16 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2023
    1. “My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

      The many poor and homeless would beg to differ, here.

      How many people die because they can't afford their life-saving medicines (while the pharmaceutical companies make record profits)?

    2. fighting the fear of not having enough money

      In a capitalist society, where the profit motive is the prime directive, the fear of not having enough money is one of (if not, the) greatest fears we have in our old age.

      My hope of a better tomorrow includes a society that has outgrown the profit motive and sincerely cares for everyone, even the old and unemployed.

  2. Jan 2022
  3. Sep 2021
    1. Yet, little research has examined whether Congressional staff actually recognize thepreferences of their Members’constituents. Using an original survey of senior US Congressionalstaffers, we show that staff systematically mis-estimate constituent opinions. We then evaluate the sources ofthese misperceptions, using observational analyses and two survey experiments. Staffers who rely moreheavily on conservative and business interest groups for policy information have more skewed perceptionsof constituent opinion. Egocentric biases also shape staff perceptions

      This entire preface to the introduction acts as an abstract to the article, giving the purpose as to why the research was conducted. The reason for research was to examine whether congressional staff recognize the preferences of their members.

  4. Apr 2021
    1. “Home charges” meant that India ended up balancing Britain’s huge trade deficits with the rest of the world,
      • Part of why Britain wanted its advantageous relationship with India was to pay off its debts to other powers, such as those in the New World.
    2. India was to become a consumer of British manufactures and a supplier of primary staples like cotton, jute, tea, wheat, and vegetable oil seeds.
      • The British economic strategy in India was to buy raw materials from India and sell Indians products, often made from those materials.
      • To do this, the British got rid of taxes and protections for local businesses so they could directly compete with them
      • This strategy succeeded sometimes and caused some traditional production industries to go out of business
      • This arrangement meant that overall, the British got to profit off of the manufacture of these items
    3. replacing East India Company rule by crown government in 1858,
      • The British government took over ruling India instead of the EIC in 1858
      • Perhaps the British government took over ruling India instead of the East India Company because after the uprising, ruling over colonial states was viewed as a more militant and political task than an economic one.
    4. revenues in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa and to trade free of duties throughout Mughal terri- tory.
      • The East India Company, as a for-profit, wanted to be able to do business without restrictions in India.
      • The best way to guarantee this was to gain political alliances (by paying the Mughal emperor to let them trade), then starting in the second half of the 1700s, control (by later actually conquering areas) of territories.
    5. changes in Indian culture.
      • Over the course of British imperialism, Brits seeked to replace traditional Indian cultures and religions with British culture
      • An example is Lord Macaulay in 1835 looking to make English the government language and Western education central.
  5. Feb 2021
    1. The Quest for Truth

      The quest for Truth is everywhere and not limited to the economic topics linked here. This is just a topic that started a thought process where I had access to a convenient tool (Hypothesis) to bookmark my thoughts and research.

      Primary thought is: The Quest for Truth. Subcategories would provide a structured topic for the thought. In this case the subcategory would be: US Economy, Inflation

      The TRUTH is a concept comprised of inconsistencies and targets that frequently move.

      Targets (data, methods, people, time, semantics, agenda, demographic, motive, means, media, money, status) hold a position in time long enough to fulfill a purpose or agenda. Sometimes they don't consciously change, but history over time shines light and opens cracks in original narrative that leads to new truth's, real or imagined.

      Verifying and validating certain Truth is very difficult. Why is That?
  6. Sep 2020
    1. opium

      This brings an important issue about our relationship with narcotic substances, dating back from Victorian times. It would be interesting to learn how this plays a role in the story (or if it does) and perhaps it would lead us to uncovering the darkest motives of the character/s.

  7. Dec 2018
  8. Mar 2017
    1. But be that as it may, any complete statement about motives will offer some kind of

      A bit of a side note, but I think it's interesting how much Burke relies on "motive" in part to determine the "who, what, when, where, how" of an act. In a court of law in the U.S. judicial system, the only facets of guilt that a prosecution is required to establish are: means (person had ability to do a crime) and opportunity (person had the ability to be at the time and place of a crime). Motive (person had a reason to commit a crime) is something that juries like to hear, but is not legally required to establish guilt. Just an interesting comparison, I think. That our legal system puts so little weight on the "motive" of an act and so much more on the "facts" or the "who what when where and how" of an act--as if they exist separately from one another. Whereas for Burke, "motive" cannot really exist apart from the answers to those questions.

  9. Jan 2017
  10. Feb 2014
    1. so that things done by man not be forgotten in time, and that great and marvelous deeds, some displayed by the Hellenes, some by the barbarians, not lose their glory

      Hdt. 1.1 motive; bias? H's idea of glory and great deeds? "not be forgotten in time" -- I agree this is important.

  11. Oct 2013
    1. Since a given action can be done from many motives, the former must try to disparage it by selecting the worse motive of two, the latter to put the better construction on it.

      This whole section just seemed super deceptive to me.