22,718 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2022
    1. the obligation upon the conscious people 00:08:44 near the control surfaces near the levers of the human machine is immense
      • obligation
      • conscious people near the levers of the human machine
    2. the real hard choice that you're being pushed toward and that you might consider making before the yawning grave rings down the curtain on this cosmic drama is 00:01:48 actually intellectual responsibility freedom and uh a devotion to uh what scientists call 00:02:01 elegance of thought
      • hard choice
      • yawning grave
      • curtain cosmic drama

      intellectual responsibility

      • devotion to elegance of thought
    3. you are going to be condemned to live out the consequences of your taste really 00:03:47 really and if you have no taste you know god help you because you are you are self-condemned to an appalling nightmare 00:03:58 uh you won't be getting it all the subtle stuff will go by you while while your head is uh filled with can't nonsense foolishness

      live out the consequences of your taste

      self-condemned to an appalling nightmare

      you won't be getting it all the subtle stuff

      can't nonsense foolishness

    4. the beautiful what is it 00:03:31 easy to discern the beautiful is easy to discern

      beautiful easy to discern

    5. intellectuals defined as people who figure it

      intellectual people who figure out

    6. The Dangers Of Our Modern World - Aldous Huxley


      Everything whole is in shattered parts,

      every flame just a fitful ebb,

      every love in bits,

      everything splintered.

    1. Az Élet él és élni akar…2020.02.14.Dancs IstvánNational Geographic MagyarországA Szent György- hegy csúcsához közel készült ez a fotó, amely ékesen bizonyítja, hogy az élet valóban élni akar- ahogy Ady Endre is fogalmazott.

      "Life lives and to live it wants...."

      the title alludes to to live and want to live but leaves out the sacred reason

      Life for sacred reasons to live wants



    1. Ady Endre: A Tűz Márciusahttps://www.eternus.hu › vershttps://www.eternus.hu › vers · Translate this pageAz Élet szent okokból élni akar. S ha Magyarországra dob ki valakit, annak százszorta inkább kell akarni. Életet és hitet üzen egy halott
    2. !- search : "az élet szent okokból"

    1. solve major challenges with building a secure anddistributed network for user data
      • secure
        • trust but verify
      • distributed
        • people-centered networks where each indyvidual is an autonomous hub in their own(ed) networks
    2. six challenge areas: flexible data formats,efficient synchronization, conflict resolution, access-control, scalable storage, and network communication.Based on our findings, we propose a novel architecturefor event sourcing (ES) with Interplanetary Linked Data(IPLD) — which we call Threads – that is designed tostore, share, and host user-siloed data-sets at scale
      • flexible data formats
        • universal self-defined malleable extensible, future compatible data formats
      • efficient synchronizations
      • conflict resolution
        • *no conflict continual synthesys *
      • access control
        • full provenance people centered ownership, requests to source
    3. [2] T. Berners-Lee and K. O’Hara, “The read–writeLinked Data Web,”
      • concept : read-write Linked Data Web
    4. uild data-driven apps and services whileusers remain in control of their own data

      data- driven apps and services

      self-administered services

    5. alternative approach that allows individuals tocapture the value of their data and still allow developersto build new interfaces and experience on top of thisdata. This approach is called user-siloed data and itfundamentally separates apps from their users’ data

      !- concept : user-siloed data

      • allow individuals

        • capture the value of their data
          • re-mix, re-use, share with provenance
      • allow developers to

      • build new interfaces
        • surfaces
        • controls
        • affordances
    6. e data is generally not accessible toother apps and services
      • for concept -:app-siloed data

      data not accessible to other apps and services

    7. problems may arise ifover time a company’s incentives shift from providingvalue to users, to extracting value from users

      company's incentive shifts

      • from providing value to user
      • to extracting value from users
    1. A liveblog is a blog post which is intended to provide a rolling textual coverage of an ongoing event, similar to live television or live radio. Liveblogging has increased in usage by news organizations and blogging establishments since the mid-2000s, when they were initially used to broadcast updates of technology conferences in the absence of or alongside streaming video captures, and like microblogs, have gained currency as an online publication format which performs the same function as that of live television news coverage. The BBC uses the word "live text" for its own liveblogging events.


    1. as concepts that are structured around each other seem to account for errors such as whale as a fish (this misconception came from an incorrect theory about what a whale is like, combining with our theory of what a fish is).[14] When we learn that a whale is not a fish, we are recognizing that whales don't in fact fit the theory we had about what makes something a fish. Theory-theory also postulates that people's theories about the world are what inform their conceptual knowledge of the world. Therefore, analysing people's theories can offer insights into their concepts. In this sense, "theory" means an individual's mental explanation rather than scientific fact.

      concepts are structured around = each other

      articulation of concepts

    1. A concept map or conceptual diagram is a diagram that depicts suggested relationships between concepts.

    1. The theory-theory (or 'theory theory') is a scientific theory relating to the human development of understanding about the outside world.[1] This theory asserts that individuals hold a basic or 'naïve' theory of psychology ("folk psychology") to infer the mental states of others


    2. 'perspective taking' is sometimes used to describe how one makes inferences about another person's inner state using theoretical knowledge about the other's situation.[2]

      perspective taking

    1. The Theory Theory Revisited20 years ago psychologists began to outline a constructivist set of ideas about cognitive development and conceptual structure sometimes called “the theory theory.”

      constructivist set of ideas about cognitive development

    1. What is Delve?Delve is a software to analyze qualitative data. It’s a simple to use, collaborative online qualitative analysis tool that allows you to find rigorous, human insights quickly.With online qualitative research software like Delve, you can stay organized and analyze qualitative data efficiently when completing your dissertation or other research.

    2. Qualitative Analysis Made Easy CAQDAS for coding in qualitative research. Analyze transcripts from in depth interviews and focus groups together with your team. Start Free Trial      <img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59934311ff7c50540c53f047/1579130011436-6ED28KWABAGF98K3M6JF/Delve-Qualitative_Tool.png" alt="Delve-Qualitative_Tool.png" />

      qualitative analyssis delve

    1. In mathematics, a space is a set (sometimes called a universe) with some added structure

      universe with some structure

    1. universal application, or cross-platform application.

      cross platform

    2. Understanding Universal Applications

    1. 🐢 (TURTLE) utf-8 character icon TURTLE is one of the 768 characters in the Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs Unicode subset.


    1. We propose a“massivelyparallel”approach that seeks to cultivate large num-bers of independent but mutually reinforcing projectseach addressing particular aspects of hyper-polarizationin specific contexts

      massively parallel

      independent but mutually reinforcing projects

      weaving autonomous networks mutually reinfocing projects

    1. defend liberal democracies while also helping them live up to their ideals.

      live up to their ideals

    2. The Hyper-Polarization Crisis: a Conflict Resolution Challenge

    1. Who can say, these days, what is real and what is virtual, what is genuine article and what mere simulation? Are online phenomena abstract or concrete,3 formal or informal, symbolic or non- symbolic, real or representational? No one seems to know, for sure.

      We need to Augment philosophy itself so that we can show and tell

    2. Hang around a while, to figure out what has happened, and one finds oneself plunged into the metaphysical deep.

      plunged into the metaphysical deep

      need to scaffold our rise to meta-meta-symbio-psychoi-physical systemic higher vewpoints affording the vantage point to recognize the symbolic unity of all https://indylab1.fission.app/hyp?viewpoints symbolic unity of all

    3. There is not even agreement on the most basic questions: what computation is, whether it is a concrete (physical) or abstract notion, etc2

      what computation is?

    4. Nevertheless, many standard terms of art—program, process, algorithm, symbol, data structure, information, implementation, architecture, complexity, state, nondeterminism, digital, virtual, online, and the like—remain only partially excavated, bereft of satisfactory analysis.

      terms partially excavated

      bereft of satisfactory analysis

    5. philosophy

      To the extent that Philosophy's self image is that it is but footnotes to Plato (please insert your all time favourite philosopher of the day, I would say Hegel)

      Then clearly the best way to go about doing philosophy must be writings on the margins of the greats and crate new synthesis to which all amounts to. do that in a self-hosting conversations that are continuous, without being synchronous, evergreen, permanent, always re-sumable reusable, remixable re-volutioable, learnable mutual learning symmathesy

    6. computing is instead a site: an historical occasion on which to see general, unrestricted issues of meaning and mechanism play out.

      site of meaning and mechanism

    7. computers are intentionally significant physical artifacts—the best we know how to build.

      intentionally significant artifacts

    8. Beyond manifesting a dialectical interplay of meaning and mechanism, computers per se do not have what I earlier said they must have, in order to constitute a genuine subject matter: they are not sufficiently special. As we saw, it is incumbent on a theory of computation to take ‘computational’ to be substantial property, for the class of computers to be thereby restricted. For there to be a “there, there”—for there to Page 39 be something for a theory of computation to be a theory of—the computational must constitute a determinate subset of everything that is or anyway could be the case.55 But every candidate theory to be explored here, when subjected to rigorous examination, will turn out to fail: either because it is too narrow, in the sense of not applying to some things we ought to (in fact already do) call computers, or else because it is so broad as to be essentially vacuous, amounting to no more than a vapid form of physicalism.

      dialectic interplay of meaning and mechanism

      vapid form of physicalism

      the subject matter is the mutual arising of symbols and mechanisms which is everywhere and in fact it is a proper subject matter in the sense of understanding the nature and workings of Symbolic Unity of being per se

      there is a clear and distinct convergence in all theories of everything in what I like to call Symbolic Unity

    9. The problem, however is not just that we have not had an adequate theory of computing, in the past. Nor is it that we have no adequate theory, now. Much more strongly—and in what at first will seem a dismal conclusion—we will never have such a theory, in the future. We will never have a theory of computing because there is nothing there to have a theory of. Or rather, to put it more accurately: it will be a major conclusion of this investigation that neither computers, nor computing, nor computation, nor anything close by, are ultimately the sort of phenomenon that will sustain an intellectually satisfying, trenchant, powerful theoretical account.

      never will have an adequate theory of computing

    10. The third difficulty with current theories of computing, beyond the fact that we understand neither meaning nor mechanism, is more surprising yet—and more consequential.

      neither meaning nor mechanism

    11. fifty years of mathematical theory—to say nothing of unrelenting hyp

      5ö years of mathematica theory

      unrelenting hype

    1. followed cues from the embedding Hypothesis help page


    2. You can use click on the < button in the top-right of your browser window to read and write comments on this post

      Yes it worked even in the browser that does not have the hypothesis extension


    3. I’m a huge fan of Hypothesis, so I trust them as a third party, and the fact that the software is free is also a big plus.

      me too

    1. PROSOCIAL Why is Talking About Power Important? By Paul Atkins

    2. Elinor Ostrom — whose work on the Core Design Principles informed the theoretical background of Prosocial — did not explicitly focus on the issue of power, at least to my knowledge. Still, the issue of power necessarily runs through her work, particularly in her third core design principle: “Collective Choice Arrangements: Most individuals affected by a resource regime are authorized to participate in making and modifying its rules” (Ostrom, 2010, p. 253). This principle is about shared power — what has come to be called ‘power-with’ as opposed to ‘power-over,’ terms I will elaborate further below.


      shared power


      as opposed to



    1. designed to promote social coherence within app spaces
      • for : principles - IndyWeb

      social coherence within app spaces is nice

      but with IndyWeb

      unenclosable social coherence is attainable accrosss anti-app spaces and in fact

      inter app spaces, over the web using anti-apps as sidecars to existing even siloed web apps

    2. bring along to new applications.
      • for : concept - universal anti-app

      • for : IndyWeb

      instead of bring along (owned data) to new applications*

      all IndyWeb Anti-Apps Alter-Apps are instead of decoupling data and apps in the sense that the datamodel is not baked into the app code but have independent existence and the app is built around such a model in a uniform way

    3. simple to move between ‘islands’ by allowing users to control their data in such a way that it’s easy to bring along to new applications.
        • move between islands
        • xxx
        • yy
    4. applications that anyone can easily spin up by creating or forking code

      applications that anyone can spin up by forking

    5. key ingredient of our unenclosable system: forkability, which means that anyone is free to leave any space, create another based on the same (or similar) source codes and rulesets, and invite people to the new version. For true forkability, users need to be able to migrate easily between versions, taking their data from one version — for example their complete activity on a social network or search engine — and load it into the new version.


      • for : principles - IndyWeb

        • once used permanent evergreen available
        • resume-able, trans migratable
        • forward compatibility assured
        • evergreen both data and the ability to do anything with it is open, commons based permanent
    6. So, one key ingredient in making any system fundamentally unenclosable is the ability for anyone to create segmented spaces of coherence into and out of which people can freely associate, with rulesets that are particular to those spaces.

      create segmented spaces of coherence Description

    7. converge toward enclosure.

      converge towards enclosure

    8. global consensus mechanisms are still a form of carrier enclosure, and there are necessarily some nodes (or users) who have more say than others in determining the legitimacy of transactions and adopting updates to the rulesets.

      global consensus is carrier enclosure

    9. Unenclosable Carriers and the Future of CommunicationThe Nextnet Series

    1. The other segway is actually a trademark: it refers to a motorized, two-wheel personal vehicle. The confusion is understandable: both segway and segue share a pronunciation, and the spelling segway looks more logical to us than segue.

      segue vs segway

    2. Segue or Segway? Which word should you use when moving on to a new subject?


    1. As an example, consider the "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) syndrome. It is a highly touted feature for many vendors. It provides a definite advantage for the final process of converting a computer-held document to a nicely formatted hard copy. But what does it do for authorship? Well, in our framework, it has a negative impact. We were happy to abandon those constraints of lines and pages and other formatting geometry which did not contribute to matters of content and structure. We have chosen instead to provide the authorship process with structured files, flexible addressing, flexible window-size viewing, level and truncation viewspecs, etc. -- things that would be awkward or impossible to provide in a WYSIWYG environment. This provides the authorship phase with flexibility and power for studying and manipulating content and structure that we wouldn't consider trading off for WYSIWYG. Save it for the production phase.

      !- about : WYSIWYG

      what you get when you print it

    2. Authorship Provisions in Augment 0 Douglas C. Engelbart Tymshare, Inc.

      !- for : Augmented Authoring/Articulation in TrailMarks

    1. #255 | Peter Zeihan: The Collapse of Globalization and America's Retreat - The Realignment Podcast

    1. In Judaism, yetzer hara (Hebrew: יֵצֶר הַרַע yēṣer haraʿ‍) is the congenital inclination to do evil, by violating the will of God.

      congenital inclination to do evil

    2. Yetzer hara


    1. Transforming data. Transforming teams. dbt™ helps data teams work like software engineers—to ship trusted data, faster.

      ship trusted data faster



    1. “On our move-the-ecosystem-forward initiatives, there are a bunch of irons in the fire. The biggest one is something we’re calling the semantic layer, which is a brand new way for Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics tools to access a single set of business concepts (metrics, entities, and more),” Tristan Handy, the CEO and founder of the dbt Labs, told VentureBeat.

      move-the-ecosystem-forward initiative

    1. support for meta already enable full data cataloging capabilities. Now, it’s a matter of improving the functionality and making it more active/alive.

      full data cataloging capability

    2. the semantic-free BI tool simply holds a reference to metadata in the headless layer.

      reference to metadata in the headless layer

    3. using a universal (unified) semantic layer, recently termed “headless”. The idea is that all consumers of data (BI, ML, and other tools) can “speak the same language” by accessing a “single source of truth” where common metadata semantics are applied.

      universal (unified) semantic layer

    1. In 2011, Marc Andreeson published his seminal essay, “Why Software is Eating the World.”

    1. Noesis (phenomenology), technical term in the Brentano–Husserl "philosophy of intentionality" tradition


    2. Noesis is a philosophical term, referring to the activity of the intellect or nous.

    1. This made me realize that there must be a general science which explains all the points that can be raised concerning order and measure irrespective of the subject-matter, and that this science should be termed mathesis universalis — a venerable term with a well-established meaning — for it covers everything that entitles these other sciences to be called branches of mathematics.

      not just res extensa


    1. Communicating About the Social Implications of AI: A FrameWorks Strategic Brief Artificial intelligence (AI): good or evil? Author Patrick O’Shea , Lindsey Conklin, Emilie L’Hôte, Michelle Smirnova Published October 19, 2021
    1. FollowClick to Follow FrameWorksInstFrameWorks Institute@FrameWorksInstWe conduct and share original communications research to help reframe social issues. Proud recipient of MacArthur Award for Creative & Effective Institutions.Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Organization Washington, DCframeworksinstitute.orgJoined September 20101,748 Following12.6K Followers


    1. Changing the conversation on social issues Using framing to unlock change

    1. n 2021, the FrameWorks Institute, in partnership with the MacArthur Foundation, released a research brief describing some of the most prevalent misconceptions about what “AI” is and how it works.

      misconception what AI is

    2. Whatever the merit of the scientific aspirations originally encompassed by the term “artificial intelligence,” it’s a phrase that now functions in the vernacular primarily to obfuscate, alienate, and glamorize


    1. What AI cannot do It is often assumed that AI will become so advanced that the technology will be able to do anything. In reality, there are limits.

    1. Simplify decision making in your enterprise TruthSift is a decision making engine that helps you sift through contrasting opinions and make informed decisions through a rational process.
    1. Choosing a headless CMS without losing your head

    2. Neither role’s user interface should risk damaging configuration files or templates needed by the static site generator (SSG).

      static site generator

      • about : headless CMS


    1. data is now more balkanized than ever, and the complexity is spiraling out of control.

      data balkanized

      complexity is spiralling out of control

      • is it complex or we made it complicated *
    2. What has this meant to the typical information-intensive enterprise? A mountain of 10,000+ databases to manage, thousands of SaaS and other subscriptions to oversee, custom code and many operating systems, tools, and services to oversee. All of these are spread across multiple clouds and controlled by de facto data cartels, each of which claims control based on its role in purposing the data early on in the provenance of that data. 

      system-level complexity


      product- and app-centric sprawl

      de-facto data cartels

      !- for : broken paradigm

      from the Broken Paradigm to Paradigm Regained


    3. Why we shouldn’t expect a metaverse anytime soon (Part I of II)


    1. The Network became the Computer long time ago.With IPFS HyperMedia protocol thenetwork becomes the Database. The Anti-Database.No more "Data siloing and logic sprawl"

      network become the - computer - database

      !- about : anti-database

      !- meme : Data siloing and logic sprawl

      !- for : value prop : IndyWeb

    1. Zsolt Viczián@zsviczianWhat is your quick capture workflow? Are you always using Obsidian to jot down ideas? What if you’re driving, or just stepping out of the shower, or standing in line? Where do you note down your thoughts and how to do you channel them into your Vault?

      quick capture !- for : mvp - indy-me-notes

    1. “Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun” Pink Floyd

    1. Pricing Sign up today and start managing all your users' social media needs.

      !- for : product - plans - IndyWeb

    1. Social Media APIs Powerful APIs that enable you to send social media posts effortlessly. For developers and businesses of all sizes.

    1. Vocabulary is defined from the perspective of projects as the primary entity.

      project as a primary entity

    2. individual portable professional portfolio tied to an identity

      portable professional portfolio

    1. Authorship Provisions in Augment@inproceedings{Engelbart1984AuthorshipPI, title={Authorship Provisions in Augment}, author={Douglas C. Engelbart}, booktitle={COMPCON}, year={1984} }D. EngelbartPublished in COMPCON 3 January 1988Computer Science

      !- about : Augmenting Authoring/Articulation

    2. NoteCards: An Experimental Environment for Authoring and Idea ProcessingF. HalaszComputer ScienceBTW1987NoteCards is an extensible environment designed to help people formulate, structure, compare, and manage ideas. NoteCards provides the user with a “semantic network” of electronic notecards interconnected by typed links. The system provides tools to organize, manage, and display the structure of the network, as well as a set of methods and protocols for creating programs to manipulate the information in the network. NoteCards is currently being used by more than 50 people engaged in idea processing tasks ranging from writing research papers through designing parts for photocopiers. In this paper we briefly describe NoteCards, examine a prototypical NoteCards application, and discuss what we have learned about the system’s strengths and weaknesses from our observations of the system in use.

      !- about : NoteCards

    1. Authorship Provisions in Augment 0 Douglas C. Engelbart Tymshare, Inc.

      !- about : Augmented Authoring, Articulation,TrailMarks

    1. Pages have prefixes in their page titles that indicate what type of node it is
      • nice alternative prefix notation for TrailMarks The equivalent prefix in trailmarks would be

      claim -

      and in clues it would be

      !- claim : Discourse Graph human synthesys

      the second y in synthesys alludes to the fact that we have in TrailMarks and entire sYstem augmented synthesis

      As TrailMarks itself was conceived as an operationalization through the establishment of a high level notation features needed to Augment Authoring/Articulation

      Authoring in Augment => Augmented Articulation

    2. “I- " Idea

      equivalent in TrailMarks Notation would be

      !- idea :

      giving a way of associating arbitrary interpretative function with the name

      injecting domain/context specific effective interpretative concepts

    1. the kind of the advice is 01:19:54 that don't prepare the words prepare the emotion and the word the right words will follow but if you prepare the words 01:20:06 it it it just means that your the words are being filtered by the emotion that you have

      don't prepare the words prepare the emotion

      misquoted as prepare the feeling



    2. you don't rehearse the words you rehearse the attitude and if you don't have if you don't have the uh an attitude of good will 01:21:09 uh or at least equanimity then you're you're probably going to say the wrong thing

      rehearse the attitude and good will

    1. ≊ ALMOST EQUAL OR EQUAL TO ALMOST EQUAL OR EQUAL TO is a character in the Mathematical Operators Unicode subset.

      almost equal or equal to

    1. Gravitas Plus: Welcome to the age of the second brain

      have ideas not store ideas

    1. Not a whit, we defy augury: there's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow

      providence fall of sparrow. HAMLET Not a whit, we defy augury: there's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all: since no man has aught of what he leaves, what is't to leave betimes?


      Tapot se; dacolunk e baljóslattal: hisz egy verébfi sem eshetik le a gondviselés akaratja nélkül. Ha most történik: nem ezután; ha nem ezután, úgy most történik; s ha most meg nem történik, eljő máskor: készen kell rá lenni: addig van. Miután senkinek sincs olyanja, mit itt ne hagyjon: mit árt elébb hagyni el? - Ám legyen!

    2. since no man has aught of what he leaves, what is't to leave betimes?

      leave betimes

    3. the readiness is all:

      readiness is all

    4. I must be cruel, only to be kind:

      cruel to be kind

    5. For in the fatness of these pursy times Virtue itself of vice must pardon beg, Yea, curb and woo for leave to do him good

      virtue pardon beg do good

    6. I will speak daggers to her, but use none;

      speak not use dagger

    7. you cannot play upon me.

      play upon me

    8. And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought

      resolution sicklied thought

    9. What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? man delights not me: no, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.

      piece of work is man

    10. And a man's life's no more than to say 'One.'

      life say one

    11. And praised be rashness for it, let us know, Our indiscretion sometimes serves us well, When our deep plots do pall: and that should teach us There's a divinity that shapes our ends, Rough-hew them how we will,--

      praised rashness serves well divinity shapes ends

    12. for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so:

      good bad thinking

    13. You cannot, sir, take from me any thing that I will more willingly part withal: except my life, except my life, except my life.

      take any thing except life

    14. Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't.

      madness method

    15. The time is out of joint: O cursed spite, That ever I was born to set it right!

      time out of joint cursed

    16. Yea, from the table of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past, That youth and observation copied there;

      youth and observation copied

    17. Haste me to know't, that I, with wings as swift As meditation or the thoughts of love, May sweep to my revenge.

      wing swift meditation thought love

    18. Murder most foul, as in the best it is; But this most foul, strange and unnatural

      murder most foul

    19. Why, what should be the fear? I do not set my life in a pin's fee; And for my soul, what can it do to that, Being a thing immortal as itself? It waves me forth again: I'll follow it.

      what be the fear

      immortal soul

    20. More honour'd in the breach than the observance.

      honoured breach observance

    21. Thrift, thrift, Horatio! the funeral baked meats Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables.

      thrift baked meat

    1. Tapot se; dacolunk e baljóslattal: hisz egy verébfi sem eshetik le a gondviselés akaratja nélkül. Ha most történik: nem ezután; ha nem ezután, úgy most történik; s ha most meg nem történik, eljő máskor: készen kell rá lenni: addig van. Miután senkinek sincs olyanja, mit itt ne hagyjon: mit árt elébb hagyni el? - Ám legyen!

      Tapot se veréb gondviselés

      Not a whit, we defy augury: there's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all: since no man has aught of what he leaves, what is't to leave betimes?

    1. The best thing was - you don't have to explain to anyone what a #graph is

      what a graph is

    1. Accountants and lawyers are essentially black hat hackers, says security pundit Bruce Schneier. And the tax code is full of vulnerabilities for them to exploit.

      Everybody knows the Game is Rigged

    1. data that's worthy of being ontologized or schematized for universal reuse should be in that form.

      universal reuse is an impossibility

      reuse like use is situated pick an adjacent existing delivered use case

      instead need to intentionalize conceptualize

      symmathesize #Symmathesy Mutual Learning

      common "use cases" and do that in a form that is amenable to be tinkered reused and repurposed for future purposes intents as they arise

      in any situation there are core intents that are universal

      ensure that "data" is captured along with the means of supporting those intents across all conceivable "constellations" for provisioning

      ranging from local first, personal first, to in house closed silos to global interplanetary scales open or closed, taking into account delivery platforms desktop mobile metaverse whatever



    2. enterprise's KM

      intentional KM is what you need

    3. Without disambiguated concept within context, there can be no reusability.

      in an intentional articulation

      there is no ambiguity but explicit plurality of contexts which themselves are amenable le to be related intentionally

    4. effectively and efficiently reusable.

      effective and efficient reuse

      reuse is repurpose

      again requires articulation of intent for pertienence

    5. governance.

      governance requires full provenance

    6. smart (conceptualized + contextualized), purposeful data customers can rely on and know how to use.

      purposeful = intentionalized

      conceptualized + contextualized + provenance = governance

      conceptualization without attempting explicit articulation of intent is blind to relevant self-organizing contexts (drown by an avalanche of irrelevant details or simply missing the point)

    1. Proper provisioning must account for purpose, content, use case, governance, access and time restrictions, etc.  This complex matrix of requirements can be satisfied on-demand by a Knowledge Graph.

      provisioning aspects can be factored out completely as long as we can assume that all data exists as an InterPlanetary permanent graph

      But that Graph would need to be an Intentinal Graph

      amenable to meta-level universal manipulation and mechanisms


    2. Provisioning is key to success - that “last mile” of data delivery to the consumer.

      Flip that

      what used to be the last mile

      considering provisioning aspects and let them drive the entire design/implementation process

      pick an minimal viable provisioning meta constellation that is needed for working in the domain

      deliver on the intent in the simplest possible provisioning aspects

      address the problem of provisioning separately assuming a universal intentional way of articulating and managing all digital conceptualizations

      there by delivering on Simonyi's Vision for his Law

      cost or software = SUM_OF( g(domain concepts) , h(provisioniong) )

      instead of

      cost or software = PRODUCT_OF( g(domain concepts) , h(provisioniong) ) https://hypothes.is/a/byO0puoWEey3oP_R1J8GlQ


    1. The Goal of Software engineering should be

      on the margins asymptotically

      to reduce incremental development costs

      to the number of elements in the domain

      and add the number of elements in the aspects in the domain

      compare that with the current number


    1. Shapers

      are people who challenge the team to improve. They are dynamic and usually extroverted people who enjoy stimulating others, questioning norms, and finding the best approaches for solving problems. The Shaper is the one who shakes things up to make sure that all possibilities are considered and that the team does not become complacent. Shapers often see obstacles as exciting challenges and they tend to have the courage to push on when others feel like quitting. Their potential weaknesses may be that they're argumentative and that they may offend people's feelings.


    2. Implementers

      are the people who get things done. They turn the team's ideas and concepts into practical actions and plans. They are typically conservative, disciplined people who work systematically and efficiently and are very well organized. These are the people who you can count on to get the job done. On the downside, Implementers may be inflexible and can be somewhat resistant to change.


    3. Completer-Finishers

      are the people who see that projects are completed thoroughly. They ensure there have been no errors or omissions and they pay attention to the smallest of details. They are very concerned with deadlines and will push the team to make sure the job is completed on time. They are described as perfectionists who are orderly, conscientious and anxious. However, a Completer-Finisher may worry unnecessarily and may find it hard to delegate.

    1. Strengths: Challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure. Has the drive and courage to overcome obstacles.


    2. Strengths: Practical, reliable, efficient. Turns ideas into actions and organises work that needs to be done.


    3. Strengths: Painstaking, conscientious, anxious. Searches out errors. Polishes and perfects.

      Completer Finisher

    1. Russia-Ukraine War l Jaishankar Calls Out West Again, Questions 'Isn't Europe Funding The War?'1,329,213 views1.3M viewsJun 4, 202247K I like this DislikeShareDow

    1. The Latin root of ‘concentrate’ is con-centrum, ‘with center’ — being with our own center, or bringing ourselves to center.

      with center

    1. Peter Russell@PeterJRussellWriter, speaker. Focus on mind, consciousness, perennial philosophy, the core truth of spiritual traditions, science and environment. Meditation.Sausalito, CApeterrussell.comJoined March 200940 Following4,739 Followers

    1. All You Need is Love: Peter Russell

      old aging hippie

      one world

      all u need is love Nothing you can make that can't be made No one you can save that can't be saved Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time It's easy All you need is love


    2. Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time


      Love, love, love Love, love, love Love, love, love There's nothing you can do that can't be done Nothing you can sing that can't be sung Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game It's easy Nothing you can make that can't be made No one you can save that can't be saved Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time It's easy All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need Nothing you can know that isn't known Nothing you can see that isn't shown ......... ```

    1. A népi mondás szerint: "Ha ezen a napon esik, negyven napig esik egyfolytában." "Medárdus napja ha tiszta, nem jő a rossz idő vissza"


    1. cosmology as i'm using it here is the human perception of our world or 00:00:53 even the universe and the human place therein so right away you see that it touches on what we typically call the big questions right the religious questions who are we what 00:01:06 are we where did we come from how did we get here what is our purpose all of that can be cosmology when you throw humans into the equation


    1. turtles they can be pretty cheeky

      turtles are great at helping out the other collectively


    1. Conor White-Sullivan 𐃏@ConawH-LAM/T one of the most useful acronyms I’ve ever come across. A handy way to categorize the interwoven ways we have to augment the human intellect Language Artifacts Methods In which a person can be trained From our great prophet Doug Engelbart https://dougengelbart.org/content/view/138/#2c…
      • for : H-LAM/T

    1. H-LAM/T


      !- for : H-LAM/T

    1. “Knowledge production is a group activity, not an individual one.” (Engelbart).

      !- about : language, artifacts, methods, tools, trained

      !- for : H-LAM/T


    1. Backlinks🪴 Start Here ...is to find data structures and interfaces that support synthesis and innovation in a decentralized discourse graph. Some suggested starting points: To jump straight into the ideas: [[I- Search as a primitive]] [[I- A DSL for a discourse graph with information entry, visualization, and retrieval]] [[Q- How might we navigate the structure now or later tradeoffs]] For broader context

      nice way to show back links as search results

    1. Don’t Hide the TechToo Much Artifice is a Symptom of Something Wrong

    1. Steve Pepper is the founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Ontopia, a company that provides topic map software, consulting, and training services.

      !- profile : Steve Pepper

    2. This paper describes the crisis of identity facing the World Wide Web and, in particular, the RDF community. It shows how that crisis is rooted in a lack of clarity about the nature of "resources" and how concepts developed during the XML Topic Maps effort can provide a solution that works not only for Topic Maps, but also for RDF and semantic web technologies in general.

      crisis identity WWW

      |- for : Web, Broken Wheel

      root cause is location addressing, seeking good's eye view normative accummulation of "conventional" knowledge separated from the context of its discovery, disregarding its source "personal knowing", production

    3. Curing the Web's Identity Crisis

    1. The question of how to label a relationship is one of naming, not direction
      • flip : labeling naming not direction
    2. Parameters are information, in the form of a set of topics, that expresses the appropriate processing context for a variant name. Having selected a particular topic name, an application may choose to examine the parameters of its variants (if any) in order to select the most suitable form of that name.


    3. prohibits a processed topic map from containing multiple topics with the same base name in the same scope.

      names in scope

    1. distinction between addressable and non-addressable subjects.

      addressable and non-addressable subjects

    2. provide powerful new ways of navigating large and interconnected corpora.

      navigate large interconnected corpora

    3. knowledge structures and associating them with information resources

      knowledge structures

      associated with resources

      personal first, self-organizing networks of structured outlines containing written text and hypermedia context always in intentional/conceptual/meaningfully shaped/salient contexts.

      Everything of interest is high resolution addressable. These addresses are derived from the way connections are created using trailmarks to the body of emergent networks

      |- flip : separation of knowledge structures and associated information sources

    4. index replicating, in miniature, the structures of its subject, in order to provide a more manageable view of the whole.

      present at scale

    5. back-of-book index can be likened to a carefully researched and hand-crafted map

      book index map

    6. “a book without an index is like a country without a map”.

      index map

    7. the names assigned to association types (such as “was influenced by”) imply any kind of directionality.
      • flip : association names do not imply directionality