53 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2014
  2. Apr 2014
    1. The digital market is awash with millions of barely edited titles, most of it dreck, while readers are being conditioned to think that books are worth as little as a sandwich. “Amazon has successfully fostered the idea that a book is a thing of minimal value,”

      As much as I despise Amazon and the Kindle, I think this is a little unfair, or at the least overly simplistic. Which is not to say that Amazon doesn't pursue unsustainable pricing practice.

    2. Amazon constitutes a third of one major house’s retail sales on a given week, with the growth chart pointing toward fifty per cent

      Talk about market power.

    3. fifty to sixty per cent of the list price of a book goes to Amazon or to another retailer. When he was starting out, in the eighties, that figure was more like thirty or forty per cent.

      I wish there was a link to this research. Does any one have additional information about this? I am writing a paper on this.

    4. A few brand names at the top, a mass of unwashed titles down below, the middle hollowed out: the book business in the age of Amazon mirrors the widening inequality of the broader economy.

      Will I ever be able to make a living as a writer? Do people even read books anymore?

    5. At the moment, those people are obsessed with how they read books—whether it’s on a Kindle or an iPad or on printed pages. This conversation, though important, takes place in the shallows and misses the deeper currents that, in the digital age, are pushing American culture under the control of ever fewer and more powerful corporations.


      Indeed there are more interesting questions to ask of books, digital or physical. For example: How did the (“e”)book you’re currently reading come to be made and wind up in your hands? In other words, exploring the murky nature of Content [a.k.a. “Information”] creation, discovery, and distribution.

      All of this boils down to one of the central questions of the Information Revolution—and indeed one of the most important questions of the early 21st Century: what is information worth?

    1. Computers used to teach other computers to play Pac-Man, StarCraft

      And then it begins. What shall we do when we make a world computers do all our work for us?

  3. Mar 2014
    1. TorrentFreak

      A great website.

    2. The slickly designed torrenting app Popcorn Time had barely begun to live, but its creators have already pulled it down from their website, along with the supporting infrastructure. The creators posted an explanation to the app's (former) website, saying that despite their certainty that the app was legal, it had become entrenched in a conversation they didn't want to have.


  4. Feb 2014
    1. stumble upon some random wandering player who's running through the map, completely unaware of my presence. I take advantage of my surprise position and let loose a spray of bullets toward him. I get in a few hits, but my general lack of fine aiming control means he survives the first volley an


  5. Jan 2014
    1. "Ownership" was assured those with the nastiest tools, whether fists or armies, and the most resolute will to use them. Property was the divine right of thugs.

      Interesting perspective on history.

    2. True, I don't get any royalties on the millions of copies of my songs which have been extracted from concerts, but I see no reason to complain. The fact is, no one but the Grateful Dead can perform a Grateful Dead song, so if you want the experience and not its thin projection, you have to buy a ticket from us. In other words, our intellectual property protection derives from our being the only real-time source of it.

      The question is how does this work for things like books which aren't as easily "performed?"

    3. In any case, without our old methods, based on physically defining the expression of ideas, and in the absence of successful new models for nonphysical transaction, we simply don't know how to assure reliable payment for mental works. To make matters worse, this comes at a time when the human mind is replacing sunlight and mineral deposits as the principal source of new wealth.

      An here we have it; the central problem of the early 21st Century in a nutshell.

    4. But, as a member of ASCAP, I can assure you this is not a model that we should emulate. The monitoring methods are wildly approximate.

      Interesting side note, John Perry Barlow was a lyricist for The Grateful Dead. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Perry_Barlow

    5. If our property can be infinitely reproduced and instantaneously distributed all over the planet without cost, without our knowledge, without its even leaving our possession, how can we protect it? How are we going to get paid for the work we do with our minds? And, if we can't get paid, what will assure the continued creation and distribution of such work?

      It's amazing that almost 20 years after this essay was written we still don't have good answers to these questions.

    1. Consumer Electronics Show—CES to us in the biz—has come to an end. We've wrapped up a week of running around Vegas like crazy people, forsaking sleep and eating in taxis or while hunched over vendor-provided buffet tables in product demo rooms.


    1. がついたりした木を、路ばたに つみ重ねて薪の料(しろ)に売っていたと云


    1. wn PCs, but who also want something that's as small as possible. It gives up much of the expandabi


  6. Dec 2013
    1. The idea of oral insulin has been around since the 1930s, but the difficulties of making it have previously seemed too large to overcome. First, insulin is a protein—when it comes in contact with stomach enzymes, it is quickly destroyed. Second, if insulin can pass through the stomach safely, it is too big a molecule (about 30 times the size of aspirin) to be absorbed into the bloodstream, where it needs to be in order to regulate blood-sugar levels.


    1. “ON BACKGROUND, I can confirm there was a handshake.”

      Holy Jesus... mother of God Himself. "In such deliciously cloistered terms did aides in 2000 confirm that President Bill Clinton had shaken hands with Fidel Castro."

  7. Nov 2013
    1. [1]

      Annotations might be a better way of doing footnotes because you are not taken to a completely different place thus losing your place in the text.

    1. By Lawrence Freedman. Oxford University Press USA; 751 pages; $34.95. Buy from Amazon.com EVERYONE, it seems, is in need of a strategy.


    1. The guilty plea and fine paid by SAC, which is owned by the billionaire investor Steven A. Cohen, are part of a broader plea deal that federal prosecutors in Manhattan announced on Monday.


    1. Two features that I think I’ll need (and which I believe the fabulously open-sourced Hypothes.is lacks) are verified accounts (for authoritative, trusted sources) and a rating system for annotations.

      We are working on those features! They will be coming soon! There's a huge list of upcoming features on our GitHub roadmap.

  8. Oct 2013
    1. -Charlie Chaplin

      You should do yourself a favor today and watch the full speech from Charlie Chaplin's wonderful film The Great Dictator: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcvjoWOwnn4

    1. These poor applications compounded Windows 8's problems because they meant that there was no real incentive to learn one's way around the new operating system. The three issues above could probably be overlooked if there were a rich family of must-have Metro applications to run. But there weren't. The Windows apps that people want to use were desktop apps anyway.


    2. Windows 8 worked. It was a viable operating system, and in broad strokes, it fulfilled Microsoft's dream of one operating system for tablets and PCs. But Windows 8 was far from perfect. Its problems were in three main areas.


    1. After the customary six months of incubation, Ubuntu 13.10—codenamed Saucy Salamander—has hatched. The new version of the popular Linux distribution brings updated applications and several new features, including augmented search capabilities in the Unity desktop shell.


  9. epubjs-reader.appspot.com epubjs-reader.appspot.com
    1. s exactly; yet, now that I recall all the circumstances, I think I can see a little into the springs and motives which being cunningly presented to me under various disguises, induced me to set about performing the part I did, besides cajoling me into the delusion that it was a cho


    1. The 5 creepiest things about how the Koch brothers engineered the shutdown
      1. Their faces.
    2. Oh, well, it’s really both parties at fault here!” line of reasoning that some people have been trying to take.
      1. Their faces.
  10. Sep 2013
    1. A few years and missions later, Hubble’s glimpse into what is known as the deep field has revealed that we are just one tin


    1. Since the if clause of the statement is satisfied, Python never tries to evaluate the elif clause, so we never get to print out 2. By contrast, if we replaced the elif by an if, then we would print out both 1 and 2. So an elif clause potentially gives us more information than a bare if clause; when it evaluates to true, it tells us not only that the condition is sati


    1. Dynamic languages such as JavaScript are more difficult to com-pile than statically typed ones. Since no concrete type informationis available, traditional compilers need to emit generic code that canhandle all possible type combinations at runtime.

      Isn't it cool, we can annotate PDFs!

    1. In the "computing with language" sections we will take on some linguistically motivated programming tasks without necessarily explaining how they work. In the "closer look at Python" sections we will systematically review key programming concepts.

      I like how in the nltk documentation, they make an effort to be as clear as possibly for beginners or those who do not have a computer science degree. Too often, projects (somewhat understandably) don't bother with this.

    1. LEAVING Microsoft quietly was never on the cards for Steve Ballmer (pictured, right). Only a week after the surprise announcement that he would retire within a year from the post of chief executive he has held since January 2000,


    1. On August 29, 2003, Skype went live for the first time. By 2012, according to Telegeography, Skype accounted for a whopping 167 billion minutes of cross-border voice and video calling in a year—which itself was a stunning 44 percent growth over 2011. That increase in minutes was "more than twice that achieved by


    1. クルト-ユルゲン・マース博士講演会 「文化外交:外交におけるソフトパワーの可能性と限界」

      イあdsfあsdvのdねfvっklsdf We can annotate with other languages!

  11. Aug 2013
    1. Change happens in IT whether you want it to or not. But even with all the talk of the "post-PC" era and the rise of the horrifically named "bring your own device" hype, change has happened in a patchwork.


    1. I've been involved in professional IT since 2000, when I graduated from university and joined an Internet startup company called Questia. B


    1. According to McLuhan, the “sheer inclusiveness” of information as a medium and as a concept expands both the field of battle and the semantic field of war. “Real, total war has become information war,” notes McLuhan in The Medium is the Massage, “it is being fought by subtle electric informational media—under cold conditions, and constantly” (138). Building on The Mechanical Bride and its critique of advertising as a declaration of war on human subjectivity, McLuhan traces the emergence of a new species of war that makes civil society itself the target of a covert, unceasing “guerilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation” (Culture is Our Business 66).

      Another question.

    2. Info War, however, makes civil society itself the center of gravity. Info War targets not only the physical infrastructure of information (nodes, cables, links, servers, towers, routers, electricity grids) but also the decision makers, “human or automated,” plugged into the grid.

      I missed the last couple of classes! What is info war again?