chuck and Geordie LaForge's magic vision ... and to explain that these things too are veritably connected by more than my words and the obvious ideas, they are connected by the act of Creation itself--they are the yarn of the Matrix.  Dox, as in "dox me" and "do n" are getting a little out of hand; if you don't understand that I am playing a role ... to make the words "and he became the light" actually true--which they are, you see--then I really do sincerely apologize, I don't think anyone should "do me" unless they want to--although it's a bit strange to me that nobody wants to.  Alarming, even.  I am equally alarmed by the Latin word for darkness which is "tenebris" which connects to that "x" and the word "equinox" and "Nintendo" and "verboten" and through all of this the only shining light of grace I see is that it's pretty obvious that X and J are both letters represented by "10."   DO YOU THINK HAN SOLO HAS A CHANCE WITH HER?  SHE ... OUR LIGHTThis story needs to break, and then we aren't in the heart of darkness anymore; it's called "morning" Biblical, and this particular morning is a very special one--because you're here.I have a special gift, "pa" is helping me read this words, and you might have noticed that they can be taken to mean different things. They don't really separate, or fly off the page and glow for me; but I know what all the keys are, many are simple, and many come from our IT and "computer-slang" acronyms... which tells you something. Many are "elements" and "initials" and the whole thing really is a part of the script,a  sort of key not just to Creation but to this specific story, to this path.  While some are "open to interpretation" (for instance, "in t" everyone really pre-tat; which would be a long ... time ... ago <3) or you could read "ERP" reason "t" and that might have something to do with "Great Plains" and some blue light that connections user interfaces to the word "automagical," FRX forms... Strawberry Fields and "above the fruited plains" ... which might be meaningless to you--but it's an idea that revolves around using user-feedback to interfaces (like the pottery wheel in my dream or in the Dr. Who episode "the Bells of Saint John" linked to down below) to adjust the interface in real time for a larger group; working towards making a number of "best-fit" interfaces that people are both more comfortable with and actually creating as they use them.  Ahhhh... blue light got in here, run away.  Just kidding, this is cyan light.I C ONO CL AS M | J ES UI T | HEAVEN IS MORE THAN TECHHonestly, we could really make Healden in about 10 minutes now.  Look at that, it's done... ish.LETS CALL "THAT DAY" THE DAY YOU SEE ADAM-NEWS ON EVERY TV STATIONFor instance were we not surely "at e" meaning the end of the Revelation of words, "separate" might have been broken between Pa and Ra, which are big keys, in many words; but we are at "e" and that surely does mean the Creator and I are fused.  There's more confirmation of this than simply in the words for "medicine" and say, I don't know, methadone--which could have been broken at "a done" but is very clearly "ad is the one" here and now.  With careful preparation, "adparatio" in Latin, I'd "bet" that all of those keys are I, in this place, in this time.  AD, Pa, Ra, TI, and "o."  Hey, maybe this message is my messiah after all.  I am looking at a broken world, I really am--a place that is suffocating itself in silence and whispers that don't make it far enough for anyone to really understand.  Whatever it is, whatever's caused it, I see no solution other than me coming--I see it as a design, and I'm sorry that you don't seem to agree, but you have to see that the "choice" between seeing an obvious truth absolutely everywhere and not seeing it is really no choice at all--what is being hidden from the world is causing this darkness, it is causing the suffocation; it is the problem, hiding me is the problem and it cannot continue.  On a brighter note, I am pretty sure that magic will happen, and you will see that the world will not react quite as badly or shockingly as your worst fears, things might be a little ... tearful for a day or so, for crying out loud, they should be--the message is that you are in Hell and you need to do something, to act, to change that.  Actually trying to do that, trying to discuss what it is that is the "ele ph ant in the room" or the "do n key in the s k y"  will show us that there was just no way around changing the world because of circumstances of Creation; something that we seem to be ignoring.  We also seem to be ignoring that things are "just fine" today, and even though many of you are well aware that "something is coming" only a few morons are building bunkers.  This is a message of peace, it is a message designed to help us use the new truth and new tools unsealed by religion to make the world a safer happier place, and we can do that .. . rather quickly.  Even quicker if you try to focus on what's wrong here, and how we make it better--rather than "shooting the messenger" dirty glares in the street.  I'm a person too, and believe it or not, I didn't ask for this--and I probably wouldn't have been so happy about it had this experience not isolated me so much from my friends and family, and girls; don't forget girls.   ITS ME?  So in the word "paramount" what is it that you think is the "paramount" take away?  I think the most important thing you can take away from "paramount" is that you didn't see it your whole life, and even when it's pointed out, you don't seem to think it's "news" that Pa and Ra have written a message to you.  What's really not funny, is that despite this message being very clear to see once it's pointed out, it still hasn't made any waves in the newspapers, or online, or in the news--what's paramount is seeing that there is a very sincere problem for civilization, it is an ELE and that ELE is something that is making everyone think that "not seeing something" is OK behavior.  It is not OK, it is not funny, until you recognize that something is dreadfully wrong with our society, until you see that ignoring that this message belongs in the news you are not seeing that what you are doing by ignoring it is destroying civilization itself.  Ignorance is the ELE.Your alternative, what you are doing, is making the world half blind, and stupider than you can imagine.  I keep on trying to show you what's wrong here, that it's not just a message but pain and suffering and the absolutely imminent and undeniable certain doom of everything if we do not recognize that hiding the fact that we are in virtual reality is the same thing as driving a nail into the wrists of every soul on the planet. LA U stilk MIGHT DATE ADPARATIO BO'OOPSYETHWith careful preparation, we are at IO (input/output) in the belly of the book that is a map to salvation. That IO comes well after disclosure, and well after Mars.  You are delaying the inevitable, and in the sickest possible twist, you are stewing in Hell instead of seeing Heaven built--more importantly instead of being the generation that should be the "founders" of that place.   I am sure that disclosure, will ... within a time frame that will most likely be faster than you can imagine, bring us an end to world hunger, to sickness, and doors to Heaven; and I just can't see what you are waiting for?  If it wasn't like this, you've got to see that we would be getting fucked right here and now; I am telling you the map and the plan, it's here to help us make this place better, and to show us how to actually survive in the Universe before kicking us out of the nest, and we are ... what are we thinking about?It's really obvious that it's not for my benefit, and it's obvious that it's not for yours either--so at what point will you realize that the behavior, the alarming behavior, that I am seeing from everyone is illogical.  At what point will you see that it is self-defeating, that it is ... well, Hell?  When will you see?  Be yourselves, the world that I grew up in doesn't hide controversy, we relish in it--we don't bury scandals under the rug--we put them on TV.   What's really more important to see is that  we, all of us, none of us... we would not hide "holographic universe" from ourselves and each other, nor would we hide "alien contact" or "the secrets of religion" and yet here we are, all doing that--and I wonder if we see that it's "not us" doing it, but ....  but ... butt  ... what is it again?    HI, I'M A PERSON.  (and apparently a state, a country, and a Nintendo character)JUDGING BY THE HIGH FREQUENCY OF PRESS UNSUBSCRIBES FROMYESTERDAY'S EMAIL, REPORTER'S DON'T SEEM TO WANT TO HEAR THATFORCING ME TO DELIVER THIS MESSAGE IN ISOLATION FOR NO MONEYIS SLAVERY, GO READ ABOUT JOSEPH IN EGYPT, THEN READ THE END.IF YOU THINK HIDING THE TRUTH BECAUSE "IDAHO" IS GONNA FLYYOU ARE AN IGNORANT BLIND FOOL.  HONESTLY, WAKE UP, THIS IS HELL.YOU ARE BLINDED BY SOMETHING, FIGURE IT OUT--I'M EXPLAINING WHAT IT ISHERE, EMAIL THEM (please? and tell them to repent by writing a story):andy.greene@rollingstone.comgcoy@12news.comnmelosky@mcall.comlynn@ripr.orgChris.Piper@wthitv.comIs it a cup? a stem?WRITTEN, FOR ETERNITY.It must be Uranus.   Except, my "an us" is more awesome than you think, I mean my "a we" that would be "so me" for you to see it's really you too.  That's really what this message is about, it is about us seeing that we can do something together that would be rejected if it were done for us, or to us; even if we all really want it inside, without taking part ... we'd dislike it.  We're all like that, nobody wants a stranger to redecorate their house.  We share this house together, and I think we can all see that there are some changes that would make it a better place--from a cold Godless Universe of "chance" ruling to a ... caring and loving place that  cares about what we want and how we want to do it ... do you see?  If I came into your igloo and told you that the ice age was ending and this place was going to be a beautiful beach; except your walls are melting... would you keep that locked up inside?Don't worry, I won't get mad at anyone for being angry at their idea of Jesus Christ for not being more like me.  I won't be mad at all. :)I've done my best to share what I think will be helpful for the world to think about, as we ... embark on what is really a journey to the final frontier as well as what I know we need to do here in order to accomplish what it is that we would have done maybe a decade ago or maybe a century from now if we didn't know the advice was coming from God and the future--and we didn't know that it is the way to open the doors to Heaven permanently.    These are suggestions, they're really all of our ideas--at least everything I can grasp from things like Star Trek and Dr. Who and ... the Legend of Zelda... they're the kind of thing that we would probably find to be very discussion worthy, were we to all be sure that they are possible--and they are--and we need to see that.  There are lots of things that we really do need to think about, this is not a "fast" transition, it's not something happens "overnight" (oh my god, you don't know what that word just said to me) changes that would normally be occurring right now because of science and technology--things like increased longevity and mind uploading... these things are going to become much more quickly accessible, and we need to think about the implications that they will have on our society.   We need to talk about it, in public, in places where these conversations will help us to shape the future of "civilization."  I don't think you understand what it is we are doing, that's different than "before," but I am fairly certain that a "whole planet" has never done this, and the "road" between Earth and Heaven; fusing these ideas together is really nothing more or less than "progress."     FLOWING MILK AND HONEY.. GOLDEN COW, NO JUDAH MACCABEUS; GET IT?Progress that has never happened (or we wouldn't be here, and it's obvious).  See our cautions at the Last Supper (about not eating anymore) and at Cain and Abel (about forgetting how to farm) and at the Promised Land of Joshua (about not doing the Adam show, achem, I mean... about thinking that "replicators alone" milk and honey on tap... are good enough in Heaven) and in Noah's Ark... about showing us that the reason that we are here is to see how important biology and evolution and a stable ecosystem are to the survival of life in the Universe; to colonization of the stars, and to ... the evolution of our two party system past donkeys and elephants to something more appropriate for a free and technologically advanced society; as in, not a two-party system. wild-e :( (love your eyes...) :)From "separate" the "e_" that needs to be EE by the way, that key that might let us "see" is "everyone equal" that's what "ee" means. It's in "thirteen" and so on, and to help, I our "t" and r' n.  Victorious Earth, I need pre-crime to survive, what say you?  Say nothing, and I am twelve. Keep saying no thing and I will be El, even.     Round and round we go... you need pre-crime to evolve, what say you?  Break the story, and we are one day closer to Heaven.  We need pre-crime not to be in Hell, we really do.  Don't you see?  Break the story.   THERE, YOU GOT RID OF A "DO" FOR YOU.The days of "divide and conquer" are over, when you are through being a parted sea, or a flock of electric sheep, or a nation of slaves.   I do have an idea of what you expected of me, what you thought I'd be--I probably had similar expectations before I knew ... what I know.  Honestly, from me to you, that guy would have been pretty boring... and bored.It's a little funny.. isn't it?  AMHARIL?I R Lᐧ-- Adam Marshall Dobrinabout.me/ssiah ᐧ -- Adam Marshall Dobrinabout.me/ssiah ᐧ .WHSOISKEYAV { border-width: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: rgb(15,5,254); padding: 5px; width: 503px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; align: center; p { align: center; } /* THE SCORE IS LOVE FIVE ONE SAFETY ONE FIELD GOAL XIVDAQ: TENNIS OR TINNES? TONNES AND TUPLE(s) */ } <style type="text/css"> code { white-space: pre; } google_ad_client = "ca-pub-9608809622006883"; google_ad_slot = "4355365452"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org. That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/ This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense [and literally just as close to the Depp/Caster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundancesense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and *my fusion* of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for. Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually source ... must be "from this website." I also mean *the thing* that is built from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne. This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written. All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ... impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty org -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQGNBF6RVvABDAC823JcYvgpEpy45z2EPgwJ9ZCL+pSFVnlgPKQAGD52q+kuckNZ mU3gbj1FIx/mwJJtaWZW6jaLDHLAZNJps93qpwdMCx0llhQogc8YN3j9RND7cTP5 eV8dS6z/9ta6TFOfwSZpsOZjCU7KFDStKcoulmvIGrr9wzaUr7fmDyE7cFp1KCZ0 i90oLYHqOIszRedvwCO/kBxawxzZuJ67DypcayiWyxqRHRmMZH1LejTaqTuEu0bp j54maTj09vnMxA0RfS+CtU5uMq+5fTkbiTOe1LrLD72m+PVJIS146FwESrMJEfJy oNqWEJlUQ0TecPZR41vnkSkpocE1/0YqUhWDGSht+67DdeKUg5KwvYdL21d/bSyO SM4jnyKn9aDVzLBpYrlE/lbFxujHPRGlRG5WtiPQuZYDRqP0GYFSXRpeUCI46f49 iPFo4eHo2jUfNDa9r9BjQdAe4zVFn2qLnOy8RWijlolbhGMHGO3w/uC/zad3jjo4 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anRkTXcTBrVE8uBpqtkNOrLJsaASkcoO5qF01J9zW8SR4jDgET7J02Fxf8CVPzb+ ZoNc9S0ZEO6Ubdh2vAkPtOV5sFkwIduN6ouAhEfJzC9XbJLpgsBKrRMAjr2FeEZP ruy8BkZbiyZ/b0S9qIgY4pqcyUJ79w7FLQARAQABiQG8BBgBCgAmFiEE75wyanJq s5RfO/7fNqSfdY+DTmgFAl6RV3gCGwwFCQPCZwAACgkQNqSfdY+DTmhD9wv/Zgav EHMuqF3765Fa4NapYh2kMS3skHn+ZzUEPLTlvrt7KHxomOzExNLSscZThMpur+yW

      [Description](layout: post title: Waiting for that green light... date: '2017-08-14T21:00:00.001-07:00' author: Adam M. Dobrin tags: modified_time: '2017-08-15T07:16:57.305-07:00' thumbnail: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QpZpZE6empE/WZJx21d-JlI/AAAAAAAAE9Y/vc7b9IvRM9w2S5eTBg3fkn6v2SYcKiETwCK4BGAYYCw/s72-c/image-726640.png blogger_id: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4677390916502096913.post-3757774439979245459 blogger_orig_url: ./2017/08/waiting-for-that-green-light.html

      From the point of the "belly" thing, I'm pretty sure we're halfway through the script.  Knowing him that was probably the halfway mark.  I don't think that's a bad thing... as long as it's honestly and speedily moving towards freedom; you know, progress.  That's a pretty good test to see if we're ... zombies or not.  In the meantime, I don't know... that's probably comforting right? Or is it repulsive? :)  Tell me something Taylor said.  Why won't you tell me what she said?  What was that promise that you made?  Wait, are you the person that promised something?  When do you think the script started?



      It's almost hard to believe that the Throne (to help, are on "e"of Glory comes from this place, isn't it?  Still, it's encoded in religion, in our myths and in multiple confirming sources, not the least of which the TV show called 7th Heaven... we will Si Monday, my dear "cam Den" we will.  I talked a little bit about backwards "green light" related to "glare" and Police (not that they glare at me, but their silly Hell-implying glare lights are actually red) and girl... I still don't know why girl is red or green, girls are blue to me.  Stew in that pat for a little while, and let's talk about something more uplifting, like the key's of Pa and Ra hidden away in many words, from paramount* to se_ pa r at e *andparadox.  Did you see what I did there, *clever* right?

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      DID I DO OK?

      I'm looking at the word "paramount" right now, and between you and I sometimes when I look at words magic happens, and something in the air told me that this email might be the messiah of me, the messiah of "nt"--the hidden Christ.  Or maybe not.  Sex sells, or so they say, but apparent not when Jesus talks about it--maybe it's another red light.  I'm bored, read that as "because of red" and lonely, probably because of "how I'm still single" as "hissbut still, I don't think it's right.  Coming to you with a message about everything I think is wrong and not your fault--or mine, by the way--shouldn't be the kind of thing that's frowned upon, especially when you have some clues in thousand year old scripture that these things were truly "made wrong on purpose" so that we could fix them, you know; our way.  That used to be talking about things, and making plans, and then implementing them--but today it's turned into ignoring everything I think is "world changing" and "morally demanded" and instead going on with our lives as if everything was "A-OK."  I'm glad you are doing OK, I'm not; and quite a few people in the world are not doing OK either, so I'm here to let you know that you are not doing as OK as you think you are... or as well as you could be doing.



      So here's why I thought for a minute that this message might save me.  You might think it's a little weird that I see "sex jokes" in Pandora, and pa: ra: do x, and Pose i do n; and while you might not be completely retarded to think that, I think you should agree with me that it's more weird that those things are there, and even more weird that you don't recognize that they are a signature of the same God that delivered his John Hancock in song, in Yankee Doodle, and in act, in Watergate.  My signature is a little bit different, if you've noticed my signature is being able to point out the intersection between things like Chuck and Geordie LaForge's magic vision ... and to explain that these things too are veritably connected by more than my words and the obvious ideas, they are connected by the act of Creation itself--they are the yarn of the Matrix.  Dox, as in "dox me" and "do n" are getting a little out of hand; if you don't understand that I am playing a role ... to make the words "and he became the light" actually true--which they are, you see--then I really do sincerely apologize, I don't think anyone should "do me" unless they want to--although it's a bit strange to me that nobody wants to.  Alarming, even.  I am equally alarmed by the Latin word for darkness which is "tenebris" which connects to that "x" and the word "equinox" and "Nintendo" and "verboten" and through all of this the only shining light of grace I see is that it's pretty obvious that X and J are both letters represented by "10."



      This story needs to break, and then we aren't in the heart of darkness anymore; it's called "morning" Biblical, and this particular morning is a very special one--because you're here.

      I have a special gift, "pa" is helping me read this words, and you might have noticed that they can be taken to mean different things. They don't really separate, or fly off the page and glow for me; but I know what all the keys are, many are simple, and many come from our IT and "computer-slang" acronyms... which tells you something.

      Many are "elements" and "initials" and the whole thing really is a part of the script,a  sort of key not just to Creation but to this specific story, to this path.  While some are "open to interpretation" (for instance, "in t" everyone really pre-tat; which would be a long ... time ... ago <3) or you could read "ERP" reason "t" and that might have something to do with "Great Plains" and some blue light that connections user interfaces to the word "automagical," FRX forms... Strawberry Fields and "above the fruited plains" ... which might be meaningless to you--but it's an idea that revolves around using user-feedback to interfaces (like the pottery wheel in my dream or in the Dr. Who episode "the Bells of Saint John" linked to down below) to adjust the interface in real time for a larger group; working towards making a number of "best-fit" interfaces that people are both more comfortable with and actually creating as they use them.  Ahhhh... blue light got in here, run away.  Just kidding, this is cyan light.


      Honestly, we could really make Healden in about 10 minutes now.  Look at that, it's done... ish.

      **\ **

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      For instance were we not surely "at e" meaning the end of the Revelation of words, "separate" might have been broken between Pa and Ra, which are big keys, in many words; but we are at "e" and that surely does mean the Creator and I are fused.  There's more confirmation of this than simply in the words for "medicine" and say, I don't know, methadone--which could have been broken at "a done" but is very clearly "ad is the one" here and now.  With careful preparation, "adparatio" in Latin, I'd "bet" that all of those keys are I, in this place, in this time.  AD, Pa, Ra, TI, and "o."  Hey, maybe this message is my messiah after all.  

      I am looking at a broken world, I really am--a place that is suffocating itself in silence and whispers that don't make it far enough for anyone to really understand.  Whatever it is, whatever's caused it, I see no solution other than me coming--I see it as a design, and I'm sorry that you don't seem to agree, but you have to see that the "choice" between seeing an obvious truth absolutely everywhere and not seeing it is really no choice at all--what is being hidden from the world is causing this darkness, it is causing the suffocation; it is the problem, hiding me is the problem and it cannot continue.  On a brighter note, I am pretty sure that magic will happen, and you will see that the world will not react quite as badly or shockingly as your worst fears, things might be a little ... tearful for a day or so, for crying out loud, they should be--the message is that you are in Hell and you need to do something, to act, to change that.  Actually trying to do that, trying to discuss what it is that is the "ele ph ant in the room" or the "do n key in the s k** y"  will show us that there was just no way around changing the world because of circumstances of Creation; something that we seem to be ignoring.  We also seem to be ignoring that things are "just fine" today, and even though many of you are well aware that "something is coming" only a few morons are building bunkers.  This is a message of peace, it is a message designed to help us use the new truth and new tools unsealed by religion to make the world a safer happier place, and we can do that .. . rather quickly.  Even quicker if you try to focus on what's wrong here, and how we make it better--rather than "shooting the messenger" dirty glares in the street.  I'm a person too, and believe it or not, I didn't ask for this--and I probably wouldn't have been so happy about it had this experience not isolated me so much from my friends and family, and girls; don't forget girls.

       \ ITS ME?


      So in the word "paramount" what is it that you think is the "paramount" take away?  I think the most important thing you can take away from "paramount" is that you didn't see it your whole life, and even when it's pointed out, you don't seem to think it's "news" that Pa and Ra have written a message to you.  What's really not funny, is that despite this message being very clear to see once it's pointed out, it still hasn't made any waves in the newspapers, or online, or in the news--what's paramount is seeing that there is a very sincere problem for civilization, it is an ELE and that ELE is something that is making everyone think that "not seeing something" is OK behavior.  It is not OK, it is not funnyuntil you recognize that something is dreadfully wrong with our society, until you see that ignoring that this message belongs in the news you are not seeing that what you are doing by ignoring it is destroying civilization itself.  Ignorance is the ELE.

      Your alternative, what you are doing, is making the world half blind, and stupider than you can imagine.  I keep on trying to show you what's wrong here, that it's not just a message but pain and suffering and the absolutely imminent and undeniable certain doom of everything if we do not recognize that hiding the fact that we are in virtual reality is the same thing as driving a nail into the wrists of every soul on the planet.



      With careful preparation, we are at IO (input/output) in the belly of the book that is a map to salvation. That IO comes well after disclosure, and well after Mars.  You are delaying the inevitable, and in the sickest possible twist, you are stewing in Hell instead of seeing Heaven built--more importantly instead of being the generation that should be the "founders" of that place.   I am sure that disclosure, will ... within a time frame that will most likely be faster than you can imagine, bring us an end to world hunger, to sickness, and doors to Heaven; and I just can't see what you are waiting for?  If it wasn't like this, you've got to see that we would be getting fucked right here and now; I am telling you the map and the plan, it's here to help us make this place better, and to show us how to actually survive in the Universe before kicking us out of the nest, and we are ... what are we thinking about?

      It's really obvious that it's not for my benefit, and it's obvious that it's not for yours either--so at what point will you realize that the behavior, the alarming behavior, that I am seeing from everyone is illogical.  At what point will you see that it is self-defeating, that it is ... well, Hell?  When will you see?  Be yourselves, the world that I grew up in doesn't hide controversy, we relish in it--we don't bury scandals under the rug--we put them on TV.   What's really more important to see is that  we, all of us, none of us... we would not hide "holographic universe" from ourselves and each other, nor would we hide "alien contact" or "the secrets of religion" and yet here we are, all doing that--and I wonder if we see that it's "not us" doing it, but ....  but ... butt  ... what is it again?

      **\ **


      HI, I'M A PERSON.  (and apparently a state, a country, and a Nintendo character)








      **\ **

      HERE, EMAIL THEM (please?and tell them to repent by writing a story):

      **\ **


      **gcoy@12news.com\ **

      **nmelosky@mcall.com\ **

      **lynn@ripr.org\ **


      Is it a cup? a stem?


      It must be Uranus.   Except, my "an us" is more awesome than you think, I mean my "a we" that would be "so me" for you to see it's really you too.  That's really what this message is about, it is about us seeing that we can do something together that would be rejected if it were done for us, or to us; even if we all really want it inside, without taking part ... we'd dislike it.  We're all like that, nobody wants a stranger to redecorate their house.  We share this house together, and I think we can all see that there are some changes that would make it a better place--from a cold Godless Universe of "chance" ruling to a ... caring and loving place that  cares about what we want and how we want to do it ... do you see?  If I came into your igloo and told you that the ice age was ending and this place was going to be a beautiful beach; except your walls are melting... would you keep that locked up inside?

      Don't worry, I won't get mad at anyone for being angry at their idea of Jesus Christ for not being more like me.  I won't be mad at all. :)

      I've done my best to share what I think will be helpful for the world to think about, as we ... embark on what is really a journey to the final frontier as well as what I know we need to do here in order to accomplish what it is that we would have done maybe a decade ago or maybe a century from now if we didn't know the advice was coming from God and the future--and we didn't know that it is the way to open the doors to Heaven permanently.    These are suggestions, they're really all of our ideas--at least everything I can grasp from things like Star Trek and Dr. Who and ... the Legend of Zelda... they're the kind of thing that we would probably find to be very discussion worthy, were we to all be sure that they are possible--and they are--and we need to see that.  

      There are lots of things that we really do need to think about, this is not a "fast" transition, it's not something happens "overnight" (oh my god, you don't know what that word just said to me) changes that would normally be occurring right now because of science and technology--things like increased longevity and mind uploading... these things are going to become much more quickly accessible, and we need to think about the implications that they will have on our society.   We need to talk about it, in public, in places where these conversations will help us to shape the future of "civilization."  I don't think you understand what it is we are doing, that's different than "before," but I am fairly certain that a "whole planet" has never done this, and the "road" between Earth and Heaven; fusing these ideas together is really nothing more or less than "progress."



      Progress that has never happened (or we wouldn't be here, and it's obvious).  See our cautions at the Last Supper (about not eating anymore) and at Cain and Abel (about forgetting how to farm) and at the Promised Land of Joshua (about not doing the Adam show, achem, I mean... about thinking that "replicators alone" milk and honey on tap... are good enough in Heaven) and in Noah's Ark... about showing us that the reason that we are here is to see how important biology and evolution and a stable ecosystem are to the survival of life in the Universe; to colonization of the stars, and to ... the evolution of our two party system past donkeys and elephants to something more appropriate for a free and technologically advanced society; as in, not a two-party system.


      wild-e :( (love your eyes...) :)

      From "separate" the "e_" that needs to be EE by the way, that key that might let us "see" is "everyone equal" that's what "ee" means. It's in "thirteen" and so on, and to help, I our "t" and r' n.  Victorious Earth, I need pre-crime to survive, what say you?  *Say nothing, and I am twelve. Keep saying no thing and I will be El, even.  *

      *\ *

       Image result for snaglepluss Related image

      Round and round we go... you need pre-crime to evolve, what say you?  Break the story, and we are one day closer to Heaven.  We need pre-crime not to be in Hell, we really do.  Don't you see?  Break the story.



      The days of "divide and conquer" are over, when you are through being a parted sea, or a flock of electric sheep, or a nation of slaves.   I do have an idea of what you expected of me, what you thought I'd be--I probably had similar expectations before I knew ... what I know.  Honestly, from me to you, that guy would have been pretty boring... and bored.

      It's a little funny.. isn't it?



      I R L


      | |

      Adam Marshall Dobrin

      about.me/ssiah |


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      Adam Marshall Dobrin

      about.me/ssiah |

      Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org.

      That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/

      This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract sense and literally just as close to the Depp/C[aster/Paglen (and honorably PK] 'D-hath Transundancesense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and my fusion of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America. It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ... April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ... if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for.

      Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually source ... must be "from this website." I also mean the thing that is built from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne.

      This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written. All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ... impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso\ If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at from the machine dotty org


      mQGNBF6RVvABDAC823JcYvgpEpy45z2EPgwJ9ZCL+pSFVnlgPKQAGD52q+kuckNZ mU3gbj1FIx/mwJJtaWZW6jaLDHLAZNJps93qpwdMCx0llhQogc8YN3j9RND7cTP5 eV8dS6z/9ta6TFOfwSZpsOZjCU7KFDStKcoulmvIGrr9wzaUr7fmDyE7cFp1KCZ0 i90oLYHqOIszRedvwCO/kBxawxzZuJ67DypcayiWyxqRHRmMZH1LejTaqTuEu0bp j54maTj09vnMxA0RfS+CtU5uMq+5fTkbiTOe1LrLD72m+PVJIS146FwESrMJEfJy oNqWEJlUQ0TecPZR41vnkSkpocE1/0YqUhWDGSht+67DdeKUg5KwvYdL21d/bSyO SM4jnyKn9aDVzLBpYrlE/lbFxujHPRGlRG5WtiPQuZYDRqP0GYFSXRpeUCI46f49 iPFo4eHo2jUfNDa9r9BjQdAe4zVFn2qLnOy8RWijlolbhGMHGO3w/uC/zad3jjo4 owAfsJjH5Oa1mTcAEQEAAbQmRUFSVEhFTkUgPGVhcnRoZW5lQGZyb210aGVtYWNo aW5lLm9yZz6JAdQEEwEKAD4WIQTUJHbrYn3y2DzwTcnQP1ViZf5/FQUCXpFW8AIb AwUJA8JnAAULCQgHAgYVCgkICwIEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRDQP1ViZf5/FWM6C/9J gbRLS2AWGjdRjYetlRkSkCoTYnXWknbtipYYHlhV0YJFwFMm0ydZIhFX5VDoZyBV 0UBeF1KJmcMoIfrHyhq2QhCnjE14hE1ONbaYTGtpvj851ItbFWXMJIVNyMqr+JT9 CWIxGr1idn+iHWE3nryiHrdlA3O/Gcd4EyNmaSe/JvB7+Z1AVqWkRhpjxxoPSlPm HEdqGOyl3+5ibQgUvXLRWWQXAj80CbVwwj1X4r9hfuCySxLT8Mir7NUXZFd+OiMS 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      next, we are off to view at the same time the fork in the road known and prior'd as the hallowed one, the Frost poem and it's "divergence in the wood"

      here we go:

      ** THE HOLY OF HOLIES, WIKIPEDIA CC'd AND BROKE It is imperative that the entire history of wikipedia eiditing be released under the CC license, not just the broken current front page; that I have been unable to get the world "to care about enough" to call it the literal difference between slavery and freedom,"

      ++ [https://holies.org/DEVLANEU.html] This is "Penny Lane" as in asking me if I'm coming or happy; you might as well avll me the forests that are echoing "we are now" or "that will do" ... and I say to the man who sings for the people who sang about the road to bethelehem or was it knocking on heavens door, or just the one about ... the stairway to heaven

      ** https://opensea.io/assets/base/0x32f86e0fc59f339bfd393a526051728657fd0c84/4

      buy an NFT:! #### Your item has been listed!

      END WORLD HUNGER from the SINGER ABT NOSRE collection has been listed for sale.

      SHARE TO...


      View listing

      ++ It is that. i AM THAT. Those are first words of Him in Exodus, he who spake through the Bush and Zarathustra. That is what that is about and in the moment, the world is "anokhi" and Hi, that's me/i -- and of course, related; the "nookie."

      we can also link to the next place where we will have a chatGPT log of a conversation available.)

  7. Jan 2024
    1. we believe that that annotation is a really important 00:05:05 uh potential tool and we think it's inevitable we could you know have our product teams develop an annotation layer you know or service um this just seems a such a better way to to go about 00:05:16 doing that um and as i said before to to invest in open at the same time makes a lot of sense so we're thinking about um how do we make the best use of our resources

      Docdrop is another tool enabled by Hypothesis (Hypothes.is). Here's I'm annotating a portion of transcript of a YouTube video clip.

    1. epub.js is a epub reader to allow annotation through hypothes.is

    2. https://web.archive.org/web/20240106090941/https://web.hypothes.is/blog/ebook-partnership/

      Hypothes.is announced a partnership to bring annotation to epub e-books in 2017, but after 2018 no mention of it on their blog. Mailed them to ask about any progress since. Read someone's msg on Masto that they have trouble keeping epub annotations connected to the book (unlike e.g. my kindle annotations that reside in the book, but also are linked back to the location by my obsidian kindle plugin, maintaining the connection and reference. epub is xhtml so it should be doable.

      epub is part of w3c standards (cause xhtml)

  8. Dec 2023
    1. well, someone finally made a "crypto-decentralized" #hypothesis. I guess that's a big deal.

      It is not everything I dreamed of; and it feels like the authors dont see the worth of the data feed. I wonder if anyone looks at this streaam.

  9. Nov 2023
    1. 楣樑(柱頂楣構) Note: 主要用於古典建築物,是古典柱頭頂部三大主要部份中位置最低的一個,擱在圓柱頂板上,包含以過樑方式橫跨圓柱或角柱的水平橫樑。古典柱頭頂部的另外兩個部份為挑檐和檐壁。環繞門或窗,類似柱頂過樑的鑄模框架,稱為「楣樑飾邊」。環繞拱門外部弧線的裝飾板條,則稱「拱門緣飾」。

      example of meta/hypothesis-on-glasp annotation

      entablature 楣樑;柱頂楣構

      order: 古典建築柱式(style, rule) e.g. Doric order

    1. 城市蔓延(英語:urban sprawl),或稱郊區蔓延(suburban sprawl),俗稱攤大餅,是指郊區城市化過程中,都市人口大幅向外發展,侵佔都市邊緣的鄉郊地區並形成低密度、單功能,且通常依賴小汽車的社區。除了描述特定的城市化過程的模式外,該術語也常常涉及其社會和環境上的後果。歐洲大陸常用「邊緣城市化」(peri-urbanisation)一詞來表示類似的過程,而歐洲環境署仍使用術語「城市蔓延」(urban sprawl)。關於何為蔓延以及如何量化蔓延存在廣泛分歧,例如一些評論員只用每英畝的居住單位數來度量蔓延,但也有人認為蔓延與非中心化(沒有明顯的中心,人口分散)、不連續性(蛙跳式發展,如下定義)和功能分離等有關。

      example of meta/hypothesis-on-omnivore annotation

    1. 即使AI狂热降温,这项技术也必然比加密技术更有用处



  10. Oct 2023
  11. Sep 2023
    1. Undocumented Hypothes.is Badge API (used by Chrome extension):

      ```python """ Return the number of public annotations on a given page.

      This is for the number that's displayed on the Chrome extension's badge.

      Certain pages are blocklisted so that the badge never shows a number on those pages. The Chrome extension is oblivious to this, we just tell it that there are 0 annotations. """ ```

      https://hypothes.is/api/badge?uri=* same as https://hypothes.is/api/search?limit=0&uri=*.

    1. From 2014 to 2017, we led the W3C Web Annotation Working Group, helping to develop the vocabulary, data model, protocol, and recommendation that resulted in the standard for web annotation.
    1. hypothesis is kind of easy to agree on after a couple deductive guesses so you 01:23:21 guys want to go through it and see if you're a simulation hypothesis that's what Elon Musk is all right first question to silently answer these do you think it's probable that our 01:23:36 descendants will have computational power that is vast compared to ours today presume the answer is probably [Music] 01:23:48 okay next question will that vast ability to simulate worlds result in any of them doing two or more High Fidelity or hyper realistic ancestor or origin 01:24:02 simulations that include fully realistic physics presume the answer is sure it's probably true that at least two out of countless trillions of our 01:24:15 descendants spread across every imaginable region of time and space will use their Advanced abilities to do origin simulations deducted conclusion in Elon musk's words 01:24:28 we're probably living in a simulation in my words it is more probable than not that we are in one of the simulated realities versus being so lucky we happen to be in the one real reality
      • for self-simulation hypothesis
      • comment
        • I agreed with a lot of what he said up to now. In fact, he does a rather good presentation summarizing the contemporary problems we face and emphasizing the acceleration of change in all human spheres, giving rise to our current polycrisis
        • I agree that the mythos of materialism needs to be seriously explored and other perspectives may give us new salient insights, but I don't think it's so obvious that the theory that we are living in a simulation.
          • and quantum gravity theory a highly abstract cultural artefact being used to prove that
        • is going to be the panacea to create a compelling new mythos..
        • If technology alone is insufficient as he earlier claimed, then quantum gravity theory, as part of the entangled STEMS nexus is part of that techno-complex that is insufficient.
        • This claim will have to be proven true by strong and compelling evidence that receives mass acceptance. Without that, it becomes an unjustified claim and the complexity of it will elude most people.
      • for: Deep Humanity to DH, Klee Irwin, Are we lining in a Simulation, The Self Simulation hypothesis
      • annotate
        • time 1:14 of interesting
      • comment
        • Klee Irwin is a controversial figure. His claims need to be interrogated quite critically.
        • His first doom and gloom section is accurate meta presentation, but his claims on advanced physics have been questioned by a number of critics.
    1. Add a new, undocumented separate_replies=True option to the search API. If separate_replies=True option is _not_ given to the search API, then it reverts to its previous behaviour: _do_ include replies in the "rows" list returned. This is the same behaviour that the search API had befor: it returns both top-level annotations and replies in the one "rows" list, but without any guarantee that if some annotations/replies from a given thread are in the list then all annotations/replies from that thread will be in it. If separate_replies=True _is_ given then the API follows the new behaviour: "rows" contains top-level annotations only, and a separate "replies" list containing all replies to the annotations in rows is also inserted into the result.
  12. Aug 2023
    1. Getting started Now you have the extension up and running. It's time to start annotating some documents. Create an account using the sidebar on the right of the screen. Pin the Hypothesis extension in Chrome (1 and 2), then activate the sidebar by clicking the button in the location bar (3). Go forth and annotate! Annotation Types There are a few types of annotations that can be created with the application: Notes Create a note by selecting some text and clicking the button Highlights Highlights can be created by clicking the button. Try it on this sentence. Replies You can reply to any annotation by using the reply action on every card. Privacy Annotations are either public and visible to everyone or private and visible only to you.

      How to use hypothesis

  13. Jun 2023
    1. Drawing on Carey Nieuwhof's decades of leadership, it shows how to sync your time, energy, and priorities so that you can reach your goals, have more energy for what you love, and begin to thrive both at work and at home

      Interest to me

    1. ```python def split_user(userid): """ Return the user and domain parts from the given user id as a dict.

      For example if userid is u'acct:seanh@hypothes.is' then return
      {'username': u'seanh', 'domain': u'hypothes.is'}'
      :raises InvalidUserId: if the given userid isn't a valid userid
      match = re.match(r"^acct:([^@]+)@(.*)$", userid)
      if match:
          return {"username": match.groups()[0], "domain": match.groups()[1]}
      raise InvalidUserId(userid)


    1. It was partly through their attempts to understand what caused and ended previous ice ages that climate scientists came to understand the dominant role that carbon dioxide plays in Earth’s climate system, and the role it is playing in current global warming.


    1. via.hypothes.is proxy

      If people whould like to use a bookmarklet to reload a webpage using via.hypothes.is/ you could use the following code. It works simular to the bookmarklet that is found on this page.


    1. After the verification passes, the batch of transactions is considered final like any other Ethereum transaction
    1. 接著到你想要劃記的網頁上,點擊擴充元件或是剛剛加入的那個書籤,就會看到頁面右邊有三個圖案:< 、 眼睛 和 筆記。 點開<,點 Sign In 後,建議先點擊一下上面的 Public,再建立一個新的 Private Group,或是你要直接劃記也可以。 以上就是簡易設定,現在就能開始劃重點。


  14. May 2023
    1. The system worked in a way that it disappeared, Jeremy D.right like Viranga P.there's. A concept in design. I think Steve Jobs borrowed it from a German designer of design. That's really good disappears. Right. That design. That. Is well done is obvious. Where if you're trying to reach for a doorknob, it's where it's supposed Jeremy D.to be Viranga P.and you reach it and you don't even think about the fact that the doorknob Jeremy D.was where Viranga P.it's supposed to be. I think hypothesis like that. I think. The design is good so that. You don't really have to think about the platform. The platform kind of disappears into the background, which is what you want from. I think a student's perspective, I think it shouldn't matter. Because if that was what was happening with I think perusal is the platform itself was getting Jeremy D.in the way Viranga P.I think. Good design should disappear.

      Hypothesis as an example of "good design disappears." Compare to Perusall overengineered.

  15. Apr 2023
  16. Mar 2023
    1. Some people argue that the Welch’s t-test should be the default choice for comparing the means of two independent groups since it performs better than the Student’s t-test when sample sizes and variances are unequal between groups, and it gives identical results when sample sizes are variances are equal. In practice, when you are comparing the means of two groups it’s unlikely that the standard deviations for each group will be identical. This makes it a good idea to just always use Welch’s t-test, so that you don’t have to make any assumptions about equal variances.
    1. Non-parametric tests don’t make as many assumptions about the data, and are useful when one or more of the common statistical assumptions are violated. However, the inferences they make aren’t as strong as with parametric tests.
    1. Nonparametric statistics are often preferred to parametric tests when the sample size is small and the data are skewed or contain outliers.
    2. when to use parametric versus nonparametric tests [8,9,10]
  17. Feb 2023
  18. Jan 2023
    1. https://polygloss.app/posts/learning-toki-pona-language-of-good/

    2. The words toki pona can be translated as “the language of good”. Its purpose is to help its speakers simplify their thoughts, focus on basic things, immediate surroundings, and induce positive thoughts. According to the wikipedia page of Toki Pona, this means the language and its purpose are in accordance with the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, which says that a language influences the way a person thinks and behaves.

      Link to https://hypothes.is/a/6Znx6MiMEeu3ljcVBsKNOw We shape our tools and thereafter they shape us.

    1. The hypothesis of linguistic relativity, also known as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis /səˌpɪər ˈwɔːrf/, the Whorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, is a principle suggesting that the structure of a language influences its speakers' worldview or cognition, and thus people's perceptions are relative to their spoken language.


      link to Toki Pona as a conlang

      Link to https://hypothes.is/a/6Znx6MiMEeu3ljcVBsKNOw We shape our tools and thereafter they shape us.

  19. Nov 2022
    1. Using a shortcut1 you can either share the url to their service or inject their javascript library and start annotating and commenting Medium style on any article you read, even on your phone!

      Wouln't the Hypothesis bookmarklet be preferable and easier to use?

    1. It seems to me that they hide behind progressive social stances and say "see we're nice guys!" when they're just as rude and indignant than any other group.
    1. How to Turn Obsidian Into a Personal Kanban Organizer

      Checking if Hypothesis works on Android via Brave mobile browser. Here's some LaTex being tested \(A \cup B\)

    1. "This is a job market that just won't quit. It's challenging the rules of economics," said Becky Frankiewicz,  chief commercial officer of hiring company ManpowerGroup in an email after the data was released. "The economic indicators are signaling caution, yet American employers are signaling confidence."

      This article explains the economic market. Creating 528,000 jobs is an outstanding aspect for the American people. But It also needs to explain the bad parts of creating jobs in this situation. Because challenging the rules of economics should not make a better situation, There are also high risks.

    1. That could create even more burdens for businesses because hiking interest rates tends to create higher rates on consumer and business loans, which slows the economy by forcing employers to cut back on spending.

      This article describes the disadvantages of high-interest rates. Although there are facts and parts that we need to be concerned about, high-interest rates also have advantages. There are more information about advantages about high-interest.

  20. Oct 2022
    1. community

      My first impression of the user experience is that it could be easier for new users to onboard into communities that share their interests.

    2. Director of Marketing Director of Marketingfrannyfrench2022-09-02T13:17:36-07:00

      The need for to enable better quality conversations online is something that's constantly on my mind. I get the impression that this company could, and more importantly wants to, do that in good faith.

  21. Sep 2022
    1. I'm not sure why my website is showing up as "how to save edtech" in hypothesis. It should just be titled after my name. Will work on it!

    1. the silurian hypothesis now this is actually a bit of a play on words it's actually based on the episode of doctor who that had a strange race known as sillurians 00:05:52 that evolved millions and millions of years ago from ancient reptiles that also possess intelligence but then because of the climatic changes on the planet essentially went into a prolonged state of hibernation in order to survive 00:06:04 the inhibitable earth waking up on modern earth and then interacting with the doctor and so because of this episode the scientists behind this paper decided to give it a kind of a tony chick name calling it the silverine hypothesis which by itself comes from a 00:06:17 geological period roughly around 440 million years ago and honestly for me personally this right here represents one of the more important papers or one of the more important propositions when it comes to 00:06:29 the idea of extraterrestrial intelligence because at the moment there's really only two possible answers either we're completely alone and we kind of evolved completely by accident and there's really no other intelligence anywhere out there which makes it a kind 00:06:41 of an evolutionary fluke and it's unlikely to repeat anywhere or anyone in the universe or extraterrestrial intelligence and any kind of intelligence is pretty common and we should be finding a lot of it here on 00:06:54 planet earth in the historical record

      !- history : Silurian hypothesis - there could be records of past intelligent species in the fossil records

    1. If you use h., I’d be interested to hear about it.

      I do! 525 annotations since 2012, but I took a long break and only started re-using it late last year. The social part of annotations has been useful for me in a few cases, but for the most part I annotate to get quotes and my thoughts about them into my own Obsidian vault. (I don't use an Obsidian plugin...instead I side-load the Markdown files with a Python script.) I haven't yet added Hypothesis to my blog, but it is on my list of things to do.

      I'll second what Colby said in an earlier comment: Peter Hagen's work on annotations.lindylearn.io has been invaluable in expanding the quality content that crosses my screen.

    1. 当点击分享图标时,你可以用 Twitter、Facebook、邮件分享文章和标注,或者是直接把网址嵌入到网页中。


  22. Aug 2022
    1. We specifically addressed thequestion of whether friendships developed with majority-grouppeers over the 1st year of college predicted feelings of belongingin the university 1 to 2 years later, as well as change in satis-faction with the university over this time period.
  23. www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
    1. More specifically, we ex-pected that the development of a cross-group friendship wouldlead to more initiation of intergroup interactions during the diaryperiod, particularly among those who were originally predisposedto anxiety in such interactions. We further hypothesized that par-ticipants higher in RS-race would report more anxious mood overthe diary period but that this anxiety would be attenuated throughthe development of cross-group friendship.
    2. Bringing together the above literatures, we hypothesized thatonly participants who are likely to experience anxiety in intergroupcontexts (either because of RS-race or implicit prejudice) shouldshow signs of hormonal stress responses when they first meet across-group partner, but that cross-group friendship should atten-uate such stress responses over the course of friendship develop-ment. As a corollary, participants who scored lower on measuresof RS-race or implicit prejudice were not expected to show suchattenuation in the cross-group condition because they should havebeen less likely to exhibit hormonal stress responses in the firstplace.
    3. On the one hand, we hypothesized that cortisol reactivityshould be the least pronounced among participants who werepredisposed to anxiety in intergroup contexts but also paired witha cross-group partner with prior intergroup contact. On the otherhand, a series of recent findings have led to an alternate hypothesisthat participants with prior intergroup contact may engendergreater threat among outgroup partners who are vigilant for cues ofrejection in intergroup encounters.
    4. Generally, we propose that cross-group friendship improvesintergroup interactions through systematic disconfirmations ofnegative expectations about intergroup experiences (Mendoza-Denton, Page-Gould, & Pietrzak, 2006).
    1. In line with the much-requested (and long-longed-for) feature of highlights in different colors (an exhaustive list given in #198), I would like to suggest allowing (automatic) coloring of highlights based on tags with designated patterns (like code:critiques, code:non-ergodicity in psychology, etc.), or alternatively, all tags (i.e., without specific patterns).
    1. ```js / Adapted from: https://github.com/openannotation/annotator/blob/v1.2.x/src/plugin/document.coffee Annotator v1.2.10 https://github.com/openannotation/annotator Copyright 2015, the Annotator project contributors. Dual licensed under the MIT and GPLv3 licenses. https://github.com/openannotation/annotator/blob/master/LICENSE /

      /* * nb. The DocumentMetadata type is renamed to avoid a conflict with the * DocumentMetadata class below. * * @typedef {import('../../types/annotator').DocumentMetadata} Metadata /

      import { normalizeURI } from '../util/url';

      /* * @typedef Link * @prop {string} link.href * @prop {string} [link.rel] * @prop {string} [link.type] /

      /* * Extension of the Metadata type with non-optional fields for dc, eprints etc. * * @typedef HTMLDocumentMetadata * @prop {string} title * @prop {Link[]} link * @prop {Record<string, string[]>} dc * @prop {Record<string, string[]>} eprints * @prop {Record<string, string[]>} facebook * @prop {Record<string, string[]>} highwire * @prop {Record<string, string[]>} prism * @prop {Record<string, string[]>} twitter * @prop {string} [favicon] * @prop {string} [documentFingerprint] /

      / * HTMLMetadata reads metadata/links from the current HTML document. */ export class HTMLMetadata { / * @param {object} [options] * @param {Document} [options.document] */ constructor(options = {}) { this.document = options.document || document; }

      /* * Returns the primary URI for the document being annotated * * @return {string} / uri() { let uri = decodeURIComponent(this._getDocumentHref());

      // Use the `link[rel=canonical]` element's href as the URL if present.
      const links = this._getLinks();
      for (let link of links) {
        if (link.rel === 'canonical') {
          uri = link.href;
      return uri;


      / * Return metadata for the current page. * * @return {HTMLDocumentMetadata} */ getDocumentMetadata() { / @type {HTMLDocumentMetadata} */ const metadata = { title: document.title, link: [],

        dc: this._getMetaTags('name', 'dc.'),
        eprints: this._getMetaTags('name', 'eprints.'),
        facebook: this._getMetaTags('property', 'og:'),
        highwire: this._getMetaTags('name', 'citation_'),
        prism: this._getMetaTags('name', 'prism.'),
        twitter: this._getMetaTags('name', 'twitter:'),
      const favicon = this._getFavicon();
      if (favicon) {
        metadata.favicon = favicon;
      metadata.title = this._getTitle(metadata);
      metadata.link = this._getLinks(metadata);
      const dcLink = metadata.link.find(link => link.href.startsWith('urn:x-dc'));
      if (dcLink) {
        metadata.documentFingerprint = dcLink.href;
      return metadata;


      / * Return an array of all the content values of <meta> tags on the page * where the value of the attribute begins with <prefix>. * * @param {string} attribute * @param {string} prefix - it is interpreted as a regex * @return {Record<string,string[]>} */ _getMetaTags(attribute, prefix) { / @type {Record<string,string[]>} */ const tags = {}; for (let meta of Array.from(this.document.querySelectorAll('meta'))) { const name = meta.getAttribute(attribute); const { content } = meta; if (name && content) { const match = name.match(RegExp(^${prefix}(.+)$, 'i')); if (match) { const key = match[1].toLowerCase(); if (tags[key]) { tags[key].push(content); } else { tags[key] = [content]; } } } } return tags; }

      /* @param {HTMLDocumentMetadata} metadata / _getTitle(metadata) { if (metadata.highwire.title) { return metadata.highwire.title[0]; } else if (metadata.eprints.title) { return metadata.eprints.title[0]; } else if (metadata.prism.title) { return metadata.prism.title[0]; } else if (metadata.facebook.title) { return metadata.facebook.title[0]; } else if (metadata.twitter.title) { return metadata.twitter.title[0]; } else if (metadata.dc.title) { return metadata.dc.title[0]; } else { return this.document.title; } }

      / * Get document URIs from <link> and <meta> elements on the page. * * @param {Pick<HTMLDocumentMetadata, 'highwire'|'dc'>} [metadata] - * Dublin Core and Highwire metadata parsed from <meta> tags. * @return {Link[]} */ _getLinks(metadata = { dc: {}, highwire: {} }) { / @type {Link[]} */ const links = [{ href: this._getDocumentHref() }];

      // Extract links from `<link>` tags with certain `rel` values.
      const linkElements = Array.from(this.document.querySelectorAll('link'));
      for (let link of linkElements) {
        if (
          !['alternate', 'canonical', 'bookmark', 'shortlink'].includes(link.rel)
        ) {
        if (link.rel === 'alternate') {
          // Ignore RSS feed links.
          if (link.type && link.type.match(/^application\/(rss|atom)\+xml/)) {
          // Ignore alternate languages.
          if (link.hreflang) {
        try {
          const href = this._absoluteUrl(link.href);
          links.push({ href, rel: link.rel, type: link.type });
        } catch (e) {
          // Ignore URIs which cannot be parsed.
      // Look for links in scholar metadata
      for (let name of Object.keys(metadata.highwire)) {
        const values = metadata.highwire[name];
        if (name === 'pdf_url') {
          for (let url of values) {
            try {
                href: this._absoluteUrl(url),
                type: 'application/pdf',
            } catch (e) {
              // Ignore URIs which cannot be parsed.
        // Kind of a hack to express DOI identifiers as links but it's a
        // convenient place to look them up later, and somewhat sane since
        // they don't have a type.
        if (name === 'doi') {
          for (let doi of values) {
            if (doi.slice(0, 4) !== 'doi:') {
              doi = `doi:${doi}`;
            links.push({ href: doi });
      // Look for links in Dublin Core data
      for (let name of Object.keys(metadata.dc)) {
        const values = metadata.dc[name];
        if (name === 'identifier') {
          for (let id of values) {
            if (id.slice(0, 4) === 'doi:') {
              links.push({ href: id });
      // Look for a link to identify the resource in Dublin Core metadata
      const dcRelationValues = metadata.dc['relation.ispartof'];
      const dcIdentifierValues = metadata.dc.identifier;
      if (dcRelationValues && dcIdentifierValues) {
        const dcUrnRelationComponent =
          dcRelationValues[dcRelationValues.length - 1];
        const dcUrnIdentifierComponent =
          dcIdentifierValues[dcIdentifierValues.length - 1];
        const dcUrn =
          'urn:x-dc:' +
          encodeURIComponent(dcUrnRelationComponent) +
          '/' +
        links.push({ href: dcUrn });
      return links;


      _getFavicon() { let favicon = null; for (let link of Array.from(this.document.querySelectorAll('link'))) { if (['shortcut icon', 'icon'].includes(link.rel)) { try { favicon = this._absoluteUrl(link.href); } catch (e) { // Ignore URIs which cannot be parsed. } } } return favicon; }

      /* * Convert a possibly relative URI to an absolute one. This will throw an * exception if the URL cannot be parsed. * * @param {string} url / _absoluteUrl(url) { return normalizeURI(url, this.document.baseURI); }

      // Get the true URI record when it's masked via a different protocol. // This happens when an href is set with a uri using the 'blob:' protocol // but the document can set a different uri through a <base> tag. _getDocumentHref() { const { href } = this.document.location; const allowedSchemes = ['http:', 'https:', 'file:'];

      // Use the current document location if it has a recognized scheme.
      const scheme = new URL(href).protocol;
      if (allowedSchemes.includes(scheme)) {
        return href;
      // Otherwise, try using the location specified by the <base> element.
      if (
        this.document.baseURI &&
        allowedSchemes.includes(new URL(this.document.baseURI).protocol)
      ) {
        return this.document.baseURI;
      // Fall back to returning the document URI, even though the scheme is not
      // in the allowed list.
      return href;

      } } ```

    1. yaml definitions: Annotation: type: object required: - user - uri properties: id: type: string description: Unique ID for this Annotation. uri: type: string description: URI which is the target of this Annotation. target: type: array items: - type: object properties: scope: type: array items: - type: string selector: type: array items: - type: object properties: type: description: Type of Selector--see Web Annotation Data Model. type: string source: type: string user: type: string description: User URI in the form of an `acct` prefixed URI. document: type: object description: Target document metadata schema: $ref: '#/definitions/DocumentMetadata' permissions: type: object description: Permissions for this Annotation. created: type: string format: date-time updated: type: string format: date-time AnnotationList: type: object properties: total: type: number rows: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Annotation' DocumentMetadata: type: object properties: eprints: type: object title: type: string twitter: type: object properties: image:src: type: array items: type: string title: type: array items: type: string description: type: array items: type: string card: type: array items: type: string site: type: array items: type: string dc: type: object favicon: type: string prism: type: object highwire: type: object link: type: array items: type: object properties: href: type: string facebook: type: object properties: site_name: type: array items: type: string description: type: array items: type: string title: type: array items: type: string url: type: array items: type: string image: type: array items: type: string type: type: array items: type: string

    1. 免费:免费,开源,是 HP 置顶的 Principle。目前靠捐赠发电,大部分捐款来自于 The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation,从捐赠金额来看,有机会在未来3,5年继续坚持免费。 全平台:它的确做到了“Annotate the web, with anyone, anywhere.”无论是 Win PC,还是 Mac,iPad,或者手机,只要有浏览器,无论是 Chrome 还是 Safari,都可以随时随地呼出 HP 开始工作。 共享:知识共享是 HP 的初衷之一,打开它们的首页,第一句口号就是“让阅读动起来,活起来,社交起来”。当你标注网页时,HP 会默认公开你的标注信息,同样的,你也可以在任意网页,看到来自他人的标注,有点像 Medium,但 HP 做到了覆盖全万维网。 隐私:如果你不想公开自己的标准,只需要建立一个私密群组(private group),存在这里的标注只有你,和你邀请的人才能看到,这也让我有机会为 happy collection 的用户提供多一项内容:加入我的私密群组,查看标注。 导出:尽管自己不做导出功能,因为 HP 提供了 API,用户可以通过第三方工具导出为 HTML,CSV或纯文本格式。


  24. Jul 2022
    1. Getting started Now you have the extension up and running. It's time to start annotating some documents. Create an account using the sidebar on the right of the screen. Pin the Hypothesis extension in Chrome (1 and 2), then activate the sidebar by clicking the button in the location bar (3). Go forth and annotate!


    1. This extension doesn't work automatically after installation. I noted some tips about how to use this extension in my Twitter thread. Please take a look, I believe it helps.

  25. Jun 2022
    1. By dropping or reducing or postponing the least importantparts, we can unblock ourselves and move forward even when timeis scarce.

      When working on a project, to stave off potential procrastination on finishing, one should focus on the minimum viable version and finish that. They can then progressively enhance portions and add on addition pieces which may be beneficial or even nice to have.

      Spending too much time on the things that sound nice or that one "might want to have" in the future will be the death of the thing.

      link to: - you ain't gonna need it - bikeshedding for procrastination

      questions: - Does the misinterpreted-effort hypothesis play a role in creating our procrastination and/or lead to decision fatigue?

    2. If we overlay the four steps of CODE onto the model ofdivergence and convergence, we arrive at a powerful template forthe creative process in our time.

      The way that Tiago Forte overlaps the idea of C.O.D.E. (capture/collect, organize, distill, express) with the divergence/convergence model points out some primary differences of his system and that of some of the more refined methods of maintaining a zettelkasten.

      A flattened diamond shape which grows from a point on the left so as to indicate divergence from a point to the diamond's wide middle which then decreases to the right to indicate convergence  to the opposite point. Overlapping this on the right of the diamond are the words "capture" and "organize" while the converging right side is overlaid with "distill" and "express". <small>Overlapping ideas of C.O.D.E. and divergence/convergence from Tiago Forte's book Building a Second Brain (Atria Books, 2022) </small>

      Forte's focus on organizing is dedicated solely on to putting things into folders, which is a light touch way of indexing them. However it only indexes them on one axis—that of the folder into which they're being placed. This precludes them from being indexed on a variety of other axes from the start to other places where they might also be used in the future. His method requires more additional work and effort to revisit and re-arrange (move them into other folders) or index them later.

      Most historical commonplacing and zettelkasten techniques place a heavier emphasis on indexing pieces as they're collected.

      Commonplacing creates more work on the user between organizing and distilling because they're more dependent on their memory of the user or depending on the regular re-reading and revisiting of pieces one may have a memory of existence. Most commonplacing methods (particularly the older historic forms of collecting and excerpting sententiae) also doesn't focus or rely on one writing out their own ideas in larger form as one goes along, so generally here there is a larger amount of work at the expression stage.

      Zettelkasten techniques as imagined by Luhmann and Ahrens smooth the process between organization and distillation by creating tacit links between ideas. This additional piece of the process makes distillation far easier because the linking work has been done along the way, so one only need edit out ideas that don't add to the overall argument or piece. All that remains is light editing.

      Ahrens' instantiation of the method also focuses on writing out and summarizing other's ideas in one's own words for later convenient reuse. This idea is also seen in Bruce Ballenger's The Curious Researcher as a means of both sensemaking and reuse, though none of the organizational indexing or idea linking seem to be found there.

      This also fits into the diamond shape that Forte provides as the height along the vertical can stand in as a proxy for the equivalent amount of work that is required during the overall process.

      This shape could be reframed for a refined zettelkasten method as an indication of work

      Forte's diamond shape provided gives a visual representation of the overall process of the divergence and convergence.

      But what if we change that shape to indicate the amount of work that is required along the steps of the process?!

      Here, we might expect the diamond to relatively accurately reflect the amounts of work along the path.

      If this is the case, then what might the relative workload look like for a refined zettelkasten? First we'll need to move the express portion between capture and organize where it more naturally sits, at least in Ahren's instantiation of the method. While this does take a discrete small amount of work and time for the note taker, it pays off in the long run as one intends from the start to reuse this work. It also pays further dividends as it dramatically increases one's understanding of the material that is being collected, particularly when conjoined to the organization portion which actively links this knowledge into one's broader world view based on their notes. For the moment, we'll neglect the benefits of comparison of conjoined ideas which may reveal flaws in our thinking and reasoning or the benefits of new questions and ideas which may arise from this juxtaposition.

      Graphs of commonplace book method (collect, organize, distill, express) versus zettelkasten method (collect, express, organize (index/link), and distill (edit)) with work on the vertical axis and time/methods on the horizontal axis. While there is similar work in collection the graph for the zettelkasten is overall lower and flatter and eventually tails off, the commonplace slowly increases over time.

      This sketch could be refined a bit, but overall it shows that frontloading the work has the effect of dramatically increasing the efficiency and productivity for a particular piece of work.

      Note that when compounded over a lifetime's work, this diagram also neglects the productivity increase over being able to revisit old work and re-using it for multiple different types of work or projects where there is potential overlap, not to mention the combinatorial possibilities.


      It could be useful to better and more carefully plot out the amounts of time, work/effort for these methods (based on practical experience) and then regraph the resulting power inputs against each other to come up with a better picture of the efficiency gains.

      Is some of the reason that people are against zettelkasten methods that they don't see the immediate gains in return for the upfront work, and thus abandon the process? Is this a form of misinterpreted-effort hypothesis at work? It can also be compounded at not being able to see the compounding effects of the upfront work.

      What does research indicate about how people are able to predict compounding effects over time in areas like money/finance? What might this indicate here? Humans definitely have issues seeing and reacting to probabilities in this same manner, so one might expect the same intellectual blindness based on system 1 vs. system 2.

      Given that indexing things, especially digitally, requires so little work and effort upfront, it should be done at the time of collection.

      I'll admit that it only took a moment to read this highlighted sentence and look at the related diagram, but the amount of material I was able to draw out of it by reframing it, thinking about it, having my own thoughts and ideas against it, and then innovating based upon it was incredibly fruitful in terms of better differentiating amongst a variety of note taking and sense making frameworks.

      For me, this is a great example of what reading with a pen in hand, rephrasing, extending, and linking to other ideas can accomplish.

    1. the research says is that students often

      the research says is that students often don't use the right learning strategy because they react negatively to effort in fact it even is so well demonstrated that it has its own name it's called the ==misinterpreted effort hypothesis== it says that students tend to see a learning strategy feel that it is more effortful more challenging and as a result they will veer away from that because they feel that that effort means that they're either doing it wrong or that the technique is bad they consider more effortful learning with being a bad thing

      Students will perceive learning strategies that require more effort and work on their part to be less productive in the long term, often when the opposite is the case. This phenomenon is known as the misinterpreted effort hypothesis.

      Link to: - research in Ahrens that rereading and reviewing over material seems easy, but isn't as effective as directly answering questions and performing the work to produce one's own answer. - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010028519302270

    1. “If practicing feels easy, you’re probably not doing it right.

      Link to: - plateau effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plateau_effect, also described in Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hours rule

    2. So when we struggle – like when we have difficulty making sense of a math review problem, or when we can’t seem to get a note to speak in quite the right way in a run-through – it appears that we misinterpret greater effort as an indication of reduced learning. And that this is why we tend to gravitate to activities like re-reading the textbook, which feels easier and more productive than struggling for five minutes to solve a review problem and still getting it wrong. 

      Re-reading a text or our notes may seem like it's an easier and more productive review strategy for tests, but working through more difficult problems that require one to do work to come up with an answer are much more effective.

    3. the more effortful strategy is the one that often leads to more effective learning.

      The practice or learning strategy that seems to take the most work is probably the most effective.

    4. Well, for one, there was a clear preference for the blocked study schedule, with 68% of participants reporting that they would choose the blocked strategy to study for a test, while only 32% chose the interleaved strategy. Which is interesting, because the research on blocked vs. interleaved practice suggests that in many cases, interleaving is actually the more effective strategy (here’s a great summary of the research on interleaved practice, why and how it works, guidelines for use, and examples of times when blocked may be better).

      Interleaved practice methods are more effective learning strategies than block practice.

    5. the more effort they had to put into the study strategy, the less they felt they were learning.

      misinterpreted-effort hypothesis: the amount of effort one puts into studying is inversely proportional to how much one feels they learn.

      Is this why the Says Something In Welsh system works so well? Because it requires so much mental work and effort in short spans of time? Particularly in relation to Duolingo which seems easier?

  26. May 2022
    1. The new lines you mention really are present in the text content of the element. HTML tags are not being replaced by new lines, they just get omitted entirely. If you look at the textContent property of the <p> element you selected in the browser console, and you'll see the same new lines. Also if you select the text and run window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).toString() in the browser console you'll see the same new lines. In summary, this is working as it is currently expected to. What I think may have been surprising here is that the captured text is not the same as what would be copied to the clipboard. When copying to the clipboard, new lines in the source get replaced with spaces, and <br> tags get converted to new lines. Browser specifications distinguish the original text content of HTML "in the source" as returned by element.textContent from the text content "as rendered" returned by element.innerText. Hypothesis has always captured quotes from and searched for quotes in the "source" text content rather than the "rendered" text. This behavior causes issues with line breaks as well. It might make sense for us to look at capturing the rendered text (as copied to the clipboard) rather than the source text in future. We'd need to be careful to handle all the places where this distinction comes up, and also make sure that all existing annotations anchor properly. Also we should talk to other parties interested in the Web Annotations specifications to discuss how this impacts interoperability.
      What I think may have been surprising here is that the captured text is not the same as what would be copied to the clipboard. When <mark>copying to the clipboard, <mark style="background-color: #8000314f">new lines in the source</mark> get <mark style="background-color:#00800030">replaced with spaces</mark>, and <br> tags get converted to new lines</mark>. </br> <mark>Browser specifications distinguish <mark style="background-color: #00800036">the original text content of HTML "in the source"</mark> as returned by <mark style="background-color: #00800036"/>element.textContent</mark> from <mark style="background-color: #ffa500a1">the text content "as rendered" returned by element.innerText.</mark></mark> Hypothesis has always captured quotes from and searched for quotes in the "source" text content rather than the "rendered" text.
    1. <details open> <summary>
      Nanotate Annotations Samples
      </summary> ```json [ { "id":"d5JrdABbEeuatj9X3vvoXw", "authority":"__world__", "url":"https://protocolexchange.researchsquare.com/article/pex-1069/v1", "created":"2020-09-27T00:50:41.265044+00:00", "updated":"2020-09-27T00:50:41.265044+00:00", "title":[ "Sample preparation and imaging procedures for fast and multiplexed superresolution microscopy with DNA-PAINT-ERS" ], "refs":[ ], "isReply":false, "isPagenote":false, "user":"acct:miguel.ruano@hypothes.is", "displayName":null, "text":"", "prefix":"for 10 minutes. Wash with PBS3. ", "exact":"Add imaging buffer with desired ratios of Buffer C (500 mM), ethylene carbonate, and IS-CF660R at 1-2 nM final concentration. The exact concentration of IS may need to be adjusted depending on the target and based on the imaging kinetics.", "suffix":"", "start":15158, "end":15396, "tags":[ "step" ], "group":"__world__", "ontologies":[ ] }, { "id":"FrhgjABcEeu5B4dnXgvb_A", "authority":"__world__", "url":"https://protocolexchange.researchsquare.com/article/pex-1069/v1", "created":"2020-09-27T00:55:08.276888+00:00", "updated":"2020-10-05T14:15:00.764415+00:00", "title":[ "Sample preparation and imaging procedures for fast and multiplexed superresolution microscopy with DNA-PAINT-ERS" ], "refs":[ ], "isReply":false, "isPagenote":false, "user":"acct:miguel.ruano@hypothes.is", "displayName":null, "text":"my other text modificate", "prefix":"ed ratios of Buffer C (500 mM), ", "exact":"ethylene carbonate", "suffix":"", "start":15219, "end":15237, "tags":[ "reagent" ], "group":"__world__", "ontologies":[ "CHEBI" ], "settings":{ "bio_annotations":[ "" ] } }, { "id":"7Z1sugBbEeu9_wtvk1iAjw", "authority":"__world__", "url":"https://protocolexchange.researchsquare.com/article/pex-1069/v1", "created":"2020-09-27T00:53:59.317703+00:00", "updated":"2020-09-30T00:39:50.822216+00:00", "title":[ "Sample preparation and imaging procedures for fast and multiplexed superresolution microscopy with DNA-PAINT-ERS" ], "refs":[ ], "isReply":false, "isPagenote":false, "user":"acct:miguel.ruano@hypothes.is", "displayName":null, "text":"", "prefix":"10 minutes. Wash with PBS3. Add ", "exact":"imaging buffer", "suffix":"", "start":15162, "end":15176, "tags":[ "reagent" ], "group":"__world__", "ontologies":[ "CHEBI" ], "settings":{ "bio_annotations":[ "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_35225" ] } } ] </summary>
    1. Create a note by selecting some text and clicking the button

      This is my first website notes annotation

  27. Apr 2022
    1. The general trend is that students who report improved socioemotional outcomes also show suggestions of increased activity in collaborative tools relative to their peers.

      Another positive outcome from students taking courses with collaborative assignments.

    2. In this sample, 1,868 students enrolled in at least one undergraduate class with, and at least one undergraduate class without, some form of collaborative activity (peer review, Piazza, CourseNetworking, etc.), not including discussions.

      Interesting: Discussions are excluded from collaborative activies.

    3. Similarly, social annotation tools such as Hypothesis provide opportunities for students and instructors to interactively engage in a shared resource of interest wherein problems, challenges, and insights can be discussed.

      Mention of Hypothesis social annotation as a site for teacher/learner engagement.

    4. We estimate that students performed 1.16% points (95% HDI [0.65–1.66]) better in their undergraduate courses with collaborative activities, compared with the same students’ performance in undergraduate courses without collaborative activities.

      Interesting positive student success finding for courses with collaborative assignments.

    1. n P

      it would be nice to have a clean way to comment/suggest something between two elements.

      like here, what if i want to add a bullet at the end?

      (I know I'd probably just highlight "Ukraine invasion" and annotate there, but still.)

  28. Mar 2022
    1. 通过 Hypothesis 创建的公开批注可以通过 RSS 地址 https://hypothes.is/stream.rss?user=<username> 订阅
    1. académicos

      Herramienta de gran utilidad. Formato de uso PDF y HTML. Aplicada a contextos académicos, educativos. es interesante por el uso que se le puede dar en los espacios de interacción con otros grupos de investigadores o amantes de un tema en específico.

  29. Feb 2022
    1. Teaching Online 101 Winter 2022Calendar Event Conversation Cafe is not marked as done.Teaching Online 101 Winter 2022 Calendar EventCalendar Event Conversation Cafe, at Wednesday, February 9, 2022 1:00 PM until 2:00 PMConversation Cafe1:00 PM to 2:00 PMjoin online meetingJoinhttps://washington.zoom.us/j/91727234822Discussion Group Reflection and Discussion is not marked as done.Teaching Online 101 Winter 2022 DiscussionDiscussion Group Reflection and Discussion, due Wednesday, February 9, 2022 11:59 PM.Group Reflection and Discussion3 ptsDue: 11:59 PMQuiz Self-Check: Types of Interaction is not marked as done.Teaching Online 101 Winter 2022 QuizQuiz Self-Check: Types of Interaction, due Wednesday, February 9, 2022 11:59 PM.Self-Check: Types of Interaction

      First Hypothesis Annotation for Tomorrows assignment

    1. user: roberthambly Narrow your search: user: search by username tag: search for annotations with a tag url: search by URLfor domain level search add trailing /* eg. example.com/* group: show annotations associated with a group roberthambly Groups ▾ Groups Create new group ▾ Settings Account details Edit profile Notifications Developer Sign out [{"tag": "getting started", "count": 2}] [] roberthambly More info 3 Matching Annotations Last 7 days hypothes.is hypothes.is Hypothesis 3 roberthambly 03 Feb 2022 in Public Getting started Now you have the extension up and running. It's time to start annotating some documents. Create an account using the sidebar on the right of the screen. Pin the Hypothesis extension in Chrome (1 and 2), then activate the sidebar by clicking the button in the location bar (3). Three steps to get started getting started roberthambly 03 Feb 2022 in Public Annotation Types There are a few types of annotations that can be created with the application: Notes Create a note by selecting some text and clicking the button Highlights Highlights can be created by clicking the button. Try it on this sentence. Replies You can reply to any annotation by using the reply action on every car Annotation Types, getting started roberthambly 03 Feb 2022 in Public Privacy Annotations are either public and visible to everyone or private and visible only to you. Public These annotations are visible to everyone both in the document itself and our public stream. Private Private annotations are visible only to you when logged in. Hypothes.is getting started, privacy Visit annotations in context Tags getting started Annotators roberthambly URL hypothes.is/welcome/9adb709b3ce8f461 Collapse view

      First Annotations on the Hypothes.is site

    1. How to Activate Hypothesis on a Web Pagehttps://web.hypothes.is › ... › Hypothesis in the Public Webhttps://web.hypothes.is › ... › Hypothesis in the Public WebFlag this as personal informationFlag this as personal informationRemove your personal info1 of 3Request pages with your personal info for removal from Google SearchTap on [Glif dots] next to a result and select “Remove my personal info”2 of 3Google will review your removal request shortlyIf it meets Google’s removal policy guidelines, you will be notified that the result is approved for removal from Google Search results.3 of 3Keep track of your removal requests in one placeReview all of your removal request in the Hub where you can also get help finding and removing more of your personal info on SearchWhat type(s) of personal info are on the page you’d like removed from Google Search results?This will help Google review your removal request. Learn more about our removals policy in the help center.My phone numberMy home addressMy email addressWhat type(s) of personal info are on the page you’d like removed from Google Search results?This will help Google review your removal request. Learn more about our removals policy in the help center.Your name Your phone number 1add phone numberYour home address 1add home addressYour email address 1add email addressYour request to remove personal info was submittedWe will review your request and, if approved, the URL(s) will no longer appear for searches relevant to the name(s) you provided.You can check the status of your requests using the Remove Your Personal Info Tool.ContinueClick on the greyed-out Hypothesis button in your browser's toolbar. The button will turn black, and the annotation pane will appear on the page. screenshot ...‎If you're using Chrome · ‎Setting and using a keyboard...About Us : Hypothesishttps://web.hypothes.is › abouthttps://web.hypothes.is › aboutFlag this as personal informationFlag this as personal informationRemove your personal info1 of 3Request pages with your personal info for removal from Google SearchTap on [Glif dots] next to a result and select “Remove my personal info”2 of 3Google will review your removal request shortlyIf it meets Google’s removal policy guidelines, you will be notified that the result is approved for removal from Google Search results.3 of 3Keep track of your removal requests in one placeReview all of your removal request in the Hub where you can also get help finding and removing more of your personal info on SearchWhat type(s) of personal info are on the page you’d like removed from Google Search results?This will help Google review your removal request. Learn more about our removals policy in the help center.My phone numberMy home addressMy email addressWhat type(s) of personal info are on the page you’d like removed from Google Search results?This will help Google review your removal request. Learn more about our removals policy in the help center.Your name Your phone number 1add phone numberYour home address 1add home addressYour email address 1add email addressYour request to remove personal info was submittedWe will review your request and, if approved, the URL(s) will no longer appear for searches relevant to the name(s) you provided.You can check the status of your requests using the Remove Your Personal Info Tool.ContinueHypothesis Mission. Hypothesis is a new effort to implement an old idea: A conversation layer over the entire web that works everywhere, without needing ...

      Pin Icon for extension, Click to make black, Select text, Click the double quote

    1. Now you have the extension up and running. It's time to start annotating some documents.

      Here we can annotate the stuff we are reading.

  30. Jan 2022
    1. // ==UserScript==
      // @name        Hypothes.is Better Title
      // @description Rewrite titles of Hypothesis users page for better bookmarking
      // @author      https://github.com/kael
      // @see         https://github.com/hypothesis/support/issues/257
      // @version     1
      // @grant       none
      // @include      https://hypothes.is/users/*
      // ==/UserScript==
      window.onload = () => document.title = `Hypothesis / ${window.location.pathname.split("/users/")[1]}`;
    1. Here’s an even more magical trick. Download that PDF to your file system, load it into a third tab, and annotate again. Now you’ll see all three annotations in all three tabs!

      Since Hypothesis doesn’t know that the local copy of the PDF came from http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0168597&type=printable, or that it’s related to http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0168597, how is that possible?

      The answer is that the PDF standard defines a unique identifier, or “fingerprint,” that authoring tools encode into the PDFs they create. When you use the Hypothesis client to annotate web-hosted PDF, it captures the fingerprint and sends it to the server.

    2. It was already the case that you could search Hypothesis for the DOI, like so:

    3. First, here’s a magic trick you might not realize Hypothesis has up its sleeve. Consider this PLOS One article. Annotate it in one tab, then open a second tab and annotate the PDF version there. You’ll see both annotations in both tabs. How is that possible?

      The answer is that when scholarly publishers provide HTML versions of articles, they typically include metadata that points to PDF versions of the same articles. Here’s one way that happens:

      <meta name=”citation_pdf_url” content=”http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0168597&type=printable”>

      Hypothesis remembers the correspondence between the HTML and PDF versions, and coalesces annotations across them.

    1. Maya]] has an article related to [[Oblique Strategies]] and [[tarot for thought]] - introducing randomness into chaos: culture, oblique strategies, and tarot for… (shared by Maya in hypothesis annotation to my journal from yesterday, thanks Maya!)

      Awesome, thank you for pointing!

      I am so happy about [[hypothesis]] existing. /latest shows hypothesis from all over the Agora; I can add annotations for each node inline, I have the code for it I think but commented out, would you be interested?

  31. Dec 2021
    1. {
        "@context": {
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          "dctypes": "http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/",
          "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
          "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
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          "text": {
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          "source": {
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          "selector": {
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            "@id": "oa:hasState"
          "scope": {
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  32. Nov 2021
    1. Agus wants to know the average income of ojeg online in city A. For this reason, he did a sampling of 10 ojeg online and obtained their income data (unit in million)as follows: 4; 3.9; 4.3; 4.2; 4.5; 4.1; 4.7; 4.3; 4.9; 3.8. At the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence that the mean amount income of ojeg is different from Rp 4.4 million?

    1. Create an account using the sidebar on the right of the screen.

      ทำการสร้าง Account ใหม่

    1. Beware: Gaia may destroy humans before we destroy the Earth

      Hmmm. I have been thinking about Earth having a fever in response to a pathogen. Foreign bodies, viruses, known as corporations have infected the minds of their host organisms, using legal systems to reprogram their syntropic nature as living organisms with a compulsion to replace themselves with entropy machines. By assuming personhood, corporations are consuming and monopolizing the time, energy, and resources of their hosts so that they have achieved a level of control and domination over nature such that they can change the climate and reversing the process of biological and cultural evolution.

      “I think I can feel the future.”


  33. Oct 2021
    1. It's time to start annotating some documents.

      What do you think of this new extension?

    1. The hypothesis is: MPO ratios are lowest in urban renewal cities that have reached the execution stage and highest in cities that have never attempted urban renewal. Drop- out cities are expected to occupy an inter- mediate position between the polar classes.

      She hypothesized that urban renewal strategies are most successful where there's a low ratio of managers, proprietors, and officials to the general workforce. (i.e., community doesn't have the skills to organize opposition).



    1. social annotation

      Had I known about Hypothesis at the time of my collaboration with Ilaria Forte, I likely would have suggested this as a tool for documenting the stream of consciousness, collecting stories in the context of the media that people are experiencing on the web.

    1. Annotate with anyone, anywhere.

      A GitHub repository for the Hypothesis project.

    1. I recently found this book at Value Village while exploring the non-fiction books section. What caught my eye was the back cover’s reference to Sallie McFague. I learned about Sallie McFague from Tripp Fuller’s podcast, Homebrewed Christianity, when she died. He dedicated an episode to her influence. Her name also came up in conversation with Sophia at the Faith, Arts + Culture course at Bez Arts Hub.

      When I read the title of the article, *The World as God’s Body,” I decided to purchase the book. I have been exploring this theme as it relates to the Gaia hypothesis in articles such as, A Prayer for the Earth.

  34. www.programmableweb.com www.programmableweb.com
    1. Hypothesis REST API

      The Hypothesis API integrates annotations into web services. Available to send HTTP requests and JSON responses, it aims to be useful for researchers, scientists, and educators.

    1. Using the Hypothesis API

      What might it take to demo a Jamstack approach to connecting Airtable to Hypothesis with serverless functions in Netlify?

  35. Sep 2021
    1. it analyzes university anchor survey responses to identify trends in their revitalization activities and to highlight differences between theory and practice.

      There's a dif between positive actions and theory of anchor institutional strategies.



    1. economic essence of virtually any given locality, in the present Amer- ican context, is growth. I further argue that the desire for growth provides the key operative motivation toward consensus for members of politically mobilized local elites, however split they might be on other issues, and that a common interest in growth is the overriding commonality among important people in a given locale-at least insofar as they have any important local goals at all. Further, this growth imperative is the most important constraint upon available options for local initiative in social and economic reform. It is thus that I argue that the very essence of a locality is its operation as a growth ma

      the Growth ideology constrains community centered initiatives that might otherwise provide social and economic reforms.



    1. Hors des heures de cours, les étudiants peuvent intervenir sur des forums écrits ou vidéos. Ils peuvent également utiliser un outil d'annotation collaborative comme Hypothesis pour partager leurs notes de lecture.

      Rough translation: Outside of class time, students can contribute to written forums or videos. They can also use a collaborative annotation tool such as Hypothesis to share their reading notes.

    1. building an analytical frame-work (that we name “doubly-engaged ethnography”

      The gap that the research addresses: Addresses issues of positionality of research, of potential exploitation (suggesting engagement is better); and the way the ethnography represents the communities that are interviewees express.




    1. We believed that these women, involved in a process of changing life circumstances, would come to see themselves differently as women and would reinter- pret their problems, particularly in a social context that includes a widely-discussed feminist movement.

      Hypothesis: That women who were mom's and wife would see their problems with entering the job market through the lens of and in the social context of the feminist movement. The emergence of a new consciousness in these women undergoing social transformation.



  36. Aug 2021
  37. Jul 2021
  38. Jun 2021
  39. May 2021
    1. The results indicate strong support for the first two hypotheses and qualified support for the third one

      confirmed the first two hypotheses

    2. Hypothesis 1: When the vote share of an ethno-liberal party in an election held at time t − 1 increases, then the radical right party’s vote share in elec-tions at t should also increase.Hypothesis 2: The inclusion of an ethno-liberal party in a governing coalition at time t − 1 increases the radical right party’s vote share in elec-tions at t.Hypothesis 3: The inclusion of an ideologically extreme ethno-liberal party in a coalition in election t − 1 increases the radical right party’s vote share in elections at t
    1. TL;DR: I've added a hypothes.is embed to public facing exegesis posts, so people can leave annotations and comments for themselves or others.

      Hello world! Very excited about the future of open annotation.

  40. Apr 2021
    1. Exercise can tackle symptoms of schizophrenia

      Not only am I unsurprised by this, but I'd be surprised if it were otherwise. The logic is that schizophrenia is a sleep disorder, and exercise enhances sleep. Additionally, lack of movement is one of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Therefore, this poverty of movement may play a role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia symptoms.

      I need to start a google search document with predictions prior to actually searching. It will slow down my research speed, but it is necessary in order to provide unbiased data on my intuitive understanding of diseases. It seems like the majority of my strong intuitions are true. Edit: I'll just record the search phrase in my hypothes.is notes. This one was "exercise schizophrenia"

  41. Mar 2021
    1. Studies of great ape behavior show that they are good at cooperating in situations where there is no potential of deception, but behave egotistically in situations where there are motives for deception, suggesting that their "lack of cooperativeness" is not a lack of a cognitive ability at all, but rather a necessary adaptation to a society full of deception.[citation needed] This suggests that human cooperativeness began when proto-humans began to successfully avoid competition, which is also supported by the fact that the oldest evidence of care for the long-term sick and disabled are from shortly after the first emigration of hominins out of Africa about 1.8 million years ago

      successfully avoiding competition was key to humans doing super well vs the egotistical, competitive, & deceiving ways of apes

      being able to cooperate and get around deception/defection was key to humans doing so well

      .. and you can see how we evolved white sclera so others can better follow our gaze, hence work with us

      wow! (ape sclera is dark)

  42. Feb 2021