22,718 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. Note taking is building a relationship with a future version of yourself.

      nicely put

    2. The End of Organizing How GPT-3 will turn your notes into an *actual* second brain

      You do not need GPT for that

    1. Fleek.xyz platform itself will be an NFA

      fleek as NFA

    2. Web3 Apps Should Be Controlled by DAO’s/Communities (not Founders/Companies)


    3. decentralized frontend and application hosting.

      How does this related to Fission's vision of Building the future of web apps at the edges?

    4. Introducing NFA’s: Non-Fungible Apps

    1. “Like, all the models are made up, right?”

      models are made up

    2. Bankman-Fried’s admission that most venture-capitalist investments are not “the paragon of efficient markets” and driven primarily by FOMO and hype

      admission : Bankman-Fried - VC investments not "the paragon of efficient markets" - driven by FOMO and hype

    3. brokenness of this investment ecosystem

      broken investment ecosystem

    4. replace Twitter with a blockchain-based payment-and-message system.

      blockhain-based payment-and-message system

    5. making Twitter censorship resistant via a “decentralized infrastructure” and “open APIs.”

      making : Twitter - censorship resistant - via : "decentralized infrastructure" - "open APIs"

      market place for algorithms #

    1. dramatic, multidimensional implosion of Meta

      implosion of : Meta

    2. The End of the Silicon Valley MythThe companies that define our digital lives have hit a wall.

    1. Scott's notion of least fixed points of continuous func-tionals

      = fixed points

    2. eastfixed points

      = fixed points - or predicate transformers #

    3. least fixed points of functionals

      = fixed point

    1. = Symbiocene doc

      naming : #

      the next area : in human history = - etymology : # - from Greek symbiosis companionship

      characterized by : - human intelligence replicating - symbiotic & mutually processes found in living systems # - reinforcing - life-reproducing forms & processes

      elements of : latent human intelligence # - recyclability inputs outputs - elimination of waste - safe just renewable energy - harmonious integration of industry/tech with - physical & living systems - at scale

    2. elements include

      of human intelligence needed - full recyclability of all inputs and outputs, - the elimination of toxic waste in all aspects of human enterprise, - safe and socially just renewable energy, and - full and harmonious integration of human industry and technology - with physical and living systems - at all scales.

    1. Members eventEmits an array of members that have joined the room.

      = members event

      javascript room.on('members', function(members) { // List of members as an array });

    2. Observable RoomsObservable rooms act like regular rooms but provide additional functionality for keeping track of connected members and linking messages to members.

      = observable rooms - prefix the room name with obervable-

    1. Observable Rooms

      = observable rooms - attach data to a Socket connection

    2. A message published to a room will be broadcast to all users who have subscribed to that room
      • messages published to a room
      • broadcast to subscribed users
    3. RoomsRooms divide users connected to a channel into separate messaging groups.

      = rooms - divide users connected to a channel - into separate groups

    1. Delivering Insights From Big Data   Rosoka drives understanding from your data so you can make Informed Decisions



  2. Dec 2022
    1. Google will shut down your free G Suite account unless you pay — what you need to know

      I've been paying for it from the start

  3. channelmcgilchrist.com channelmcgilchrist.com
    1. ‘Our talent for division, for seeing the parts, is of staggering importance – second only to our capacity to transcend it, in order to see the whole’

    1. My prediction is that we will continue to recognise (as laid out in exquisite detail by Dr Iain McGilchrist) the deep limitations of the reductionist, materialist scientific paradigm on which the dominant modern Western culture is built and which is intimately linked to the existential crises we face today. 

      reductionist materialist scientific paradigm


    2. Five trends signalling that 2023 will be ‘The Year of The Great Paradigm Shift’

    1. A tipping point in awareness and paradigm shift are long overdue!

      = tipping point

    1. The total capacity for injection and withdrawal from German gas storage facilities is around 23 billion cubic meters of gas.


    1. Darren Zal 2nd degree connection 2nd Software Developer at LongTail Financial Longtail Financial McGill University Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Contact info 500+ connections 4 mutual connections: Marc-Antoine Parent, Brad deGraf, and 2 others4 mutual connections: Marc-Antoine Parent, Brad deGraf, and 2 others

    1. unlock the Internet of Value

      Unlock the Internet of Value

    1. It is not possible to both verify the WhoCAN and maintain privacy of the name. Names shared on the NNS network will be readable by any peer systems.

      "Anything is possible, if u deem it so" You may need to rethink what you have deemed mpossible because the original conceptualization was not quite "right"

    2. Name Name System Specification

    1. Alan Morrison Alan Morrison is an independent consultant and freelance writer on data tech and enterprise transformation. He is a contributor to Data Science Central with over 35 years of experience as an analyst, researcher, writer, editor and technology trends forecaster, including 20 years in emerging tech R&D at PwC.

    1. 0:03 / 1:12:37

      Assoc Prof Simon Michaux - The quantity of metals required to manufacture just one generation of...

      Sustainable Minerals Institute UQ 2.35K subscribers

    2. Pause (k)You're signed outVideos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer.CancelConfirmUp nextLiveUpcomingCancelPlay NowSwitch cameraShareInclude playlistAn error occurred while retrieving sharing information. Please try again later.0:030:24 / 1:12:37•Watch full videoLive••Scroll for details Assoc Prof Simon Michaux - The quantity of metals required to manufacture just one generation of... 63K views 3 months ago Sustainable Minerals Institute UQ Sustainable Minerals Institute UQ 2.35K subscribers


    1. Introduction: The ubiquitous Web and the Allternet

    1. shopping for data is rather like shopping for individual pieces of Lego: it only becomes useful and worthwhile when the pieces are connected together.

    1. citizen-governed financial system (and the foundations for entirely new economic systems- which is where https://hypha.earth/ c


    1. AccelerateDecentralised Organisation Corporations were built for the industrial age, DAOs are built for the information age

    1. Integrating Siloed Personal Knowledge GraphsCritical steps in improving the productivity of enterprise note-taking

    1. MindDrive@MindDriveCo"I must not switch context. I will create my own total self-organizing contexts. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when I focus on one, When I look I'll see see only relevant trails Where the context-switch would have been. Only the Context-Flow will remain."

      Fear is not the mind-killer

      context switching is

    1. MuSIASEM or Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism

      Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism

    1. in a Sustained Bear (my belief) or a Crypto Winter

      = sustained bear


      = crypto winter

    1. neither of them therefore take the real personal nature of the individual into account but not can but nor can they take account of the real nature of what they 00:28:42 see in the cosmos hegel gazes at the cosmos and sees history as this spider's web of concepts schopenhauer gazes at the cosmos and 00:28:54 instead of a spider's web of concepts which for him is mere reflection he sees the ocean of surging will and the human being is a vessel into which is siphoned a drop of what flows 00:29:07 ever on in this non-rational non-reasonable will ocean human beings just mimic the possession of reason idea and thought which are merely the reflection in them 00:29:20 of non-rational will yet these two elements do exist in the cosmos the cosmos consists of thoughts as hegel saw hegel in the west look at the cosmos and sea world thoughts 00:29:35 schopenhauer and the east look at the cosmos and see world will both are true and the serviceable worldview in relation to the cosmos would have arisen if it had been possible paradoxically 00:29:49 for schopenhauer's scolding to have brought him to the point finally of going through the roof of leaving his body behind him while hegel's soul remained inside hegel and schopenhauer's soul plummeting back 00:30:02 down had fallen into hegel and inhabited him too then the conjoined being of schopenhauer and hegel would have seen both world thought and world will and this would have been a true vision 00:30:16 of what exists in the world world thought and world will which are present in very diverse forms what does spiritual scientific inquiry actually tell us about this cosmology 00:30:30 it tells us that if we look into the world and let world thoughts work upon us we see the thoughts of past ages everything that has taken effect from primordial times to this present moment 00:30:43 this is what we see when we see world thoughts for world thought appears to us in its dying and fading when we look into the world in this originates the rigid dead nature 00:30:55 of natural laws and the fact that we can use nothing much other than mathematics which deals with dead things when we seek to survey the laws of nature 00:31:07 in contrast world will works in all that speaks to our senses delighting us in light in all that we hear in tones and feel and what warms us in all sensory impressions 00:31:21 it is this that rises from the dead element of world thoughts and basically points us toward the future world will has what i would call a chaotic undifferentiated character 00:31:34 yet in the present moment of the universe it lives as the seed of all that will be carried forward into the future if we give ourselves up to the world's element of thought on the other hand 00:31:47 we have all that plays over into the present from the dawn of time this is not the case though in the human head thought exists in the human head but there it is sundered from external 00:32:00 universal thought and is instead and is instead bound within the human individual to an individual element of will which you might well see initially as a small reservoir of the cosmic will

      individual small reservoir of the cosmic will

    1. Tech leader in globally sharable, searchable and interoperable data ecosystems

      slogan : globally shareable, searchable and Interoperable data ecosystem

    1. IOTICS Enabling digital cooperation between enterprises. -Reduce costs, unlock value and generate revenue across your ecosystem Internet Publishing London, England 2,584 followers

    1. User:Lmichan From Wikidata Jump to navigation Jump to search Layla Michán


    1. I'm Layla , online researcher, lifelong curious, virtual teacher, digital information sleuth, digital resource hunter, digital collection curator, literature biologist, data lover, web surfer, database weaver, data taxonomist. digital resources and biogeek.


    1. The HubDiscover Mods with controls & benchmarks to interrogate your cloud, or drill deep into to the table schemas & docs for your favorite plugins.

    1. Monetize your expertiseYou have unique knowledge. Kahana is a platform to help you monetize quickly. The average person takes 6.5 months to monetize online - with Kahana you earn your first $1 and get recurring revenue 10X faster.




  4. Nov 2022
    1. Wiki Threads's Threads – Thread Reader Apphttps://threadreaderapp.com › user › wi...https://threadreaderapp.com › user › wi... · Oldal lefordításaShare this page! ×. Tweet Share Email. Close. Wiki Threads Profile picture. Wiki Threads. What if Wikipedia did twitter threads? Add to My Authors.

      = Wiki Threads

    1. The philosophical diversions of the manual will make sense only if they lead back to concrete work and concrete stories. So let's now return to the projects in the field and let's see if we find a way to close the threads into a beautiful carpet. A flying one? You bet!

      = Wiki Threads

      close the threads into a carpet a magic one, you bet

    1. The End of Rebel Wisdom and What's NextIncluding the highlights film of The Last Campfire

      The Bigger Picture now?

      Can't let go of the all seeing eye, can you?

    1. the issue is that ddd is suddenly on the scene in  a way that it wasn't that's good which is a good   thing right because it gives us organizational  principles that help make the code better make it   00:05:36 cleaner right is it it uh you know helps a lot of  stuff it helps with names it helps with everything

      = domain driven development - helps with names

      = What's in a Name

    1. capabilities of IPs but it's all public

      its all public

    2. so called web three and the D. Web and, and P-D-P. Data networks

      Web 3

    3. N-D-N-D social.

      Indy Social Networks

    1. The "Plex" is one name for the loosely federated set of inter-communities we're in.

      = why not? = Trust networks of interplexed communities

    2. 2/2/22 First BPD! News and views around the Plex, for 2 February 2022.

    1. connects top tech talent with venture-backed climate tech startups looking to grow

      = the root problem is in = VC model per se

    1. Programs should be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.

      express the intent, the diamond

      do not bury it in the sand of code and complications resulting of piling in half baked ideas that seemed reasonable at the time

    1. Recursive Functions of Symbolic ExpressionsTheir Computation by Machine, Part IandJOHX MCCAaTItY, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass

      what a joy to read and annotate it on the Web Well worth waiting for

    1. See Tracey’s talk “Blogs & Websites from Markdown & JS; Content first, Decentralizable, Archivable”

      from markdown and JS content first make it born multiplayer, decentralizable, interpersonal archivable

    1. Video of Cory’s Talk from Aaron Swartz Day 2021: “Move Fast and Fix Things: Aaron’s Legacy, Competitive Compatibility and the CFAA”


    2. Chokepoint capitalism can’t be solved with more copyright, no more that your bullied kid’s lack of a hot lunch can be addressed by giving that kid more lunch money.

      can't solve it with more copyright

    3. every artist must pass through a “chokepoint” to reach their audience, and at that chokepoint, any copyright that parliament has seen fit to apportion to creators is expropriated by a multinational corporation.


    4. Cory Doctorow

    1. According to Appen, business leaders are much less likely than technical staff to consider data sourcing and preparation as the main challenges of their AI initiatives. “There are still gaps between technologists and business leaders when understanding the greatest bottlenecks in implementing data for the AI lifecycle. This results in misalignment in priorities and budget within the organization,” according to the Appen report.

      business leaders missalignment

    2. “If you train ML models with bad data, model predictions will be inaccurate,” Sagiraju said. “To ensure their AI works well in real-world scenarios, teams must have a mix of high-quality datasets, synthetic data and human-in-the-loop evaluation in their training kit.”


    3. Why data remains the greatest challenge for machine learning projects

    1. end up listening only to one it's not the radio set that's changed it's you

      noit the radio set changed but you

    2. nderstanding the whole picture

      understanding whole picture

    3. favor manipulation grabbing getting and controlling

      = favour = manipulation - grabbing - getting - controlling

    4. mesmerized by the least intelligent part of our brain

      least intelligent part of our brain

    5. we have no longer the foggiest idea what a human life is about

      not a foggiest human life is about

      = assoc - not the meaning of life, - find the meaning in life

    6. riches and power the only point in having riches

      point of making riches is power

    7. we're making ourselves wretched


    8. AI World Summit 2022 Dr Iain McGilchrist on Artificial Intelligence and The Matter with Things


    1. !- claim = Charles Simonyi - founder = Intentional Software - - and = Charles Simonyi - CTO - chairman - - wayback : https://web.archive.org/web/20181108113627/http://www.intentsoft.com/charles-simonyi/ - - annote : https://hypothes.is/users/gyuri?q=simonyi+founder+wayback

      = claim = Charles Simonyi - founder Intentional Software - - and = Charles Simonyi - CTO - chairman - - wayback : https://web.archive.org/web/20181108113627/http://www.intentsoft.com/charles


      !- meta : introducing claims - on the fly one can write down a triple - Subject - Predicate - Object - marked with the TrailMark !- claim : - using the notational convention of separating them with a hyphen - this is easy to write - easy to recognized/select for - a perfect way to introduce the very - notion of TrailMarks - as a notation to undergird/ render effective the - very notion of the Universal Effective Concept - as TrailMarks is notation to introduce - 'Thought Vectors in Concept Space' - in fact it is this notation and the notion of Clues and Transclusion which allow us to weave concept spaces and being a universal effective concept it can be used to bootstrap anything else that we dream up, and as long as we can provide complete elaboration of our intent we wish to envisage that embodies all the necessary reasonable condition for its existence it can be 'interpreted' to make the conceptualization of our intent real in software working to exhibnit desired behaviour, serve our intents and purposes.<br /> - to use Simpnyi's thjis is the closes we can get to \Matic by create Software throuh Symmathetic conversation to and 'invoke' through TrailMarks the Practical Magic of Software - so that we end up with an intertwingled multidimensional space where each dimension is formed along intent captured as interdependent networks of TrailMarks spanning Digital Autonomous interoperable, interchangeable permanent Intentional Spaces build for trust from trust for the benefit of the Ones, the Players who use them, individuals and emergent self-organizing, self-creating communities of Players and Makers who c-create co-evolve the very tools needed to inhabit commons based, peer produced autonomous digital intentional evergreen spaces whose entire evolution can be recapitulated, past states re-visited, work resumed with the entire scaffolding of their past accessible for review and change

  5. Oct 2022
    1. It's a competitor to any company trying to own the underlying fundamentals forsocial media," Dorsey tweetedDorsey tweetedDorsey tweetedDorsey tweetedDorsey tweetedDorsey tweetedDorsey tweetedDorsey tweetedDorsey tweetedDorsey tweetedDorsey tweetedDorsey tweetedDorsey tweeted, "or the data of the people using it

      it clearly could play that role

    2. new "decentralized social network" that allegedly seeks to reclaim user data.

      nice niche if you can carve it out

      funnel user data under user control to other social networks as an intermediary.

      People can do this for themselves not only with guarantees of ownership but for real. Wish him luck so that the idea will get poplularized and perhaps the original BlueSky project can exploit the mindshare created there by

      • original : https://bafybeidneevme7odpdwjmy5kpx6jxzj647zwkhe6yn67x5lcjl2aiqmx24.ipfs.w3s.link/Departed%20Twitter%20Founder%20Jack%20Dorsey%20Is%20Launching%20a%20New%20Social%20Network.pdf
    1. "It's a competitor to any company trying to own the underlying fundamentals for social media," Dorsey tweeted, "or the data of the people using it."

      Clearly it would play that role

    2. "decentralized social network" that allegedly seeks to reclaim user data.

      nice niche if you can carve it out

      funnel user data under user control to other social networks as an intermediary.

      People can do this for themselves not only with guarantees of ownership but for real. Wish him luck so that the idea will get poplularized and perhaps the original BlueSky project can exploit the mindshare created there by

    1. We argue for the use of knowledge representationtechniques capable of reflecting the situated nature ofhuman cognition. By representing knowledge in thecontexts of its creation and use, it is possible for thesesituated representations to integrate both ontological (top-down) and discursive (bottom-up) approaches to knowl-edge elicitation and structure.

      It is not just a represeantation question but presentation

      and architecture that would allow Personal First communication topologies. Running Conway's law backwards. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334126329_Weaving_a_Decentralized_Semantic_Web_of_Personal_Knowledge

    2. eflecting the situated nature ofhuman cognition. By representing knowledge in thecontexts of its creation and use, it is possible for thesesituated representations to integrate both ontological (top-down) and discursive (bottom-up) approaches to knowl-edge elicitation and structur

      situated nature of human cognition

      capture knowledge in the context of its creation and use

      integrate ontological (top-down)

      and discursive (bottom-up) approaches to

      knowledge elicitation and strutucture

    1. Venture Capital Is Ripe for Disruption A world where a billion is a drop in the bucket

    1. At this level, COVID-19 is estimated to be the third leading cause of death for the first nine months of 2022, and it is expected that COVID-19 will also be the third leading cause of death over the whole of 2022.

      third leading cause

    1. “I take fundamental rights seriously,” Roos wrote in an email. “For governments to infringe on them, they need a massive amount of evidence to prove the necessity. In this case, it was not even a part of the Pfizer trials.” He said that such mandates were based on “no evidence.”


    1. "Google might be proudly saying, we are doing a lot to help people find things on the netfrontier, Who is doing the job of maybe making better maps understanding the frontier"
    1. but every time he starts to write, thoughts of the execution of Charles I begin to drift into his thoughts and he ends up writing about him instead.

      nice one

    1. we believe it would be useful to document a secure way for blockchain key material to be used for encryption and decryption.

      dynamic ephemeral encryption?

    1. a derivation of Intentional Programming (IP) from firstprinciples, it must be obvious to anyone with practical scientific experience that the historical development of IPfollowed a heuristic, pragmatic and iterative path, and the present logic has been reverse engineered from theresults of this development for pedagogical clarity.

      reasonable reconstruction of the heuristic journey recapitulation

      minerva's owl

      can understand the acorn when u are looking at the oak tree

    1. Link-Traversal-based Query Process-ing (LTQP)

      Link-Traversal-based Query Processing LTQP

      ∀ is but intentional illation along intentional connections

    1. But… What if the problem statement you are working on is not the real problem you are asked to solve?


      The Project Management Exhortation:

      Get IT right first time.

      Has very very limited applicability.

      Normally You need to get the IT right first.

      That is design thinking.

      And if you do agile development to explore the problem domain, remember the ancient wisdom of LISP hackers: "The Pancake Philosophy"

      The first one should be thrown away

    2. Design Thinking Improves Your Data ScienceNew ways to understand your problem and increase your project’s impact

    1.   Foundational Development of Emergence Vincent Vesterby


    1. Prior artOther principles documents to be inspired by:
    2. permissionless innovation—the ability to do new things without hitting coordination problems.

      permnissionless innnovation


    3. Noosphere is designed for open-ended evolution, to be adapted and evolved in directions we can't yet imagine.

      open-ended evoltution

      and NICs are key indeded

      so is tinkerabiity



    4. Self-sovereign social graph: like email, you can take your address book with you. You can change apps and services while keeping your followers and the people you follow.

      self-sovereign social graph

      take you address book with you

      your connection are you ever green addressbook

      is in the network

    5. Own your identity: Noosphere's security is built on top of self-sovereign authz primitives (UCAN). You own and control your keys.

      identity is a key question for sure

      I am thinking about using ephemeral encriptio

    6. Own your data: Spheres act as personal data backpacks.

      speheres is nice

      we all need our own IPFS gateways replicated in the long run anyhow org

      or perkeep with some interpersonal connectivity in the network Or something like peergoss.

    7. Credible exit means

      Better still no need to exit your in you own autonomous hypermedia space always

      hand have the ability to connect to people, and communities who are in their owned spaces but intergrated into an open learning commons

    8. user-owned
      • how about player owned
      • or people owned
    9. Noosphere is a protocol for thought. Its goal is to offer an open, decentralized, shared commons for knowledge.
      • protocol for thought
      • open, decentralized, shared commons for Knowledge

      !- contrast with : Open Learning Commons, IndyWeb/Net - commons based - peer produced - interpersonal networks - for thinking toigether - and building software needed as converstions

    10. Our mission: unstoppable tools for thinking together

      !- value prop : IndyLab - unstoippable tools for thinking together

    11. Noosphere is a protocol for thought. A worldwide networked notes graph on IPFS.Learn more: Noosphere announcement • GitHub
    12. Noosphere design principles

    1. The Tao of IETFA Novice's Guide to the Internet Engineering Task Force

      reminiscence of the Tao of Topic mapes

    1. We think these superpeers strike a pragmatic balance that offers the performance and reliability of the cloud, and the resilience and credible exit of IPFS.
    2. Bridges to the web

      bridges to the web

    3. Gossips petname updates with sphere servers that follow you

      Sphere servers that follow you

    4. Diagram of “Xanalogical storage”. (Ted Nelson, Project Xanadu)

    5. Decentralized over IPFS. Noosphere is peer-to-peer, making it a durable repository for human knowledge. Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe.

      p2p durable repository for human knowledge

    6. Local-first sync. Everything works seamlessly offline. Files can be synced live to your device.

      Local first Sync

    7. Self-sovereign identity. Authentication happens through user-owned keys not ids, using UCAN.

      Self-sovereign identity keys not ids UCAN

    8. User-owned data. Apps trap thoughts in SaaS silos. Noosphere fixes this. Everything is syndicated to IPFS, so you have credible exit through any IPFS node.

      everything is syndicated to IPFS

    9. Worldwide knowledge graph. Noosphere is a massively-multiplayer shared graph made up of smaller public and private graphs.


    10. Noosphere, a protocol for thoughtYour brain on IPFSGordon BranderAug 19

    1. Scale-free networks emerge because they are efficient

      scale-free betworks efficeint

    1. Zodiac Sign DatesAries ♈️: March 21 - April 19.Taurus ♉️: April 20 - May 20.Gemini ♊️: May 21 - June 20.Cancer ♋️: June 21 - July 22.Leo ♌️: July 23 - August 22.Virgo ♍️: August 23 - September 22.Libra ♎️: September 23 - October 22.Scorpio ♏️: October 23 - November 21.
        • for : - table : zodiac - columns : sign, dates
    1. ipfs-pubsub-1on1 is a 1-to-1 communication channel over IPFS Pubsub. It enables two peers to exchange messages between each other. Note that the channel is currently not authenticated nor encrypted!
        • for : redesign : IndyLab @indylab☸️indylab

    2. ipfs-pubsub-1on1 Communication channel between two peers over IPFS Pubsub
        • for : redesign : IndyLab @indylab☸️indylab
    1. I'm not convinced replication of data already saved locally is working as expected.
        • blues : oRBITdB
  6. doc-00-30-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.com doc-00-30-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.com
    1. Determine if graphs are isomorphic:

      Better still since the motifs created via trailmarks can make explicit - intent - aspects - types - salience

      or whatever dimensions one finds relevant new analytic tools can be built

      heuristic searches for commensurability of subgraphs can be constructed that can tame combinatorial explosions due to the very nature of these graphs that are personal first hence the ability for asking people to confirm choices is always possible

      This could open path towards https://hyperknowledge.org/ Federation and Interpersonal/Community Scaling Synjthesis

    2. Network Science

      !- about : TrailMarks - TrailMarks - as "Thought Vectors in Concept Space" Englebart - enables the pursuit of a - an "new kind of artful experimental" Network Science - an art that imitates creation itself - by devising computer supported means to construct networks with explicit articulation of "Motifs" or "Shapes" - by making explicit intent, meaning, significance organized as a graph - combining intellectual manageability with computational tractability - finding solutions to seemingly insoluble problems

    3. Convergent evolution is a potent indicator of optimal design

      !- convergent co-evolution : TrailMarks - - for : about : TrailMarks - TrailMarks as a plain text intentional/aspectal/symmanthemantical in-notation considered as thought vectors form shapes vector paths or Motifs if we consider the graph neighbourhood as well

      • combined with the
      • interpersonal
        • actor based
        • communication pattenrs
      • supported on the IndyWeb
      • were designed with the intent of
      • creating the computational constellation
      • supporting convergent co-creation and co-evolution of
      • ideas, ,
        • augmented design writing for
      • thinking/writing/presentation
      • to converge to optimal
      • thinking unthinkable thoughts
      • finding solutions for problems previously thought insuloable
    4. Calculate statistical significance

      Open up ways to find true significance/relevance and propose/identify the scope for the introduction of new concepts

      in the concept space where trailmarks act as thought vectors

    5. Calculate the frequency of a given subgraph.

      Frequency and other calculations can be used to identify salience, discover relationships that emerges that even the creator of the MindGraph is unaware

    6. To perform a motif analysis,

      !- about : TrailMarks - Trailmarks is about synthesizing motifs - offers a new ways for synthesizing - not only declarative knowledge, but also - procedural knowledge previously the domain of programming - thereby improving the expressive power of the individual human being - as a critical part of improving the intellectual effectiveness of the individua human being - thereby contributing to augmenting human intellect - the best part is that the resulting MindGraph makes explicit - the constituent "modifs" - and offers ways to operationalize and exploit them - mapping between MindGraphs is about - mutual analysis - synthesis, remix, reuse - of motif graphs


    7. However, one may consider paths as motifs by labeling each path segmentand observing the pattern as a motif

      paths as motifs

    1. ConvertKit@ConvertKitThe creator marketing platform helping creators earn a living online. Status: http://status.convertkit.com Support requests: help@convertkit.comconvertkit.comJoined February 2013505 Following22.4K Followers
