22,718 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2022
    1. The creator marketing platform for your collectionalbumbookpodcastn

    1. ♾️ Infinity Emoji Meaning The symbol for infinity enclosed within a circle or square.


    1. A conceptual framework is an analytical tool
      • if analytic, it is more like transcendental analytic
      • exalted transcendental synthesis reaching for a higher better view point or perspective from which concepts critical to an endeavour intent or problem become visible kerpaw
    1. normal is the greatest enemy with regard to creating the new in the way of getting around this is you have to 00:39:37 understand normal not as reality but just the construct and a way to do that for example is just travel to a lot of different countries and you'll find a thousand different ways of thinking the 00:39:51 world is real all of which are just stories inside of people's heads that's what we are to normal is just a construct in to the extent that you can see normal as a construct in yourself 00:40:02 you have freed yourself from the constraints of thinking that this is the way the world is because it isn't this is the way we are so changing people's minds is hard because of this

      !- why : normal considered harmful - with regard to creating the new kerpow

    1. Curated Directory for Development & Tech Resources Find 5.6M links hand-picked by 1,643 curators over 2,719 ZEEF pages.

      find information through people



    1. Free or quasi-free tools for communication professionals hand-picked and tested by Robin-Good


    1. My evaluation: Great app for anyone needing to bring together a bunch of Google documents, presentations and/or spreadsheets into one cohesive knowledge-base, FAQ, or document hub. Great for support, training, curation and for customer assistance. 


  2. bafkreibkvbbmuuicxioaoypmagqelmoz6fyzsvqueryldzwijk7i3g5gx4.ipfs.4everland.io bafkreibkvbbmuuicxioaoypmagqelmoz6fyzsvqueryldzwijk7i3g5gx4.ipfs.4everland.io
    1. Short Distance b/w Using/Editing
      • readers are participants in a conversation
      • kind of conversational wiki like organizer of all your mutual learnings WikiNizer reborn
    2. Revision control, flexible data mode

      everything is versioned, permanent, evergreen with full provenance not only of creation but even read access and processing

    3. Rich environment (environment isuseful without even programming)

      Self Improving best of class vanilla no thrisTools for thought Processors for Power Players Information Management

      Graph based permanent future proof at its core!

    4. Minimal object model, small numberof component types (RESTful)

      Universal extensible meta-circular "Object model"

      Write Once Use Everywhere constellations for all conceivable scales and deployment scenarios!

    5. Easy to get data in and out

      No data to get Out

      Every individual, community have all their data and grant access and exchange it with other people and cproceses under their full control. All the data can be stored in plain text like MarkDown except it will have trailMark plain text Symmanthetic Mark Ins

    6. ntegrated view and edit

      HTML as the data exchange format means that the data comes with vanilla view and since its structure is made explicit by using TrailMarks Mark In In-notation it is machine processabe and re-purposeable- mappable sing very simnple univeersal framework

    7. Short distance between using theapp and modifying the app

      lively morhipc self-explicating structures and content

    8. Evolvability

      is the key

    9. Handles structured and unstructureddata

      all data is structured, have a universal extensible self-suffiecien extensible structure

      "schemas are emergent"

      and computationally accessible for reuse, repurpose, remix

    10. Simple, few features(but right ones)

      composability rules

    11. High-level toolsSoftware’s Long TailSoftware’s Long Tail
      • by being able to share entire constellations and make it available across the board, gratiutous complexities are elimintated.

      for starter, going WebNarive means there are no backends,

      The netwokr is the databse,

      or rather everything becomes anetwork of its own kind

    12. Most users arebuilders
      • this is not the case on the IndyWeb

      There are no "users" loosers in the traditionl sense

      • People as Autonomous Actors
      • create trusted connections with each other and the communities they form
      • they are seekers and co-creators for power solutions that best match their needs create and form
    13. • Open

      No Lock in

      everything is interchageabe. Even the IndyWeb Kernel!

      Itself should be easy to emulate extend

      but compelling to do

    14. Situated


      right where people are!

      available in the Open Permanent Web

    15. • Loosely joined
      • in fat holonic interoperable inetrchangeable constellations
    16. • Small pieces

      small pieces accruing to dynamic lifelong growing complex of solutions

      all integrated at the point of use the Indyvidual Human being

      No data is scattered enclosed in silos,

      the Smar Apps come to the individual insrtead of them flocking to solutions with take it or leave it trerms

      People st the terms for sharing and access to apps to work on and access their owned data

    17. 1-1000 users

      thousands of users

      Not winner takes all

      complete instead of compete

    18. Disposable
      • not disposable

      • but exchangeable,

      for every component is created to be exchangeable for one that matches closes to the indyviddual's needs

    19. Architected

      Only the Kernel is architected

      The rest is co-evolved and co-created through mutual learning for mutual benefit

      Smart Apps for Smart People

    20. feature set
      • not fixed, but evolvable changes with the requirement

      • software is a conversaion, mutual learning between providers and interested indyviduals zero friction abiity to engage in conversations and buildin trust networks between Indy software creators and people they provide solutions for

    21. dozensof markets of millions

      !- flip that : - millions of markets of dozens - through interpersonal trusted communities - organized around shared interest - every commons based, peer produced, born inter operable/dependent long tail software component available shared on the indyweb comes with webnative constellations for building their own(ed) communities

    22. software tailhas been inaccessible.
      • hard expensive to write
      • brittle once deployed
      • expensive to market and distribute

      !- flip that : - easier to write - home brew, tinkerable software - evergreen forward compatible - free scaling of reach by trusted gossib networks - discoverabiity through long tail networks

    23. There’s a long tail for software
      • long tail of software
    1. I'm not driven by a certainty that I have the answers; rather by curiosity about the questions and the delight in finding creative solutions.

      curiosity about the questions

    1. to feel their heft and discover the affordances and constraints they would reveal; to sense the range of possibilities before it was too late.

      discover affordances and constraints

    1. It is interesting, that no one mentioned the basic concept of javascript’s object oriented construct. There are multiple answers regarding the objects of javascript, but they are only the surface. Of course, the first I had to understand at the end of 90’s is, that there are no classes in javascript, just objects (yes, there are classes now, but classes are still a sort of syntactic sugar for easier development). This wasn’t that difficult, there are other languages having this solution, too. Later I went deeper to understand instantiation (if there are no classes, how does it work) and even inheritance. And I lost, slowly. As far as I remember I needed weeks to understand the whole concept of this prototype based OOP. And I found it cool :).232 views · View 1 upvote

      gift to mankind

      classless objects

    1. Teaches PhilosophyDistinguished philosopher Cornel West teaches you how to think more deeply, connect more closely, and live a more fruitful and meaningful life.

    1. , Q- Does sufficiently advanced natural language processing invalidate the need for a structured DSL Q- Does sufficiently advanced natural language processing invalidate the need for a structured DSL As made clear in [[I- A DSL for a discourse graph with information entry, visualization, and retrieval]], I believe syntax to be useful for creating a tool for thought. In my experience using [[Roam Research]], indentation and wikilinks essentially became my language for communicating with the computer that X relates... 5/24/2022 ?

      it does not need to be that advanced, instead it could just be a simple plain text notation

  3. Sep 2022
    1. Sign in to the Fission Dashboard and select Recovery Kit.


    1. Text Visualization Browser A Visual Survey of Text Visualization Techniques (IEEE PacificVis 2015 short paper) Provided by ISOVIS group


    1. help the user to make a smooth leap from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 and become the infrastructure for millions of Web 3.0 developers and applications.
      • smooth leap from web 2.0 to 3.0
      • infrastructure of Web 3.0
    2. Attract providers to build the upper-layer of commercial applications.

      attract commercial providers

    3. Open-source all application layer codes for all community providers to build and use.

      community providers

    4. 4EVERLAND Announcement: 4EVERLAND Roadmap V2

    1. Croquet is a collaborative, LiveProgramming, audio-visual 3D environment that allows development of interactive 'worlds'.

      Instead of LiveProgramming

      let's have local first, offline first, evergreen, trust networks of Inter (Personal|Planetary) Autonomous Intentional HyperMedia Spaces

      powered by

      • commons based
      • peer produced
      • Intentional Software Internet as a Conversation
      • for the people, by the people
      • built on trust, for trust

      Very much inspired by SmallTalk's software internet

      except that with IPFS the network becomes what used to be an isolated SmallTalk Image

    1. Alan Morrison@AlanMorrisonFollows youConnected data tech advisor and writer.San Jose, CAquora.com/profile/Alan-M…Joined June 20071,507 Following1,578 FollowersFollowed by EKG Foundation, An Agora is in a Federated Knowledge Commons, and 36 others you follow

    1. Was the Ethereum Merge a Mistake?The merge has inflicted chaos upon Ethereum—was it all worth it? Some Ethereum loyalists aren’t so sure
    1. An email address consists of two parts, a local part[a]
      • two parts
      • local
      • domain
    1. The paper below explores new forms of ‘intentional conversations’ that can help to transform meetings and gatherings into spaces for inclusive and compassionate understanding.

      !- goal : IndyWeb - intentional conversation - intentional constellations - autononomous People Centered HyperMedia Spaces

      Everything is a conversation. Symmathesy mutual learning

      Software is an Intentional conversation about Intents, with the intent of creating machine support for whatever wee need

      We are working to create that new cosmology of Intentional Software on/as the InterPersonal Web we call the IndyWeb, built on top of the Web3 "Convergence Stack "IPFS and other decent(ralized) tech

    2. go beyond what they know

      go beyond

    3. by being open to changing one’s view, a person could enter a state of 'aporia' – a profound realisation of the depths of one’s ignorance – which, if submitted to, could then allow one to experience a state of 'ekstasis' – literally a “stepping out of one’s self” – which was the first stage in the emergence of a more authentic self.
      • open to dialogue changing one's view point
      • aporia
      • being comfortable the unknown
      • ekstasis = cosminc consciousnerss
    1. incorporating a “configurable predictive world model” into deep learning.

      world models are contingent on tacit intent of the actor involved whose is not a modeller

    2. commonsense reasoning

      commonsense is sense it is not reasoning

    1. The V8 (Chrome's JS engine) team is not implementing TCO, for the time being. It's ripped out of the most recent versions (see this thread).

      horror recursion

      the iterate is human

      to recur is divine

    1. has meaning at the time rather than abstract 00:25:25 fiats from somebody who is intolerant and says this is what we must do i think the first thing to say when people say this is what we must do is well maybe or maybe not

      meaning at the time

      not abstract

      we must do maybe

    2. the way we make progress is not by cutting off the strain of life the stem from which 00:25:00 we grow and then finding ourselves with nothing to feed us and no idea of where we should be but it is from that growing flexible trainable organism that the 00:25:12 next steps come
      • cutting off the stem of live
      • trainable organism
    3. the society was not just a a a an association of people but it was the association of those people now 00:24:19 with those who lived in the past and those who would come to live in the future which is why in many stable societies other than our own present one people pay attention 00:24:32 to what the elders thought to what um the traditions that they inherited have to say about this this means that instead of being like a rudderless ship that can be blown anyway by whatever wind happens to spring up they have some 00:24:46 point to refer to you

      society - association of people throught time - not a rudderless ship - blown anyway by whatever wind happens to spring up - point to refer to

    4. we don't see it in time we've we've time sliced time has become very thin it's this moment now where i am but 00:23:54 this moment came from many others and will lead to many others in the future in that sense it's more like a melody than anything else you don't make a melody we're putting together a note and another note but it's a flow

      time flow melody

    5. if we don't understand uh enmeshment with other living beings 00:23:29 including non-human beings i would say very very importantly and we so in space as it were we don't see ourselves as ramifying into 00:23:41 a hole which is larger than ourselves and knows more than we do

      ramifying ourselves larger whole

    6. can't break out of this loop of virtuality

      loop of virtuality schizophreny

    7. happiness actually comes from a sense of partly humility about what a human being can know and be not the sense that we know it all now 00:18:13 and as long as we have enough power to change things we will change them for better we don't know that
      • happiness sense of humility
      • power to change things
      • we do not know that
    8. rule-bound and hobbled by policies and principles

      can't just be themselves

    9. i actually call the left hemispheres generated world a hall of mirrors because it doesn't see anything outside of what it itself has created

      left hemisphere hall of mirrors

    10. younger people losing their sense of joy aviv their sense of freedom and that for me seems 00:18:39 intimately linked to social media this sense that we're all on show we're kind of in some ways observing each other constantly moderating our behavior by what everyone else is doing so in this 00:18:52 sort of hall of mirrors that we've created do you think that's a big part of it
      • social media halls of mirrors
    11. Rebel Wisdom Rebel Wisdom 244K subscribers Subscribed Iain McGilchrist has been outlining for many years that a fundamental problem in the way we are perceiving the world is likely to lead us into trouble. Now in 2022 he believes the situation is reaching a crucial turning point and we need to wake up urgently. In this conversation with Rebel Wisdom's David Fuller he talks about how our current culture's domination by a 'left brain', reductionistic, materialist and literalist perspective had reached crisis point. He explains how this is manifesting as a 'war on reality', and a series of attacks on free speech. Iain's work can be found here: https://channelmcgilchrist.com/

      halls of mirrors

    12. Iain McGilchrist, 'We Need to Act'19,937 views19K viewsSep 23, 2022

    1. Own your conversations. Secure and independent communication, connected via Matrix



    1. Iain McGilchrist, 'We Need to Act'The influential philosopher/psychiatrist believes that we are at a point of crisisDavid Fuller15 min ago

    1. Unstitution Building virtuous coalitions amongst business, govts and civil societies for the greatest benefit to humanity’s future Civic and Social Organizations 682 followers

    1. a person-centered and group-centered service of the net.

      person-centered group- centered service =

      • comment : nearly 20 years after we can instead of services and platforms co-evolve Open Commons based peer produces constellations on the Permanent Web, an IndyWeb, that is empowers individuals and communities to be autonomous actors in their own(ed) rights and operate their own(ed) hub in their own networks of trust
    1. The first full instantiation of the Metaweb is the Overweb
      • contrast with : The Interpersonal Overweb

    2. Metaweb with decentralized public space - where people can meet, interact, and connect information - above web pages.

      decentralized public spaces

      !- contrast with : IndyWeb - complete that with interpersonal interpersonal shared autonomous digital spaces

    3. To be able to address our global challenges, humanity will need to think, learn and build knowledge together at scale.

      build knowledge together at at scale

    4. Web3 overlays the web page with blockchain wallets that enable people to transact with dApps (distributed applications),

      blockchain wallets

    5. a) annotations are text notes associated with pieces of content on the web page,

      annotations associated with a piece of content

    6. News stream for the Metaweb EcosystemThe Next Level of the Web

    1. The Metaweb Simply PutThe next generation of the web in layman terms

    1. We’ve reinvented the art of the French salon for the 21st century. Welcome! We’re a new platform for cozy, interactive online discussions on your favorite topics.


    1. Migration Your identity in Peergos is not tied to any particular server. Compared to other federated social networks where moving server typically involves losing your social network and meta-data, if not data too, Peergos allows you to transparently migrate between servers and storage providers without any action required from your friends and without any data loss. This means, for example, you could start out by creating an account on our demo server which gives you a small amount of storage, then effortlessly migrate to a paid server, or to your own server when you realise how awesome Peergos is.
      • migration
    2. Secret links A secret link can be generated to point to any file or folder. Anyone with a (Javascript enabled) web browser can view such a link. This is a capability based link which includes the necessary key in the hash fragment of the url. A secret link doesn't expose the file to the network, or indeed to anyone who doesn't have the link itself because the key material isn't sent to the server.
      • secret link
    1. Brian Randell Department of Computing Science University of Newcastle upon Tyne

      Brian Randell

    2. The 1968/69 NATO Software Engineering Reports

    1. Thousands of lines of code were written for the Apollo Guidance Computer in Assembly language and entered in manually, all 145,000 lines. Included in this code was a simple operating system developed by J. Halcom Laning to help schedule tasks and also a virtual machine that could help simplify the navigational code (it’s basic principles are still in use today). In total 1400 person-years of work went into developing the software worked on by 350 people.

    1. Showing category "Philosophy" (Show all posts)http://thought4theday.yolasite.com › index › Philosophyhttp://thought4theday.yolasite.com › index › PhilosophyJul 28, 2022 — Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. -- George Carlin ... Bene Gesserit (fictional character of Frank Herbert)

      power stupid people large groups

    2. https://quotes.schollz.com › subjecthttps://quotes.schollz.com › subjectFrank Herbert ... If I have learned one thing from experience, it is this: never underestimate how extraordinarily difficult it is to understand a situation ...

      difficult understand situation

    1. Quotes About Corridors: top 170 Corridors quotes from famous authorshttps://www.morefamousquotes.com › topics › quotes-a...https://www.morefamousquotes.com › topics › quotes-a...CachedNever underestimate the callousness or the hereditary madness of the ruling class.” — Dean Cavanagh. “Lost, so small amid that dark, ... Frank Herbert.

      callousness or the hereditary madness

    2. Totally Unclean, unedited quotations - aShephttp://www.ashep.com › archive › loQtus › mischttp://www.ashep.com › archive › loQtus › miscCachedSimilarC. H. Spurgeon "Never underestimate the power of a simple courtesy. ... FRANK HERBERT "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of ...
    1. "Never underestimate the power of a simple courtesy. Your courtesy may not be returned or remembered, but discourtesy will." -- Princess Jackson SMith


    1. Building the commons of digital infrstructure and activist capability


    2. Barefoot Documents

      Building the commons of digital infrstructure and activist capability

    1. IndieWeb is a community of people building software to enable personal, independently hosted websites to independently maintain their social data on their own web domains rather than on large, centralized social networking services
      • community of people
      • building software to enable
        • personal
        • independently hosted websites
        • to independently maintain their social data
        • on their own web domains
        • rather then on
          • large
          • centralized
          • social networking services

    2. it uses a suite of tools including Webmention and microformats in order to decentralize social communication and distribution of content.
      • suite of tools
      • WebMention
      • microformats
      • to decentralize
        • social communication &
        • distributionb of content
    1. John McCarthy, on Philosophy of AI (Mini Symposium Philosophy of Information)
    2. Turing's 19:36 idea of universal computer and what Universal means is that with a universal computer you can compute anything that any computer can 00:01:17 compute by simulating this other computer

      Universal Computer

      computer simulating this other computer Description

    3. individual design and 00:37:56 construction services

      individual design and construction services

    4. public controversy could be 00:33:45 carried out more expeditiously if you read something that seems controversial you can ask if anybody's filed a reply and I was hoping that this together with 00:33:57 an author's ability to revise the original statement would lead people to converge on considered positions more quickly than at present even if they do not come to actual agreement and maybe 00:34:11 that's happened a little bit I'm still sort of hopeful for the future but I didn't see it 00:34:25 happening in this philosophy meeting um well to set up formally discussions of some controversial if you can find some 00:34:43 issue where there are yes or no sides then the yes nose might hit on considered positions as best they can by 00:34:57 by iteration and I so I'm not going to do it but you should do it
      • converge on considered positions more quickly
    5. I predicted was that there would be frequent revisions of articles and books and author can take into account new facts or other people's criticism and the reviews the revision would take effect immediately it's been a little 00:33:17 bit of that I frequently revise the web versions of of old papers or put a dated 00:33:32 footnotes in it but it certainly hasn't happened very much
      • revise versions
      • take into accounts of new facts criticisms
    6. hoping advertising would 00:32:08 mainly go away and that was um didn't happen


    7. there were 00:31:53 people to tell him what to read

      what to read

    8. Herbert Simon once complained to me said we're drowning in this glut of information

      drowning in glut of information

    9. even if certainly society has survived 00:30:25 Bill Gates being so rich

      would not be so sure about that

    10. the best guy is a lot 00:29:22 better than the second-best

      best guy is better than the second-best

    11. the phenomenon of stars


    12. Richard Stallman who has been 00:28:03 a hero in many spects has been a negative force

      Stallman Hero negative force

    13. now in 1970 I ignored the copying problem

      copying problem

    14. world of the future whereby an individual could compete with the large organizations at 00:27:06 least find a place among the large organizations and we'll see how that develops

      individual compete with large organization

    15. underestimated the resistance to being displaced these organizations would be able to mount even the publication organization of nonprofit scientific 00:25:43 societies have been able to resist displacement like American Physical Society and so 00:25:56 forth ACM at triple-a I as once you've created a bureaucracy then it's going to maintain itself so the biologists have 00:26:14 taken the lead in creating online journals page where things work now the blog's come closest to my predictions but they still can't afford famous 00:26:25 professional writers

      resistance to being displaced

      blogs come close

    16. feel your 00:23:55 pain and and so forth III think it will only produce annoyance it really has to have some understanding of what you need to know

      have some understanding of what you need to know

    17. fad for emotional computing for 00:23:29 sympathetic computing

      emotional sympathetic computers

    18. now everyone has trouble using something new 00:21:42 and no matter how much experience you have of using some things other things are going to come up for which you are a beginner and you will have typical 00:21:52 beginners troubles

      beginners troubles

    19. a major development that's required is for the systems to 00:22:05 understand the users confusion how is he confused

      system to understand the users confusion

    20. the dot-com crash was that there were just too many bad or trivial ideas

      too many bad or trivial ideas

    21. present web is pretty good the users will do okay even without new ideas in my opinion there's a shortage of good new ideas

      web shortage of good new ideas

    22. the people who are offering it were aiming at monopolies of services but in general too little and too late

      aiming at monopolies of services

    23. set-top box where you would use a TV as 00:20:15 a display and so forth

      set top box

    24. operating systems require the user to do system administration

      nothing is where i left it

    25. you need artificial intelligence to do it properly on a mass scale

      need ai

    26. done badly because of having fixed 00:18:32 allocations of space and so forth various bad ideas

      bad ideas

    27. deck system 10

      DEC 10

    28. it's reasonable to say that the author pays with exceptions for authors that don't have institutional support

      well well well

    29. the publishers that suffer a substantial degree of technological unemployment


    30. access to all the world's books


    31. now there were other prophets and I'm neglecting them Nelson I'm even forgetting his 00:10:40 first name but anyway

      well well well

    32. stored program computer meant is 00:02:54 that the program of the computer was in the same memory as the data and computers that had been built before that like the Harvard mark one did not 00:03:05 have that characteristic and Eenie act did not have that characteristic and it was thought at the time that it was fundamental that a program could change 00:03:18 itself
      • stored program computer -fundamental program could change itself
    1. Nelson latest book was an autobiography released in 2011 called “ Possiplex .” Ted Nelson: Quotes “Most people are fools, most authority is malignant, God does not exist and everything is wrong.” “The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do.

    1. Learning space and toolstack.
      • autonomous learning spaces connecting people, ideas, intents, pursuits, constellation for creating autonomous multiplayer interpersonal networked digital spaces
      • see : https://collab.wiki.cafe/view/easywiki/view/gathering-data--media-in-wiki#annotations:xuzIRDZWEe2l_GcJ34CbMw
    1. what it might take for wiki to 'go viral' as a means of active digital collaboration.

      !- concept : wiki to 'go viral' - stub : as a means of active digital collaboration - suggest using the phrase 'scaling reach' instead of 'going viral' - this is important for n reasons - - Scaling Reach (rermember freedom of speech is a matter of autonomy facilitated freedom of reach) emerging from the long tail of People's Networks and should = combine with - - Scaling Coherence and - - Scaling Synthesis or even Scaling Synthesys - - Scaling Symmathesy (mutual learning) in Weaving the Open Learning Commons

      !- combine : Fedwiki - with: IndyThreads - on the :IndyWeb - stub : Trusted networks of conversations over the web

    2. pods of collaborators with significant non-tech projects

      Pods of collaborators

      The IndyThreads provides constellations for unenclosable carriers empowering individuals to weave their ownd autonomous trust networks with zero friction adjoining of trusted conversations over the web integrated with social annotations tools and tools for thinking together like Are.na

      and wiki like experimental social networks and disgtributed knowledge graphs like

      Multiplayer Tools for Thoughts Scaling Reach, Coherence and Synthesys


    3. Experiments in easier wiki(ing)?

      These annotations are part of our experiments with Easier wiking on the Annotated IndyWeb

    4. a 'killer plugin'. Etc wiki for collaborators

      !- killer plugin : wiki for collaborators

      !- question : should be called a "maker plugin"

    5. Gathering data & media in wiki wiki has been evolved and mobilised often for assembling scraped or unstructured data or media, processing them, and displaying crunched parameters or highlighted media elements in diverse forms - typically visually (eg graphs, or series of images). Passing data or media samples to an active wiki 'factory' might be a beneficial passive use to consider?
      • gathering data
      • media
      • scraped or unstructured data
      • passing data, meadia samples
      • to an active wiki 'factory'
    1. What is a Business? An expansive question that has surprisingly practical value

    1. Liberalism believes in individualism 00:36:29 as we said earlier, that each one of us is an individual. We have this ray of light, this inner core which is individual. This is our real self. Well, according to the life sciences today there are no such things. All animals, including humans, are not individuals. They don't have souls. They don't have any essence. 00:36:53 They don't have any inner core. They are basically a collection of biochemical algorithms, all kinds of algorithmic systems that build the brain, that build the human beings, the giraffe, the elephant, whatever it is. And if you peel all the layers, all the systems that make up an animal, an organism like an onion, 00:37:16 you peel one layer after the other, one layer after the other, in the end you won't get an inner core of light, or a soul. You will get nothing. There is just nothing left when you take out all these different biochemical algorithms, nothing is left. There is no individual. Secondly, these biochemical algorithms that make up an organism are not free. 00:37:43 There is no such thing as freedom according to the life sciences. All systems in nature, including these biochemical algorithms, they work according to just two possible principles. Either they are deterministic or they are random. Perhaps some events on the quantum level 00:38:08 insert a certain randomness into the biochemical processes of our brain, of our nervous system, of our body, but that's it. The word "freedom" simply has no meaning in the life sciences of today. Taking these two ideas together that an organism, including Homo sapiens-- which is just another animal 00:38:32 like the chimpanzees, and giraffes, and so forth-- if an organism is just a collection of algorithms, and these algorithms are not free in any sense, this means that at least potentially an external system, an external entity can understand me perfectly. It just needs to understand all the algorithms that 00:38:55 come together to build this machine, this structure. And the crucial insight is that even our sensations, even our emotions, even our feelings, liberalism believes above all else in our feelings, how you feel about politics, about art, about sexuality, this is the holy grail of liberalism, our feelings. 00:39:23 But now come the life sciences and say, feelings? Feelings are just biochemical algorithms calculating what? Calculating either of two things, probabilities of survival and probabilities of reproduction. That's it. The Homo sapiens, like giraffes, like elephants, they are calculating all the time, all their body 00:39:47 is just a calculating machine for calculating probabilities of survival and reproduction. This, again, may sound a bit abstract. So I will give two simple examples. First of all, problems of survival. Let's say you are a baboon. And you are somewhere in the Savannah in Africa. And you see a tree with bananas on it.

      no essence

      if you understand the algorithm you can control

    1. Easywiki? Here we begin to consider the possibility of an easier client for wiki, without compromising the essential, intended nature of wiki.

    1. Based on our recent experience helping teams build in web3, we released a piece that gives you a framework that teams can use to understand the challenges and needs of building a complex ecosystem strategy leveraging web3 enablers.


    1. Web3 can fix that according to Dixon, by eliminating entirely – or, maybe, better: progressively and sufficiently – the need for a centralized entity that “runs” the network “for” the participants, in favor of a cooperative system where participant themselves can govern and evolve the network in the interest of all stakeholders, and not only the owners.
      • eliminating the need for centralized entity
    1. gene–culture coevolution (GCC)

      gene-culture coevolution GCC

      It is hard to avoid the lure of legislating for meaning

      oh but my metaphor is not (just) a metaphore

    2. cause or consequence

      the root "cause" of all our problems is in the desire to discovery and exploit causal chains when in fact we have mutual arising.

      Over estimate the power of causal chains in the search for power per se

    3. evolutionary transition in individuality

      evolutionary transition in individuality

    1. We make tools that make research more open. Our open-source tools are used by millions every day, in universities, businesses, and libraries worldwide, to uncover, connect, and analyze research products

    1. OpenAlex is a fully open catalog of the global research system. It's named after the ancient Library of Alexandria and made by the nonprofit OurResearch.

    1. An open and comprehensive catalog of scholarly papers, authors, institutions, and more.

    1. Citationsy was founded in 2017 after the reference manager Cenk was using at the time, RefMe, was shut down.

    1. Referencing for people who value simplicity, privacy, and speed

    1. Archive a snapshot of a link when you cite it, creating a preserved-in-time copy of it for referencing

    1. allow space to bring our whole selves into the room, to be present with each other about whatever is meaningful in our lives. In the realm of “community engagement,” we are connecting with each other as fellow community members – a reminder to be human in all our work. 

      allow space to bring our whole selves into the room

    2. Beyond a transactional tactic for getting people to help an organization (so often the intent of “engagement” efforts)
      • transactional tactic
      • people to help an organization
      • the intent of "engagement" efforts
    3. Community Engagement Resources

    1. Creating the Future hosts several online communities, currently housed at Facebook.

      Let's add high bandwidth interpersonal collaboration and networking ability to existing communities for catalitic thinking

    1. Text is representative of our speech and much of ourconscious reasoning about nontextual records; it is the basicfabric in which most of the interpersonal collaboration in systemdevelopment work such as ours takes place.
      • text representative of
        • our speech
        • and much of our conscious reasoning
        • about non textual records
      • basic fabric in which
      • interpersonal collaboration in system development work takes place

    2. FLTS may be used for composing and modifying newfiles, for adding to or modifying old files~ and for mergingand reorganizing several new and/or old files*
      • about : Off-line Text Manipulation System

      !- related work : TrailMarks - in contrast everything is lively (as in lively kernel) - pseudo morphic manipulation - trailmarks can act as explicit permanent directives - so that instead of true morphic manipulation - steps can be designated using Trail\Marks - and the designated interpretetaions transformation executed on demand

    1. ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸ ⑹ ⑺ ⑻ ⑼ ⑽ ⑾ ⑿ ⒀ ⒁ ⒂ ⒃ ⒄ ⒅ ⒆ ⒇ ⒈ ⒉ ⒊ ⒋ ⒌ ⒍ ⒎ ⒏ ⒐ ⒑ ⒒ ⒓ ⒔ ⒕ ⒖ ⒗ ⒘ ⒙ ⒚ ⒛ ⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟ ⒠ ⒡ ⒢ ⒣ ⒤ ⒥ ⒦ ⒧ ⒨ ⒩ ⒪ ⒫ ⒬ ⒭ ⒮ ⒯ ⒰ ⒱ ⒲ ⒳ ⒴ ⒵ Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ Ⓕ Ⓖ Ⓗ Ⓘ Ⓙ Ⓚ Ⓛ Ⓜ Ⓝ Ⓞ Ⓟ Ⓠ Ⓡ Ⓢ Ⓣ Ⓤ Ⓥ Ⓦ Ⓧ Ⓨ Ⓩ ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ ⓪ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴ ⓵ ⓶ ⓷

      ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸ ⑹ ⑺ ⑻ ⑼ ⑽ ⑾ ⑿ ⒀ ⒁ ⒂ ⒃ ⒄ ⒅ ⒆ ⒇ ⒈ ⒉ ⒊ ⒋ ⒌ ⒍ ⒎ ⒏ ⒐ ⒑ ⒒ ⒓ ⒔ ⒕ ⒖ ⒗ ⒘ ⒙ ⒚ ⒛ ⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟ ⒠ ⒡ ⒢ ⒣ ⒤ ⒥ ⒦ ⒧ ⒨ ⒩ ⒪ ⒫ ⒬ ⒭ ⒮ ⒯ ⒰ ⒱ ⒲ ⒳ ⒴ ⒵ Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ Ⓕ Ⓖ Ⓗ Ⓘ Ⓙ Ⓚ Ⓛ Ⓜ Ⓝ Ⓞ Ⓟ Ⓠ Ⓡ Ⓢ Ⓣ Ⓤ Ⓥ Ⓦ Ⓧ Ⓨ Ⓩ ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ ⓪ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴ ⓵ ⓶ ⓷

    2. Enclosed Alphanumerics unicode subset Here is the list of 160 utf-8 characters in Enclosed Alphanumerics subsets.
      • for : stop reset go
    1. Terence McKenna ~ Alchemy & The Hermetic Corpus ~ May 1991 ~ Workshop400,847 views400K viewsMar 16, 2017