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  1. Jun 2022
    1. It builds alliances as it travels, provokes translation or mistranslation, and creates new publics and debates. By losing its visual substance it recovers some of its political punch and creates a new aura around it.

      This reminds me of those trad memes that have been widely circulated, often with zero regard to or knowledge of their origins in rightwing and white supremacist/nationalist spaces. Rather, the context has sometimes been completely rewritten to something less politically charged. What does it mean for someone to laugh at a meme, someone who the meme's original creators probably hate?? The image sparks these debates too, across social networks!

    1. an “empowering game” aimed at 8-14 year old children to support behavioural change leading to achieve energy reduction in social housing

      I feel like if you're trying to get youth engaged with energy reduction/mindful energy use, you should make it a community thing (especially in social housing??!!). Trusted adults, mentors, and community leaders should be heading these education initiatives, not isolating games, however "empowering" they may be.

    2. the institutional response to smart innovation is based on an evaluative mechanism which is driven by metrics of efficiency and a rationale of technocratic and post-political governance

      This reminds me of various criticisms of smart cities' reliance on data for both operation and evaluation, as there are ways of knowing that data completely overlooks and, perhaps, can never truly see.

      See The City is Not a Computer.

    3. While claiming to increase meaningful forms of direct participation, neoliberal governance works within structuring bureaucratic and ideological path dependencies and often hinges on computational forms of participation which are set already within circumscribed software environments and solution

      Can we pivot our approach to smart city initiatives away from this? Is it possible to sustain a development model that prioritizes the lived experiences and vocalized needs of a community rather than the assessments of project leaders?

    4. “As neoliberal citizenship sets loose the individual to take care of itself, it also discursively binds the individual to the well-being of the whole”

      What is preferable? I feel like we should start with the well-being of the whole and individuate from there; technosocial urbanism emphasizes applying tech to social issues, but why don't we set the bone before providing a crutch?

    5. ather than fostering subversive ideals of experimentation, city hacking or beta-version infrastructures, smart innovation appears more an exercise of replication via short-term and risk-averse finance

      I'm hearing crypto whispering on the wind...

    6. “smartpolitics”

      Technologies within neoliberal frameworks move beyond Foucault's biopolitics and enter psychopolitics: we aren't just "disciplining, punishing and perfecting the body" anymore, but our minds. Diet and exercise trackers become meditation aids and habit tracker apps. We feel rewarded for being conditioned, for having our behavior modulated (as much as it may feel like we are doing the modulating) through various modes of gamification -- of being ranked "good" or "bad."

      "According to Han (2017), the neoliberal subject is not a “labourer” any more, but a “project”."

    7. here are concerns as to the extent to which smart city practices in regeneration programmes, such as Living Labs and hackathons, might

      ... act rather as a magnet for the in-flow and retention of ‘creative classes’ and as gateways for gentrification."

      I agree. There needs to be a focus on pursuing smart city initiatives with the help of local talent and in harmony with the existing community rather than bringing in outside actors, who run the risk of trying to effect change without a thorough understanding of the city as it stands.

    1. By linking imagi-nations and anticipations of future behavior(s) to categorical renderings from com-puterized memory, it may be that digital urbanists today “risk delegating whole sets of decisions and, along with that, the ethics and politics of those decisions, to invis-ible and sentient systems.”

      (Working on the assumption that this refers to use of data to influence urban planning decisions) Then digital urbanism is just another step away from embodied experiences of cities, na? If urban planners are detached from the city, are using anticipatory tech rather than going off the feel of the city, what detriments does that introduce to the folks living there?

    2. To Jacobs “the city” was not a plan, a grid, or a highway network, it was a disorganized collection of haphazard incidents and acci-dental encounters between strangers

      Reminds me of Hannah Arendt's critique of attempts to replace governance with design. When we try to design around the inherent chaos/disorganization of communities instead of strategizing with it, we get problems.

    1. Is maintenance a privilege?

      I think in many ways it has become a privilege. In an age when practical skills and ability to repair are relatively rare, and when it is often cheaper (in money and time) to buy new, I think maintenance is a privilege. Can we share it, teach people to fish so to speak? Perhaps knowing how to maintain simply isn't enough; slim margins of personal time may not be best spent maintaining things (as opposed to maintaining oneself).

    1. everybody who submits a change to code should be given commit access, in order to reduce the bottleneck of a single maintainer reviewing and approving those changes

      It kinda reminds me of Wikipedia's model. But are there tools/systems in place like Wikipedia has that prevent abuse?

    2. I don't think [crowdfunding] meshes entirely well with general open source development; not only is it just a one-time payment, but the idea of rewards often doesn't match well and it requires something you can entirely bound and describe up front.

      Crowdfunding treats open source development like a product rather than a process (with no set end).

    3. The goal should not be to move back towards a closed software society, where progress and creativity are constrained, but to sustainably support a public ecosystem in which software can be freely created and distributed.

      Give what you can. Developer? Contribute code! Big company? Open your purse!

    4. These newer developers borrow shared code to write what they need, but they are less capable of making substantial contributions back to those projects. Many are also accustomed to thinking of themselves as “users” of open source projects, rather than members of a community.

      Lower stakes to access knowledge -> decreased sense of ownership over knowledge? And therefore less stake in reciprocal systems.

    5. This shift in values, while inspiring on a macro level, could lead to legal complications for individuals as their projects grow in popularity or are used for commercial purposes.

      I also worry for developers whose work may be co-opted for oppressive or discriminatory projects. I'm sure those """alternative social networks""" are built on plenty of open source code.

    1. writers to gain full ownership of their work, have a say in its governance (considered co-owners)

      How does ownership work as we transition to web3? How can we enforce ownership? Also, the focus on ownership, esp of digital media that's endlessly copiable, seems nebulous

    1. When music fans knew they couldn’t host their own music, link-only websites emerged.

      Where does today's ability to DL stuff from music/video streaming services fit in? Or is it overshadowed by the ubiquity of these services, which seems to have just... completely erased pirating from so many people's minds?

    2. Decades of copyright law were built around the assumption that someone like Bram Cohen didn’t exist.

      i.e. someone who creates OPEN SOURCE tools with NO profit motive (that could be targeted for litigation)

    1. As Joanne McNeil wrote in Lurking, her excellent people’s history of the internet, “librarians are what the internet is aching for—people on task to care about the past, with respect to the past and also to what it shall bequeath to the future.” Can we reimagine libraries for the digital age?

      I see digital librarians also as those who share tools, skills, and resources, and whose sites/spaces facilitate growth in visitors

    2. In the forest, lowered biodiversity doesn’t give high-value crops an advantage: it ultimately reduces productivity, invites rot, pests, and disease, and amplifies the risk and spread of wildfire.

      diversity is strength!!

    1. AI-powered “virtual playground,” where curation and discovery, regardless of form, is handled by an algorithm.

      just use tumblr ??

    2. Chinese roots

      Hanlon's razoring this. Karaoke is from JAPAN though

    3. Shanghai-based pseudonymous social network

      right out the gate I'm wondering about privacy. yeah I use a pseudonym but what does the network know about me regardless?

    4. free of the pressure that often comes with the complex and delicate social relations in the physical world.

      There's a lot to unpack here... I wonder who mostly uses this? Is this freedom from pressure a major draw? Can't virtual social relations be just as complicated?

    5. platforms like Facebook are ultimately limited by the very physical connections they seek to transcend

      Do virtual platforms fail spatially as well as socially? Are there ways to transcend our play at shadow puppets of "being there" to create something inherently whole?

    1. spaces to celebrate individuality and build collective identity. Public parks, he argued, could help weave a greater, more egalitarian “we.”

      and who is the "they"? there always remains a "they."

  2. www.e-flux.com www.e-flux.com
    1. a concept from Simondon: not identity but the differentiation process that makes it possible for me to become an individual. This is what he calls individuation.

      individuation as an internal or inward-looking process -- self-realization from the inside out; contrast individualization/individualism which is more superficial, about differentiating oneself from others but not of developing oneself beyond that difference

    2. neoliberal unconscious

      "a subject without a deep well of unconscious desire, obsessed with immediate enjoyment. No more delayed gratification."

    3. The social production of loneliness, competitive behavior, and aggression are as real as economic exploitation.

      i feel like they're definitely exploitative in some digital spaces

    4. Over the past twenty years there has been a transfer of embodied social time into a disembodied empty time.

      I feel like the time isn't empty so much as it's hollow. Maybe they're the same thing. But there's something there pretending to social substance that is just a pale imitation of the real thing.

    5. In 2019 I had the impression that the various protests diverged and lacked a common motive and language.

      I feel like many of those protests were aimed at rising/overbearing conservatism and fascism?

    6. final acceleration of already existing psychological and economic tendencies

      press X to doubt there's gonna be more accelerations in different directions

    7. There is a sharp increase in suicide among the young population, a rise of 39 percent in Italy.


    8. the famous words of a Canadian doctor that warned against sexual intercourse during the Covid period. At that moment I became aware of the transformation of proximity, meaning the relations of bodies in space, meaning the characterization of the body of the other as a sanitary danger. If you are seventy, like me, this may be an intellectual object of study, but when you’re sixteen this may change your perception of the future.

      One of the many traumas we don't yet fully understand. How will today's youth go forward in this world where other people were once feared outright?

  3. www.e-flux.com www.e-flux.com
    1. biopolitics

      the political relations between the administration or regulation of the life of species and a locality's populations, where politics and law evaluate life based on perceived constants and traits. according to Wikipedia.

      I read that as, the politics of the body, and how politics works upon the bodies of a polity.

  4. May 2022
    1. alternative paradigm to the state of the art of “intelligent buildings”, which rely heavily on technical infrastructures
    2. many architectural approaches follow a modular logic of bricks or panels of mycelial composites

      Which sorta makes sense, since mycelial growth may alter the form -> structural instability in a monolith or other structure that has larger, less uniform components

    3. After the exhibition, the bricks were shredded and dispersed on soil. 60 days later they were degraded

      I wonder what ecological impact they have when they degrade! :)

    4. architects can explore the ‘growth algorithms’ of such structures and translate or simulate them with the use of digital tools into intelligent designs and resilient urban infrastructures

      I'd be interested to read up on some ways hyphae function as models for such designs and infrastructures. Makes me think of the slime mold experiment that mirrored the Tokyo subway system.

    1. In contemporary urban discourses, where “data” rhetoric is often frothy and fetishistic, we seem to have lost critical perspective on how urban data become meaningful spatial information or translate into place-based knowledge.

      the evolution of data into info/knowledge -- something that can be understood and incorporated into larger (hopefully restorative? just?) citybuilding projects is blocked

    2. urban intelligence comes in multiple forms, that it is produced within environmental as well as cultural contexts, that it is reshaped over the longue durée by elemental exposure and urban development, that it can be lost or forgotten.

      what is it with modern folks trying to jump into the computer like we don't have weather outside

    3. whose interests it serves

      who is using the computer?

    4. As Mumford understood, there is more than information processing going on here. Urban information is made, commodified, accessed, secreted, politicized, and operationalized.

      People live in cities! Things happen in cities! And the data that is produced in them are not always used for the good of either the people or the happenings within that space. Why else do protesters have to hide their faces?

    5. “As technical solutions to social problems, information and communications technologies encapsulate the promise of order over disarray … as a path to an emancipatory politics of modernity.”

      it's the Enlightenment all over again

    6. We’re transforming the idealized topology of the open web and Internet of Things into urban form.

      and now everyone's talking about web3 and the bLoCkChAiN and DAO, all of which are so SO hot for surface-level libertarian opposition to capitalism that in its darkest corners is more capitalist than ever (my APES)

    7. infrastructural nodes (known as “Links”) that may someday exchange data with autonomous vehicles, public transit, and other urban systems.

      for what purpose? who are these built for?? what sort of safeguards are in place to maintain privacy???

    1. how to defeat them

      And why are we always trying to "defeat them" anyways??

    2. It is as if the house is waiting to stage a tragedy, but must find the right actors. As it searches for them, it enacts fragments of the action, as if rehearsing

      Ohh you know, if I'd red this, I'd think this is just a spacetime anomaly where the story plays out when certain conditions are met, and the house is just the setting. But I agree with this take, actually.

    3. Are we meant to infer from this that the house can only influence inhabitants with some kind of vulnerability, such as a couple in a dysfunctional relationship?

      such as a person or pair/group of people who'd rather treat the symptoms rather than the cause? ("‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only <s>Nation</s> House Where This Regularly Happens" -- The Onion)

    4. the house soon becomes sinister and threatening.

      There are a few contrasting takes on this, such as that the house -- in a heavy-handed sort of way -- is trying to please its occupants: it connects the parents' and children's bedrooms, it gives Navidson a place to explore right in his own home. But everyone is so thrown by, you know, a house doing these things that they take it in bad faith.

    5. absolutely identical in every detail.

      The identical houses in Dionaea House, to me, were also in part a commentary on the sameness of suburban America. Is it, like the metonymical (I think I:m using that right) houses, eating us??

    6. Although computers cannot be intrinsically “evil” (unless so programmed), they can still “go crazy,”—malfunction, that is, which is what often happens in speculative fiction narratives,9 which belong to the broader theme of “technology going awry” rather than to the supernatural.

      Does it though? I feel like this line could be blurred in some spiritual sci-fi work. "Does this unit have a soul?" etc (NOT saying Mass Effect is necessarily spiritual, but stuff along those lines of AI that has spiritual depth)

    7. It seems the tendency to anthropomorphize houses is ancient.
    8. A truly sentient house is one that has some kind of will of its own. It may not have human sen-tience but nevertheless displays a capacity to react to events and act according to an agenda of its own.

      Re: agendas, I think about the motivations a house could have. Loneliness? Rage? A desire to, purely and simply, Mess About?

  5. Jan 2022
    1. Although each agreement was distinct, in recent years an important pattern has emerged of conservationists and Indigenous people working together by way of land transfers. The effect has been twofold: protecting ecologically vital spaces while helping to right historic injustices by returning properties to their original caretakers.

      Collaborations between Indigenous communities and conservation groups is so important! First touched on this idea in As Long As Grass Grows (Dina Gilio-Whitaker)

    1. Talk of that military option led the CIA Director to predict that “we are on the way to a right-wing coup”.

      I feel like when I first heard this, I thought it was alarmist. Now it seems more feasible.

  6. Aug 2021
    1. that U.S. occupation might be clashing with Afghan identity and giving the Taliban a significant advantage was rarely considered

      How HOW

    2. This thinking extends to ordinary Afghans as well, many of whom do not subscribe to the Taliban’s extremist political vision but are sympathetic to their invocation of Islamic principles against foreign occupiers.

      I feel like a similar trend could be found in the US, where folks don't necessarily agree with occupation but do see merit in "fighting terrorism" or "helping"

  7. Jul 2021
    1. It’s a sense of passing

      fulfilling the role you've been assigned (by society? by yourself?)

    2. I paint them desert colors, compulsively.

      why this superfluous often-feminine action?

    3. sintered stone

    4. harnessed and catheterized

      so are their flesh bodies bound to the helicopter?

    5. casus belli

      A casus belli is an act or event that provokes or is used to justify war.

    6. America names its helicopters for the people it destroyed.

      girl you didn't even have to--

  8. Jun 2021
    1. As the digital has merged with our physical lives, there’s simply no longer a need to distinguish between the two in the way that people did just a couple of decades ago.

      we applied our world to the digital world, and now they're one

    2. suggesting a renewed American exceptionalism

      especially considering that the Web was pretty US-centric at this time

    3. But in sacrificing a sense of utopian ambition to give its early users something closer to their physical surroundings, the site also enacted a spatial politics rooted in American history, bound to the nation’s history of settler colonialism and suburban sprawl.

      Let's problematize the legacy of Geocities YES! finally!

    4. Barlow believed that an intangible internet transcended the material differences between rich and poor, placing all on equal footing in a “civilization of the Mind” that reconfigured distinctions found in three-dimensional space.

      did he just not consider the possibilities of issues w access to internet lmao

    1. “Doctors are supposed to be trusted authorities, a patient’s primary gateway to healing. But for fat people, they are a source of unique and persistent trauma”

      bro can you read? the article isn't saying doctors aren't "doing the right things to help people lose weight", it says doctor visits are generally traumatic for fat people

    2. It also doesn’t mention the attempt to pass sugar taxes to get people to curb sugar consumption.

      i mean it did mention a few other policies that attempt to promote healthy eating but go off i guess

    1. Just 4 percent of agricultural subsidies go to fruits and vegetables.

      all my homies hate corn subsidies

    2. how much attention and support they received while they were on it

      this shouldn't be a novel concept but okay

    3. BMI report cards

      when we say we should all be involved in our children's health this is NOT what we mean!

    4. offering no further specifics

      it's like some messed-up virtue signalling. i've acknowledged that you are fat and that fat people (i.e. you) are seen by society as unhealthy and dangerous. get out of my office!

    5. students receive an average of just 19 hours of nutrition education over four years of instruction

      you'd think that, given we are what we eat, nutrition would be seen as more important? although perhaps modern Western medicine isn't into the holistic approach, na?

    6. cultural differences

      i'd argue that this is an instance of classism/class difference, not simply "cultural differences"

    7. I had one egg for breakfast and I feel fine.

      Look Doc, just because your body is trained to live in high-stress starvation-like scenarios doesn't mean everyone else's is!

    8. smoking is a behavior; being fat is not

      and yet it's often treated like it is, like a moral failing

    9. the patients who were also classified as fat had a worse attitude and were less likely to follow their advice

      not only a healthcare issue but a humane-ness issue, as fat people are almost seen as less human, or at least as less sociable

    10. the first thing you will be told is that it would all get better if you could just put down the Cheetos

      seeing fatness as the root of all evil rather than one aspect of somebody's entire medical history and, as such, one that may or MAY NOT be the cause of whatever they're in for. the assumption that ailment is always a symptom of being fat.

    11. Her period would come back.

      if it's that far gone, girl, you gotta stop

    12. Studies

      the papers that have cited this source are also very interesting reads!!

    1. Network nodes vary in weight

      And as diff services monopolize areas of the internet, their weight increases. How to be aware of sliding down these slopes?

    2. Internet adapts itself to suit the realities of each region

      web balkanization?

    3. "Search engines are at the heart of the Internet edifice. They guarantee the “visibility” (access) of Internet space by controlling the hyperlinks."

      How can we break free of search engines—through alternative searches or our own networks of discovery (RIP StumbleUpon)—in order to demonopolize or even destroy this monopoly on web traffic?

    1. But the borders between the groups will most likely be blurred, with individuals, groups, and families moving between social spheres.

      How do we maintain contact and "blurred" borders among groups?

    2. We cannot, en masse, return to a pre-civilized way of life. And honestly, most of us don’t want to. We refuse a blanket rejection of everything that civilization has brought us. We need to look forward, not backwards.

      Appropriate technology, diverse agricultural practices based on sustainability. Very solarpunk!

    3. My dictionary defines civilization as “the stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced.” Aside from being a sort of useless definition, this points out the prejudice inherent in civilization. It says: “We are advanced. You are primitive. What’s more, history and development is purely linear in nature, progress only moves forward, and any deviation from the course we are on is regressive.”

      reminds me of Walker's connection btwn Eurocentric linear time, Darwinism, and the advanced-primitive dichotomy

    1. Many appropriate technology projects (though certainly not all) involve people from the Global North designing for rather than with recipient communities

      the white savior complex born anew

    1. But there is the attendant danger that the energy transition be treated as a given, a narrative necessity for the platforming of politics grounded in identity, while the actual rough politics required to make that transition happen in the first place fades into the background of the celebration.

      Isn't this the danger of any aesthetic-political movement? Solarpunk is at least grappling w these issues, on some levels. But if we want solarpunk to gain traction as more than a nebulous aesthetic or ~vibe~ we must be more intentional about centering landback and other reclamatory movements

    2. The fact that there is no abject, no excrement, in Solarpunk belies a sinister omission. A different value system would likely change the abject rather than rid us of it.

      I wonder what exactly this means; I feel like solarpunk imaginaries emphasize reuse and re/upcycling of waste, and inclusivity of humans, so I'm curious what they mean. I do think that people who are at odds with societal values are often maligned tho

    3. To think about a renewable future we currently draw on fantastical modes that are at least partly entrenched in pre-modern aesthetics and structures — this mode of thinking is a “forward looking memory,” perhaps, but it is also problematic because of its pastoral or nostalgic nature.

      Problematic in that we refuse to entertain possible pitfalls in the pursuit of this future, I suppose

  9. Dec 2020
    1. Technologies of representation

      "the tools and processes necessary to mediate the form and content of media communications"