89 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Sloppy programmers should learn to be careful programmers instead of relying on a beautifier to make their code readable. Finally, since beautifiers are non-trivial programs that must parse the source, a sophisticated beautifier is not worth the benefits gained by such a program. Beautifiers are best for gross formatting of machine-generated code.

      not rely on beautifiers too much

  2. Nov 2024
    1. run of the mini assembly is very straightforward but it's crucial you stick to the format

      for - fascism - intervention - mini assembly format - Roger Hallam

      fascism - intervention - mini assembly format - Roger Hallam - first, everyone introduces themselves - their name, - background, - life journey, - reason for attending mini-assembly - second, ask what they think is not going well - community where they live, - their country, - the world - third, similarities between people - fourth, each person shares a list of 3 or 4 priority things they think should change: - policies - ways of organizing - big issues - fifth - invite each person to run their own mini assembly

  3. May 2024
    1. For example, if /test were to be introduced in v1.1 and deprecated in v1.2, then it can be removed in v1.3.

      That's.. not intuitive for those familiar with semver.

      Like, bump it to 2.0 instead. It's a breaking change. Everybody will get it. What's the point of the second digit if it guarantees "maybe nothing will be broken" - tell it explicity, is it or is it not.

  4. Mar 2024
  5. Dec 2023
    1. There is a growing need for open standards for formats used to represent text, images, video and other collections of data, so that one producer's data will be accessible to another's software.

      Data formats are like currency. Either standardize it or make sure there are converters. Money exchange. Most used formats are valuable but also valuable content in a rare format makes the converter more valuable.

  6. Sep 2023
  7. Jun 2023
  8. Dec 2022
  9. Sep 2022
    1. In Finland, the RF reference is formed on the basis of the Finnish reference number.Structure of the RF reference is as follows:RFXX1234561

      RF remittance information.

    1. More important is the fact that recently some publishershave started to publish suitable publications not as solid books, but as file card collections.An example would be the Deutscher Karteiverlag [German File Card Publishing Company]from Berlin, which published a “Kartei der praktischen Medizin” [File Card of PracticalMedicine], published unter the co-authorship of doctors like R.F. Weiß, 1st edition (1930ff.).Not to be forgotten here is also: Schuster, Curt: Iconum Botanicarum Index, 1st edition,Dresden: Heinrich 1926

      As many people used slip boxes in 1930s Germany, publishers sold texts, not as typical books, but as file card collections!

      Link to: Suggestion that Scott Scheper publish his book on zettelkasten as a zettelkasten.

  10. Aug 2022
    1. I think we can define an "archival virtual machine" specification that is efficient enough to be usable but simple enough that it never needs to be updated and is easy to implement on any platform; then we can compile our explorable explanations into binaries for that machine. Thenceforth we only need to write new implementations of the archival virtual machine platform as new platforms come along

      We have that. It's the Web platform. The hard part is getting people to admit this, and then getting them to actually stop acting counter to these interests. Sometimes that involves getting them to admit that their preferred software stack (and their devotion to it) is the problem, and it's not going to just fix itself.

      See also: Lorie and the UVC

  11. Jul 2022
  12. May 2022
    1. According to this, the arrangement consists of “wooden boxes with drawers that pullout in the front, and cards in octavo format ” (= DIN A5).

      Luhmann's zettelkasten collection of cards was in octavo format, aka DIN A5 (148mm x 210mm or 5.8" x 8.3").

  13. Apr 2022
  14. Jan 2022
  15. Nov 2021
    1. Inside each first-level directory of a MAFF archive, the second-level directory named ^metadata^ (case-sensitive) is reserved and should not contain actual content. A file or folder named ^metadata^ (case-insensitive) should not exist inside any first-level directory.
    1. MAFF files are standard ZIP files containing one or more web pages, images, or other downloadable content. Additional metadata, like the original page address, is saved along with the content.
  16. Sep 2021
  17. Aug 2021
    1. I'm wondering exactly what problem that LOUD standard is meant to be solving exactly? It doesn't appear that any of the meta data they're listing is over and above anything that's already extant?

      If you're going to propose a new set up, why not add some bits to fix the newer problems that have popped up like for paying creators? Being able to inject ads? Better track the number of listens? How far into the file did the listener get? How many ads did they hear?

      And let's not forget:

    1. as the content of the document is available, the metadata will also be available, even to the point of printing the document, then scanning it and performing OCR on it
  18. Jun 2021
  19. May 2021
  20. Apr 2021
  21. Mar 2021
  22. Jan 2021
  23. Nov 2020
  24. Oct 2020
    1. The problem is that the since both the JSX transpiler and the traceur compiler are actually parsing the full javascript AST, they would have to mutually agree on the syntax extensions you use: traceur can't parse the faux-xml syntax JSX adds, and JSX can't parse the async or await keywords, for example, or generator functions.
  25. Jul 2020
  26. Jun 2020
  27. May 2020
  28. Apr 2020
    1. They are proof that our openness about our data formats means that you do not have to fear data lock-in.
    2. So while we can’t endorse those systems, and indeed we have to advise you against using them; their existence is still a Good Thing
    3. It’s this third way that we avoid lock-in that is relevant to today’s topic. Our data format design is specified well enough so that people with no connection to AgileBits can write software to be able to handle it.
    4. The second way we avoid locking you into 1Password is through the ability to export data to a more neutral format. Not all versions are yet where we want them to be with respect to export, and we’re working on that. But there is usually some path, if not always a simple click away, to export your 1Password data.
    1. Although we don’t anticipate publishing source code for manipulating 1Password keychains, others, unaffiliated with AgileBits, have done so.

      May not technically be an open file format, but meets some of the criteria for one:

      • [?] The format is based on an underlying open standard
      • [⍻] The format is developed through a publicly visible, community driven process
      • [⍻] The format is affirmed and maintained by a vendor-independent standards organization
      • [✓] The format is fully documented and publicly available
    1. OPVault is an almost perfectly documented format. This makes it highly improbable to come across a file that will fail to be imported. If it ever happens, a bug in the plugin is probably to be blamed.
    1. 1Password wasn’t built in a vacuum. It was developed on top of open standards that anyone with the right skills can investigate, implement, and improve. Open tools are trusted, proven, and constantly getting better. Here’s how 1Password respects the principles behind the open tools on which it relies:

      I found it ironic that this proprietary software that I have avoided using because it is proprietary software is touting the importance of open tools.

  29. Mar 2020
  30. Dec 2019
    1. Due dates and threshold dates aren't part of the todo.txt format spec! Due date and threshold date are implemented as key:value tags, which are fully compliant with the todo.txt format spec. They both are popular extensions to the todo.txt command line scripts.
    2. Your task list is a plain text file, not some proprietary format owned by a company or locked to a specific application.
    1. You're not going to find many checkboxes, drop-downs, reminders, or date pickers here.

      Thankfully, some clients like https://github.com/QTodoTxt/QTodoTxt2 do have nice features like autocomplete, and date pickers.

    2. Countless productivity apps and sites store your tasks in their own proprietary database and file format. But you can work with your todo.txt file in every text editor ever made, regardless of operating system or vendor.
    1. uBlock Origin blocks ads through its support of the Adblock Plus filter syntax. uBlock Origin extends the syntax and is designed to work with custom rules and filters.
  31. Nov 2019
    1. Les formats sont le plus souvent invisibles : nos actions suffisent en général à mobiliser ceux qui nous servent. Ils sont en fait trop souvent invisibles : le choix est fait « à notre insu », sans qu’aient toujours été pesées les contraintes à respecter en fonction de l’usage à faire du document en question, maintenant et plus tard.

      Le « pacte d'écriture » entre l'écrivain et de son format : le format impose des conditions d'écritures, « à l'insu » de l'utilisateur, dont les choix sont imposés par la technique (le format, les créateurs du format).

    1. Note: this is not a screenshot. You can actually interact with that form. Hooray for MDX!
  32. Oct 2019
    1. MDX is a superset of Markdown. It allows you to write JSX inside markdown. This includes importing and rendering React components!
  33. Sep 2019
  34. May 2019
  35. Mar 2019
    1. print(self.num,"/",self.den)

      i particularly like an alternate construction better, because it allows you better control of the output string(this example will not insert spaces before and after the slash, unless you deliberately put them there)


      It uses the .format module, that lets you replace {} structures with the print verions of variables, you can set names for them like

      print('{numerator}/{denominator}'.format(denominator = self.den, numerator = self.num))

      and a lot of other stuff, you can learn more reading the python documentation of the string class

  36. Dec 2018
  37. Oct 2018
    1. Préparation des versements : identification et validation des formats de fichiers

      Préparation des versements : identification et validation des formats de fichiers

    2. Préparation des versements : conversion des formats de fichiers

      Préparation des versements : conversion des formats de fichiers

  38. Jul 2018
  39. May 2018
    1. In other words, low digital literacy (among both students and faculty) likely shapes preferences for textbook format.
    2. If cost were not a factor 44% of respondents would have preferred using their textbook in only print format, 41% would have preferred using both print and digital formats, and only 16% would have preferred using only digital format(s).
  40. Jan 2017
    1. Get the facts! McCarthy Tire Industrial & OTR Tires

      remove italics

    2. give tires a new life Retread Your Tires Today

      remove italics

  41. Nov 2014
    1. Links must be stored in HTML files

      But what about links I want to add to documents that I don't own? "Layers for the Web"

      Doesn't Xanadu keep stuff separate somehow?