- Aug 2022
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
Flesh out your group – ask who best to inform your pursuit, your network, join your expedition?
Network your community
especially evolvable, open 'hyper' tools (OHS), yielding ever more brilliant outcomes.
!- slogan : evolvabe openb "hyper" tools OHS
!- for : IndyWeb, IndyNet - - slogan : evolvable, open, commons based, peer produced interplanetary, interpersonal first HyperMedia Protocols and Web Frameworks
github.com github.com
Holomap is a real-time collaborative holonic mapping platform.
holomap web4
www.goodreads.com www.goodreads.com
“Pull a thread here and you’ll find it’s attached to the rest of the world.”
thread attached to the rest of the world
Working with Content Archives
carrotstack.com carrotstack.com
Uploading files using Web3.Storage
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:32 Access your data via - image gallery - audio player - video with fast seeking - PDF viewer - text editor - markdown browser - manage tasks with to-do boards - stay on track with calendar app - configure recurring events - add, manage, share, import or filter multiple calendar
- friends network
- connect with friends and followers
same verification protocol as signal
setup your profile
- control who sees each section
- setup a folder as a website
- files, folders are easily shared
- access can be read only or read write
- shared using predefined groups
- or by creating a secret link
social feed timeline is ready to go
Peergos Drive.
- Uploads are resumable
- downloads are streamed
- folders as ZIP files
- can be mounted natively, client side encrypted search
What is Peergos and what can you do with it.
!- about : PeerGos - is a : - secure - privacy-focused online space - to store, share and communicate - privacy does not come at a cost of convenience - comment - by- gyuri - where convenience does not come at the cost of privacy, either
- same as : our vision for the IndyNet
- 80% of what we've been bootstrapping
- the difference is that in addition all that Pergros offers
- we intend for creating
- Autonomous
- InterPersonal
- Digital Spaces
- built from human Trust for Trust
- with Zero friction on boarding
- Evergreen
- with full provenance
about.sourcegraph.com about.sourcegraph.com
Understand, fix, and automate across your codebase with Sourcegraph's code intelligence platformGet startedRequest a demo
metablog.xyz metablog.xyzMetablog1
Metablog The web's only search engine of blog posts
hyperblog anynone?
metarationality.com metarationality.com
“Sonja” was my PhD thesis program, described in my book Vision, Instruction, and Action.
metarationality.com metarationality.com
- concept : metablog
Identity, Capabalities, & Private Data - @expede - Building Apps on IPFS
Identity, Capabalities, & Private Data - @expede - Building Apps on IPFS
docdrop.org docdrop.org
global peer-to-peer encrypted file system and application protocol being a file system everything has a unique path which begins with your 00:00:28 username fine grained access control it's pure capability based you don't need to rely on a server to enforce these capabilities just maths it's quantum resistant
!- gloss : Peergos - global - peer-to-peer - encrypted file system and - application protocol
- being a file system
- everything has a unique path
- which begins with your username
- fine grained access control
- it's pure capability based
- you don't need to rely on a server
- to enforce these capabilities
- it's quantum resistant
- being a file system
Identity, Capabilities, & Private Data - @ianopolous - Building Apps on IPFS24 views24 views19 Aug 2022
the question is what is the real origin of consciousness exactly in case where did it come from was there a time when there was no consciousness well I 00:03:11 don't think it originates in time you see as I think it's a potential of the whole universe wholeness will arise between us all and participation rather than separately
- consciousness does not originate in time
- its a potential of the whole universe
- wholeness will arise between is all
- participation rather than separately
David Bohm on science, the implicate order and coherence.
www.goodreads.com www.goodreads.com
Wholeness and the Implicate OrderDavid Bohm
we're aligning more on the car file mode anyway because jsipfs has proven to be not be 00:06:37 viable yeah i mean we can't use it anymore either
!- claim : jsipfs has proven to be non viable
ec.europa.eu ec.europa.euIoP_NGI_v1.022
not yet clear how to builda comprehensive representation of human cognitiveprocesses, which could be used as a foundationalcomponent of IoP solutions.
Social/Cognitive “overlays” beyond the mobile edge
emergent global overlays
seeking quantitative mathematical models
People interests go way beyond whatever can be modelled by quantitative methods
efficientlyguide information diffusion among users
guide information diffusion among people
behaviour becomes one of thekey elements for designing
Why can't we empower people to design/agreagate solutions for themselves to meet their own needs best
although the concept ofprotocol stack itself would need to be re-thought
the humanbecomes the centre of Internet systems and, for this reason, in[19] this paradigm change has been termed an “Anti-Copernican Revolution”
Anti Copernican Revolution
Proximity-based services,ProSe
Proximity-based services ProSe
device to device communications
support design paradigms whereby the control over thedeployment and operations of network functions may also beallocated to users’ devices, which autonomously decide howto cooperate with the core network to obtain the networkingservices they need at a certain point in time.
edevices autonompuisly decide how to cooperate with the core networking services
embrace(mobile) edge devices as “first-class network nodes”
edge devices as first-class network nodes
users’ devices at the edge of thenetwork are extremely powerful and would be able to generatetheir own local networking environments on-demand, withoutnecessarily (or exclusively) relying on Internet functionalityprovided by core infrastructures
generate own networking environments
Cyber-Physical Convergence
Cyber-Physical Convergence
well-established models that describe relevantaspects of the human individual and social behavior,derived in “non-ICT” disciplines. These models willhave to be embedded into networking protocols anddevices logic, to influence the operations of thenetworking functions
encode beahaviourist models into protocols?
crowdsourcing andcrowdsensing
how about Personal Digital Autonomy
sers’ personal devices become proxies of theirhuman users in the Internet
devices as proxies for People?
!- reading list : content addressing, dWeb
making – inperspective - users’ personal devices “first-class citizens” inthe provisioning and operation directly at the edge of Internetfunctions
why only the devices are first-class citizens
why not the People, the Ones, the Players that make use of them?
Network functions are more and morepushed towards the edges of the Internet
Network functions pushed towards the edges
Cyber-Physical Convergence
internet and the physical world intertwine
Internet of People (IoP)An inter-disciplinary approach to Networking in a human-centric NGI
position paper
NGI networking protocols
NGI becomes an Internet of People
iopcommunity.com iopcommunity.com
What is the Internet of People (IoP)?
Internet of People Revolusion
search.brave.com search.brave.com
!- search : "Internet of People"
internet-of-people.org internet-of-people.org
Internet Of People
We need Open, Commons based, peer produced, EverGreen, co-evolving InterPersonal Networks of Autonomous HyperMedia Spaces connecting People, Ideas and Things.
It is as simple as that
The Internet of People protocol
coywolf.cloud coywolf.cloud
Ecosystem ReviewJanuary 2021
!- reading list, for : content addressing, dWeb
- comment :
- This one is over a year old.
- The overview that it gives is not as helpful that it could be
- my independent research covered most of it
- as I have a data-centric and even people-centric view points
- have a vision nay a missiont to build tech
- based on human Trust for Trust,
- for a world we want (diglife)
- so are not so interested in smart contracts and
- DeFi leaning part of the Web3 convergence stack
!- for : content addressing, dWeb
- comment :
- This one is over a year old.
- The overview that it gives is not as helpful that it could be
- my independent research covered most of it
- as I have a data-centric and even people-centric view points
- have a vision nay a missiont to build tech
- based on human Trust for Trust,
- for a world we want (diglife)
- so are not so interested in smart contracts and
- DeFi leaning part of the Web3 convergence stack
calabilityPeergos can handle arbitrarily large files, including random access, upload and download, and on under-powered devices like mobile phones. This is largely due to the independent encryption of each 5 MiB section,as well as the "zero IO" seeking within a file
zero io seeking
storage and application protocol on top of IPFS
Solid (derived from "social linked data")
IPFS - Content Addressed, Versioned, P2P File System(DRAFT 3)
!- about : IPFS
!- reading list : content addressing, dWeb
named-data.net named-data.net()6
NDN names are opaque to the network, i.e., routers do not know the meaning of a name (although theyknow the boundaries between components in a name). This allows each application to choose the namingscheme that fits its needs and allows the naming schemes to evolve independently from the network
NDN names are opaque to the network
router then stores the Interest in the Pending Interest Table (PIT
Pending Interest Table
Communication in NDN is driven by the receiving end, i.e., the data consumer. To receive data, aconsumer sends out an Interest packet, which carries a name that identifies the desired data
driven by data consumer
interest packet
name-based routing protocol
name-based routing protocol
Data-Centric Security
- for : Data-Centric
Named Data Networking (NDN) Project
reading list : content addressing, dWeb
about : Named Data Networking
named-data.net named-data.net
The NDN project was funded by NSF in September 2010 as one of the four projects under NSF’s Future Internet Architecture Program.
Future Internet Architecture Program
The Named Data Networking (NDN) project aims to develop a new Internet architecture that can capitalize on strengths — and address weaknesses — of the Internet’s current host-based, point-to-point communication architecture in order to naturally accommodate emerging patterns of communication. By naming data instead of their locations, NDN transforms data into a first-class entity.
- missing : content addressing
Submitted on 14 Jul 2014] Title:IPFS - Content Addressed, Versioned, P2P File System Authors:Juan Benet Download PDF Abstract: The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a peer-to-peer distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files. In some ways, IPFS is similar to the Web, but IPFS could be seen as a single BitTorrent swarm, exchanging objects within one Git repository. In other words, IPFS provides a high throughput content-addressed block storage model, with content-addressed hyper links. This forms a generalized Merkle DAG, a data structure upon which one can build versioned file systems, blockchains, and even a Permanent Web. IPFS combines a distributed hashtable, an incentivized block exchange, and a self-certifying namespace. IPFS has no single point of failure, and nodes do not need to trust each other.
reading list : content addressing, dWeb
from :
bafkreid7fzg5f6jb7rugtsu2lu33hzkvs4xfaoxzr5b75swqzandabzije.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreid7fzg5f6jb7rugtsu2lu33hzkvs4xfaoxzr5b75swqzandabzije.ipfs.dweb.link
A protocol & event-sourced databasefor decentralized user-siloed dataDraft 1.6 - Textile ThreadsPick1, Farmer1, Sutula1, Hagopian1, Gozalishvili2, Hill1 and11Textile.io2Mozilla.orgRevised May 20, 2020
!- about : Textile, Textile.io
!- reading list : IndyWeb
!- reading list : content addressing, dWeb
!- for : web3 constellations - IndyWeb
!- summary :
- this is a seminal paper on web3 tech
- combine storage and messaging for IndyWeb
- as Threads
!- reading list : IndyWeb
!- reading list : content addressing, dWeb
!- for : web3 constellations - IndyWeb
!- summary :
- this is a seminal paper on web3 tech
- combine storage and messaging for IndyWeb
- as Threads
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I've implemented CHAMP [0] for Peergos in the IPLD/IPFS setting, largely based on the Steindorfer paper. There is one improvement that whyrusleeping from ipfs came up with which is to allow a small number of hash collisions in a level, before pushing things down a level.
!- about : CHAMP
!- about : Peergos Compressed Hash-Array Mapped Prefix-tree !- for : PeerKeep - annote : https://hyp.is/8PYn0BfYEe2xxXdi_LlC6g/docdrop.org/video/g1vzoZjG9Zo/
docdrop.org docdrop.org
so this is it's a it's a feed of of things that have been shared with you by people that you follow in pagos and obviously it's end-to-end encrypted so it's 100 client-side assembled
if you run pagos locally then you can view it at username.pagos.localhost and if you're viewing it that way then it's totally independent of dns
run peergoss locally independent of dns
Peergos presents “The Private Web”
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Lab Day 2018 // Peergos Architecture - Dr. Ian Preston
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Today is a big step forward for Hypothesis! We're announcing a new Public Benefit Corporation, Anno, and a major investment by ITHAKA/JSTOR and others to take us forward. Seeing others get behind a universal standard for the conversation over all knowledge is incredibly energizing. https://lnkd.in/giTfPfMy Thanks to Kevin Guthrie and many others for believing in this vision!
blueskyweb.xyz blueskyweb.xyz
technologies for open and decentralized public conversation.
open decentralized conversation
blueskyweb.xyz blueskyweb.xyz
A Self-Authenticating Social Protocol
0 self authenticating social protocol
4 self-authenticating Interpersonal IndyWeb
0 beyond protocols we can have (commons based peer-produced interpersonal constellations)[web+indy:about - The IndyWeb]
twitter.com twitter.com
Peergos@PeergosIf you migrate to a different server, then all existing links to your content continue to work and you keep your social graph without needing to tell anyone your new host. It's magical. Compare this to changing email, where you must tell all your contacts about your new address.
magyar-irodalom.elte.hu magyar-irodalom.elte.hu
Légy egy fűszálon a pici él S nagyobb leszel a világ tengelyénél.
Be on a single grass the teeny blade
And greater you be you than the world's axis
Hiába fürösztöd önmagadban, Csak másban moshatod meg arcodat.
about : selfing =
In vain you bathe in your self,
only in other can wash your face.
bafkreideku7z23qtrpqoedesd6j7vfefwuuntnviyimeqonrfqd6tfgqei.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreideku7z23qtrpqoedesd6j7vfefwuuntnviyimeqonrfqd6tfgqei.ipfs.dweb.link
Curating and exploiting such an ontology will be as important as thehardware and software surfaces that activate it
Eric Anderson joined as CEO
!- claim : Eric Anderson - ceo of - Intentional
!- meta - experimental ; adding triples on the fly in TrailMarks - Semantic Web Triples are claims - they can be written down as proporsition - subject - predicate -object - write them as a clue as in this example - on the margins, in context - or as part of any TrailMarks page or clue - and with that you can have the Semantic Web - as a proper subset of MindGrapj - and the TrailMarks notation - as "Thought Vectors" can bring them into - the emergent Permanent Autonomous Digital Spaces - on the IndyWeb weaving a people centred - internet connecting People, Ideas, knowledge of things and EverGreen Permanent Self-Archived Intentional Software needed to work with them -
www.intentsoft.com www.intentsoft.com
- recovered - wayback : Charles Simonyi Founder, Chair...
peergos.org peergos.org
Fast seeking and encrypted history Published: Thu 01 August 2019
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
reproducible builds (we don't use npm or browserify etc.)
reproducible builds
Peergos is fully open-source
open source
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
Multi-device login
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
There is also no central dns name or TLS certificate authority that could be used to attack the network.
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
Self hosting
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
The public keys and usernames are stored in a global append only data structure, with names taken on a first come first served basis. This needs consensus to ensure uniqueness of usernames. This is also where the ipfs node id of the server(s) responsible for synchronising the user's writes is stored.
peergos.org peergos.orgFeatures1
The social network in Peergos is similar to Twitter or Instagram where any user can send another a follow request. The target user can accept, accept and reciprocate, or deny. Who follows who is not visible to us or the network.
private social network
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Brian Cantwell Smith Prof of Information, Philosophy, and Computer Science
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
ethics is concerned with how reality should be.
- comment :
- this is a potentially self-terminating conception of ethics
- it assumes a greater agency to us then is reasonable
- hubris at scale
When at odds with reality, science changes theory, while ethics changes reality
- science changers theory
- ethics changes reality
philosophy.utoronto.ca philosophy.utoronto.ca
Smith’s research focuses on the philosophical foundations of computation, artificial intelligence, and mind, and on fundamental issues in metaphysics and epistemology.
!- research - focus - philosophical foundations of - computation - artificial intelligence - mind - fundamental issues in - metaphysics - epistemology
search.brave.com search.brave.com
!- search : brian cantwell smith contact
www.betaworks.com www.betaworks.com
Building Bicycles for the Mind
ToolsForThinkingHow New Technologies are Changing How We Create, Share, and Build Knowledge
www.betaworks.com www.betaworks.com
Happening at betaworks
blog.hubspot.com blog.hubspot.com
Open link in new window.
Open link in a new tab.
Open a link in a new window Hold Shift and click the link
!- do how : open link in a new window - chrome now gives you a - searchable reverse chronologic listing of all open tabs - now that I use desktops on Windows - it make sense to open links in new window - so when you look at the current desktop - you can see a thumbpring of all your windows
- do how : thumbview of tabs in chrome
Future of Open Scholarship: Open Monograph Ecosystem Impact Analysis
bafkreiduioeb6zmyqt3k2kfleqqgia4u74lwtjpmnh672n3yecmlo5ryji.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreiduioeb6zmyqt3k2kfleqqgia4u74lwtjpmnh672n3yecmlo5ryji.ipfs.dweb.link
Open MonographEcosystem Impact Analysis
investinopen.org investinopen.org
Open Monograph Ecosystem Impact Analysis (brief)
Future of Open Scholarship
investinopen.org investinopen.orgHome3
We conduct and commission research to increase our understanding of the current landscape.
Open, community-owned infrastructure is necessary for research to thrive.
!- concept : Open community-owned infrastructure - for open - technologies - systems - supporting : - research, and - scholarship - challenges : conducting research - working with : decision makers
Helping you invest in the open technology that research relies on.
example.com example.com
Everyone Included: Hypothesis Accessibility Reaches WCAG 2.1
freeing of information from proprietary systems and formats
!- resonate with : open, non proprietary format
fluid collaboration between individuals,
!- value prop : IndyLab
rapid access to knowledge as it evolves
co-evolution of knowledge along with the tools that create it
a universal conversation layer
!- value prop : IndyNet
The idea of a shared conversation layer over the world’s knowledge is part of the original idea behind the Web.
!- value prop : IndyWeb - shared conversation layer is part of the original idea
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
bringing conversation to all knowledge.
dwebcamp.org dwebcamp.org
Aug 24-28 ✵ Camp Navarro, CA
bafybeic5kphwtr4mfvmgiqfotpldimq37qxssvhv55wsonjzzezxx4y5r4.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeic5kphwtr4mfvmgiqfotpldimq37qxssvhv55wsonjzzezxx4y5r4.ipfs.dweb.link
o with freedom—and I know this is a cliché, but hopefully not in thiscontext—with freedom of that sort comes enormous responsibility. And it’sparadoxical. Responsibility to dream and, coexisting and simultaneous withthat, an obligation to awaken. In other words, an obligation to make sense, benon-trivial, not to squander resources in foolishness. An obligation to awaken,and an obligation to, at the same time, dream. And then the rational mindscreams out, “But this is impossible! is is paradox!” But the subtle mind un-derstands that we have now reached square one. By openly confronting thenecessity for paradox, and by openly confronting the fact that we can only en-close our dilemma by speaking in at least two modes at once, we begin to actu-ally honor the complexity of the situation.
- freedom comes responsibility
- the responsibility to dream
- the obligation to awaken
- honouring the complexity of the situation
Terence McKenna: Life, Lectures, Philosophy, & Quotes
www.google.co.uk www.google.co.uk
About 5 results (0.31 seconds)
www.google.co.uk www.google.co.uk
bafybeidwm2hataoku665ocvtor4z2sf6rtqm4efbxthptlsasaosyqbhca.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeidwm2hataoku665ocvtor4z2sf6rtqm4efbxthptlsasaosyqbhca.ipfs.dweb.link
A data project doesn’t start with an idea of whatthe functionality needs to be, but rather focuses on what insights or actions need to be gleanedfrom the data in whatever current shape it’s in
- not what the functionality needs to be, but
- what insights or actions needs to be gleaned
not teamand technology, what could it be?
- not team tech
- then what
One of the biggest insights from these AI successes is that they don’t see AI projects asapplication development or functionality-driven projects
- not
- app dev, or
- functionality driven
The One Practice That Is Separating The AI Successes FromThe Failures
- AI projects success failure
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
The One Practice That Is Separating The AI Successes From The Failures
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
One of the biggest insights from these AI successes is that they don’t see AI projects as application development or functionality-driven projects. Rather, they see them as data projects, or sometimes even data products. A data project doesn’t start with an idea of what the functionality needs to be, but rather focuses on what insights or actions need to be gleaned from the data in whatever current shape it’s in.
!- summary : - data project/product - not about what the functionality needs to be - focus on what insights needs to be gleaned from the data
!- meme : data is people in disguise - need to glean the insight that Jared Lanier put forward - that information IS people in disguise - and conclude everything must change
socialroots.io socialroots.io
Commons-oriented groups and networks address these social and ecological strains by coming together to change the dynamics of very complex systemic problems.
- commons-oriented groups and networks
Unfolding our founding principles
socialroots.io socialroots.io
Unfolding our principles
to create something different, we have to work differently. We are dedicated to supporting you and your teams as the world transforms the ways we work together.
- create something different
- work different
- transform the way we work
aim to to make cross-group coordination faster and more effective in support of changemaking teams cooperating towards a world they want.
cooperating towards a world they want
twitter.com twitter.com
TrailHub@TrailHub1·Jul 16, 2021Asked the question: What "field" is my research in? It has been called "Augmentation Research" Chapter 9 of @hrheingold's classic "Tools for Thought" https://hyp.is/5sOELOZxEeu7LIcMqK1LBQ/www.rheingold.com/texts/tft/09.html… "The Loneliness of a Long-Distance Thinker" is about Doug Engelbart & the Augmentation Research Center
www.mapwhisperers.com www.mapwhisperers.com
anagora.org anagora.org
Tools for Thinking Conference New York
socialroots.io socialroots.io
Jump to
like the way outline of content can be revealed
team health
hold on to our humanity despite all the forces opposing it
standard playbook for developing high-performing teams doesn't work
!- response : Our best practices are for the Worst
Ever since the ethos of the "Worse is Better" rose 30 odd years ago
Want a High Performing Team? F&*k Productivity, Focus on Team Health
productivity wrong focus
!- comment : - like mindfullness designed to make microserves more productive
- reading list : IndyWeb
Autonomy is about having the trust and authority to make important decisions about how we fulfill our responsibilities and accomplish our goals.
- having
- trust
- authority
- having
nooron.com nooron.com
inspiring perspectives could go viral -- rather than confining perspectives trap us in filter bubbles?
inspiring perpectives go viral
write our own filters and share them with others
share filters
join the simple facts with our impressions, opinions and evidenc
join facts with impressions opinions
capture what we observe in facts and in thought co-elaborate and make better decisions choices
make my own choices about which of my data to share with whom or to make public
choose what to share, with whom in my own terms!
work directly with ideas not just bare words, numbers and pictures?
- idea : morphic ideas
communicate our thoughts and link them up with the thinking of others, preserving all the connections, evidence and history?
!- value prop : IndyWeb - communicate our thought - link them up - with thinking with others - preserving all the - connections - evidence - history
!- respond : do all that as Autonomous Actor in an emergent self-organizing emergent Open Commons based peer produced networks of networks of People Ideas Intents and Software as a conversation
What we lack is a tool for people to manage data, concepts, opinions and software in a way that supports all the kinds of thinking, showing, working, trading and sharing we need to do.
- gem : people to manage data, concepts and software together
hard work to bring it all together
- reply : stop the scattering in the first place
!- value prop : IndyNet - stop the scattering - be your own(ed) hub - in your own(ed) network - eventually connecting everything L People, Ideas and Things
POSSE is a good start
Be your own Hub syndicate elsewhere
We are drowning in our own productivity.
- neat : drowning in our own productivity
scalable collective human cognition
smurp.com smurp.com
Hi! I'm Shawn Murphy, a Canadian software architect living in Berlin.
noosphere.org noosphere.orgProjects1
noosphere.org noosphere.org
Creating a distributed, globally-scalable, knowledge-based, collaboration platform augmented with criteria and evaluations as the basis for a self-organizing system capable of fostering the evolution of ideas
!- objectives : Nooshperic Software Foundation - creating an augmented self-organizing collaboration platform fostering evolution of ideas supporting Open Global Collective Intelligence
!- collaboration platform : - distributed - globally-scalable - knowledge-based
!- augmented with : - criteria - evaluation
!- basis for : - self-organizing system - fostering evolution of ideas
!- supporting : - Open - Global - Intelligence
Developing software tools incorporating elaboration, evaluation, and evolution at the core of their design and operation,
!- objectives : Nooshperic Software Foundation - software tools - elaboration - evalutation - evolution - design - operation
HuViz: Scriptable, Interactive Linked Open Data Explorer
bafybeifzs6huci5t5rq4c43asztogwa3yhhbvckcxjaw4pmtulcmze2may.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeifzs6huci5t5rq4c43asztogwa3yhhbvckcxjaw4pmtulcmze2may.ipfs.dweb.link
!- reading list : IndyWeb
A Collaborative Linked Learning Space
www.datacentricmanifesto.org www.datacentricmanifesto.org
Data is expressed in open, non-proprietary formats
open non-proprietary format
The Data-Centric Manifesto the
!- manifesto : IndyWeb
perkeep.org perkeep.orgPerkeep1
No SPOF: don't rely on any single party (including yourself) Your data should be alive in 80 years, especially if you are
- values : Perkeep
datacentricmanifesto.org datacentricmanifesto.org
Data is self-describing and does not rely on an application for interpretation and meaning.
The most important principle
That makes data exchangeable and decouple dependence on applications doing their magic to lock you in
twitter.com twitter.com
Ivo Velitchkov@kvistgaardReplying to @jessmartin @TfTHacker and @BearNotesAppYes, that's what I meant. If you open an MD with several tools and you write in one of them, all others should show the change with small or no delay. That's the app-content decoupling I meant for this classification. Half-way to data-centricity http://datacentricmanifesto.org
www.wikidata.org www.wikidata.org
It refers to an instance of a clearly identifiable conceptual or material entity. The entity must be notable, in the sense that it can be described using serious and publicly available references.
this is a deal breaker if you are working at the edge of knowl'edge
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
!- reading list : IndyNet, IndyWeb !- claim : Decent(ralization) is not enough, need InterPersonal Networkes connecting individuals as autnomous actors with each other, entities and ideas
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
!- reading list : IndyWeb
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
!- reading list : IndyWeb
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
!- reading list : IndyWeb
The state of the web
scalingsynthesis.com scalingsynthesis.com
- for - reading list : IndyWeb
docs.quine.io docs.quine.io
!- reading list : IndyWeb
mechanism, known as the Actor Model
!- known as : Actor Model - annote : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model#annotations:Zfs23BzBEe2Qmdcj5aIV1A
An Actor is a lightweight computational unit
!- gloss : actor - light weight computational unit - similar to thread - resource efficient - supervise actors in a managed hierarchy - contain failure
www.lri.fr www.lri.fr
!- reading list : IndyWeb
eliminatinginformation of low interest, providing navigation clues and recommending interesting paths of exploration. Asdifferent users have different goals and interests, AH systems adapt their assistance based on user modelswhich capture information about the users
!- provide what : Adaptive Hypermedia System - navigation clues - accomplish : Adaptive Hypermedia system - eliminate information of low interest - recommend interesting paths to explore - based on user models which capture information about the user
!- super power : IndyWeb - delivers the capabilities to adapt the hypermedia system to the needs to the one that uses it - All information about the one who is using the system is available off line
Liberman’s implied argument isthat adaptive interfaces could be a solution to the problem of information overload that Web users face today
!- concept : adaptive interfaces - antidote to information overload on the Web
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Actor model
!- private notes : * - propose : IndyWeb Intents are like actors
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
I'm paging you now because I'm helping organize a series of events around Tools for Thinking, starting with this event on Tuesday: https://lnkd.in/gmJ46wZK
tools for thinking event
newsletter.banklesshq.com newsletter.banklesshq.com
As I write this, a 29-year-old developer of the Tornado Cash protocol has also apparently been arrested in Amsterdam. Jeez.
Github has removed Tornado Cash’s source code and banned source contributors (hence the need for decentralized alternatives like Radicle).
While Radicle was initially built using the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), the team later decided that the IPFS did not satisfy the performance requirements required by the project.
IPFS did not satisfy the performance required
Radicle (RAD): An Open-Source Github Alternative
w3c.github.io w3c.github.io
Web Share API W3C Editor's Draft 12 July 2022
chromestatus.com chromestatus.com
teachmeteacherpodcast.com teachmeteacherpodcast.com
!- podcast : Eric Weinstein on Edugenic Harm and Neurodiversity
Eric Weinstein on Edugenic Harm and Neurodiversity
!- concept : Edugenic Harm
!- concept : Neuoidiversity
neurosciencenews.com neurosciencenews.com
That’s why a scientist looking at my brain and seeing this pattern should ask me what I feel, because the pattern is not the feeling itself, just a representation of it.”
!- claim : not represent, but re-present, nay present
- the pattern is not the feeling itself, just a presentation of it
twitter.com twitter.com
Ronen Tamari@rtk2541/Excited to share some new work on collective sensemaking! We’ll present it in the Blue Sky Ideas track (~open, exciting areas for R&D) of the upcoming @ACMHT This is a collective effort of @daostack, Veeo, @InferenceActive @CSenseMakers @HyadataLab https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.06345
twitter.com twitter.com
7/Stigmergy refers to the phenomena of indirect coordination mediated by modifications of the environment, eg ant pheromone trails. The crazy part is that the env acts as a kind of distributed memory system for a collective organism: https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1389041715000327
16/ interoperable protocols/storage for stigmergic primitives can enable bootstrapping existing PKP growth for *collective* sensemaking/knowledge.
Decentralized OrganizationShape a new structure, which is collaborative, autonomous and transparent.
“It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how Nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about Nature.” Well it turns out that if we pay attention to this subtle difference, some of the most mysterious aspects of nature make a lot more sense. What is physics really trying to do? Is it to find the mathematical laws that govern the universe?
not to find out
founders of quantum theory were convinced that the role of physics was one step further removed still. Neils Bohr insisted that what we actually model is the results of observation, not the world itself.
step further removed
model the results of observation
link.springer.com link.springer.com
The greatest minds, as they are capable of the highest excellences, are open likewise to the greatest aberrations. —René Descartes, 1637, A Discourse on Method
minds open
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Cognitive Limits to Natural Knowledge Creation
cognitive limits of knowledge creation
Local file Local file
It assumes the centrality of knowledge forthe rise of Western modernity; and it illustrates that with regard to their knowl-edge foundations, such a rise was not a natural process but an unnatural one,critically relying on path-dependent factors that might not repeat elsewhere.Because it enabled the West to transcend the inherent limits of the humanmind, I call this process the “great knowledge transcendence.”
centrality of knowledge for the rise of Western modernity
rise was not a natural process
but an unnatural one
West transcend the inherent limits of the human mind
ring the heyday of “the Whig interpretation of history,” history wasregarded as a natural and inevitable march toward modernity, including con-stitutionalism, freedom, science, technology, and capitalism.
Whig interpretation of history
inevitable march toward modernity
indylab-2022.fission.app indylab-2022.fission.app
observed in fact or in thought
observed in fact or in thought