28 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2025
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
(a) Failing to detect higher MW ions for PE is an indication of a false positive.(b) Using FTIR with low threshold matches increases the risk of false positives (by the way, FTIR only works on particles >10 µm, not nanoplastics).(c) Using microscopy without chemical confirmation of plastic particles and presenting images of unconfirmed plastics is a misleading application of the method.Altogether, these flaws render their results and conclusions fundamentally incorrect at best.
Dusan's google scholar profile https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JjcjpNEAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Dusan (Matt) Materic Thanks Dusan. That makes sense. Would it be feasible/worthwhile, to try to replicate their experiment with these three issues addressed? I assume, given Gauert et al's 2025 paper, the results would still be imperfect, even with their "best" method 3 for minimizing lipid issues, but it seems worth re-testing, as an approximation? Based on their comment in the paper "refinements to the analytical techniques, more complex study designs and much larger cohorts are needed" and their response to a comment on an earlier paper, perhaps they would be game to collaborate?https://academic.oup.com/toxsci/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/toxsci/kfae137/7829158 …more Like Celebrate Support Love Insightful Funny Like Reply Gabriel Enrique De la Torre • 3rd+ Microplastics | Plastic pollution | Antifouling paint particles 1w Dusan (Matt) Materic this pretty much summarizes it
Gabriel's google scholar profile https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Mc00G90AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
- Jan 2025
aclanthology.org aclanthology.org
We foundseveral issues with these datasets, such as poordocumentation, overlapping data, unclear licensing,and a lack of canonical splits. For this reasonswe propose several guidelines for publishing newdatasets in this domain, guidelines that, in fact,apply to publishing datasets in general. We alsosee a need for the creation of a taxonomy of tasksin AI-assisted or automated peer reviewing, and theneed for a well-documented dataset that consists ofpeer reviews from various domains, which can beused for different subtask
One datasetto enable their use is, for example, the Review-Revision Multiple-Choice Questions (RR-MCQ)dataset, that allows to have a quick assessment on
LLM performance in the scientific review domain (Zhou et al., 2024). Similarly, Liu and Shah (2023) created a dataset to identify errors in computer sci- ence publications, where they manually modified the publications to contain factual inaccuracies
While review generation may solve some of thereviewing issues, such as speeding up the academicreview process or generating high quality reviews,it may also introduce new threats into the academicreview process. For example, authors could tunetheir submissions so that automated review modelswould accept them
5 datasets cover multiple domains and jour-nals, 3 obtained from F10005 and 2 from PeerJ
only 5 out of 53 not NLP or ML
In this work, we make an inventory of tasks anddatasets associated with Peer Review Automationand Optimization, and give recommendations onhow to collect and publish such datasets. Withoutclaiming that our work is exhaustive, we see it asa necessary contribution to this field. We exam-ine the available datasets, the tasks they have beenused or created for, discussing use cases and au-tomation tasks.This work complements the very re-cently published Dagstuhl Proceedings (Kuznetsovet al., 2024), and the analyses in Drori and Te’eni(2024) or Lin et al. (2023a)
However, the data also indicate that there actually isa substantial amount of ‘noise’, as obvious from the rate of unclear descriptions in the methods sections of the papers (9.1% even after the rejoinder). This is particularly remarkable since I had already removed 21 additional papers from the original sample (as described in the paper) because the methods were unclear to meat that point. As such, one of the lessons is that the description of methods in published research may require improvement, and / or that methods descriptions should not be perceived as a noiseless signal. (My apologies if that was already obvious to experts in metascience. It wasn’t to me)
This was the most interesting ‘error’ to me. RP took a subsample of the 241 papers sampled for this research (24 papers) and extracted the parameters for SOA and p(nogo) himself. He then identified several cases in which the values he extracted from the methods section differed from the ones I originally extracted in 2016.I was frankly astonished by the degree of this mismatch. RP identified 4 instances in which the p(nogo) parameter did not match (though I am taking the liberty to dispute one of them as an error, because I rounded from 31.7% to 32% and he did not). Either way, this still leaves an error rate of 12.5% (3/2
- Jun 2022
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
You know, I don’t even care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me,’” she said
www.govinfo.gov www.govinfo.gov
Another example of that, because you might say, are there othercases like that, Miranda. So Miranda is reaffirmed a lot, but thenin the Dickerson case in 2000, Chief Justice Rehnquist writes theopinion, considering the stare decisis factors and reaffirming Mi-randa. Even though Chief Justice Rehnquist, by the way, had beena fervent critic of Miranda throughout his career, he decided thatit had been settled too long, had been precedent too long, and hereaffirmed it
o that is why both of those cases, Planned Parenthood v. Caseyand Dickerson, are cases where I would refer to them as precedenton precedent.Senator F EINSTEIN. So you believe it is correctly settled, but isit correct law in your view?Judge KAVANAUGH. Senator, there is on that case or onDickerson, or on cases like Citizens United or Heller or UnitedStates v. Lopez or Kelo, just the whole body of modern SupremeCourt case law, I have to follow what the nominees who have beenin this seat before have done.
has been reported that you have said that Roe is now settled law.The first question I have of you is what do you mean by ‘‘settledlaw’’? I tried to ask earlier do you believe it is correct law?Have your views on whether Roe is settled precedent or could beoverturned, and has your views changed since you were in theBush White House?Judge KAVANAUGH. Senator, I said that it is settled as a prece-dent of the Supreme Court, entitled the respect under principles ofstare decisis. And one of the important things to keep in mindabout Roe v. Wade is that it has been reaffirmed many times overthe past 45 years, as you know, and most prominently, most impor-tantly, reaffirmed in Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992.And as you well recall, Senator, I know when that case came up,the Supreme Court did not just reaffirm it in passing. The Courtspecifically went through all the factors of stare decisis in consid-ering whether to overrule it, and the joint opinion of Justice Ken-nedy, Justice O’Connor, and Justice Souter, at great length wentthrough those factors.
Is it correct law?RESPONSE: Thornburg v. Gingles, 478 U.S. 30 (1986), is a precedent of the Supreme Courtentitled to the respect due under the law of precedent. As I discussed at the hearing, the law ofprecedent is not a judicial policy but rather is rooted in Article llI of the Constitution.Adherence to precedent ensures stability and predictability in the law, and reinforces theimpartiality and independence of the judiciary.46. In the 2003 case Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court held that states may not intrudeinto the bedrooms of same-sex couples. Justice Kennedy's majority opinion explainedthat laws prohibiting intimacy between same-sex couples are unconstitutional becausestates "cannot demean their existence or control their destiny by making their privatesexual conduct a crime
is most-ly a sham. You know the game. In the Bush White House, youcoached judicial nominees to just tell Senators that they have ‘‘acommitment to follow Supreme Court precedent, that they will ad-here to statutory text, that they have on ideological agenda.’’ Fairytales.At his hearing, Justice Roberts infamously said he would justcall balls and strikes, but this pattern, 73–0, of the Roberts Fivequalifies him to have NASCAR-style corporate badges on his robes.Alito said in his hearing what a strong principle stare decisiswas, an important limitation on the Court. Then he told the Fed-eralist Society, ‘‘Stare decisis means to leave things decided whenit suits our purposes.’’
he President early on assured evangelicals his Supreme Courtpicks would attack Roe v. Wade. Despite confirmation etiquette as-surances about precedent, your own words make clear you do notreally believe Roe v. Wade is settled law since the Court, as yousaid, ‘‘can always overrule its precedent.’
Justice Kagan, when asked about Roe v. Wade, said the fol-lowing, ‘‘I do not believe it would be appropriate for me to commenton the merits of Roe v. Wade other than to say that it is settledlaw entitled to precedential weight. The application of Roe to futurecases, and even its continued validity, are issues likely to come be-fore the Court in the future.
This reason, we believe—I believe—demonstrates that you arewilling to disregard precedent. And if that is the case because justsaying something is settled law, it really is, is it correct law?
I want to talk a little bit about one of the big deci-sions that we have the belief that although you told Senator Collinsthat you believed it was settled law, the question is, really, do youbelieve that it is correct law? And that is Roe v. Wade
- Feb 2019
answers.unrealengine.com answers.unrealengine.com
- Dec 2018
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
dornsife.usc.edu dornsife.usc.edu
At pre-test, the control group showed relatively high scores on all quality measures. The mean score for function-based was 0.84, evidence-based was 0.84, and non-punishment-based was 0.96. The treatment group showed slightlylower pre-test scores in the areas of function-based (mean = 0.78) and evidence-based (mean = 0.78) and similar scoreson non-punishment-based (mean = 0.96)
ceiling effect for control group
Noguidance was given to the participants regarding what topography or function of behavior to choose, nor which client tochoose. The BIPs that were submitted included a wide range of behavior topographies and functions, as depicted inTables 2 and 3. The ages of the clients ranged significantly, but were roughly equivalent across the two groups, witha mean age of 8.75 years (range = 3–19) in the treatment group and a mean age of 7.75 years (range = 4–10) in thecontrol group. It seems reasonable that due to reactivity, participants would choose to send a BIP that they believedwas good-quality, however, this reactivity was likely to be equally distributed across groups. Each BIP was then scoredas the pre-test data for that participant. For participants in the control group, the participant was then asked to updatetheir BIP however they see fit over the next 24 h and resubmit it. For participants in the BIP builder group, they wereasked to update their BIP using the BIP builder within the next 24 h. No further instructions were given to theparticipants.
v21.wiki.optitrack.com v21.wiki.optitrack.com
www.neuroergonomia.es www.neuroergonomia.es
Thus, we definedgaze velocity averaged over the simulated exercise, usingthe harmonic mean, as:vg¼NfsPN1n¼11rgðnÞrgðn1Þwherefsis the sampling rate of the recording device (in thiscase, 30 Hz),Nis the number of samples recorded duringthe simulated exercise, andrg(n)is the(x,y)position of thegaze (in units of degrees of visual angle) on the samplen.Gaze velocity provides information about how fast the gazeis continuously moving through the exercises, indepen-dently of the spatial configuration of its elements.
- Oct 2018
answers.unrealengine.com answers.unrealengine.com
Also more complexity and prefering inheritance over composition raises development and debugging time because "My car has a radio" is a better abstraction and though easier to handle then "My car is also a radio". And cleaner, generic solutions are easier to opitimize than complex specialized, what would then again lead to more speed. In my oppinion at least.
- Feb 2017
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
private void setup(string someData) { Object.assignHandler((sender) => evHandler(sender,someData)); } public void evHandler(Object sender, string someData) { // need someData here!!! }
lambda is useful
- Oct 2016