25 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2019
  2. gutenberg.net.au gutenberg.net.au
    1. for the sake of a glimpse of the Miss Beauforts

      Marriage plot again, will Arthur end up with one of the Beauforts?

    2. there could not have been a more favourable spot for the seclusion of the Miss Beauforts

      Austen is making fun of women like the Beauforts who claim they want to be private but really go out of their way to make themselves known to everyone

    3. he made the acquaintance for Sir Edward's sake

      Marriage plot emerges here, Lady Denham wants Sir Edward to marry Miss Lamb for her money

    4. meaning to be the most stylish girls in the place

      Music and drawing, two skills that made women "poplar" or considered properly educated at this time. A theme throughout Austen novels, having these skills made women accomplished and more suited for marriage.

    5. captivate some man of much better fortune than their own.

      Beginning of a marriage plot here? The Miss Beauforts want to marry for money over love. By marrying someone with money it might also help their social standing. This is a similar sentiment that we saw with Mary Crawford in "Mansfield Park" who was all about marrying to elevate her own status.

    6. as alert as ever.

      Ironic given that the sea air was supposed to kill her

    7. less clear-sighted and infallible

      Diana's being unable to make mistakes is a trait that reminds me of other Austen characters such as Emma from "Emma." While they both mean well they carry themselves with an sense of being "all knowing" and never wrong.

    8. who had never employed her.

      This just seems like such an odd job to take on when you have not met the person or been asked to do this. In other Austen novels we have seen some characters take on responsibilities without being asked but they normally have to do with relationships such as Emma and her match making n Emma or Lady Catherine de Bourgh getting involved with Darcy and Lizzy's relationship.

    9. the sea air would probably, in her present state, be the death of her

      Seems to be the opposite of what every other character says about sea air

    10. A young West Indian of large fortune

      First character we see who is not from England

    11. Impossible that it should be the same."

      Sense of irony here on the part of Austen because it is so obvious that these women are the same

    12. the indulgence of an indolent temper,

      Once again we see Charlotte "reading" the true nature of Arthur and seeing beyond the facade. She is very sensible like Elinor in "Sense and Sensibility." And even though she does not always voice how she actually sees people, she and Lizzy Bennet are similar in their directness.

    13. he only wanted it now for Miss Heywood.

      Is this how Arthur flirts with Charlotte? Through toast?

    14. It struck her, however,

      We have another instance of Free Indirect Discourse

    15. grees with me better than anything."

      This is a very odd dialogue scene. Something that we do not often get in Austen novels. The dialogue has nothing to do with the plot or getting to know the characters better (except about Arthur's weird habits)

    16. I should recommend rather more of it to you than I suspect you are in the habit of taking."

      Here I believe Charlotte sounds a bit like Lizzy Bennet. The two are both direct and tend to not hold back when it comes to being sassy or saying something that could be seen as controversial.

    17. I am very nervous.

      His "nervousness" is similar to Mrs. Bennet from P&P and maybe even Mr. Woodhouse from Emma?

    18. cooks, housemaids, washerwomen and bathing women

      Insight onto the different types of "help" a family like the Griffiths would have at this seaside resort

    19. secured a proper house at eight guineas per week for Mrs. Griffiths

      Indicating that Mrs. Griffiths comes from a socioeconomic status that allows her to be in this new type of class that rents houses in beach towns for just a week. This is also something we have not seen other characters do in other Austen novels.

    20. Diana was evidently the chief of the family, principal mover and actor.

      Another single, female character who is the "chief" of the family. We see this type of female character in previous Austen novels such as Mrs. Norris in "Mansfield Park"

    21. spent a great part of the evening at the hotel

      "Hotel" as a setting is one we have not seen before in Austen novels. This could be because the Parkers represent a different socioeconomic class compared to the rest of her characters

    22. a beautiful view of the sea

      Being at a seaside town is mentioned in other novels but the actual nature of the sea and the town is not discussed like this before

    23. impossible for Charlotte not to suspect a good deal of fancy

      As a character, Charlotte has a good read on others people she encounters. This is the case with other Austen characters such as Elizabeth Bennett in "Pride and Prejudice"

  3. Feb 2019
    1. inclined to suppose him a very respectable Man.

      Example of Austen being a "historian" who is ignoring facts to make her own judgement. Also example of using sarcasm in history, a perspective that historians often do not take.

    2. & his Wife,

      Interesting that Austen does not use Richard's wife's real name and instead just refers to her as "his Wife." Is this consistent with how women's identity were only in relation to their husbands?