4 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Bridging Social Annotation Practice with Perspectives from the Learning Sciences and CSCL

      Welcome social annotation experts!

      We invite you to contribute to an interdisciplinary symposium at ISLS 24 on social annotation by annotating this paper. It showcases five projects led by researchers from multiple institutions, each exploring social annotation from unique perspectives. We are particularly interested in learning about: * Who you are; * How specific learning theories, technologies, or applications are relevant to you; * How AI, including Generative AI, could potentially be connected to these areas.

    2. Thisinterventionrecognizes students’ annotations as objectsopen tocontinuous development, engaging students to connect, analyze, and expand upon their ideasthrough the synthesis processes. Meanwhile, the synthesis products can be integratedinto otherlearning events, enriching the overall learning experiences.

      How can AI be leveraged to support: (1) the process of synthesizing students' annotations, and (2) the use of these synthesis artifacts in subsequent in-class group discussions?

    3. Supporting knowledge synthesis in social annotation activities

      How to nurturing the continual advancement of students' ideas embedded in the social annotation platform in subsequent discourse activities, such as in-class discussions? We propose a knowledge synthesis intervention for students to create a synthesis of annotations and leverage the synthesis artifacts to facilitate ongoing group discussions.

  2. Dec 2020
    1. The Hidden Curriculum of Online Learning

      Please select our class group "CI8181ReadingGroup12/15" to make annotations. This group you are viewing is a public space for testing purpose only. Thank you!