1,381 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2017
    1. 1st order Eulerian numbers:Permutations

      Annotate math with math!

      $$\varepsilon = \frac{2}{h^3} \int_0^{p_F} \sqrt{p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4} \cdot 4 \pi p^2 dp=$$

      $$\frac{8 \pi}{h^3} \frac{m c^2}{\lambda^3} \int_0^x \sqrt{1+y^2} \cdot y^2 dy $$

    1. Despite of the long history of people trying toconvert TEX or PDF into HTML

      Calling Jud, come in Jud.

    2. a source format

      Page two test

    3. The Portable Document Format


    1. An ethos of openness pervades each open movement. Transparency, collaboration, and sharing and remixing knowledge are valued in the open ethos. Similarly, com-munity engagement is a foundation of it, which is mirrored in open access (OA)

      Like this.


    1. from the investigation

      Here is some math. $$\varepsilon = \frac{2}{h^3} \int_0^{p_F} \sqrt{p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4} \cdot 4 \pi p^2 dp=$$ $$\frac{8 \pi}{h^3} \frac{m c^2}{\lambda^3} \int_0^x \sqrt{1+y^2} \cdot y^2 dy$$

    1. Neurons have evolved several strategies for removing damaged proteins and maintaining the integrity of the proteome, a process termed protein homeostasis (Kaushik and Cuervo, 2015; Labbadia and Morimoto, 2015)

      This finding was disputed in an article here.

    1. The response provided to Congressby the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s Director
    2. The first review, by C. Hendricks Brown et al., poses the issues raised by the growingrecognition

      $$\varepsilon = \frac{2}{h^3} \int_0^{p_F} \sqrt{p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4} \cdot 4 \pi p^2 dp=$$

      $$\frac{8 \pi}{h^3} \frac{m c^2}{\lambda^3} \int_0^x \sqrt{1+y^2} \cdot y^2 dy$$

    3. The first set of reviews in this volume, under the Epidemiology and Biostatistics section,signals a growing recognition of the methodological challenges and underdevelopedopportunities for public health research.

      Like so.

  2. Apr 2017
    1. Perhaps some day it will decide to sell its trove of content to a private company and closes its doors

      I suppose if we assume all things are possible, this is technically within the envelope of conceivable human events. But, as a non-profit now running their own crawl, I think quite unlikely.

    2. The idea that Internet Archive is simply a public good obscures the fact that ia_archiver is run by a subsidiary of Amazon

      According to Brewster, this is no longer true. IA is now running 100% of their own crawl as of the last 2-3 years now.

      That said, I'm sure that Amazon's Alexa is still running their own web indexing crawl in order to compute site rank (not sure I know what business purpose they have internally for it tho).

    1. For detailed study of various properties, generalization and application of Wrightfunction and generalized Wright function,
    1. While Postlight's job is to make money and my job is to help Bloomberg make money, we really set out to make a product that, first and foremost, is going to make the internet a better, more edifying, more powerful place for people who are reading news on the internet," Shane said

      Hi Maddy, Click on this.

    1. malnutrition due to food insecurity, and mental health disorders. In addition, increasing evidence indicates that climate change is causally associated with collective violence, generally in combination

      Make an annotation.

    1. Non-governmental organizations were consulted in order to identify the commitments the Government should treat as priorities in order to increase transparency in public administration

      This is contradicted by other documents here.

    1. Dumnezeu* a făcut cei doi mari luminători, i anume: luminătorul cel mai mare ca să stăpânească ziua, i**luminătorul cel mai mic ca să stăpânească noaptea; a făcut i† stelele

      Like this.

    1. subcontrac

      It would be helpful to have an example of subcontracting. I assume we're not talking about Google Analytics or AWS here.

    2. Art.8etseq.OFAD


    3. FADP


    1. To overcome this limitation, one might consider using a “smooth” estimator. One smooth analogue to the histogram
    2. The transfer operator (and related propagator) formalism sets up a framework for estimating kinetics from data

      Like this.

      $$\varepsilon = \frac{2}{h^3} \int_0^{p_F} \sqrt{p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4} \cdot 4 \pi p^2 dp=$$

      $$\frac{8 \pi}{h^3} \frac{m c^2}{\lambda^3} \int_0^x \sqrt{1+y^2} \cdot y^2 dy$$

    3. $$\varepsilon = \frac{2}{h^3} \int_0^{p_F} \sqrt{p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4} \cdot 4 \pi p^2 dp=$$

      $$\frac{8 \pi}{h^3} \frac{m c^2}{\lambda^3} \int_0^x \sqrt{1+y^2} \cdot y^2 dy$$

  3. Mar 2017
    1. The constraint on the number of the mode in each direction is\n$$n_x^2 + n_y^2 +n_z^2 < n_{max}^2 = \\frac{m_e E}{h^2} V^{2/3}$$\nThe naive number of states is\n$$N_0 = \\int_0^{n_{\\max}} d n_x \\int_0^{{\\sqrt{n_{\\max}^2-n_x^2}}} dn_y \\int_0^{\\sqrt{n_{\\max}^2-n_x^2-n_y^2}} d n_z$$\n$$\\approx n_{max}^3 \\approx \\frac{m_e^{3/2} E^{3/2}}{h^3} V$$

      $$\varepsilon = \frac{2}{h^3} \int_0^{p_F} \sqrt{p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4} \cdot 4 \pi p^2 dp=$$

      $$\frac{8 \pi}{h^3} \frac{m c^2}{\lambda^3} \int_0^x \sqrt{1+y^2} \cdot y^2 dy$$

    1. $$P = \\frac{2}{3 h^3} \\int_0^{p_f} \\frac{p^2 c^2}{\\sqrt{p^2 c^2 +m^2 c^4}} 4 \\pi p^2 dp = $$\n$$\\frac{8 \\pi}{3 h^3} \\frac{m c^2}{\\lambda^3} \\int_0^x \\frac{y^4 dy}{\\sqrt{y^2+1}}$$

      $$P = \frac{2}{3 h^3} \int_0^{p_f} \frac{p^2 c^2}{\sqrt{p^2 c^2 +m^2 c^4}} 4 \pi p^2 dp = $$

      $$\frac{8 \pi}{3 h^3} \frac{m c^2}{\lambda^3} \int_0^x \frac{y^4 dy}{\sqrt{y^2+1}}$$

    1. $$\varepsilon = \frac{2}{h^3} \int_0^{p_F} \sqrt{p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4} \cdot 4 \pi p^2 dp=$$

      $$\frac{8 \pi}{h^3} \frac{m c^2}{\lambda^3} \int_0^x \sqrt{1+y^2} \cdot y^2 dy$$

    1. $$\\varepsilon = \\frac{2}{h^3} \\int_0^{p_F} \\sqrt{p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4} \\cdot 4 \\pi p^2 dp=$$

      \n$$\frac{8 \pi}{h^3} \frac{m c^2}{\lambda^3} \int_0^x \sqrt{1+y^2} \cdot y^2 dy$$

    1. any person who obtains from the Copyright Office a certified report that the records provided by subsection (d) disclose nothing

      This bit is quite controversial, because of this new executive order.

    2. the statement shall also identify the person filing it, the nature of that person’s interest, the source of the information recorded, and the particular work affected, and shall comply in form and content with requirements that the Register of Copyrights shall prescribe by regulation.

      With a note like this.

    1. The CBC was performed in a Mindray BC-2800 Vetautomatic haematology analyser and the differentialleucocyte count

      Like so.

    2. Given that cats can be infected by several species ofLeishmania, and that these animals do not alwayspresent a detectable humoral immune response bythe techniques used in canine serological diagnostics(Poliet al.2002; Solano-Gallegoet al.2007), thespecies of parasite involved in the infection shouldbe identified and characterized (Videset al.2011)

      Let make a note here.

    1. Among those who illegally enter are those who seek to harm Americans through acts of terror or criminal conduct.  Continued illegal immigration presents a clear and present danger to the interests of the United States.

      Say something here.

    2. Border


    3. Transnational criminal organizations operate sophisticated drug- and human-trafficking networks and smuggling operations on both sides of the southern border

      This relates to this other doc

    4. (a)  secure the southern border of the United States through the immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border, monitored and supported by adequate personnel so as to prevent illegal immigration, drug and human trafficking, and acts of terrorism;

      This relates to leglislation that recently passed here.

    1. Caregivers completed the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL),


    2. Caregivers completed the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL),11 a well-validated questionnaire designed to measure behavioral and emotional functioning in preschoolers (1.5 to 5 years old) in research and clinical settings

      Interesting, this is related to something else I know about.

    3. There were no significant differences in CBCL scores between these groups; therefore, they were combined into 1 aware-CDA group in all analyses.


    1. ‘(i) the alien has not been present, at 11any time on or after March 1, 2011—

      This is another note.

    1. removable aliens

      Like so.

    2.  Interior enforcement of our Nation's immigration laws is critically important to the national security and public safety of the United States.  Many aliens who illegally enter the United States and those who overstay or otherwise violate the terms of their visas present a significant threat to national security and public safety.  This is particularly so for aliens who engage in criminal conduct in the United States.

      Like so.

    1. It seems we can happily ignore this problem until someone asks about it.

      Does "modifying the home page" count? Mentioned by Alex Moraga here.

    1. number
    2. COUNTRY-SPECIFICOFFSET.—Section 2 of the 17Chinese Student Protection Act of 1992 (8 U.S.C. 1255 18note) is amended—


    1. Trump has every incentive to prove that as quickly as possible.

      Does he? Or does he have more incentive to cast aspersions? Which works out best for him-- particularly given various interpretations of what actually happened.

    1. In patients receiving diuretic therapy symptomatichypotension may occur following the initial dose of proposed FDC, particularly due to volume/salt depletion with diuretic therapy

      We have found different results in the research that we have done.

    1. surreptitiously

      Surreptitious? Hardly. Dashcams, particularly in ridesharing vehicles, are commonplace. Travis of all people would know that (and presumably this author too).

    1. We are currently building this for third-party users only, these users do not have logged-in access to these two pages.

      We should be designing this to work for any group, not just third-party ones-- unless I'm missing a substantial reason otherwise.

  4. Feb 2017
    1. Spicer also warned the group of more problems if news of the phone checks and the meeting about leaks was leaked to the media

      Pure comedy.

    1. At Kennedy International Airport in New York, passengers arriving after a five-hour flight from San Francisco were asked to show their documents before they were allowed to get off the plane.

      Like this.

    1. A few months back rbtc's admins also fraudulently reported me for 'doxing' because I posted a commit message from the public Bitcoin repository to show the origin of an error message a person was accusing me of maliciously adding (the error message was added by Gavin). I was unbanned after showing the Reddit admin that Gavin himself had posted his name and info on Reddit months ago.


    1. evelop a set of specifications for an interoperable, sharable, distributed Web Annotation architecture.

      Like that.

    2. Recommendations

      Like this.

    1. well as a variety of invertebrates (for review see Trumbo, 2012). In birds and mammals, parental care in the form of nutritional provisioning is critical to offspring survival. In other groups, care may not constitute any direct transfer of

      Here. Like this.

    1. However, the cytoplasmic tails of all Crb proteins are highly conserved. Interestingly, functions that are covered by a single crb gene in Drosophila seem to be allocated to individual Crb genes in vertebrates. For example, mouse embryos mutant for Crb2 die during gastrulation (Xiao et al., 2011)

      Like so.

    1. imposes a tax on any such conduct, or a marking, recordkeeping or registration requirement with respect to the firearm silencer, shall have no force or effect.

      I can make a note.

    1. Le carcinome épidermoïde primitif est très rare et ne représente que 0,5% à 1% des carcinomes prostatiques

      Like so.

    1. The paper claimed that the possible designation “appears to be part of a mission by the president and his closest advisers to heighten fears by promoting a dangerously exaggerated vision of an America under siege by what they call radical Islam.”

      This is wrong.

    1. Amanualmanipulativeelevation

      Like so.

    2. Theheadandanteriortrunkregionofmostactinopterygianfishesisstiffenedas,uniquelywithinvertebrates


    1. They described it as one of about 200 executive orders that were contemplated during the transition — some by outside groups, others by transition officials — and that it was never intended to be signed, even without pushback from Kushner, Ivanka Trump or anyone else.

      Excuse me? Why are "outside groups" drafting presidential executive orders? Even speculative ones? Normal practice? Encouraged by the administration? "Go crazy-- send us your drafts and we'll give em a look!"

    1. Sensitive urban zones (SUZs) [1], are a recent sociological designation for the neighborhoods of the big metropolises in Portugal where

      Say something here. This relates to a bill that just passed in congress.

    1. PORT OF ENTRY INSPECTORS.—In each of 7the fiscal years 2008 through 2012, the Secretary 8shall, subject to the availability of appropriations, in-9crease by not less than 500

      Contradictetd by previous law.

    1. The GPIPS data wereobserved with theMimirinstrument, mounted on the1.8 m Perkins telescope, in H-band linear imaging po-larimetry mode

      Another example.

    1. Resuscitation

      Like so.

    2. Race was included in the analysis because previous re-search has suggested that race might be associated withoutcomes.

      You might think about XXXXX. And look at this different perspective here.



    1. Resuscitation Council state that either a bag-valve-mask device or an advanced airway may be used for ventilation and oxygenation during cardiac arrest, and the guidelines


    2. Mortality after adult in-hospital cardiac arrest remains high, and little is known about the effect of most interventions during cardiac arrest, including drugs and the use of advanced airway management.


    1. “Judge Gorsuch has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline and has earned bipartisan support,” Mr. Trump said, standing beside the judge and his wife, Louise, as White House officials and Republican lawmakers looked on. “It is an extraordinary résumé — as good as it gets.”

      This seems questionable.

  5. Jan 2017
    1. Monday’s events have transformed the confirmation of Mr. Sessions into a referendum on Mr. Trump’s immigration order
    1. Computers could do the work of scanning the internet for stories, identifying which concern climate change, identifying the specific topic of each (glacial ice, greenhouse gases, polar bears, hurricanes, etc.), and identifying the most relevant expert reviewers, Vincent said.

      This strategy could be applied broadly across disciplines.

    1. Detectable clonal mosaicism in blood as a biomarker of cancer risk in Fanconi anemia

      Here is a great news piece about this.

    2. However, mosaicism can contribute to tumor development resulting fr

      Like this

    3. Mosaicism is the coexistence of cells with different genetic composition within an individual, caused by postzygotic mutations during development that are propagated to a subset of adult cells.

      This relates to this other piece of research here.

    1. The citation_doi is not, however,found

      And it (arguably) shouldn't be, because that's the abstract page. If you click to the full text of the article, you'll see that _citationdoi is present.

    2. Problems with this approach

      The only thing that I can think of is that sometimes citation_doi might be used in situations where it wasn't actually a copy of the full text of the article. But if this generally isn't true, then it seems like a good strategy.

    1. ** Not production-grade yet. Not as nicely factored as I'd like.

      Since work is ongoing, we'd love feedback on how we can improve what we have. Can you elaborate?

  6. Dec 2016
    1. The difference is the node on the far left was designed by a human, and on the far right by a computer. More importantly, the node on the far right supports the same weight, but weighs 75% less and is 50% smaller.
    1. there isn’t such a view for a user’s activity on a document

      So interesting that you mention this because it's also a key request from Sebastian Karcher and our new friends at the Qualitative Data Repository.

      He asks: "Is there a way to show only annotations by a specific user on a given page? I’m thinking something like https://via.hypothes.is/<url>#annotations:username (obviously making up the syntax here, it’s just for illustration)"

    1. Trump’s stock holdings, which are separate from the more high-profile real estate and branding empire that he has said he will separate from in some fashion, represent another area rife with potential conflicts of interest that Trump has yet to address as he prepares to take office.

      Hello class, what do you think of this? Do you buy it.

  7. Nov 2016
    1. “Vetting of various structures and immediate transfer of the business remains a top priority for both President-elect Trump, his adult children and his executives,” she said.

      Another note.

    2. Mr. Antonio was nearly finished building a $150 million tower in Manila’

      This is a note.

    1. A driver mode would present a simplified interface and detect when the device is being used by a driver.

      As stated here, enforcing this in any meaningful way would be exceedingly difficult if not impossible to achieve.

    1. For example, helping students to post their prospectuses onlinetook a lot of time out of class before the commentary session could begin.

      There's a site http://docdrop.org/ that let's you drag a PDF and wrap it with the annotation tool in seconds.

    1. Cy­tokines play key roles in the in­nate im­mune sys­tem (Belardelli, 1995).

      I'm annotating XML!

    1. ’Twas  brillig,  and  the  slithy  toves

      I'm not quite sure what it is about this line, but when people talk about Jabberwocky, it's almost always the line they cite. Even kids seem to love it!

    1. That’s because some vendors — Cellebrite won’t say which ones, but Apple isn’t among them — ship a sample of their new phones to Cellebrite three months before they’re released, giving Cellebrite engineers a head start in cracking the devices.

      Very curious. And what in God's name would be the incentive for them to do that?

  8. Oct 2016
    1.  www.hypothes.is, 

      just use "hypothes.is" the "www." is not necessary, and we never specify it.

    2. nor Dan Whaley or Michiel Schuijt

      neither Dan Whaley, nor Michiel Schujit,

    3. this


    4. Hyothes.is
    5. minimum level of sustainable funding

      sustainable income

    6. but still this will

      this will still

    7. It is expected thatonly 2%

      Though it is expected that a minority

    8. the scientists


    9. scientists


    10. the scientist


    11. for free

      "for free" > "free"

    12. despite


    13. cooperate

      Actually, eLife is our first paying customer-- I'm not sure if that is a useful distinction here. Your call.

    14. received notice of confirmation

      We have received notice that we've moved to the final round. We have not yet received notice of award.

    15. Annotation layer turns web­based information to the higher level of scientific reliable information providing annotations to all pretended facts and reasoning

      "Annotation layer turns web­vbased information to the higher level of scientific reliable information providing annotations to all pretended facts and reasoning"

      I'd probably say "the annotation layer enables communities of experts to bring their critical analysis to bear over web-based information for the purpose of providing a useful counterpoint that can benefit their colleagues or the general public."

    16. Please correct me if I see this wrong

      This is accurate.

    17. on; 

      While the annotating all knowledge link is useful here, you should probably point to the Hypothes.is/about page for information directly related to H. Your discretion here of course.

    18. Hypothes.is

      Technically, the name of the organization is "Hypothes.is Project"

    1. Besides, hyperglycemia may also induce oxidative stress by generating free radicals, advanced glycation end

      Like so. This reminds me of another article.

    1. See highlights

      Right now, we don't allow highlights in the Public channel, since they don't carry any value as conversation. We may or may not decide to allow them in publisher groups-- or to make that configurable.

    1. inevitable victor

      Two very key and well chosen words. Much wisdom lies here! We all know when we hear a story that's so compelling it's like "Wow, of COURSE. This is not only absolutely going to happen, but it's going to change everything in the process."

      For me, these words help crystalize how important it is to choose wisely when deciding what to pursue in the first place. If it's not an idea that's got inevitability written all over it, then keep moving till you find it.

    1. I’ll respond with some snark about that being a tech person issue. But honestly, it’s a temporary issue regardless.

      A "tech person" issue? Huh? Because only "tech people" need to charge and listen at the same time? This is a non-sensical response. User reports are already coming in to the contrary. You'd be on firmer ground if you said something like "given the extra battery life of the 7 plus, you're more likely to find times when you can charge versus times when you have to listen".

      But otherwise, you're simply off base here. I'm not sure about others, but I regularly find myself charging and listening at the same time. At the moment, other than some very very clunky adapters, there are no solutions at all. I'm blown away that Apple didn't at least come out with their own slimmed down version of this thing-- so that at LEAST there was an OEM offering out the gate.

    1. Annotations become visible on the click of a button

      Or-- and perhaps more relevant here-- clicking on a link to an annotation?

    2. Achieving openness in qualitative research is difficult because of the dense connections between data, analysis and text

      This might seem more obvious to someone in the domain, but it's not necessarily so to me. Why isn't it just as easy to create these dense connections in an arXiv preprint as it is in a paywalled journal article?

  9. Sep 2016
    1. Hypothesis makes no claim to be a social network (though a “platform for discussion” is only different in name)

      You've nailed it. We don't toss around social network only because it's an overly broad container that carries a lot of baggage-- and also because we fail pretty miserably (at present) at providing the basic features (@mentions, following, better notifications) that you'd expect if we were to claim this. But our aspirations are to enable these kinds of capabilities.

    1. Despite Snowden's later public claim that he would have faced retribution for voicingconcems about intelligence activities, the Committee found that laws and regulations in effect atthe time ofSnowden,s actions afforded him protection.

      Most naive statement in this document?

    1. create replies as if they were annotations

      I appreciate the graceful thinking that went into this suggestion-- particularly since I (think I) know how much you regret the "all replies are annotations" decision that was made way before you had a say in things.

    2. private (non-shared) replies to public annotations

      I remember us discussing this at length, and of course, there is a rationale for it-- which I supported, and I imagined even argued strongly for, since that is kind of my M.O. HOWEVER. I'll say for the record that if there is significant benefit to be had from disallowing this, then I wouldn't be too torn up by having to let it go.

      Personally I have never never never done this in actual practice. Though I suppose I could imagine it.

    3. public replies to (your own) private annotations

      I'm seconding Jeremy's "Whaaa?" but creating this as a top level annotation because I truly thought that we had specifically disallowed this corner case, for obvious reasons (i.e. the only one that could even see my annotation in order to reply to it -- publicly or otherwise -- is me. So replying publicly to my own private annotation is like "me outing myself".) Anyway. I've just checked whether this is indeed possible, and LO AND BEHOLD, it IS. Ugh. Anyway. Let it be said that this isn't a behavior we should care about preserving!!!! :)

    4. I wanted to explain, for everyone’s benefit, what the underlying causes for these issues are, and what I think it would take to fix these issues, or at least put us in a place where fixing them would become easier.

      Nick, if I could kiss you right now, I would. I love you for writing this down in plain, straightforward prose to give us all detail to work from. Yay!

    1. "While we recognise that this photo is iconic, it's difficult to create a distinction between allowing a photograph of a nude child in one instance and not others,

      Difficult, yes. Impossible, no. Figure it out. That's your job.

    1. hackers who seem to consider it their personal mission to exploit those networks

      As though it's surprising that within a new social system (i.e. networked computers) that there are humans that will exploit it. Isn't that an assumed characteristic of any human system? One might even ask whether it's necessarily a bad aspect of human behavior. Obviously depends on degree.

    2. have a similar skill set

      In other words, they must be ... hackers?

    1. as other manufacturers follow Apple’s lead

      Or ... actually pay attention to what their customers want and don't?

    2. Removing the headphone jack should be about the future, about Siri and about bringing the Apple experience to another level, but a bundled adapter gives one foot in the past.

      What a load of crap. Why is there this insistence that everything Apple does "must be for our good"?

      What if in fact, hundreds of millions of people are actually going to be really irritated by this change, but still want the new tech enough that they go ahead and buy one despite their misgivings. Why not give them a dongle and make their lives better?

    3. The most logical reason for Apple to take away the headphone jack is most likely to continue the push toward wireless everything.

      Why is this logical? Why must everything be wireless, and require batteries, or separate power?

      I love that my current headphones can spin around the jack. That my single set of headphones use an industry standard plug and work on any of the four devices that I carry, that they're cheap ($20) and that they last four years.

      Why is this an improvement?

    4. more ubiquitous voice control and tighter integration with Apple Watch.

      Again-- these things are possible now. Bluetooth exists.

    5. and the elimination of the 3.5mm jack presumably paves the way for mass adoption of Bluetooth

      But iPhones already have Bluetooth and have for years. The only reason that this would "page the way for mass adoption of Bluetooth" (ignoring that Bluetooth is already a generally adopted mainstream technology) is that using conventional headphones will be harder (need a dongle) and less convenient.

      If people widely adopt a new technology because something simpler that billions of folks have been doing for decades has suddenly been taken away from them, I wouldn't call that "paving the way", I'd call it "shoving it down their throats".

    1. feature extraction from the paper's text, especially title, summary, and, if there exists, just use the DOI

      There's a java library called CERMINE that could be adapted to this.

    2. Inside the comments, you could refer to other annotations

      Here's an annotation that refers to another.

    3. The system takes the context of the location on the paper (e.g., the reader extracts large enough context of surrounding words or sentences, which uniquely identifies the location, and allows later display the same annotation around the same text in other formats - be it HTML on the web, or other.

      Hypothes.is supports this through fuzzy anchoring, and also an ability to relate a document to other equivalent versions.

    1. One should stand by one’s decisions

      Certainly if you're using your best judgment, and that judgment is actually... good, then it's pointless to find fault after the fact.

      But it's clear that killing people indiscriminately isn't good judgment. That it was evil and immoral and created obvious consequences. When people do bad things that are obvious later, they should own up to them, and acknowledge their mistakes, and offer apologies-- particularly when those actions were responsible for millions of deaths.

    2. It is much less than the Obama administration has done in similar base areas, such as Pakistan.
    3. “It was correct, and it was in the American interest.” 

      Henry, when you meet your maker, and he asks "Why?" Will you say... "It was in the American interest?"

  10. Aug 2016
    1. Ideas promoted from this conversation will be designed in Android first, given the consideration of lower traffic and relative ease of implementation, but the team will be excited and watching for lessons learned in order to move ideas to the web.

      You might think about leveraging the power of web annotations (w3.org/annotation) in order to have conversations that can exist in layers over Wikipedia-- for use as corrections, suggestions, references to other articles and many other things. Our implementation works in mobile, though there's obvious work that we need to do to improve the optimization of it.

      This is a completely open source project, with a goal of providing a universal web annotation interface that can pull annotations from any hosted source. We'd love to work with you to understand how annotation can be the powerful layer that enables readers to provide these contributions!

    1. It remains to be seen whether car buyers will want to cough up a few thousand more on the purchase just to get a hyperactive version of cruise control.

      Well it's always good to wonder aloud I suppose-- but come on. If I had the choice between A and B, A being 35k and B being 37k and B would drive me from my house to my destination without intervention... and safely? I can't believe the author is speculating about this. I'd not only pay 2k, I'd probably pay 10 or 15k more. It's a fundamentally transformative technology.

      Yeah, maybe I'm not the average buyer, but I think most people would agree whether they can afford it or not, that fundamentally it's worth it.

    1. I had them at “slithy toves.”

      Isn't it the most delicious line ever?

      Ok, here's one more

    2. Sometimes a little nonsense goes a long way

      Indeed it does!

    1. One immediately wonders, in this sort of analysis, what exactly brillig means. And what is a tove? What does it mean for a tove to be slithy? Am I slithy? Was I slithy this morning until I took a shower? Is my brother one of slithiest people on earth? And if he is, is that a good thing?

      About the best breakdown of nonsense I've seen!

    1. A highlight is always private (“Only me”), which means only you can see it, and only when you’re logged in.

      People often ask about this restriction. It's worth explaining why.

      Basically, in our Public channel, we want the highlights on text to be of value to others. A single highlight by a single user without any other content doesn't meet that threshold in my view.

      Certainly, in the Kindle, Amazon will show you "things other people highlighted". That's different in our eyes-- it's a statistical representation of attention. We might consider that at some point ourselves. The question here is: Should we show every single highlight as a separate thing on a page just because someone was making a personal underline for their own benefit. To us, the answer is "no".

      We can see the benefit of you being able to personally share a bunch of highlights you've made with a specific person or group of people. That to us is probably a separate permission level, and a separate sharing model. For instance, you might share a specific link to your highlighted version of a document.


    1. papers appear immediately

      Because they're already pre-prints. :) This is very similar to the notion of overlay journals in that regard.

    2. real-world identity

      ORCID isn't a perfect solution-- anyone can get one-- but it might be a start.

    3. This is to prevent authors from trying to escape bad reviews by resubmitting thepaper

      I imagine that this is something arXiv might provide too. While they don't do a human review, they do perform a few analyses, and certainly would be keen to ensure that arXiv submissions are original works.

    4. can contain specific tags

      Of course. Like this one.

    5. Reviews will be linkable and shareable

      Yes. For instance, like this: Meta! Background article.

    6. Reviews will be linkable and shareable

      Yes. For instance, like this: Meta! Background article.

    7. permanently public and permanently associatedwith the paper

      Yes. Currently we support mapping to the PDF fingerprint of a paper, however it's clear that we'll need to be able to detect arXiv IDs of papers as well as DOIs (perhaps using CERMINE or an equivalent algorithm).

    8. ppear automatically as they browse

      I think this is a mandatory behavior for any good annotation solution.

    9. arxiv

      We've been working closely with arXiv, and they are a member of the new Annotating All Knowledge coalition. As soon as we're (or anyone is) able to ship a client which can listen to any annotation service, I think arXiv will consider implementing. At our current rate of progress, this will be ready in 2017.

      (This is a side note, but may not bear on your project).

    10. progress isextremely fast

      This is the new normal-- and not just in machine learning.

    11. of 
    1. Somehow, I doubt they would be outraged if Trump threatened to deport the Westboro Baptist Church.

      How do you deport Americans from America?

    1. the effective length of a pool can change depending on the ambient temperature, the water temperature, and even whether or not there are people in the pool itself.

      These variations however would presumably manifest evenly for all lanes however. It seems the basic issue is whether manufacturing tolerances can be reduced further-- and guaranteed in all construction regimes that might host events. Seems reasonable that this is enough of a challenge to make thousandth's timings too difficult. Fascinating.

    1. The determining factor was the amount of work I was willing to put in to get the results I wanted.

      This. The secret ingredient in any success is almost always insane amounts of persistence, above and beyond what any rational person would ever contemplate.

  11. Jul 2016
    1. first appeared in the pioneering work of Doug Engelbart

      Here's an article by Doug's daughter Christina Englebart on the importance of Hypothes.is' Direct Linking.

  12. Jun 2016
    1. than I would the real one, where chaos reigns, humanity is fallible, and players kick each other in the nuts multiple times only by accident

      Is it really so hard to believe that the "real world" is one characterized by people that are self-serving, self-dealing, often corrupt, and willing to do whatever it takes to win, including cheating?

      Aren't we continually bombarded by news reports that uncover pretty much exactly these types of events? Instead of thinking of them as massive 'conspiracies' perpetrated by tinfoil hat wearing nutters, why not simply think of this as the natural predisposition of our race-- that where advantage may be had, directly or indirectly, that people at all levels will push for it and often do. Particularly in high-stakes sports like NBA basketball.

      Clearly we need look no further than FIFA to know that what we would call 'conspiracy' is actually the normal functioning modality of some sports.

      Your guess may be correct that there is nothing to see here. But to dismiss it out of hand is incredibly naive.

    1. A memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.

      Wow. In 2016, we're thinking about a decentralized implementation.