22,718 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2022
    1. standard playbook for developing high-performing teams doesn't work

      !- response : Our best practices are for the Worst

      Ever since the ethos of the "Worse is Better" rose 30 odd years ago

    2. Want a High Performing Team? F&*k Productivity, Focus on Team Health

      productivity wrong focus

      !- comment : - like mindfullness designed to make microserves more productive

      • reading list : IndyWeb
    3. Autonomy is about having the trust and authority to make important decisions about how we fulfill our responsibilities and accomplish our goals.
      • having
        • trust
        • authority
    1. inspiring perspectives could go viral -- rather than confining perspectives trap us in filter bubbles?

      inspiring perpectives go viral

    2. write our own filters and share them with others

      share filters

    3. join the simple facts with our impressions, opinions and evidenc

      join facts with impressions opinions

      capture what we observe in facts and in thought co-elaborate and make better decisions choices

    4. make my own choices about which of my data to share with whom or to make public

      choose what to share, with whom in my own terms!

    5. work directly with ideas not just bare words, numbers and pictures?
      • idea : morphic ideas
    6. communicate our thoughts and link them up with the thinking of others, preserving all the connections, evidence and history?

      !- value prop : IndyWeb - communicate our thought - link them up - with thinking with others - preserving all the - connections - evidence - history

      !- respond : do all that as Autonomous Actor in an emergent self-organizing emergent Open Commons based peer produced networks of networks of People Ideas Intents and Software as a conversation

    7. What we lack is a tool for people to manage data, concepts, opinions and software in a way that supports all the kinds of thinking, showing, working, trading and sharing we need to do.
      • gem : people to manage data, concepts and software together
    8. hard work to bring it all together
      • reply : stop the scattering in the first place

      !- value prop : IndyNet - stop the scattering - be your own(ed) hub - in your own(ed) network - eventually connecting everything L People, Ideas and Things

      POSSE is a good start

      Be your own Hub syndicate elsewhere

    9. We are drowning in our own productivity.
      • neat : drowning in our own productivity
    10. scalable collective human cognition




    1. Hi! I'm Shawn Murphy, a Canadian software architect living in Berlin.



    1. Creating a distributed, globally-scalable, knowledge-based, collaboration platform augmented with criteria and evaluations as the basis for a self-organizing system capable of fostering the evolution of ideas

      !- objectives : Nooshperic Software Foundation - creating an augmented self-organizing collaboration platform fostering evolution of ideas supporting Open Global Collective Intelligence

      !- collaboration platform : - distributed - globally-scalable - knowledge-based

      !- augmented with : - criteria - evaluation

      !- basis for : - self-organizing system - fostering evolution of ideas

      !- supporting : - Open - Global - Intelligence

    2. Developing software tools incorporating elaboration, evaluation, and evolution at the core of their design and operation,

      !- objectives : Nooshperic Software Foundation - software tools - elaboration - evalutation - evolution - design - operation

    1. freeing of information from proprietary systems and formats

      !- resonate with : open, non proprietary format

    2. fluid collaboration between individuals,

      !- value prop : IndyLab

    3. rapid access to knowledge as it evolves

      co-evolution of knowledge along with the tools that create it

    4. a universal conversation layer

      !- value prop : IndyNet

    5. The idea of a shared conversation layer over the world’s knowledge is part of the original idea behind the Web.

      !- value prop : IndyWeb - shared conversation layer is part of the original idea

    1. Data is expressed in open, non-proprietary formats

      open non-proprietary format

    2. The Data-Centric Manifesto the

      !- manifesto : IndyWeb

    1. No SPOF: don't rely on any single party (including yourself) Your data should be alive in 80 years, especially if you are
      • values : Perkeep
    1. Data is self-describing and does not rely on an application for interpretation and meaning.

      The most important principle

      That makes data exchangeable and decouple dependence on applications doing their magic to lock you in

    1. Ivo Velitchkov@kvistgaardReplying to @jessmartin @TfTHacker and @BearNotesAppYes, that's what I meant. If you open an MD with several tools and you write in one of them, all others should show the change with small or no delay. That's the app-content decoupling I meant for this classification. Half-way to data-centricity http://datacentricmanifesto.org

    1. It refers to an instance of a clearly identifiable conceptual or material entity. The entity must be notable, in the sense that it can be described using serious and publicly available references.

      this is a deal breaker if you are working at the edge of knowl'edge

    1. Redecentralization

      !- reading list : IndyNet, IndyWeb !- claim : Decent(ralization) is not enough, need InterPersonal Networkes connecting individuals as autnomous actors with each other, entities and ideas

    1. !- reading list : IndyWeb

    2. mechanism, known as the Actor Model
    3. An Actor is a lightweight computational unit

      !- gloss : actor - light weight computational unit - similar to thread - resource efficient - supervise actors in a managed hierarchy - contain failure

    1. !- reading list : IndyWeb

    2. eliminatinginformation of low interest, providing navigation clues and recommending interesting paths of exploration. Asdifferent users have different goals and interests, AH systems adapt their assistance based on user modelswhich capture information about the users

      !- provide what : Adaptive Hypermedia System - navigation clues - accomplish : Adaptive Hypermedia system - eliminate information of low interest - recommend interesting paths to explore - based on user models which capture information about the user

      !- super power : IndyWeb - delivers the capabilities to adapt the hypermedia system to the needs to the one that uses it - All information about the one who is using the system is available off line

    3. Liberman’s implied argument isthat adaptive interfaces could be a solution to the problem of information overload that Web users face today

      !- concept : adaptive interfaces - antidote to information overload on the Web

    1. Actor model

      !- private notes : * - propose : IndyWeb Intents are like actors

    1. I'm paging you now because I'm helping organize a series of events around Tools for Thinking, starting with this event on Tuesday: https://lnkd.in/gmJ46wZK

      tools for thinking event Description

    1. As I write this, a 29-year-old developer of the Tornado Cash protocol has also apparently been arrested in Amsterdam. Jeez.


    2. Github has removed Tornado Cash’s source code and banned source contributors (hence the need for decentralized alternatives like Radicle). 

    1. While Radicle was initially built using the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), the team later decided that the IPFS did not satisfy the performance requirements required by the project.

      IPFS did not satisfy the performance required

    2. Radicle (RAD): An Open-Source Github Alternative

    1. Web Share API W3C Editor's Draft 12 July 2022

    1. !- podcast : Eric Weinstein on Edugenic Harm and Neurodiversity

    2. Eric Weinstein on Edugenic Harm and Neurodiversity

      !- concept : Edugenic Harm

      !- concept : Neuoidiversity


    1. That’s why a scientist looking at my brain and seeing this pattern should ask me what I feel, because the pattern is not the feeling itself, just a representation of it.”

      !- claim : not represent, but re-present, nay present

      • the pattern is not the feeling itself, just a presentation of it

    1. Ronen Tamari@rtk2541/Excited to share some new work on collective sensemaking! We’ll present it in the Blue Sky Ideas track (~open, exciting areas for R&D) of the upcoming @ACMHT This is a collective effort of @daostack, Veeo, @InferenceActive @CSenseMakers @HyadataLab https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.06345

    1. 7/Stigmergy refers to the phenomena of indirect coordination mediated by modifications of the environment, eg ant pheromone trails. The crazy part is that the env acts as a kind of distributed memory system for a collective organism: https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1389041715000327

    2. 16/ interoperable protocols/storage for stigmergic primitives can enable bootstrapping existing PKP growth for *collective* sensemaking/knowledge.

    1. Decentralized OrganizationShape a new structure, which is collaborative, autonomous and transparent.



    1. “It is wrong to think that the  task of physics is to find out how Nature is.   Physics concerns what we can say about Nature.”  Well it turns out that if we pay attention to this   subtle difference, some of the most mysterious  aspects of nature make a lot more sense. What is physics really trying to do? Is it to find  the mathematical laws that govern the universe?  

      not to find out

    2. founders of quantum theory were convinced that  the role of physics was one step further removed   still. Neils Bohr insisted that what we actually  model is the results of observation, not the world   itself.

      step further removed

      model the results of observation

    1. The greatest minds, as they are capable of the highest excellences, are open likewise to the greatest aberrations. —René Descartes, 1637, A Discourse on Method

      minds open

    1. Cognitive Limits to Natural Knowledge Creation

      cognitive limits of knowledge creation

    1. It assumes the centrality of knowledge forthe rise of Western modernity; and it illustrates that with regard to their knowl-edge foundations, such a rise was not a natural process but an unnatural one,critically relying on path-dependent factors that might not repeat elsewhere.Because it enabled the West to transcend the inherent limits of the humanmind, I call this process the “great knowledge transcendence.”

      centrality of knowledge for the rise of Western modernity

      rise was not a natural process

      but an unnatural one

      West transcend the inherent limits of the human mind

    2. ring the heyday of “the Whig interpretation of history,” history wasregarded as a natural and inevitable march toward modernity, including con-stitutionalism, freedom, science, technology, and capitalism.

      Whig interpretation of history

      inevitable march toward modernity


    1. ToolsForThinkingHow New Technologies are Changing How We Create, Share, and Build Knowledge

    1. observed in fact or in thought

      observed in fact or in thought

    1. not everybody wants versioning not everybody wants encryption and privacy like i think that having this be a set of progressive upgrades would be really good but like i'm just wondering what the right substrate is
      • making features opt in progressive upgrade =
    2. quick query on top of the new winfs stuff was like oh we got to plug like application specific merge semantics into how do we actually merge two files because as soon as you introduce versioning you get branching as soon as you get branching you wanna put those things back together and if 00:23:01 you wanna put those things back together and you just try to let a computer magically do it for you it's not gonna end well
      • application specific merge semantics
      • versioning
      • branching
      • merge things back together
      • computer magically not gonna end well
    3. arbitrary metadata in a second versioning not everybody needs but like it's pretty dope it's good to have um and we need some type of mutability like an aiming system that 00:21:04 that is robust and works
      • access control
      • arbitrary metadata in a second
      • versioning
      • mutability
    4. we really like we fully drink drink drank drunk drink still drink the content addressing kool-aid like i think that content addressing is 00:09:19 a fundamental like primitive that i want to see proliferate

      content addressing is fundamental

    5. ipfs sold as a bill of goods that it could not deliver on which uh is uh in many ways true and i want to get into some details on that

      sold us goods it could not deliver on

    1. IPFS þingþing (n). thing, assembly, meeting, council. parliament.

    1. Marc-Antoine Parent 1st degree connection 1st Fondateur chez Solutions Conversence

      !- connection : Marc-Antoine Parent - twitter : https://twitter.com/ma_parent

    1. . Conversation is a method for converging on eventually consistent states among distributed peers.
      • about : Conversation

      • from :
    2. creative scenius between band members playing jazz, or among designers collaborating on a project.

      !- slogan : TrailMark - scenius in collaborative spaces


      !- do how : TrailMarks - shadow nonlinear links to salient explicative pages from a page with bi-directional links between annotations on a content containing the link and annotations created between the current page and the links target - also incorporate image from the target page in the current annotation - giving a strong visual clue that would highlight the connection even in scanning an annotation stream feed


    3. Diverge/converge, the ur-shape of design.

    1. A speaker flattens a cloud of connected ideas into a linearized subset. A listener unpacks them. The conversation loop.

      !- about : Conversation - Symathesy - Everything is a Conversation - https://hyp.is/Kbk67BhxEe2m9oPvDhCkZA/kk.org/thetechnium/scenius-or-comm/

    1. Scenius is like genius, only embedded in a scene rather than in genes. Brian Eno suggested the word to convey the extreme creativity that groups, places or “scenes”  can occasionally generate.
      • new word : Scenius

    1. Conversation theory is a cybernetic and dialectic framework that offers a scientific theory to explain how interactions lead to "construction of knowledge", or "knowing": wishing to preserve both the dynamic/kinetic quality, and the necessity for there to be a "knower

      !- theory : Conversation - Software is a conversation - ∀ is a conversation - knowledge with the "knower" - knowing subject - Tacit Personal Knowledge - Michael Polanyi

      !- do how : TrailMarks - treat annotation margins as part of your Mind's Graph - name the subject/topic that the annotated content is about and name in a trailmark your intent/intended meaning or some salient aspect of the subject/topic to which the annotation is relevant to - jot down free associations that come to mind - thereby the chances of surfacing via auto-association the annotation in the present context when you are working on a content using the words matching the free associations

    1. ∀ (FOR ALL) utf-8 character icon FOR ALL is one of the 256 characters in the Mathematical Operators Unicode subset.
      • utf8 : for all, universal quantifier
    1. Get more insight from TwitterTwemex is a browser extension for Twitter that automatically surfaces the most interesting ideas.It helps you spend less time mindlessly scrolling, and more time developing your thoughts



    1. In a world filled with ever-more-complex technological, sociological, ecological, political & economic systems... a tool to make interactive simulations may not be that much help. But it can certainly try


    1. Socialroots Cross-group collaboration, simplified.

    1. tummler is the person who keeps everyone else talking interestingly. Short version http://j.mp/tummler - long version is 100 hours of conversation http://tummelvision.tv.

      Multiolayer TfT Chris Aldrich

    1. how we make sense of complexity in the world around us; how we turn confusion into action; and how we can overcome hubris to achieve meaningful systems change.

      complexity system change

    1. break inside the file they are declared. The reason for this issimple; those low-level objects return information to the interface(properties and methods) of the Motor and the Storage file NOT the Car fileitself.

      low level objects in storage and motor cannot break the car

    2. Logic Room PresentsThink!Like a UI Architect5 Critical Lessons for Framework-agnosticJavaScript UI App Design and Structure

      framework agnostic UI app design

    3. x

    1. a crimp tree node for for each chunk of your file or directory and that can have links to the the encrypted file fragments and so the keys in this champ are 00:05:42 basically random um subsequent keys in a file are not random but they're still not deducible uh by the server so the storage Your Home Server can't figure out or can't link 00:05:54 the different chunks of the same file so we use that to hide the the tires of the file among among other ways the read correctly is pretty simple it's it's been discussed earlier but yeah 00:06:07 it's a tree of symmetric keys if you have one key you can follow the the arrows follow the links it also gives everything a well-defined path so if I just give you access to this file you can follow the parent links to get the names 00:06:21 so you have a path but you still can't see if there are any other files in that directory any siblings or anything like that the right tree is even simpler so there's just one key for each file or 00:06:34 directory these are all symmetric keys by the way in the previous slide um also the top ones are symmetric Keys these are obviously key pairs at the bottom um and the the metadata that we protect 00:06:49 file names file name sizes if you care about that uh the file sizes I've mentioned so there's a chunking part get you down to 00:07:00 modulo 5 Meg
      • about : cryptree !- main contribution : IndyWeb, IndyNet, PeerKeep, MindDrive, Web3.storage

      !- design comment : analogous intents IndyWeb

      instead of relying on cryptography relyh on interpersonal trusted communications full trusted audit trails

      uniform data access methods

      instead of getting files get associative complex neighbourhood with context specific inline articulation of illative/interpretative flows em logiccs

      instead of random keys human readable context/intent bearing attributed names resolvable by creator on request responding with access complex as attributed page with ephemeral encryption etc

    2. it's pure capabilities so you don't need to rely on a server to enforce Access Control it's fine-grained it's also stored in a champ we like Champs the ciphertext access access control is 00:04:09 a relatively new thing that's as of January this year we do that with things called block access tokens or bats

      !- concept : pure capability

      • no need to rely on a server

    3. Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 10:57] My BlackView mobile's charger inlet needs replacing instead of spending 13000 ft on repair I bought an halfway degoogled Colour OS phone for 18000 ft

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 10:57] It is not bloated with preinstalled junk software

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 10:58] that u could not install

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 10:59] It is a smaller form factor the one u can still write on super fast

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 10:59] I installed telegram on or so normality or even better restored

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 11:02] And of course indylab is working on it and perkeep to

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 11:06] I propose the name 'peerkeep' for the indywebnative companion that leverages perkeep that hosts, archives and synchronizes private data across all your devices and your huddles and heirloom family storage hub.

    4. whirlwind tour of pergos


      ``` Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 10:57] My BlackView mobile's charger inlet needs replacing instead of spending 13000 ft on repair I bought an halfway degoogled Colour OS phone for 18000 ft

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 10:57] It is not bloated with preinstalled junk software

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 10:58] that u could not install

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 10:59] It is a smaller form factor the one u can still write on super fast

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 10:59] I installed telegram on or so normality or even better restored

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 11:02] And of course indylab is working on it and perkeep to

      Gyuri Lajos, [09/08/2022 11:06] I propose the name 'peerkeep' for the indywebnative companion that leverages perkeep that hosts, archives and synchronizes private data across all your devices and your huddles and heirloom family storage hub. ```

    1. I opened my desk drawer and took out a copy of Zhuan Falun. While holding the book in my two hands and facing him, I said, "Please read the book carefully, and think about it. If you have the determination to quit, I will try my best to help you."

      Zhuan Falun

    1. If you smoked and practised Qigong , you would still be healthier then if you smoked and did not practise Qigong though.
      • for : falun gong
    1. Ours is an age of AGI

      The Greeks held:

      "evil appears as good in the minds of those whom god leads to destruction".

      and remember Frank Herbert:


      "Thou shall not make machines in the lik https://hyp.is/MCnKIBe1Ee2LwLuHVyXG8A/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whom_the_gods_would_destroy

    1. Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind. Thou shalt not disfigure the soul.
      • Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of the human mind
      • thou shalt not disfigure the soul
    1. "τὸ κακὸν δοκεῖν ποτ᾽ ἐσθλὸν τῷδ᾽ ἔμμεν' ὅτῳ φρένας θεὸς ἄγει πρὸς ἄταν" to mean that "evil appears as good in the minds of those whom god leads to destruction".
      • evil appears as good
      • in the minds if those whom god leads to destruction
    1. There are a number of systems that utilize content-basedaddressing to access content and information (e.g. Git,IPFS, Perkeep, Tahoe-LAFS, etc)

      !- for : content-based addressing, content addressing, name data networks

      !- intro : Perkeep

    1. "add marginal notes and comments," and "build a trail of his interest" through the larger information space.

      trails of interests

      information space

    2. Still Building the Memex


    1. This is an additional 170 words/4000, and paraphrases an opinion most famously put forward by Michael Polanyi, a Hungarian-English polymath of genius level, who made contributions to chemistry, philosophy and economics, and who delineated the importance of “tacit knowledge” (that is, knowledge that was acted out but not necessarily articulated) in the transmission of specialized technical ability across the generations. Hudlicky was therefore criticized and pilloried by individuals on Twitter who appeared to know nothing of M. Polanyi’s work on tacit knowledge (for whom such ignorance was perhaps justifiable) but also by the editor of Angewandte, for whom such ignorance (voluntary or otherwise) was most certainly not.

      Michael Polanyi

    1. verbpast tense: interspersed; past participle: interspersedscatter among or between other things; place here and there."deep pools interspersed by shallow shingle banks"

      !- gloss : interpersed

    1. Event Notifications in Value-Adding Networks

      Value-adding networks

    1. Obsidian works completely offline

    2. Total control Your notes live on your device, period. You can encrypt them or back them up however you want; it's your decision, not ours. Plain text files let you do various sync, encryption, and data processing on top of it. Obsidian plays nice with Dropbox, Cryptomator, and any software that works with plain text files.

    3. Future-proof format Obsidian uses Markdown.

    1. The place for your knowledge to shine Effortlessly publish your notes from Obsidian.Build your knowledge kingdom with Obsidian Publish.

      Obsidianb publish

    2. $20 per month or $192 per year per site. Hassle-free refund within 7 days.

      $20 per month

    1. PKM MOC Hi Future Self 👋 Here are "best practices" for managing your PKM system.

      linking your thinking LYT kit

    1. Hypothes.is, a web annotation tool, as an off-label zettelkasten?!

      I've started using hypothesis annotation using TrailMarks notation to articulate ideas associated with what I am reading right on the margins

      This is great because, we are also developing ways to integrate hypothesis annotations into our own home grown Tools for Thought. Beyond that we are aiming to ship an opeen, Commons based, Peer produced

      People Centered InterPersonal Mutlitplayer Tool for thought Constellations for exchange and interchange and conversations on the margins, on what we call the IndyWeb.


      If you interested please reply to this annotation. and I can respond in email provided by hypothesis to send the invite.

    2. Who’s up for a public, social zettelkasten practice?

      I'm all in on this and more soon.


    3. Hypothes.idian for Obsidian to do just this.)


    1. Robotic Process Automation - RPA Solutions for Business


    1. Any which sufficiently symmathetic comment thread, is indistinguishable from one building block of an MVP of our own making.

      Found this page by searching for symmathetic on Google and found this

      clearly problems define their own solutions

      • pearl :
      • this is a perfect way of describing how we are
      • making our own MVP: IndyLab, for bootstrapping Participatory Inquiry eventually global scaling to Symmathetic Synthesys in an Open Learning Commons
    2. We made it? What happened? We happened.

    3. Participatory Inquiry, episode 135: User Flows“In a network, social cognition is how we coordinate movement.”@johnkellden

      !- rhymes with : Symmathetic Synthesis

      !- combine into : Participatory Inquiry lscaling to Symmathetic Synthesys in an Open Learning Commons

    1. where users are in control of their personal data

      do not build systems that disguise people as data hoard them and use it against them and deprive them from benefiting from it to its full extent

    1. Indynet is part of Master Technology Cia.Ltda. a company that was born in the city of Quito at the initiative of four young indigenous people of the Saraguro nationality, from the San Lucas parish, was initially created with the purpose of providing technical service in the aforementioned city.


    1. Petnames: A humane approach to secure, decentralized naming

      decentralization is in the right direction


      we simply need a People Centred Architecture

      a new Reneissance where the dignity of Man can be restored

      as the measure of everything that we are creating in the Digital World honouring our interdependence with All

      not conquering nature but for mutual thriving

    1. Riley!@riley_stewsA fast-paced world of user-created content almost looks like the Flash portals of the 2000s, whose simpler and more accessible programming pushes it towards more diverse authoring. Mostly memes, but some really stunning creativity.

    1. Riley!@riley_stews·Aug 2Replying to @riley_stewsScratch's statistics are pretty mind-boggling: peaked close to 1M MAUs this year, most of those children building and exploring a world of amateur multimedia and simple programming. https://scratch.mit.edu/statistics/


    2. !- about = Scartch

      experimenting with alternative syntype (syntax implied by the way you type for #Trailmarks

    1. Fri, Aug 5th: Polywrap overview for the IPFS communityhttps://lu.ma/e91yilt2

    1. I know I could probably move them to some cloud, but I have no idea which one could work (the most popular ones seem not to)

      you can use https://web3.storage/

      just sign up and you get 1 TB of Interplanetary File System Storage.

    1. https://fightwithtools.dev/projects/context-pages/

      context pages

    2. building easy to use websites, archives – in a way that allows them to interact with each other

      !- value prop - IndyWeb - building easy to use - websites - archives - allow them to interoperate

    1. This site is set up to provide deep lists of links about any topic, providing useful resources to understand that topic along with timelines and useful notes.

      list of links about any topic

    1. Most tools come from one or two of these dimensions; almost none cover all of them. A radar (or spider) diagram is a good way to visualize them (this illustration doesn’t map to the dimensions above, but should): 

    1. Level Up With React QueryThe official React Query course will get you building apps like a pro.

    1. And to prove they’re not playing favorites, they changed their name from React Queryto TanStack Query

      TanStack Query

    1. StackEdit@stackeditFull-featured, open-source Markdown editor based on PageDown, the Markdown library used by Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites.stackedit.ioJoined April 201330 Following1,879 Followers

    1. for static sites, with embedded edit links in each page. There's also https://stackedit.io/
    2. "static site" handler

      !- extend : perkeep

    1. What if every individual thing in your personal computing domain could be linked or backlinked in your overall digital graph?
      • concepts : IndyWeb IndyNet, IndyHub
    2. The future of computing is in its past

      I've seen the future of Personal computing: It is InterPersonal Computing To twist a bit @TheTedNelson prediction about the Web

      The future of computing is in its past We could have had it all



  2. www.indyproject.org www.indyproject.org
    1. Indy is Open Source and developed solely by volunteers and with the help of its corporate sponsors. Indy has had a long history that goes back to 1993. Indy has grown over the years and now is the largest, most comprehensive socket library available on any platform.


  3. Jul 2022
    1. Cryptoeconomics is the combination of cryptography and economics for the goal of social coordination towards desirable outcomes. The realization that decentralization needs to come with an incentive layer was a key insight.

      how about People Cantered

      InterPersonal Networks instead of decentralized

    2. like an alternative to DNS

      alternative to DNS

    1. reuse and build off past thoughts.

      reuse and build off past thoughts

      is the main motivation for conceiving RTrailMarks

      as a plain text mark in Notation

      You may even have nice UX flows which can generate

      trailmarks mark ins and complete structures in plain text markinned HTML Hypermedia

    2. Structural affordances in current tools conflict with our desire to work at the speed of thought.

      Structural affordance is TrailMarks are not offered as user gestures or UX flows

      These are considered harmful in that they lock you in into a specific carefully constructed smooth flows

      rather the idea is to offer affordances in a context dependent way driven by cursor position and or hiughlights and content discovery

    3. working at the speed of thought

      !- principles : TrailMarks !- for : Augmented Articulation/Elaboration

      working at the speed of thought

      • write anywhere
      • organize content into explicit clues byt naming the subject of the text and use trailmarks to indicate/name intent/meaning.aspec/relevance and associate in explicitly named ways relevant content in relevant context, introduce clues to designate and delimit relevant context so as to obtain high resolution permanent evene reifiable intent addressable contexts
      • structure at leisure, later
      • using TrailMarks Intentional/Symmathetic Mark Ins

      where the focus is on making explicit/ articualte/highlight, emphasize structure, relevance salience, aspects

      on third pass

      first pass is to break linera text into outlines/nested lists

      interperse clues at leisure

    1. infamously hard problem

      problem have simple solution at the meta level

      • empower individuals to articulate their own terms
      • make them discoverable, extractable by examining related content in context

      for starters can use

      'same as' 'alike'


      eventually can plugout to mapping logic developed by tech savy participant in the network

      in fact can have a whole market for such solutions

    2. A common assumption from builders is that the answer is to focus on individual synthesis with the expectation that distributed synthesis will happen out of band.

      !- value prop : IndyHub combined with TrailMarks and MindGraph - ground up designed for interpersonal communication - threaded, resumable, conversational/discursive/dialogical multiplayer threaded interpersonal discovery and synthesis

      focus on individual synthesis

      distributed synthesys out of band

    1. represent latent connections in imported text or quick capture quick capture Quick capture refers to the general idea of getting a thought down quickly. Some apps, like Drafts and Weavit, are designed around this concept.... 06/07/2022 thoughts. Linking unlinked references is tool for structure in hindsight structure in hindsight ... 06/07/2022 .

      structure in hindsight

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0-2.828-.983-2.329-2.784l13.224-49.143c.5-1.72 1.747-2.703 3.577-2.703h7.568c1.83 0 3.077.983 3.576 2.703l12.975 48.897c.5 1.802-.499 3.03-2.329 3.03h-5.655c-1.913 0-3.244-.983-3.66-2.784l-2.245-9.256c-.25-1.064-.915-1.72-2.163-1.72zm-5.95-9.5h4.906c.915 0 1.497-.41 1.248-1.393l-3.66-15.48-3.742 15.48c-.25.983.332 1.392 1.247 1.392zm36.757-28.586V68.22c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.827 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.745-.9-2.745-2.703V19.076c0-1.883.915-2.784 2.745-2.784h5.24c1.912 0 2.827.9 2.827 2.784zm6.817 42.345V37.67h-.915c-1.83 0-2.744-.901-2.744-2.703v-3.604c0-1.802.914-2.703 2.744-2.703h.915V22.68c0-1.72.333-3.685 2.578-4.34l4.408-1.23c2.412-.655 3.826.165 3.826 2.458v9.091h3.577c1.83 0 2.744.901 2.744 2.703v3.604c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.744 2.703h-3.577v22.196c0 2.13 1.248 2.867 2.828 2.867h1.164c1.248 0 2.08.41 2.08 2.293v2.785c0 2.785-2.828 3.931-5.822 3.931-5.49 0-11.062-3.03-11.062-10.32zm49.567-19.411v8.108c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.745 2.703h-16.551v2.949c0 4.587 2.162 7.044 7.236 7.044 3.493 0 4.824-1.393 7.07-1.393 1.995 0 2.744 1.557 2.744 2.703v1.31c0 3.44-3.327 6.307-10.48 6.307-11.394 0-17.382-6.552-17.382-16.872v-12.86c0-8.681 6.404-14.169 15.054-14.169s15.054 5.488 15.054 14.17zm-10.73 2.703V42.01c0-3.932-1.663-5.897-4.324-5.897-2.662 0-4.242 1.965-4.242 5.897v2.703h8.567zm27.028-.246v23.752c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.744-.9-2.744-2.703V31.444c0-1.884.914-2.785 2.744-2.785h5.24c1.996 0 2.828.901 2.828 2.949 1.663-1.72 4.241-3.768 7.485-3.768 1.996 0 2.246 1.229 2.246 2.294v4.34c0 2.376-2.08 2.622-4.076 2.867-3.41.41-5.655 3.113-5.655 7.126zm33.597 23.752V42.665c0-3.358-1.58-5.815-4.74-5.815s-4.741 2.457-4.741 5.815V68.22c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.744-.9-2.744-2.703V31.444c0-1.884.915-2.785 2.744-2.785h5.24c1.83 0 2.828.901 2.828 2.703 0 0 2.828-3.522 8.4-3.522 8.068 0 11.894 5.897 11.894 14.825V68.22c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.745-.9-2.745-2.703zm29.69-32.516c-4.825 0-6.655 1.229-8.235 1.229-.998 0-2.245-.492-2.245-2.048v-2.211c0-3.522 5.406-4.833 10.645-4.833 7.236 0 16.635 1.802 16.635 13.433v26.865c0 1.883-.915 2.784-2.745 2.784h-3.992c-1.747 0-2.662-.737-2.828-2.13-.25.246-2.911 2.95-7.818 2.95-8.068 0-13.723-5.98-13.723-13.597 0-12.777 10.063-16.545 20.293-17.61-.166-2.866-1.33-4.832-5.988-4.832zm-3.494 21.295c0 3.03 1.497 5.57 4.74 5.57 3.078 0 4.741-2.457 4.741-5.57v-8.763c-4.824 1.064-9.481 2.62-9.481 8.763zm26.611 4.423V37.67h-.915c-1.83 0-2.744-.901-2.744-2.703v-3.604c0-1.802.915-2.703 2.744-2.703h.915V22.68c0-1.72.333-3.685 2.579-4.34l4.408-1.23c2.412-.655 3.825.165 3.825 2.458v9.091h3.577c1.83 0 2.744.901 2.744 2.703v3.604c0 1.802-.914 2.703-2.744 2.703h-3.577v22.196c0 2.13 1.248 2.867 2.828 2.867h1.165c1.247 0 2.079.41 2.079 2.293v2.785c0 2.785-2.828 3.931-5.822 3.931-5.49 0-11.062-3.03-11.062-10.32zm31.935-29.977V68.22c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.745-.9-2.745-2.703V31.444c0-1.884.915-2.785 2.745-2.785h5.24c1.913 0 2.828.901 2.828 2.785zm0-12.368v3.44c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-5.24c-1.83 0-2.745-.9-2.745-2.703v-3.44c0-1.883.915-2.784 2.745-2.784h5.24c1.913 0 2.828.9 2.828 2.784zm31.435 9.583h4.075c1.83 0 3.16 1.229 2.329 3.604l-12.06 35.956c-.416 1.393-1.414 2.703-3.576 2.703h-3.826c-2.162 0-3.16-1.31-3.576-2.703l-11.395-35.956c-.748-2.375.5-3.604 2.329-3.604h4.574c2.246 0 3.244 1.065 3.66 2.785l6.654 23.261 7.152-23.26c.5-1.72 1.414-2.786 3.66-2.786zm39.586 13.35v8.11c0 1.801-.915 2.702-2.745 2.702h-16.55v2.949c0 4.587 2.162 7.044 7.235 7.044 3.493 0 4.824-1.393 7.07-1.393 1.996 0 2.744 1.557 2.744 2.703v1.31c0 3.44-3.327 6.307-10.48 6.307-11.394 0-17.382-6.552-17.382-16.872v-12.86c0-8.681 6.404-14.169 15.054-14.169s15.054 5.488 15.054 14.17zm-10.73 2.704V42.01c0-3.932-1.663-5.897-4.324-5.897-2.662 0-4.242 1.965-4.242 5.897v2.703h8.567zm43.338-28.421c1.913 0 2.828.9 2.828 2.784v3.932c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.828 2.703h-7.153c-1.08 0-1.663.573-1.663 1.638v40.87c0 1.802-.915 2.703-2.745 2.703h-5.655c-1.913 0-2.828-.9-2.828-2.703V27.35c0-1.065-.582-1.638-1.664-1.638h-7.152c-1.913 0-2.828-.901-2.828-2.703v-3.932c0-1.883.915-2.784 2.828-2.784h28.86zm.662 41.526V41.764c0-9.747 7.652-13.924 15.47-13.924 7.818 0 15.47 4.177 15.47 13.924v16.054c0 9.746-7.652 13.923-15.47 13.923-7.818 0-15.47-4.177-15.47-13.923zm10.812-16.054v16.054c0 3.194 1.83 4.914 4.658 4.914 2.828 0 4.657-1.72 4.657-4.914V41.764c0-3.194-1.83-4.914-4.657-4.914-2.828 0-4.658 1.72-4.658 4.914z"/></g></svg>


    1. And here's to you, <span style="background-color:green">Mrs. Robinson</span>, Jesus loves you more than you will know."

    1. if the pink plane there is reality then what do people think the blue plane is like insanity 00:39:07 you are insane and learning a new idea something that your brain isn't well set up for could require almost as much creativity as inventing it in the first place because you have to invent it 00:39:24 inside your head
      • reality : pink plane
      • insanity : blue plane
      • takes one to know one
        • learning a new idea could require almost as much creativity as inventing it in the first place because you have to invent it inside your head
    2. the biggest problems with computing is in a sense we have too many smart people it attracts 00:36:44 cleverness and you can do clever hacks but the clever hacks don't scale well and it's very hard to build a halflife into software it just stays around forever and so what what's actually 00:37:00 happening is kind of something like building a large garbage dump that makes it the odor of which makes it very hard to think about other things so if we 00:37:10 take news or normal we can think we can solve problems avoid obstacles beg every once in while we have an outlaw thought

      !- biggest problem : with computing - it attracts cleverness - clever hacks don't scale well - hard to build half life into software - stays around forever?

    3. Newton is a perfect example because before Newton the smartest people in the world couldn't do things that a high school calculus student can easily do so calculus is like getting an extra brain 00:36:16 and it makes you much much more able than a genius who doesn't have it so these outlook changing things are really critical

      calculus is like having a second brain

    4. try having one when you're going out for tenure think of all the different reviewers who already have an idea of what computer science should be 00:37:52 about it's crazy and people start winding up gaming the system and doing lots and lots of little papers that mean nothing at all in order to get the 00:38:04 approval of these reviewers whose ideas about computing might be completely off

      !- hint : ideas about computing might be completely off

    5. i don't want this to be like uh it only works for me um and the only way to see this is to have people try it out

      not only works for me

    1. Quinn Warnick Deputy Executive Director at Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Iowa State University Blacksburg, Virginia, United States

    1. Who needs a new iPhone? I want a memex in my office.

      memex in my office


      Working on it. Getting so close.

      Mark the trails you blaze across the web with TrailMarks

      Experience the Web as an extension of your mind

      Share your trails and be the master with the legacy that contains the entire scaffolding with whch they were erected


    2. and on yourmobile

    1. Kwisatz Haderach

    2. Indeed, it appeared that the majority of people did not realize that to know the future is to be trapped by it.


    1. Boris Mann@bmannReplying to @csageland @RobertHaisfield and 3 othersthese are all roughly in the same class of tools. The question is — can it be setup in such a way to engage / entrain multi-user participation. So much of online talks are either synchronous live discussion or lean back experiences. Group note taking FTW!5:14 AM · Jul 27, 2022·Tweetbot for iΟS

      perfect timing

    1. Our own @csageland will be kicking off a series looking at sensemaking in groups! On August 9th come talk with @RobertHaisfield about his research on #ScalingSynthesis. Join us in the #ToolsForThought community, catalyzed by @FISSIONcodes's @bmann

    1. Warning: this post is a “brain dump first draft” of my chapter’s Abstract and Introduction, so it’s long.

      brain-dump rules at the edges of knowl

    2. From Personal to Social Knowledge Graphs: a vision statement

    1. That's why they're "usually just one of an array of tools... cobble[d] together for discovering, bookmarking and reading content; developing ideas in private and discussing them in public; writing, publishing and sharing" .../2

    1. I'll be writing a chapter of @PkgBook (PKG = Personal Knowledge Graphs) over the summer. Which is ironic, because I think @jmrphy is pretty spot on - as standalone tools, PKGs are not that useful for deep writing: https://otherlife.co/pkm/ /1

    1. If I had to share one image from my current model, it'd be how linking Personal knowledge graph-based thinking tools together via the Fediverse creates personalised Social knowledge graphs for everyone.

    1. Follow a Hub to get a feed of high-quality content piped into your Private Reading Queue, and ReBlog individual resources straight to your Hub.


    2. Imagining new MyHub.ai features as the pilot Hubs launch

    1. Mathew@mathewlowryFounder: http://MyHub.ai. Info. architect, editor & more, Knowledge4Policy & others. Writer: The Mission, Better Humans, Chatbot Mag. = curation not endorsementBrusselsmyhub.ai/@mathewlowry/Joined October 20071,681 Following2,374 Followers

    1. What you Like, Think and Do, together in one place.

      The one place should be You and Yours!

      Let the players be their own hubs!



    1. The NDN project is investigating Jacobson's proposed evolution from today's host-centric network architecture IP to a data-centric network architecture (NDN).
      • about : Named Data Networking

      !- contrast : host-centric with data centric architecture NDN

      evolution from a host centric to a data centric architecture just like IPFS. Look at the hour glass Description
