1,288 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2013
    1. Fury over reports that American intelligence had monitored the cellphone of Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany spread from there to other European leaders a day earlier and prompted calls to suspend trade talks with the United States


    1. The Wedding-Guest he beat his breast, Yet he cannot choose but hear; And thus spake on that ancient man, The bright-eyed Mariner

      Test of fuzzy

    2. What is breathtaking, frightening really is that like Jonathan Zittrain observed, every point on the curve is the inflection point, and the mild acceleration we’re seeing now is just the foreplay for the main act

      Hold on to your armrests!

    1. Recently, a member of the House Intelligence Committee was asked at a town hall meeting, by his constituents, why my requests for more information about these programs were being denied. This member argued that I don't have the necessary level of clearance to obtain access for classified information. That doesn't make any sense; every member is given the same level of clearance. There is no legal justification for imparting secret knowledge about the NSA's domestic surveillance activities only to the 20 members of the House Intelligence Committee

      This is not widely known. It should be.

    1. Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain accused them of “helping our enemies”


    2. The leaders of Germany and France offered on Friday to hold talks with the United States in an effort to come up with mutually acceptable rules for surveillance operations, easing a trans-Atlantic spying dispute that has plunged relations between America and Europe to a low point

      Will these talks be public? Doubtful. Will the rules be public? Probably not. It's hard not to be incredibly skeptical that the intelligence apparatus will agree to effectively stand down without considerable more pressure applied.

    1. We can almost certainly base this off of Hypothes.is: http://hypothes.is/

      Our goal is to solve problems just like this. Let us build reusable software that meets your needs!

    2. Support for indicating when an annotation is no longer relevant (such as when its ideas are integrated into the article, or have been determined not to be relevant)

      We've talked about this. Just created as an issue (issue #827)

    3. Ability to "ping" people whose attention is needed

      On the roadmap (issue #580)

    4. Should be able to toggle the interface for annotations on and off

      A demo of this is available at the Epub integration demo

    5. Spam filtering

      In development (issue #825)

    6. Needs to be fully integrated into MDN, with no extra software required, and any logging into the service needs to use the same one as MDN itself

      Annotation can be embedded on pages now, so that no additional software is required by annotators. Here's a simple wordpress plugin for instance, or a book (via EPUBjs) with it embedded already.

    7. Ability to archive and/or delete notes

      Delete is available now. All annotations are web resources and can be saved and archived in the usual ways. Let us know if you have more detailed requirements...

    8. Ability to reply to those notes

      See above.

    9. Ability to attach notes to a selected area of a document


    1. IDPF Executive Director Bill McCoy is acting the interim President of the Readium Foundation

      Bill is the right guy for IDPF/readium discussions

    1. 9 months after the Commission's appointment

      September 30, 2013. Amended by this

  2. Sep 2013
    1. or the death of Osama bin Laden. "Nothing's been done about that story, it's one big lie, not one word of it is true," he says of the dramatic US Navy Seals raid in 2011.

      This is one of the first high-profile / credible journalists I've heard about saying what should be pretty obvious, given that there are zero objectively knowable facts about those events.

    1. Don't just look for rockstar developers or designers, look for a rockstar CFO. Hire someone who is better than you are, who can be a real partner in growing the business.

      In my first company, GetThere, we hired an amazing CFO. Ken Pelowski, who's now the CEO of his own mezzanine investment fund, called Pinnacle Ventures. He probably quadrupled our exit value when we sold to Sabre, just through canny negotiation.

    1. insufficient


    2. between


    3. This threatens us all.


    4. Relations between us have passed through different stages. We stood against each other during the cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together. The universal international organization — the United Nations — was then established to prevent such devastation from ever happening again.

      So far so good, and all true, establishing a baseline of cooperation on shared interests while acknowledging U.S.-Russia tensions.

    5. No one wants the United Nations to suffer the fate of the League of Nations, which collapsed because it lacked real leverage. This is possible if influential countries bypass the United Nations and take military action without Security Council authorization.

      It's true that the League of Nations collapsed because no one took it seriously, including the United States. But the United Nations survived the Cold War, which included lots of non-U.N.-approved military actions from -- you guessed it -- the United States and the Soviet Union. If the United Nations can survive the unilateral Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the U.S. intervention in Vietnam, among many other wars large and small, it will survive cruise missile strikes on Syria.

    6. The United Nations’ founders understood that decisions affecting war and peace should happen only by consensus, and with America’s consent the veto by Security Council permanent members was enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

      Putin here is implicitly defending Russia's right to use its veto to block the United Nations from any action on Syria, including simple press releases condemning the use of chemical weapons. The U.N. Security Council veto system, which means that Russia can block any action just because it says so, was not a product of "profound wisdom" as much as profound pragmatism. Countries don't like to give up their power to other countries. After World War II, getting the world's five remaining great powers (the United States, United Kingdom, France, China and the Soviet Union) to consent to this newfangled United Nations system required granting them veto power so they'd be comfortable with it. This is what it took, but it wasn't profoundly wise, and both Russia and the United States abuse their veto power plenty.

    1. The skin acts as a barrier against various environmental factors, such as pathogens, chemical and physical stimuli, and light exposure. It has the capability not only to recognize, but also count these signals and integrate into organized responses [1], [2]

      here's my insightful bit.

    1. "21L.705", "CMS.350"

      These are two separate groups, right? So, in this example a user, Hyperstudio, created an annotation under two different groups, the other members of which now have the ability to see it?

      A question is whether an annotation can be created under more than one group. I think it makes sense... potentially problematic?

    2. added automatically to all of each user's annotations

      I think we'd probably need users to be able to control which of their group memberships were applied to a given annotation.

    3. geography

      So, was the annotation further created under two subgroups? Which subgroups belong to which groups? Are subgroup names unique amongst all groups, or only within their group (i'd vote for the latter).

      Should a group designation consist of two parts... the master group and optionally a subgroup of it?

    1. And yet, in making any general judgement of this sort, we are indanger of forgetting how variegated the human world and its mental life are.

      ok, here's a test

    1. And, although they have never said so directly, it is obvious that Google can read the passwords.

      Here's a test annotation

    1. glenn greenwald’s piece yesterday in the guardian

      This was back in May, before the first of the Snowden revelations. Here's the article I reference. My how things have changed. There's a spreadsheet someone put together of what we've learned so far.

    1. direct


    2. relief


    3. (c) The Does' complaint, based as it is on contingencies, any one or more of which may not occur, is too speculative to present an actual case or controversy. Pp. 127-129.

      One little test

    1. To promote the unlikely alliance between the chocolate sellers and the Android advocates, Nestlé will ship more than 50 million KitKats featuring the Android mascot to 19 countries including the UK, US, Brazil, India, Russia and Japan.

      Odd, to say the least.

    1. I’m still seeking clarification on whether we can anticipate that H will display all annotations on a particular page in “stream” view, as this is currently viewable only in “sidebar” view.

      Jack-- I posted a short update here to clarify. Thanks for your additional questions.

  3. Aug 2013
    1. Editing information that is here. For example, these stub pages need some love and attention, much like a puppy.

      Of course, you could also annotate it-- to add your thoughts or have a conversation about how things could be improved. @philipn at localwiki has been exploring hypothes.is for this.



    1. 4. The State may define the term "physician" to mean only a physician currently licensed by the State, and may proscribe any abortion by a person who is not a physician as so defined. P. 165.

      An annotation with something important to say.

    1. has several contradictory facets

      , a public resource we pay for, is often not even accessible

    2. We look forward to working with several of the tiger team participants to help build a new and more open environment for legal education and understanding

      Maybe skip all this and talk about our next proposed tiger team in Open Government in early October?

    3. conceives


    4. support, which is one of most straightforward applications for annotation, seems particularly salient in the law

      applications seem particularly salient

    5. For legal analysis, annotation is potentially critically useful for workflow, enabling

      For legal analysis, it can enable

    6. fundamental cost of business

      mandated requirement

    7. barriers


    8. Formal citation and reference to version history

    9. a broader number of considerations than many of us might have expected

      unexpected considerations and opportunities.

    10. strikingly more obvious
