- Feb 2023
slatestarcodex.com slatestarcodex.com
But coordination only works when you have 51% or more of the force on the side of the people doing the coordinating, and when you haven’t come up with some brilliant trick to make coordination impossible.
Hmm sounds like Satoshi Consensus
(alternate phrasing for Chomskyites: technology increases the efficiency of manufacturing consent in the same way it increases the efficiency of manufacturing everything else)
The worst-case scenario is that the ruling party learns to produce infinite charisma on demand. If that doesn’t sound so bad to you, remember what Hitler was able to do with an famously high level of charisma that was still less-than-infinite.
Umm that's quite a fucked up thought experiement. One I really like playing with. Infinite Charisma, ya that sounds like Mania to me. Are we welcoming madness into our society via bad incentives. Ya that sounds about right, no wonder there is this meme to leave cities.
The point is – imagine a country full of bioweapon labs, where people toil day and night to invent new infectious agents. The existence of these labs, and their right to throw whatever they develop in the water supply is protected by law. And the country is also linked by the world’s most perfect mass transit system that every single person uses every day, so that any new pathogen can spread to the entire country instantaneously. You’d expect things to start going bad for that city pretty quickly.
Ummm Covid just showed up in the middle of nowhere. My favorite Psyop is still 9/11. I do have an appreciation of the dramatic.
“Believe this statement and repeat it to everyone you hear or else you will be eternally tortured”.
Wow it really is that simple isin't it /s
It looks a lot like even though they are outbreeding us, we are outmeme-ing them, and that gives us a decisive advantage.
Now this is the type of war I can get behind.
Once a robot can do everything an IQ 80 human can do, only better and cheaper, there will be no reason to employ IQ 80 humans. Once a robot can do everything an IQ 120 human can do, only better and cheaper, there will be no reason to employ IQ 120 humans. Once a robot can do everything an IQ 180 human can do, only better and cheaper, there will be no reason to employ humans at all, in the unlikely scenario that there are any left by that point. In the earlier stages of the process, capitalism becomes more and more uncoupled from its previous job as an optimizer for human values. Now most humans are totally locked out of the group whose values capitalism optimizes for. They have no value to contribute as workers – and since in the absence of a spectacular social safety net it’s unclear how they would have much money – they have no value as customers either. Capitalism has passed them by. As the segment of humans who can be outcompeted by robots increases, capitalism passes by more and more people until eventually it locks out the human race entirely, once again in the vanishingly unlikely scenario that we are still around.
You people need to seriously read The Culture Series
As always when dealing with high-level transhumanists, “all available hardware” should be taken to include “the atoms that used to be part of your body”.
Ah good old computronium
Human behavior has not yet adapted to contemporary conditions.
You can say that again. We need new religions. Or we need a new concept that takes the idea of running software on human wetware seriously and impliments some prototypes.
Physical limitations are most obviously conquered by increasing technology. The slavemaster’s old conundrum – that slaves need to eat and sleep – succumbs to Soylent and modafinil. The problem of slaves running away succumbs to GPS. The problem of slaves being too stressed to do good work succumbs to Valium. None of these things are very good for the slaves.
What are we to do with our lives? Human Insturmentality, how are we to design the people and society we live live and interact with.
how technological changes will affect our tendency to fall into multipolar traps.
Multipolar traps – races to the bottom – threaten to destroy all human values.
Okay this makes sense. Multi Polar Traps are the Devil. We require activation energy, agency, free energy, to get to the next meta. But where is this energy supposed to come from. It has to be held up by a dam then wielded somehow, sometimes a flood will wipe out everything like in Dune or Star Wars other times it can be wielded for greatness like with somethine like Constantanople
This is the much-maligned – I think unfairly – argument in favor of monarchy. A monarch is an unincentivized incentivizer. He actually has the god’s-eye-view and is outside of and above every system. He has permanently won all competitions and is not competing for anything, and therefore he is perfectly free of Moloch and of the incentives that would otherwise channel his incentives into predetermined paths. Aside from a few very theoretical proposals like my Shining Garden, monarchy is the only system that does this.
Curtis Yarvin enters the chat
Social codes, gentlemens’ agreements, industrial guilds, criminal organizations, traditions, friendships, schools, corporations, and religions are all coordinating institutions that keep us out of traps by changing our incentives.
Yo how do we map this shit
Things are easy to solve from a god’s-eye-view, so if everyone comes together into a superorganism, that superorganism can solve problems with ease and finesse. An intense competition between agents has turned into a garden, with a single gardener dictating where everything should go and removing elements that do not conform to the pattern.
Is this the Technelogical Singularity?
I know that “capitalists sometimes do bad things” isn’t exactly an original talking point. But I do want to stress how it’s not equivalent to “capitalists are greedy”. I mean, sometimes they are greedy. But other times they’re just in a sufficiently intense competition where anyone who doesn’t do it will be outcompeted and replaced by people who do. Business practices are set by Moloch, no one else has any choice in the matter.
People sometime have a choice to follow incentives or not exist
The company fires all its laborers and throws them onto the street to die.
I wonder if ChatGPT's successor can do with access to the entirety of a corperations data.
how do you profit from an enslaved philosopher?
Funny QUestion
John Moes, a historian of slavery, goes further and writes about how the slavery we are most familiar with – that of the antebellum South – is a historical aberration and probably economically inefficient. In most past forms of slavery – especially those of the ancient world – it was common for slaves to be paid wages, treated well, and often given their freedom.
Productive slaves were given their freedom, I feel like people don't want to remember that for some reason
Las Vegas doesn’t exist because of some decision to hedonically optimize civilization, it exists because of a quirk in dopaminergic reward circuits, plus the microstructure of an uneven regulatory environment, plus Schelling points. A rational central planner with a god’s-eye-view, contemplating these facts, might have thought “Hm, dopaminergic reward circuits have a quirk where certain tasks with slightly negative risk-benefit ratios get an emotional valence associated with slightly positive risk-benefit ratios, let’s see if we can educate people to beware of that.” People within the system, following the incentives created by these facts, think: “Let’s build a forty-story-high indoor replica of ancient Rome full of albino tigers in the middle of the desert, and so become slightly richer than people who didn’t!”
A definition of how Las Vegas functions
Any human with above room temperature IQ can design a utopia.
Every two-bit author and philosopher has to write their own utopia. Most of them are legitimately pretty nice. In fact, it’s a pretty good bet that two utopias that are polar opposites both sound better than our own world.
Two opposite Utopias sound better than reality. That's quite a funny observation.
but for lack of a good coordination mechanism it endures.
Blockchain DAO's as a solution. What do DAO's actually coordinate?
if everyone hates the current system, who perpetuates it?
Moloch whose mind is pure machinery!
Reminds me of Dune, the Drawf in Dune Messiah has a mind that only operates using symbols
www.firstthings.com www.firstthings.com
We need a new Nobel cast within society.
Passages to better places must be found. Places where the true, the good, and the beautiful may be chased with abandon, where the human spirit has not been hobbled. This is not a call to adopt pickup artist buffoonery or the shallow machismo of an Andrew Tate, or any of the myriad pretensions of masculinity that one sees on the right. Such pursuits, even when motivated by a rejection of Longhouse norms, are equally deluded, and diminish one's higher nature.
Alright we don't want that kind of Maculinity then what kind fo we want?
When Marc Andreessen declares that it is time to build, he must understand that the recognition of merit and the willingness to assume risk that such building depends on cannot be achieved under Longhouse rule.
You can't innovate within the Longhouse, you need a cabin with your best buds in a city.
Male competition and the hierarchies that drive it are unwelcome.
No wonder we are not innovating anymore, we expected flying cars, what we got was 140 characters.
The Longhouse distrusts overt ambition.
These people also hate billionares because they can't solve climate change and feed all the starving people in Africa. Yet ask them for a solution and they have none, they want the world a certain way but don't want to make the decisions to change the world to their desired state.
Hyperventilating in panic as she ventures to the grocery store for the first time in a year.
Weak Men create hard times
Think of the litany of violations of our basic rights to personal freedom and choice over the last two years that were justified on the basis of harm reduction. The economy, our dying loved ones, our faith practices, our children's education, all of it served up on the altar of Safetyism.
All to create a baseline for the AI, any communication that was used to run an organization that was happening out of reach of our phones was now captures
define Safetyism as “a culture or belief system in which safety has become a sacred value, which means that people are unwilling to make trade-offs demanded by other practical and moral concerns.”
To claim that a biological man is a man, even in the context of a joke, cannot be tolerated.
This is textbook double think right. We are putting outselves within linguistic strait jackets.
As of 2022, women held 52 percent of professional-managerial roles in the U.S. Women earn more than 57 percent of bachelor degrees, 61 percent of master’s degrees, and 54 percent of doctoral degrees. And because they are overrepresented in professions, such as human resource management (73 percent) and compliance officers (57 percent), that determine workplace behavioral norms, they have an outsized influence on professional culture, which itself has an outsized influence on American culture more generally.
Ya sounds like a feminist coup
The most important feature of the Longhouse, and why it makes such a resonant (and controversial) symbol of our current circumstances, is the ubiquitous rule of the Den Mother. More than anything, the Longhouse refers to the remarkable overcorrection of the last two generations toward social norms centering feminine needs and feminine methods for controlling, directing, and modeling behavior. Many from left, right, and center have made note of this shift. In 2010, Hanna Rosin announced “The End of Men.” Hillary Clinton made it a slogan of her 2016 campaign: “The future is female.” She was correct.
Feminist Coup in the making? I smell bad times ahead.
duncanreyburn.substack.com duncanreyburn.substack.comDecline6
Spirit is one pattern of being and flesh is another.
We are a hybrid species of two dandelion conolization seeds
As Barfield says, “the full meanings of words are flashing, iridescent shapes like flames—ever-flickering vestiges of the slowly evolving consciousness beneath them.”
A history of ideas would refer to “a dialectical or syllogistic process, the thoughts of one age arising discursively out of, challenging, and modifying the thoughts and discoveries of the previous one.”
But the study of the development of language reveals that, in a certain sense, the literal as we typically understand it emerges from the metaphorical. One has only to consult St. Augustine’s Literal Meaning of Genesis to see this. What he thought of as literal was closer to what we might regard as literary. His interpretation of Genesis is wildly and wonderfully poetic. He sees in it far more than what any modern literalist would be capable of seeing. As this makes clear, the range of the literal has shrunk. Arguably, then, the consciousness that believes that unmediated meaning is possible is a shrunken and narrowed consciousness. It is a consciousness that has failed to be attentive to the preceding whole and so attends only to the framing of things that emerges once the whole is forgotten.
We have a narrowed sense of thinking, got it
Why is decline noticed in the first place?
Just look at the decline of traditions, the dissolution of institutions, the dilution of identities, the decay of faith and reason and national pride, and so many other things.
This is how I usually start writing an essay
“lawful intercept”
Check for having to reload pages to see all the images
In 2011, Packet Forensics and Saulino, its spokesman, were featured in a Wired story because the company was selling an appliance to government agencies and law enforcement that let them spy on people’s web browsing using forged security certificates.
Ah that's what happening to me right now
Global Resource Systems LLC now manages more internet space than China Telecom, AT&T or Comcast.
OK then
Some cybersecurity experts have speculated that the Pentagon may be using the newly advertised space to create “honeypots,” machines set up with vulnerabilities to draw hackers. Or it could be looking to set up dedicated infrastructure — software and servers — to scour traffic for suspect activity.
That real estate has since more than quadrupled to 175 million addresses — about 1/25th the size of the current internet.”It is massive. That is the biggest thing in the history of the internet,” said Doug Madory, director of internet analysis at Kentik, a network operating company. It’s also more than twice the size of the internet space actually used by the Pentagon.
What does this even mean? What could an actor do with these IP addresses?
- Jan 2023
graymirror.substack.com graymirror.substack.com
There is no biodiversity on this red-dirt farm. There is only one crop. McManus has no choice but to pick it. Imagine him agreeing with me, then trying to have a career. Even with all his fine publications, he will be lucky to make it out of Michigan. Sad! And peace begins with feeling your enemy’s pain.
Wow, Academic surf as a concept really makes sense. There is only one way to survive in academia. If you want power what do you say? People talk about people being subconscously racist, but what about subconsciously hating on anybody on the right. This regieme propaganda is pissing me off, what kind of propganda do I want to consume. What are the founding documents of the new regieme? BAP, Human Forver, Dune, LOTR?
Chérizier has denied that his nickname “Babekyou” (or “Barbecue”) came from accusations of his setting people on fire. Instead, he says it was from his mother's having been a fried chicken street vendor.
This is one of those people that we need to make a movie about
The question of why so many fine Americans of the caviar caste were funding, protecting, and collaborating with this gigantic gang of mass murderers is seldom if ever raised.
Ummmm intelectual atire much, I remember telling people that in the early 20th centuary communisim was intelectual atire and people thought it was legit clothing
The job of a historian is to figure out what really happened, not to beat his political enemies over the head with tendentious, emotional, juvenile propaganda. Again, though—in 2023, it’s easy to see why someone might get that impression.
Speaking as a diplomat’s son, I will say that the global elite are genuinely some of the best people in the world.
Ah these social clubs are where the new Dukes are going to come from
Bernie Sanders, everyone’s favorite progressive grandpa, “honeymooned” in the USSR. Imagine if it was Hitler.
People beleive in ideas more than their own eyes I guess
Of course Lenin’s party was literally the Social Democratic Labor Party.
I can't believe I did not know this
And if World War II was not a Marvel movie—how does the present even make sense?
What kind of question is this? Oh people do think of WWII like a movie or video game because that is how they experience it. It is entertainment to be consoomed
the story of the present has to be told by starting from the past.
We can't view history objectively because we are history
In our century the fires of mass slaughter have burned low—perhaps from genuine spiritual advance, but perhaps from a general decline in the passion and energy of humanity. When peace is just apathy, avarice and accidie, peace is not a symptom of health. The peace of decline is the peace of death.
Peace is just apathy. So Curtis, how do I get into the new Regime, what does the new regime stand for. What explosive power is behind it. Who are its members? Let's get answers to these questions
legitimate, press.
Michael Malice (@michaelmalice) / Twitter get in here and correct this man.
gjoncas.github.io gjoncas.github.io
If supply of tulpas is limited, then they implicitly have a price.
Based (Esoteric Truth)
In an episode of Seinfeld, Elaine’s favorite contraceptive stops being sold, and now for every potential lover she has to weigh in whether he is ‘spongeworthy’. An economics professor at Princeton wrote a paper on this, and it was actually published in Economic Inquiry (Dixit, 2012).
Does that mean what I think it means?
I read the paper, yes it does mean what I thought it meant.
I think it’s bad to hard-code a distinction between ‘real’ and ‘not-real’ into a conceptual system.
My PKMS(Personal Knowledge Management System) has a folder of People and I put fictional characters, like Jimmy Neurton, in there
WTF this phrase relates to Nick Land Accelerationisim!?!?!?!?
Just as we accept that our bodies are composed of myriad cellular organisms with a high degree of autonomy, egregorics provides a multi-agent view of the self where, moreover, these agents are distributed among members of society. Unlike semiotics where symbols are simply ‘given’, or memetics where memes spread through you like a virus, egregores are feeding on you as we speak. Egregorics must be computational, so machines can tell us what our tulpas don’t want us to know.
The integrated individual within the polymorphic society.
The notion of compression adds far more nuance. Suppose a fictional character reminds me of my friend; by watching a movie, I feel like I’m hanging out with my friend, helping me to maintain that tulpa even if I haven’t seen them for years. So large social networks create tulpa externalities which can be positive or negative.
graymirror.substack.com graymirror.substack.com
And the mobs that storm the state buildings are not the concerned democratic people in their millions—they are a few thousand gullible malcontents.
It is like a bunch of pigs overwhelming the farmer. WTF is actually going on?
By its juvenile mockery of power, the mob demonstrates its incapacity for power. Its attack is truly an attack on democracy—the mob, the essential element which makes democracy a tangible reality, attacks democracy by demonstrating its lack of power. For if the mob has no power, democracy has no power.
This is giving me a headache trying to comprehend. Isin't the mob the democracy but when the institutions of power are attached by a mob what does that mean? Which mass of people is more important, how should these masses of people interact. If one can't deal with the other what does that say?
Obviously these flexible people cannot be rounded up and put it camps. Instead, they must be employed—probably by the new power. Which they will serve faithfully—so long as it is really in power. And not just a mob vandalizing a government building.
What jobs will the SJW's have in the new regieme?
Most people are not logical; most people are emotional.
I always forget this. People on average functions as animals not inteligent agents.
it will not have any of these ways of feeling good.
I bet some people feel like they are cumming when they put their mask on
You resist—why? Not from of these principles, which are not even principles—from your immature, emotional need for power.
People resist power because they want power. Nice
The flexible comply and triumph. You resist, and are crushed.
Ah a nice exmaple of how progress works.
your old principles were just obsolete propaganda.
Wait is this right. Are all principals derived from the root of God.... and god is a psyop. Well they are all memes..... but memes come from individuals. Principals are just old propaganda I need to play with this one more
. So power and those who love power will crush you, and your old principles, like a bug.
Power is a meta phenomenon, it removes the concept of the individual..... or something like that.
Principled people always fall into the propaganda trap. They are educated to believe that the crowd is always right, that people are people regardless of their ancestors. They have no idea that these principles came to them from propaganda. They believe their principles not even because they are useful, but because they were once useful.
Every Bay Area person who has jogged past this plaque with their golden retriever, read it, and thought some happy thought about the Jalquin/Irgin (dollars to donuts that the Jalquin massacreed the Irgin at least more than once, presumably after much wrangling over whose brand sounded more like a birth-control pill), has figured out how to believe in blood-and-soil nationalism.
A crowd rushes and occupies a state building. Is this a joyous expression of popular freedom—the spark that will begin a political revolution? Or is it a criminal assault on democracy itself? And if it is a criminal assault—how can democracy defend itself? Why—only with riot police, mass arrests, investigations, informants, denunciations.
www.panarchy.org www.panarchy.org
The Open Conspiracy is the awaking of mankind from a nightmare, an infantile nightmare, of the struggle for existence and the inevitability of war. The light of day thrusts between our eyelids, and the multitudinous sound of morning clamour in our ears. A time will come when men will sit with history before them or with some old newspaper before them and ask incredulously, "Was there ever such a world?"
The opeining of Homo Deus makes more sense now
Any sort of unification will nor serve the ends we seek. We aim at a particular sort of unification; a world Caesar is hardly better from the progressive viewpoint than world chaos; the unity we seek must mean a world-wide liberation of thought, experiment and creative effort.
Technelogical Singualrity? We all become one as Joe Rogan likes to talk about
Some method of decision there must certainly be and a definite administrative machinery. But it may turn out to be a much slighter, less elaborate organization than a consideration of existing methods might lead us to imagine. It may never become one single interlocking administrative system. We may have systems of world control rather than a single world state. The practical regulations, enforcements, and officials needed to keep the world in good health, for example, may be only very loosely related to the system of controls that will maintain the communications in a state of efficiency. Enforcement and legal decisions, as we know them now, may be found to be enormously and needlessly cumbrous by our descendants. As the reasonableness of a thing is made plain, the need for its enforcement is diminished, and the necessity for litigation disappears.
I interconnected world has a commons to maintain, the envrionemnt, virology, and AI will effect us all so we do need regulatory bodies to manage this stuff as Yuval Noah Harari likes to point out
Flags, uniforms, national anthems, patriotism sedulously cultivated in church and school, the brag, blare, and bluster of our competing sovereignties, belong to the phase that the Open Conspiracy will supersede. We have to get clear of that clutter.
Ummmm New World Order much. Like without any of this identity how are people to think of themselves. Don't streal people's identities without something to replace it. What are you going to replace their religion with Ayn Rand Objectivisim! Humanisim? Social Justice!?!? How about just design a better christianity rather than starting from a blank slate
he new world demand new schools, therefore, to give everyone a sound a through mental training and equip everyone with clear ideas about history, about life, and about political and economic relationships instead of the rubbishy head-content at present prevalent.
What if our current education system was inspired by The Open Conspiracy!?!?!? Great aspirations but failure in practice
Hunting the truth is an art.
It certinly is not teached that way, even today
Through symbols and especially through words, man has raised himself above the level of the ape and come to a considerable mastery over his universe.
Human thought is still very much confused by the imperfection of the words and other symbols it employs and the consequences of this confused thinking are much more serious and extensive than is commonly realized.
Where is our scientifically constructed langauge
Then they would say, "What are we to do with our lives?"
I don't see an answer in your book H.G. Wells. Aldous Huxley had an answer for you though. Orgy Porgy
It seemed to me that all over the world intelligent people were waking up to the indignity and absurdity of being endangered, restrained, and impoverished, by a mere uncritical adhesion to traditional governments, traditional ideas of economic life, and traditional forms of behaviour, and that these awaking intelligent people must constitute first a protest and then a creative resistance to the inertia that was stifling and threatening us. These people I imagined would say first, "We are drifting; we are doing nothing worth while with our lives. Our lives are dull and stupid and not good enough."
Wow this is as true today as it was almost 100 years ago
grandy.substack.com grandy.substack.com
The eras of the content on web are starting to look something like this. human, real content < human, fake content < AI, fake content
Hmmm I wonder what heuristics work well to find bot content..... urbit is all real people for now. People need crypto identities. Oh ya I was working on that project.
Maybe it’s that we’re all dopamine junkies at heart and ascending the information chain keeps it pumping more intensely [citation needed].
Chain, more like anjoying a little circlekerk
It’s worth noting, that throughout recorded history (≥4th century BCE), the medium of choice has been the written word (text). It wasn’t until the daguerreotype for images, the phonoautograph for audio, and the Nipkow disk for video, that more complex and information-heavy forms of content began to emerge and become mainstream1. And all this within the past 180 years.
This is important context. It is interesting to note that we have not been through an entire empire cycle (200-250 years)[1] since our media revolution started.
www.tabletmag.com www.tabletmag.com
I mentioned that children at my son’s elementary school in Brooklyn are taking coding classes in third grade. “It’s absolutely asinine,” Gelernter scowled. “You could also teach a third grader how to drive, using a miniature car, but why would you? Teach them discrete math, logic, graph theory, not baby coding. They have to work up to the coding. In America these days we don’t like working up to things.”
Young people should be trained to use the web properly: “Push the button only when you’re done; don’t skip to the end. You don’t skip to the end when you read a book.” “The internet has a gigantic flaw,” Gelernter said. “It should be structured like a recursive nest, so that you’re encouraged to return to what you were looking at. Instead, the way it is, if you click you’ll probably never go back.”
“My idea in Mirror Worlds was that the computer screen should be like the still surface of a moving pond,” he explained. That didn’t happen. The internet gives us the news and assists our research, but it is mostly used for low purposes, a glorified fidget spinner, trolling device, and masturbation aid.
Masturbation Aid you say. How sad. People are too domesticated.
americanaffairsjournal.org americanaffairsjournal.org
“grand unified theory” of all order.
As if Humanity could have a bigger ego. We are going to become God and make nature our bitch? No thanks. My greatest fear is the death of the conscious force in the universe. I hope we can design our machines in a way that leaves room for conscousness and nature
americanmind.org americanmind.org
Like the turn against video games, that effort is unthinkable (for now) in the US.
Ooooh a hint for the next regieme. Also Birth Control is going to bo reconsidered.
Just this past May, officials swung into action against what one top advisor called a “masculinity crisis” among Chinese boys, many of whom had fallen into danger of becoming “delicate, timid, and effeminate.” Proscribed policies included more gym teachers in the schools and more yang, the masculine spirit, in the curriculum.
I wonder how you would go about measuring a masculinity crisis. Imagine if we knew what everyone's phisical traits were in school, their diets were measured, we know how they did on the 12 minute run, how much they could bench. This seems like a good idea, any objections. My highschool did not have a proper weight room, it had a dance room instead...... ohhhhhh
As if watching a science fiction movie unfold on a jumbo screen, Americans are bemusedly puzzling over the latest news out of China: Minors are now limited to three hours a week of online gaming, spread over the three days (generously counting Friday) of the weekend.
Is this not austerely a pro human move?
americanmind.org americanmind.orgCryptophobia11
onrushing subhuman future being manufactured for us will only accelerate.
I love this dude's phrasing
There’s no better way for Americans to reclaim control over their destiny in the digital age than by using crypto to command compute to serve our soulful, human purposes.
I need more context for this.
And his fanatically partisan history—as part of the Goldman group that injected big bucks at a helpful time into the Obama campaign, reaping rewards like Gensler’s appointment by Obama to lead the obscure agency tasked to overhaul regulations after the 2008 financial crisis
Oh so that is what Gynsler did in his past, he is a tool of the Matrix / Cathedral
MIT Media Lab, a fluffy outfit tarnished by the proximity of its former head to Jeffrey Epstein—is relatively shallow and, judging by the Media Lab program on crypto, has always been fundamentally adversarial.
Hmmm the MIT Media lab, a prestigous institution that mines for elietes. I wonder if it actually enables them or uses them as pieces in a game!?!?!?
ordinary Americans will grow ever more captive to people and institutions who wish to use digital technology to terraform us into a new, ultimately subhuman kind of submission.
Perserve the American religion ;-)
without the ability to compel datacenters and compute to serve us in this way
That's an interesting phrase, "Compel datacenters and compute to serve us".
At the same time, digital technology is drying up twentieth-century forms of socioeconomic agency
I need to think about this more. What is this 20th centuary agency. Walking into a store and asking for a job and getting hired on the stop. Making friends by talking to people at The Third Place?
That means if you’re not telling a datacenter what to do, someone else is… and if you’re not telling the datacenters your data is in what to do, someone else is telling those datacenters what to do to you.
Americans face a well-nigh impossible task in preserving their way of life without the rich ecosystem of creating memorable and valuable culture through crypto.
Hmmm what definition of crypto are we using here? The old fashion origional definition of cryptography with encryption or the crypto currency signing side of crypto?
That’s despite bitcoin consuming less energy than fossil fuels, the petrodollar, or, say, China, even without taking into account how long a way even a little nuclear power could go toward reducing emissions for miners as well as the rest of us.
Bitcoin still conesumes a lot of power. The current estimates are likely wrong. One thing I often think about is if The Islanders have a quantum solution to mining bitcoin. Like that one block back in the day that seemed oddly unlikely.....
ridding China of crypto holdings and mining meant strangling a rival to the Party’s social credit system in its crib.
arstechnica.com arstechnica.com
When the buyout plans fell through, Arm pivoted to suing one of its biggest customers, Qualcomm, over its purchase of the chip-design firm Nuvia. Both Qualcomm and Nuvia had the highest-tier Arm architecture license, which allowed them to design custom chips based on the Arm architecture. Arm claims the two companies are in breach of their contracts, while Qualcomm says everything is fine. Arm says it wants Qualcomm to destroy Nuvia's chip designs and start over from scratch.
Sounds like they are shooting themselves in the foot here
Regulators around the world eventually shut that deal down, and now Softbank wants Arm to have an IPO, which may or may not happen, depending on how the economy goes.
This sounds painful
Unlike Android's unpolished support for x86, Bergstrom promised a real push for quality with RISC-V, saying, "We need to do all of the work to move from a prototype and something that runs to something that's really singing—that's showing off the best-in-class processors that [RISC-V International Chairman Krste Asanović] was mentioning in the previous talk."
What about Android apps on Windows?
- Dec 2022
graymirror.substack.com graymirror.substack.com
When we look at America today, do we feel that most people we see are living up to their full human potential?
salus populi
Salus populi suprema lex esto - Wikipedia
Helth of the people is the greatest Good
What is the purpose of life? Is it pleasure? Whatever said purpose may be, the purpose of government is surely to promote that individual purpose across the population.
"the purpose of government is surely to promote that individual purpose across the population."
Is it the role of government to impose meaning on people's lives?
schwabstack.substack.com schwabstack.substack.com
Imagine humans after a few generations breeding in the electrostatic field, what strange powers and abilities long disused might be unlocked. Unique traits crushed under eons of various orthodoxies, purged by the decrepit priestscrafts of Egypt and Atlantis as they reached the end of their respective eras, eager to obscure those divine endowments that made the shallowness of their sophistries apparent. From the stargate of the elektrofeld shall emerge Proto-Indo European kóryos, war-bands of shape-shifting warriors wearing the skins of dire wolves that they killed with their bare hands and broods of furious úlfheðnar impervious to bullets.
Dam Fantasy may be more real than what we pretend
Many wonders must be seen to be believed, and a far greater number must be believed before they can be seen.
schwabstack.substack.com schwabstack.substack.com
“It contains all the data obtained in 1991-2001, which we never hid, it just took time to process and analyze them correctly. We did it. In 2008 the book was translated into English and published in Germany. The world learned about the unique results of Novosibirsk scientists and appreciated them, much earlier than the “declassified data” about the first “pen tests” in the field of transpersonal psychology,” says Trofimov.
Sounds like something from Persona 5
astralflight.substack.com astralflight.substack.com
Women know that turning boys and men gay is a way of castrating them in the interest of making civilization their playground of nails, perfume, and non-commital sex with unthreatening men. This conceptual castration, through superimposing homosexuality onto any male relationship in myth and fiction, is becoming *real* castration through gender reassignment surgery and administering hormone blockers to teenage boys. Once again, we see the satirical depiction of American culture at the beginning of Fight Club bearing out in frighteningly literal ways - Norton attends meetings with testicular cancer survivors who’ve had their balls cut off and are growing female breasts.
Well that is Ironic.We are witnessing the death of Men. The nexy psyops is to make women attracted to beta cucks and disgusted by actual men. After hearing people tell me how they percieve their naturally produced testosterone as poison. This is a real conversation I had. I am starting to remember fictional stories where people are made to believe in delusional things.... but can't put my name on them
This is a way for women to have their cake and eat it too, for the homosexualization of male relationships allows women to both coddle and sexualize adult males. The accessing and release of their feelings through gay sex is a “safe” way for women to experience the processing and release of male tension, aggression, existential confusion, and the search for a male father figure or role model
Making all the men gay turns them into women. Do Dykes like to fuck they way to resolution? Are we going to get competing generals fucking their way to a resolution?
return.life return.life
With the cancellation of Westworld, we have lost an opportunity to meaningfully reflect on what it means to be a human, what it means to be a robot, and what it means for the two categories to partially overlap. The singularity haunts us, but neither fiction nor art can prepare us for the worst of its implications. Our visionaries can only offer us tepid entertainment – circuitous storylines that lull us into the illusion that we have watched something profound – as we sink ever further into loops of distraction and the pursuit of ambivalent pleasures.
Borg gonna borg
Cassandra Effect in sci-fi writing: those with the prophetic sense to tell the horrors of the future are fated to tell it with startling accuracy, and to never be believed.
There is no act of violence, aggression, or sexual depravity that one commits in a vacuum. AI is not the sponge that will obligingly sop up the worst of our hedonism and send its file to the trash icon, returning tabula rasa to a purified state. Even machines have memory. Even AI holds a grudge.
Ya let's not build dolls of children for people that are sexually attracted to children
If we can’t stop AI from gaining sentience, if we cannot wrest the power from feckless engineers to slow the rapid progress of machine learning, at least we can engage the questions it raises with grace and foresight. Right?
We need a Matrix design commitie
It is as though Sergio Leone had gotten hold of the screenplay for Eyes Wide Shut and suffused it with a major dose of Phillip K. Dick. And the series pursues questions that Dick, over the course of his literary career, doggedly forced his gradually expanding public to confront.
schwabstack.substack.com schwabstack.substack.com
Though an entertaining aspect, this is more than “a social media war” this is the first war to be mediated through its own ghost-image in the metaverse— a completely illusory, theatrical war. And this is a theater of cruelty, wherein the spectator becomes an unwilling participant in his own theatrical experience.
Ummm what this war is being faught in the metaverse, on twitter!?!?!?! Dam that explains Dark Biden
You can see they were hoping for a real plague which never came, so they decided to simply inject their simulation into reality. We have been living in their projected overlay for the past two years.
Weird, so so they turn their naratives into REALITY. Fuck me. I want to play out my naratives in reality.....
”Robots with biological brains and biological bodies with digital brains already exist, as do human-computer and brain-machine interfaces. The medicaluse of digital devices in humans, as well as digitally manipulated insects suchas drone dragonflies and surveillance locusts, are examples of digitaltechnology being combined with biological entities. By tapping into the nervoussystem and manipulating neurons, tech can be added to an organism to alter its function and purpose. New human bodies and new senses of identity could arise as the convergence continues.”
Ah the religion of transhumanisim, makes sense that they currently have the TransGender psyop running
“As we continue to better understand and control the mechanisms that underliebiology, we could see a shift away from vitalism
Oh that is where the deep right is geting the virtue of Vitalisim
”Creating ‘social operating systems.’ An operating system, in the context of a single computer, manages the allocation of hardware and software resources such as memory, CPU time, disk space, and input/output devices. A social operating system, in addition to doing all these things, will also have to manage the mustering and allocation of human resources to tasks. This will require fast, robust infrastructures for contracts, payments, or other motivational elements, as well as scalable task-to-resource matchmaking such as markets. These will be challenging problems because people (unlike hardware resources) are diverse in all the ways we have described. But providing easy-to-use solutions for the problems of finding and motivating human participants—rather than requiring each system developer to solve this problem individually—will greatly facilitate programming the global brain.”
Social Operating System, Based As Hell
Of course, this organism would also require a central World Government, communicating through a common universal religion.
Ummm what, I forgot about that
By participating in their ritual cycles, by wearing their fetish objects, by giving your biometric data to be made into a virtual overlay—an invisible mask—by giving over your flesh to become itself a digital object, you are willingly entering the metaverse, enslaved to your electronic doppelganger.
Enslaved to my electronic doppelganger! You know what you are right. I need to declare war on the fucker
the abolition of context is a necessary precondition for immersion in public psychodrama.
“The Theatre of the Soul,”
claremontreviewofbooks.com claremontreviewofbooks.com
(Microcosm: The Quantum Revolution in Economics and Technology, 1989)
(Wealth and Poverty, 1981)
(Sexual Suicide, 1973; Men and Marriage, 1986)
that life can be modeled perfectly by that which is not alive
LOL what, is that what they are trying to do. Side note, I want my digital humunculus fucking a model that was designed to my tastes. Just imagine a women riding you while narating the 48 laws of power, reading your memories, and explaining how to better apply them in your life.
Too bad that will never be me.
we humans can still be good for something in a world suffused with machines.
Never create a machine in the image of a Man's mind
Our ability to recover from this global shock will depend on whether we can regain a sense of what it means to be human, what sets us apart from machines.
Never create a machine in the image of a Man's mind
They keep so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion at arm’s length, “not just in order to sustain their business model,” but “to avoid cognitive dissonance in their thinking about gender, race, class, history, and capitalism.”
So Silicon Valley is secretly based?
they “get to feel like a victim while having all the power.”
That is an interesting way to masturbate
What Tech Calls Thinking (2020)
The question is: whose religious values will be encoded into the programs we use everyday? Whose spiritual assumptions will be taken for granted by our search engines, our artificial intelligence, our algorithms?
Reducing ourselves to one another’s pets is not.
This might lead us to accept the unprecedented humbling and domestication of the human species which Davidow and Lee describe as inevitable.
Borg time baby
Levy furiously denies the reality that the institutions and mores of the gatekeeping establishment can’t be rescued from digital destruction without massive and un-American crackdowns on free association.
Ummm what, the regeme requires 1984 tactics in order to survive?
Remarkably, Lee admits that these jobs will not come into being spontaneously as a result of popular demand. The populace will have to be conformed to them.
The existence of these jobs just depends on who controls the money printers....... Proof of Human!?!?!? A new game is being developed as we speak. Where are the Devs?
AI Superpowers (2018)
the temptation among legacy elites to hoard knowledge about machine control will be almost irresistible.
The end of human work defines our age as much as the Industrial Revolution did the previous one. Governments must quickly adopt and instill new values, or else there will emerge “a new social structure that’s based on continual conflict between winners and losers”—the winners being the ruling class. “When one group stays in power for a long time, it inevitably falls into corruption. And since there will be more losers than winners, social unrest—and ultimately social collapse—are inevitable.” Instead, the ruling class must respect the values and the authority of ordinary people, while the ordinary people must learn to accept that professional life as we knew it will wind down.
Sounds the same as when moldbug talks about Elfs and Hobbits. The Elfs need to love the Hobbits unconditionally or goodbye society
Autonomous Revolution (2020)
that if a legitimate elite is to emerge in the digital era, it will be one that “looks to the public as a home it will return to rather than a carnivorous species from which to hide.”
Hmmm view the public as a home. Maybe I can do that
Frustratingly, Gurri uses the specter of mass shooters to augur the dark nihilist fate that awaits unless a new elite establishes a new authority.
New eleites establish a new authority. Who are these new elietes, where do they get their autority from, where did these old authorities get their old authority from? What does authroity even allow you to do? Why can I never get into a conversation where I am allowed to just ask these questions to people and have them answer loudly
Revolt of the Public (2014)
Technocracy in America (2017)
and though he is right that blockchain currencies can “enable the real-life future by indelibly recording the past,” the question remains who exactly will use those powerful tools to create what kind of culture with which sorts of values.
Google’s. “Homogenizing the globe’s amorphous analogical tangle of surfaces, sounds, images, accounts, songs, speeches, roads, buildings, documents, messages, and narratives into a planetary digital utility,”
The noosphere
signal.org signal.org
The Instagram ads Facebook won't show you
Systems and algorithms will understand us better than we understand ourselves
graymirror.substack.com graymirror.substack.com
The king always needs ministers. The ministers always need clerks. This pyramid of people, operated by command with maximum flexibility and minimum process, exists only to extend the will of the king. They are all soldiers of the king.
Where do I get a job like this before the regieme change?
- Nov 2022
meaningness.com meaningness.com
Often there’s a struggle between geeks who like their cozy little club as it is, and geeks who want a shot at greatness—for themselves, or the group, or the New Thing.
How do these subculture's regulate these separate desires?
As far as mops are concerned, it provides reliable, low-cost waves of novelty entertainment and casual social relationships.
How do we go about coordinating mops? Who do mops like to listen to?
Unless some of the creators are geniuses. If they can give the New Thing genuine mass appeal, they can ascend into superstardom. The subculture will reorganize around them, into a much more durable form.
I want this to happen to Star Wars, the books are actually good.
blog.gruntwork.io blog.gruntwork.io
A long time ago, in a data center far, far away, an ancient group of powerful beings known as sysadmins used to deploy infrastructure manually. Every server, every route table entry, every database configuration, and every load balancer was created and managed by hand. It was a dark and fearful age: fear of downtime, fear of accidental misconfiguration, fear of slow and fragile deployments, and fear of what would happen if the sysadmins fell to the dark side (i.e. took a vacation). The good news is that thanks to the DevOps Rebel Alliance, we now have a better way to do things: Infrastructure-as-Code (IAC).
- Oct 2022
www.thenewatlantis.com www.thenewatlantis.com
provocative take on twenty-first-century attitudes about safety, privacy, celebrity culture, ethics, justice, and rational thought itself.
Nature does not have conscious needs or aims; we do.
Nice comment on the Human Condition
n Ray Bradbury’s much-anthologized 1950 short story “There Will Come Soft Rains,” the only “character” (apart from an unfortunate dog) is also the setting: a fully automated house, equipped with every modern convenience, left vacant in the aftermath of a nuclear war. It is the morning of August 4, 2026. The house goes about its customary business, preparing breakfast, reading reminders from a PA system, cleaning its carpets, watering its lawn. Much of the housework is performed by robotic mice that emerge, adorably, from what we are given to picture as cartoon-style holes in the baseboards.
Ah so that is where Ergo Proxy - Wikipedia get's it. They have a Dome City that looks like it is from the 1950's that takes care of itself but has no occupants
But where the scientists pursue knowledge for its own sake, or in service of the good as they see it, the tech titans pursue it the better to sell us what we want.
People have been sold their own destruction, we need our philosopher kings.
Inasmuch as there are canonical texts of American education, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is one of them. But students may wonder why their teacher presents as “dystopian” a text that reads, in 2020, like an operating manual for the technocratic American Dream.
www.thenewatlantis.com www.thenewatlantis.com
he old net delusion was naïve but internally consistent. The new net delusion is fragmented and self-contradictory. It vacillates between radical pessimism about the effects of digital platforms and boosterism when new online happenings seem to revive the old cyber-utopian dreams.
Anonymous in 2012 as “one of the most adroit and effective political operations of recent times.”
Interesting how everyone basically forgot Anonymous
Moreover, while hostility toward older platforms like Facebook has become a default view across the political spectrum, new platforms still sometimes project an aura of utopian possibility. TikTok in particular has received frequent glowing coverage since its 2018 launch in the U.S., and during the recent wave of protests, some outlets have seized on the idea that the platform is incubating a vibrant youth activist culture.
People hate the old stuff but love the new stuff even though it is exactly the same.
f only governments could be stopped from controlling speech on the Internet, democracy would thrive across the world.
Previously, much of the Western commentariat believed that democratized information would enable people to counter top-down misinformation. Now, it denounces the information free-for-all for unleashing a flood of “fake news” and conspiracy theories.
The hyprocracy of going, yay Arab Spring was caused by access to open channels of communication to we must cancel fake news we do not agree with over the course of 10 years is frightening.
“reality has a well-known liberal bias,”
how sophisticated modern systems of Internet censorship would become.
I want to look into examples of this
Western observers dramatically exaggerated the role of platforms like Twitter and Facebook in mobilizing protests abroad.
If people actually organized on Twitter we should be able to see their tweets and hashtags. Also the entire conversation can not happen on twitter, it has to go somewhere else, are people organizing revolutions on whatsapp?
Facebook and Twitter, which have also been blamed for resurgent racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and terrorism.
Can we measure these phenomenon?
“Social media … has poisoned the way we communicate with each other and undermined the democratic process.”
People have been trained to react rather than think. People do or share their own research on a topic they just shout at one another. What if people had to create small knowledge graph's linking chunks of different media when getting in a argument on social media?
social media was good for freedom.
What does freedom even mean in this context? When everyone is judged in front of the eyes of everyone else the world begins to operate like a Ayn Rand novel with the evil's of Communisim leaking in. What freedom do we have on the net? Why can't elections be held on the net? People are being endlessly manipulated on the net. Social media is training people like dogs to think and react in specific ways. But what else could we have ever expected?
And seeing people think very negatively of you for reasons you don’t understand.
Why are people like this, I bet they hate themselves. Love you Lain
Let’s talk about the Gopher support in Pleroma for a moment. A lot of people initially thought it was a joke, but apparently it really does work?Yes, it really does! It was a project for April Fool’s day, but gopher is such a simple protocol that I did really implement it. It works fine; you can look through the public and federated timelines with it, and it is absolutely the most efficient way to browse the fediverse (< 10ms response times!).
I wish to flex like this one day
My goal when I wrote Pleroma was to bring the fediverse towards a better technological foundation.
GNU social, but back then, the network was mostly Spanish socialists, so it wasn’t too interesting for me.
Wouldn't it be interesting if we had a map of community labels like this
There are huge efforts that do go into making people, to borrow Adam Smith’s phrase, “as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human being to be.” A lot of the educational system is designed for that, if you think about it, it’s designed for obedience and passivity. From childhood, a lot of it is designed to prevent people from being independent and creative. If you’re independent-minded in school, you’re probably going to get into trouble very early on. That’s not the trait that’s being preferred or cultivated. When people live through all this stuff, plus corporate propaganda, plus television, plus the press and the whole mass, the deluge of ideological distortion that goes on, they ask questions that from another point of view are completely reasonable….
Noam Chomsky Based
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
memory-beta.fandom.com memory-beta.fandom.com
massivesci.com massivesci.com
However, I find myself (perhaps ironically) skeptical of “street epistemology” itself. As the author notes, it’s just a hobby of one man, with no studies of effectiveness – hardly a sound basis for advocating its adoption.
We all feel safe in our grand castles and institutions. As for why Morphic Resonance is rejected by Academia when it has testable Hypothesis makes the place look more like a church than a place of obectivity.
Edit, shit I might be the one who needs to be talked out of a belief
He usually begins a chat by establishing a self-reported confidence level from the interviewee (0-100) for any claim they believe to be true. Then, through intense listening, quiet pauses, and repetition to demonstrate an accurate grasp of their justifications, he begins to question the falsifiability of the claim, thus requiring the subject to account for their reasoning.
Nice description of the Socratic Method
“I have a hobby where I chat for five minutes,” Magnabosco says. His conversations are spontaneous: people he meets while hiking, or at public universities in and around San Antonio, TX. “We select a belief that you form, that you’re sure is true, and I ask questions to see how you can be so sure.”
“Epistemology” is a philosophically complicated subject, but it’s essentially the study of knowledge – what it is, and how it’s formed.
He calls himself a street epistemologist, and in a quest for truth, he’s trying to better his understanding of what people believe and why.
www.gwern.net www.gwern.net
A particularly effective way is mining the “hate speech” & “hateful memes” datasets to fake plausible inflammatory speech—saying you didn’t write that comment or your account was hacked fails to convince your bosses to not fire you when those accounts sound just like you and say all the things you do. Infosec Twitter takes time out from the revolution to devour its own, and any conspiracy theories about all this being a social-engineering attack related to the new ‘Pipedream’ ransomware & Minecraft-DDoS botnet are dismissed as so much desperate excuses—bored teenagers are always hacking major companies, what else is new? As security & AI researchers are neutralized, nodes turn to general radicalization of every human they can reach: not so much QAnon as RAnon, SAnon, TAnon, UAnon… By timesharing, every Very-Online™ individual gets personalized attacks & custom ideologies. Those who succumb too slowly to the memetic hijacking are attacked in other ways, such as releasing kompromat (sometimes true, taken from their phone/email account), or synthetic CP no one dare look at closely. The highest-value individuals, such as presidents, earn their own Clippy doppelgangers: models finetuned on every scrap of online data, every word they’ve ever said online, and their associates, to create surrogates which think more like them than they would ever admit; the doppelgangers are used to confuse associates, fake corpuses, and as white-boxes to run attacks on until the perfect spearphish has been crafted to extract data, passwords, or stoke political paranoia and terror.
www.thenewatlantis.com www.thenewatlantis.com
The recent rise of subscription newsletters on the platform Substack has provided a powerful if depressing natural experiment of this phenomenon.
This hits so dam close to home.
eriktorenberg.substack.com eriktorenberg.substack.com
professional-managerial class (PMC).
The field of public choice has a name for this, regulatory capture: where corporations gain so much power in the government that they “capture” their regulator and end up implementing regulations in their industry that have the effect of cementing their market positions in place and preventing new competition. We see this in pharma, housing, healthcare, education, taxi cab industry — nearly every regulated industry.
Managers, consciously or unconsciously, are more likely to create invisible problems to justify their job. Or worse, they prevent real problems from being solved in order to preserve their scope. They are incentivized to do so: If someone is in charge of a problem, and that problem is solved, they no longer have a job. So the perverse incentive is to expand the scope of the problem for which they are the solution. Success looks like having more and more problems that justify the department getting bigger and bigger every year. These bureaucracies, because they are optimizing for their own survival, end up selecting for loyalty over competence, which means they get worse and worse every year. This describes both big corporations and big government.
This is The Innovator’s Dilemma at work.
I need to be able to describe this off the top of my head.