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stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Getting the data
Why Everything is really fast on Windows than explorer index, MFT, NoSQL
- Jan 2025
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A key disadvantage of flash memory is that it can endure only a relatively small number of write cycles in a specific block.
disadvantage of Flash memory
electronics.stackexchange.com electronics.stackexchange.com
Basically, flash generally is erased in blocks of ~64-512 kilobytes. Therefore, for every write anywhere within that block, the controller has to erase the entire block, using a write cycle for the entire block.
Flash is written in block level, every block size is fixed
To be pedantic, FLASH memory is merely a form of EEPROM: There is a marketing / branding aspect here. Typically, the distinction used today is that EEPROMS are single-byte (or storage word) erasable / rewritable, while FLASH is block-based for erase/write operations.
Diffs between Flash and EEPROM. Flash write is block based while EEPROM is single byte based.
- Nov 2024
www.intel.com www.intel.com
Being at maximum temperature while running a workload isn't necessarily cause for concern. Intel processors constantly monitor their temperature and can very rapidly adjust their frequency and power consumption to prevent overheating and damage.
Intel says there is no need to worry about CPU run at maximum temperature.
craftinginterpreters.com craftinginterpreters.com
Since a local variable’s declaration always occurs before it is used, the VM can resolve them at compile time, even in a simple single-pass compiler. That will let us use a smarter representation for locals.
Local variables' declaration always occurs before it is used, the VM can resolve them at compile time, even in a simple single-pass compiler.