22,718 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2022
  2. bafybeidck7n6uoeopss2xbjlbqe7mz7kmzk6qvbvwjnq36s7jr2rnhmmbu.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeidck7n6uoeopss2xbjlbqe7mz7kmzk6qvbvwjnq36s7jr2rnhmmbu.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. Ontology is the semantic interoperability

      semantic interoperability

      4 IndyWeb

      problem ill posed

      situated personal first

      need explicit ways to indicate intents

      both in terms of the purpose scope aspect selevancer sailence of the content and/or intended processing of the content in a form that allow us to ope-rationalize the pun: =

      a description designed to name a given intent can be interpreted to accomplish the task designated by that 'naming scheme'

      • meta :

      This is an experiment to 'writing on the margins'

      Up till now I added annotation to web resources with the intent of surfacing them in the right context when I write on a designated subject.

      Here I try, not only to designate an intended context by writing '4 IndyWeb' with the intent to be interpreted as these annotations are imported into my personal knowledge graph to be surfaced whenever in the future I'll be writing in a context that is in the neighbourhood of the topic IndyWeb

    2. nformation heterogeneity andnon semantic nature of HTML

      information heterogeneity


      4 IndyWeb

      make HTML



      with TrailMarks

    3. niversal medium for informationexchang

      universal medium of information exchange

    1. ClaiMapper, which allows the user to sketch argument maps of individual papers and their connections, ClaiMaker, a server on which such models can  be stored and saved, which provides interpretative services to assist the querying of argument maps across multiple papers, and ClaimFinder a novice interface to the search services in ClaiMaker


  3. beamapp.co beamapp.co
    1. Meet the bright webBrowse.  Capture.  Write.  Publish.

      the bright web



    1. Startup jobs & startup talent you can't find anywhere elseJoin the world's #1 startup community specialized in remote & local technical talent and opportunities



    1. Imagine, Design, and Engage in the Perfect Customer Conversationfull stack cloud communications service - build messaging, voice and video into mobile and Web apps.

    1. Beam raises $9.5 million to build a web browser that collects ideas

    1. exploring and thinking are one and the same.

      endless frontier

      mark the trails you blaze across the web with @TrailMarks

    1. versioning-first database you can fork, clone, branch, merge, just like Git


    2. A toolkit for building collaborative applications

    1. Symfony Local Web Server ... reloaded - Speaker Deck

      speaker deck search


    1. From individuals to institutions, we educate, train, and support research communities and their affiliates toward greater adoption of open and reproducible practices.

    2. Show your work, share your work, advance science. That's open science.

      show share work advance

    3. About the Center for Open Science



    1. If reason is properly idea, and idea is the unity of concept and actuality, thisunity appears realized in different degrees.

      reason idea unity of concept and actuality

    2. calls philosophy a science of freedom because it does not rely on given contentsbut organizes them freely by giving necessary shape to their configuration

      I did not recall reading it but that's exactly what I like about it

    3. a futile understanding of reason as a formal,instrumental, or simply logical reasoning, they diverge on how to interpret rea-son’s restlessness, teleology and life.

      futile understanding of reason

    1. mention that works across website 4 IndyWeb

      all pages shared with IndyWeb have permanent verifyable provenance encoded in the id of the page and can be resolved permenent;y as they reference permanent webnative constellations which in turn can send request to the originator for updates

      articulate all as

      Web3Nativem intents

    2. growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web.

      interactions across the decentralized social web

      al that is can be radically si,[lified if we have

      interpersonal webnative constellations for all that

      4 IndyWeb

    3. Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web

      4 IndyWeb

      4 IndyLab

      mentions and conversations on the web

    1. webmention endpoint discovery

      4 webmention

      endpoint discovery

    2. webmentiond - Go daemon with UI for moderation

      go webmention ui for moderation

    3. Handling receiving webmentions

      4 IndyLab

      4 IndyWeb

      4 IndyWebMention

      WebNative Intents

    4. glennjones/webmentions - Node.js a helper library for endpoint discovery, pulling validating webmentions and sending webmention requests

      webmention node.js

      4 IndyWebMention client

    5. Webmention-developer

      4 IndyWeb

      4 IndyWebMention

    1. You should post replies on your own site so you can own your replies, regardless of what happens to the page or site you were commenting about.

      reply on own site

    1. semantic engine becomes possible

      and it ceased to be a semantic angine it will be an angine for symmathesy


      ideas as in ...

    1. BLUE The article can be archived  post-print (i.e., final draft post-refereeing) or as publisher's version/PDF.

      ditto The IndyWeb sharing model generates all the information needd to make Impact visible all the way and affords personal connections conversation opportunities when using with IndyLab

    2. GREEN The article can be archived pre-print and post-print or as publisher's version/PDF.

      It will also be Ever Green

      You access online enay version shared by any one in an emergent social netework or referenced anywhere it will have a way of accessing its past and future upt to the persent moemnt

    3. GOLD The article is made open access immediately by the publisher, free of charge.

      Be your own Gold OA publisher with IndyWeb

    1. Robert M. Pirsig, the philosopher and author of two books, including the bestseller Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values, died at his home in South Berwick, Me., on April 24. He was 88.

    1. Robert M. Pirsig on the Book He Wrote (And the One He Didn’t) “Gradually, I began to discover that I was on to more than I had thought.”

    1. IT at the service of meaning Software technologies for the instrumentation of intellectual work
      • for : HyperTopic

    1. all pods connect to the same Diaspora network

      same diaspora network

    2. One of the greatest freedoms Diaspora offers you is the freedom to choose where your personal data is stored, by choosing a pod

      4 IndyWeb

      All your data is persisted in a browser syncrhonzied across all of your devices

      You can choose from a plethora of additional storage providers interchangeably

    3. Choosing a pod

    1. www.egi.euwww.egi.eu1Open Science Commonsfor the ERATiziana FerrariEGI.eu Technical DirectorOpen Science Commons for the ERA,

  4. bafkreifvk3c35bd3wdtgt2rleoxmvdxlpmusrpje4csxnmidgcyogijyau.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreifvk3c35bd3wdtgt2rleoxmvdxlpmusrpje4csxnmidgcyogijyau.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. we can hardly find signs of Bolshevik agitation in his poems

      no agitation thinking understnding

    2. Let us assert that every-thing we express is form. Form is the activity which takes place perceptually, the activity which is observable. Content is the meaning communicated to the mind through perception, by form which is necessary for perception.
    1. Alan Kay  -  |    University of California, Los Angeles, Computer Science, Department MemberUniversity of California, Los Angeles, Computer Science, Department Member  |  Computer Science75 Followers  |  1 Following  |  3,005Total Views

      Alan Kay on academia.edu

    1. Computer SoftwareAlan Kay1984, Scientific American
      • by : Alan Kay
    1. Creating relevant decks is hard. Sharing them shouldn’t be.
      • creating decks hard
      • sharing shouldn't
    2. Collections Organize your decks for easier navigation inside your account.

      organize decks into collections

    3. Add slide notes A picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes you need to add additional context to your presentations. Add custom text to each slide to give viewers more insights and clarity.

      add slide notes

    4. Add privacy to your decks Sleep well knowing your decks are in the right hands. Add a password or send private links to clients.
      • addd privacy
    1. The Decentralized Publishing Platform.
      • for : IndyWeb
    1. widest possible audience and concomitant increased citation rates.

      how about open access that opens the possibility of conversations, collaboration ever green permanence,

      ability to develve into the history of past collabofations, not just version and also the future right up to the present moment?

    1. Joshua M. PearceThompson Chair in Information Technology & Innovation, Professor Western UniversityVerified email at uwo.ca - Homepage

    1. Locking down the healthy hard was a mistake…

      locking down hard was a mistake

      what it show is that by Boris Johnson breaking the rules was that hey were absurd in the first place

      and that we should never have gone into lock down

      and that it was the biggest mistake I think that the government has made

      as we now have a

      • mental health cirsis
      • now we have children who have to catch up on their lost learning
      • and we have NHS backlogs of 6 million people
      • and we have cancer patients who can't get seen who died during the lockdown

      • no one talks about the colletaral damage

    2. locking down hard mistake

  5. Apr 2022
    1. Kant who speaks of reasonas an organism, of its system as an edifice to build and at once as a living beingthat develops out of itself, with regard to the concept of a teleology of reason,

      reason living organism develop from out of itself

    2. the law that reflection discovers in nature. He believes thatthis holds for all modern philosophies of reflection, including Kant, who mightwant to retort that law is actually the product of a law-giving reason which gen-erates contents by operating on its own forms. This is what it means for it to positlaws of nature, which are not the inverted world, but its inner form

      law inner form

    3. Kant does not think of the objective content aspre-existing, given before and independently of the conceptual form.

      mutual arising

    4. forma dat esse rei canhardly be reduced to an empty form, an inert vessel to be filled by the given sen-sible content.

      forma dat esse rei

    5. Thinking in Kant re-ceives the material and limits itself to shaping it, and thus cannot go beyond it-self

      thinking go beyond itself

    6. Geist, the formative principle of the world in which it is beginning to feel at home(once, that is, the opposition is sublated), reason is “the truth of the opposition”(ibidem). “Truth” means that we finally get the authentic relation: no longer theexternal one between a given content and a form imposed on it from without,but the universal that particularizes itself and produces its own content.

      universal particularizes itself

    7. “actual” is themovement of adequation between concept and finite existence

      movement of adequation

    8. Hegel’s move beyond Kant
    9. novelty of Hegel’s reason in comparison to Kant’s.

      novelty Hegels reason compare Kant

    10. imit itself to respecting the untouchable core of experience.

      uncouchable core of experience

    11. ritical reasontakes its bearings by a preliminary separation of form and content

      separation of form and content

    12. between abstract understanding and reason as unity of opposites

      reason as TAO

    13. Hegel appropriates the transformation of metaphysics into logic that Kanthas inaugurated with the Transcendental Analytic

      appropriation of metaphysics into logic

    14. there cannotbe any hesitations that it is on its ground that we build the new philosophy

      gtround for new philosophy

    15. their ultimate conclusions

      totheir conclusions

    16. t would therefore be quite unfair to blame Hegel for misconstruing Kant’sphilosophy, when all Hegel does is carry some statements made by Kant

      carry statment made by Kant

    17. Kant himself who all too often frames questions concerning reason in terms ofunderstanding,

      that was my impression too

    18. This widespread form of interpretation has failed to do jus-tice to Kant’s philosophy primarily because it is infected with several uncriticaland unjustified reductionist assumptions.

      infedted with reductionist assumptions =

    19. it portrays reason all toooften in the terms of the understanding: adopting a method from without, func-tioning as a tool for ends it has not determined, being subjected to criteria oftruth and effectiveness it finds as ready-made.

      kant portrays reason

      in the terms of the undersanding

    20. Hegel inherits Kant’s tension in the duplicityof thought qua spontaneous force that at first moves unconsciously and qua ab-solute self-consciousness. Thought is for Hegel reason’s force and life, a logicalinstinct driven by the desire to be-at-home in the world, and at once the knowl-edge of its self-realization in the world.

      that makes it personal

    21. Both denounce defective understandings of reason

      defective understanding of reason

    22. Kant speaks of vernünf-teln, Hegel of räsonnieren to denote an insubstantial and futile use of reasonwhich, more absorbed by its own distinctions than by the necessity to followthe thing at hand over which it ineffectually “hovers”, adopts a formal, technicalor instrumental argumentation. What is thereby lost in Kant is reason’s relationto its ends, in Hegel reason’s relation to reality. In both, the defective use of rea-son construes it as one of its several functions as it reduces reason to the under-standing, so that what is thereby lost is the inner articulation of reason in its dif-ferent modes of activity

      that's it

    23. Hegel, who pushes this new thought to its extreme consequences, speaks of rea-son’s impulse to realize itself in the world. In both Kant and Hegel the separationbetween eros and logos cannot hold any more;

      reason impulse to realize itself

    1. We will argue that a French-Hegelian reading of the Phenomenology of Spirit actually misinterprets the meaning of "teleological" time and "the end of history" in Hegel's text, and that it does so for expressly political purposes. We will argue that Levinas' French-Hegelian misinterpretation affects both his portrayal of Hegel's phenomenology and his own ethical phenomenology. Locating Levinas' Hegel in a French-Hegelian tradition is important for understanding his phenomenology because Levinas negatively situates his own ethical account of intersubjectivity against what he takes Hegel's phenomenology of intersubjectivity to consist in. As a consequence, Levinas goes to great lengths in Otherwise than Being to describe time as "diachronous" in direct contradistinction to what we will argue is a French-Hegelian misreading of "teleological" time in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit .

      hegel intersubjectivity teleologym of time

    1. According to a widely shared view, a radical change took place in the role of intersubjectivity in Hegel's philosophy somewhere between Jena and Berlin. For instance, Jürgen Habermas's judgement is that whereas in the Jena writings – in the Jena Realphilosophien, and perhaps still in the 1807 Phenomenology of Spirit – Hegel conceived of intersubjectivity as an essential element in the constitution of subjectivity and of objectivity, in Berlin Hegel's intersubjectivist conception was replaced by a metaphysics of the absolute I or absolute self-consciousness, in which intersubjectivity no longer plays any important constitutive role. Perhaps it is due to something like this view having been mostly taken for granted even among Hegel-specialists that scholarly literature on intersubjectivity in Hegel's late Encyclopaedic system is indeed very scarce. Robert R. Williams' Hegel's Ethics of Recognition argues convincingly that the theme of intersubjective recognition can be seen as a central thread running through the whole of Hegel's Encyclopaedic philosophy of objective spirit. But very little has so far been written on the theme of intersubjectivity or intersubjective recognition in Hegel's Encyclopaedic philosophy of subjective spirit. My thesis in what follows is that intersubjectivity or intersubjective mediation in recognition can and should in fact be seen as an essential constituent also of subjective spirit as Hegel conceptualises it in the 1830 Encyclopaedia.

      hegel intersubjectivity

    1. To be realized, the only thing you need to realize that you are


    2. Alan Watts ~ Having Spiritual GreedDownload SubtitlesEnglish (auto-generated)


    1. Webmention is a simple way to notify any URL when you mention it on your site. From the receiver's perspective, it's a way to request notifications when other sites mention it.

      4 IndyWeb notyify URL when u mention it

    2. Webmention W3C Recommendation 12 January 2017

      4 IndyWeb

    1. The Intelligence Dynamics Lab (indylab) studies the dynamics of intelligent systems through the lens of theory and applications of control learning — reinforcement learning, algorithmic game theory, information theory, and robotics. Our current research focuses on structure, exploration, and optimization in deep control learning of virtual and physical agents. We are located in the Department of Computer Science in the Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine.


    1. Intellect Augmentation ResearchInstitution: Independent Researcher

      4 software as a conversation


    1. It’s now possible to post to Twitter from your pod 
      • how to : post to twitter prof your post
      • how to : create an app on twitter
    2. Twitter

      integrating with twitter

    1. is one step above a silo (same software running on servers run by the same people or organization).

      one step above a silo

    2. BuddyCloud "is an open source, distributed social network"


    3. No one particular project should be considered a "distributed social network"
      • contrast : distributed social network - with :

      interpersonal social network

      • to : own network

      own your own social network

      • instance of - value prop - make writing social

      articulation on the margin

      make annotation an integral part of the writing process

    1. Writing – it helps to overcome a stressful situation and put everything on a sheet of paper;

      writing helps to put what's on you mind on a sheet of paper - for : indywiki, wikinizer

    2. If you don’t have time to rest, your body will work in constant stress.

      no rest constant stress

    1. Trust This: Web3 Will Deliver on the True Promise of CrowdfundingWeb2's Missed Opportunities are About to Be Remedied By Spencer Graham April 28, 2022 Op-ed <img width="1024" height="1024" src="https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/webpc-passthru.php?src=https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/FP_0UQpaAAAwplD-1-1024x1024.jpg&nocache=1" class="attachment-large size-large" alt="FP 0UQpaAAAwplD 1" srcset="https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/webpc-passthru.php?src=https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/FP_0UQpaAAAwplD-1-1024x1024.jpg&nocache=1 1024w, https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/webpc-passthru.php?src=https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/FP_0UQpaAAAwplD-1-300x300.jpg&nocache=1 300w, https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/webpc-passthru.php?src=https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/FP_0UQpaAAAwplD-1-150x150.jpg&nocache=1 150w, https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/webpc-passthru.php?src=https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/FP_0UQpaAAAwplD-1-768x768.jpg&nocache=1 768w, https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/webpc-passthru.php?src=https://thedefiant.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/FP_0UQpaAAAwplD-1.jpg&nocache=1 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" />Web3 promises to advance crowdfunding far beyond what Web2 is capable of. To fulfill this promise, we must fully embrace the trust-minimization ethos of Web3 as well as its technology.

    1. Will DAOs and Web 3 change the world for the better? 🌏 Will creating mechanisms for coordination that remove the need for trust empower people to create and build projects that improve our lives? 🤔


    1. AKASHA Foundation A non-profit born at the intersection of blockchain and collective intelligence. IT Services and IT Consulting Zug

    1. AKASHA Conversations #3 ― Insights from moderating a 60k-member online communityDownload SubtitlesEnglish (auto-generated)

    1. Why bother?” we answer, “Why not?!”

      disappointing anser, but at leasst it is brief.

      If you have to be told, you may not get IT anyhow.

    2. search for solutions that can transform the Web into an ecosystem in service of humanity.

      share your vision and well on path to finding one possible solution

    1. ping us your details prospectively

      will do

      i was put off before by the talk about blockchain

      mostly people are unaware of the crytptocosm, and that blockchaing is just a small, not even the best, part of what that is

    2. collective minds When individuals demonstrate thought processes and behaviours that are only manifest in social situations, and the emergence... Read more

      playing nicely with hypothesis annotation WOW hover indeed, just the way it should be

      of course you need to try to annotate IT to discover that is is there

      I for one more keen on

      augmeting inter intellect

      but very much alligend we are.

    3. cryptonetworks

      yes not just blockchain!

    1. ⪙ ⪚ ⪛ ⪜ ⪝ ⪞ ⪟ ⪠ ⪡ ⪢ ⪣ ⪤ ⪥ ⪦ ⪧ ⪨ ⪩ ⪪ ⪫ ⪬ ⪭ ⪮ ⪯ ⪰ ⪱ ⪲ ⪳ ⪴ ⪵ ⪶ ⪷ ⪸ ⪹ ⪺ ⪻ ⪼ ⪽ ⪾ ⪿ ⫀ ⫁ ⫂ ⫃ ⫄ ⫅ ⫆ ⫇ ⫈ ⫉ ⫊ ⫋ ⫌ ⫍ ⫎ ⫏ ⫐ ⫑ ⫒ ⫓ ⫔ ⫕ ⫖ ⫗ ⫘ ⫙ ⫚ ⫛ ⫝̸ ⫝ ⫞ ⫟ ⫠ ⫡ ⫢ ⫣ ⫤ ⫥ ⫦ ⫧ ⫨ ⫩ ⫪ ⫫ ⫬ ⫭ ⫮ ⫯ ⫰ ⫱ ⫲ ⫳ ⫴ ⫵ ⫶ ⫷ ⫸ ⫹ ⫺ ⫻ ⫼ ⫽ ⫾ ⫿


    2. Supplemental Mathematical Operators unicode subset Here is the list of 256 utf-8 characters in Supplemental Mathematical Operators subsets.


    1. ⨁ ⨂ ⨃ ⨄ ⨅ ⨆ ⨇ ⨈ ⨉ ⨊ ⨋ ⨌ ⨍ ⨎ ⨏ ⨐ ⨑ ⨒ ⨓ ⨔ ⨕ ⨖ ⨗ ⨘ ⨙ ⨚ ⨛ ⨜ ⨝ ⨞ ⨟ ⨠ ⨡ ⨢ ⨣ ⨤ ⨥ ⨦ ⨧ ⨨ ⨩ ⨪ ⨫ ⨬ ⨭ ⨮ ⨯ ⨰ ⨱ ⨲ ⨳ ⨴ ⨵ ⨶ ⨷ ⨸ ⨹ ⨺ ⨻ ⨼ ⨽ ⨾ ⨿ ⩀ ⩁ ⩂ ⩃ ⩄ ⩅ ⩆ ⩇ ⩈ ⩉ ⩊ ⩋ ⩌ ⩍ ⩎ ⩏ ⩐ ⩑ ⩒ ⩓ ⩔ ⩕ ⩖ ⩗ ⩘ ⩙ ⩚ ⩛ ⩜ ⩝ ⩞ ⩟ ⩠ ⩡ ⩢ ⩣ ⩤ ⩥ ⩦ ⩧ ⩨ ⩩ ⩪ ⩫ ⩬ ⩭ ⩮ ⩯ ⩰ ⩱ ⩲ ⩳ ⩴ ⩵ ⩶ ⩷ ⩸ ⩹ ⩺ ⩻ ⩼ ⩽ ⩾ ⩿ ⪀ ⪁ ⪂ ⪃ ⪄ ⪅ ⪆ ⪇ ⪈ ⪉ ⪊ ⪋ ⪌ ⪍ ⪎ ⪏ ⪐ ⪑ ⪒ ⪓ ⪔ ⪕ ⪖ ⪗


    2. Supplemental Mathematical Operators unicode subset Here is the list of 256 utf-8 characters in Supplemental Mathematical Operators subsets.
    1. Bruno Winck@brunowinckMy plan to deliver lessons directly from @kneaver is promising but it will not happen this week. I start the course with @ness_labs and I resume this work.

    1. Storytelling and Visualization: An Extended SurveyMarch 2018Information (Switzerland) 9(3):65 Follow journalDOI: 10.3390/info9030065LicenseCC BY 4.0Chao TongRichard RobertsRita BorgoShow all 11 authorsXiaojuan Ma

    1. is a trendy new term for techniques and applications designed to manage information.

      New Term?

      knowledge-management-online.com was registered in 1985 and had a lot to say about PKM all these years

      had PK

  6. bafybeihggpwb5dqsevmygdlp4y6t3nvdr72ikhrjycectrry75zasyxppq.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeihggpwb5dqsevmygdlp4y6t3nvdr72ikhrjycectrry75zasyxppq.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. "BeyondOntologies" in the spirit of Codex. [56]

      CODEX's vision and undestanding the deep epistemological societal reasons why we need to go beyond ontologies was and is still the best articulation of the beauty of my dreams

      bootstrapping the "simplest possible personal augmentation engine that could possibly work"

      improve our ability to improve the

      ijntellectual effectiveness of the IndyViDual Huan InterBeing for Commons Based, Peer Produced Human inter intellect

    2. WikiNizeris aiming to take this line of thinking to its conceptual conclusion by bootstrapping the "simplestpossible personal augmentation engine that could possibly work". WikiNizer aims to take us "BeyondOntologies" in the spirit of Codex. [56]

      WikiNizer bootstrapping the "simplest possible personal augmentation engine that could possibly work.

      Following Engelbart, Ted Nelson and Ward Cunningham's attempts at creating a new way of writing and there by improving the intellectual effectiveness of the indyvidual human being

    3. Semantic Information

      Semantic is just a deeply limiting conception

      More important is Symmathesy (mutual learning) and articulating your tacit subsidiary awareness by capturing the insistent intent * purppose * aspect * relevance * significance

      connections as we write right on the page where we are writing to think and link

      ex(plicate!ternalize) your indyvidual intellect share and collaborate to form externalization of commons based peer produced inter intellect

      Add in line plain text mark in notation we call TrailMarks the mark the trails in your thinking with contextualizing clues, listicles of content and other clues. (add in line clues using TrailMarks mark

    4. “great chain ofbootsrappable meaning”

      all coherence gone with the inevitable breakdown of the "Great Chaing of Being"

      just because hierarchies cannot capture the intertwingularity/unity of all as they rule out cycles, feedback/strange loops

      We are strange loops within the One Strange Loop there IS


      codex beyond ondologies survey wikinizer

    1. Matthew Hodgson is Co-Founder of Matrix.org. Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralized communication with more than 40 M users.


    2. Goodbye Facebook, Hello Decentralized Social Media? Can Peer-to-Peer Lead to Less Toxic Online Platforms?

    1. swopr swopr is a really tiny proxy server which utilizes a service worker. A service worker sits between web applications and the network (when available).

    1. A Quiet, Underrated Revolution

      underrated indeed

    2. So how can you run a proxy server in your browser without any back end whatsoever?

      service worker

    3. How To Run a Proxy Server Inside Your Browser


    1. Community principle: Weaving from the inside outHealthy communities need a center of gravity with dense and trusted relationships. Otherwise they are hollow and unsustainable.


    1. We have developed a Web-based application calledCodex as proof-of-concept platform for capturing andsharing situated knowledge representations

      CODEX introduced

    2. Beyond ontologies CODEX survey wikinizer

    1. Always-on Time-series Database: Keeping Up Where There's No Way to Catch Up A discussion with Theo Schlossnagle, Justin Sheehy, and Chris McCubbin

      that will happen

    1. Uncle Duke@UncleDuke1969gonna be sporting and give tim a five minute head start

    1. "What if we had interoperability between community currencies."

      how about itercommnity discovery and interpersonal connectivity and conversationability

    1. OneEarth Topics Ontology Red are top level, blue are subtopics Left-click: rotate, Mouse-wheel/middle-click: zoom, Right-click: pan
    1. Si PlatformWelcome to the infrastructure platform that powers our global community of hubs

      Systems Innovation

      Si Platform Si Hub

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    1. Si HubGuideVersion 2.0

      about Si Hub =

    2. Hub DevelopmentWe assess hubs based upon theirdevelopment along thesedimensions and categories themaccordingly

      Hub Development

      Hub Software Tools

    3. Ecosystem HubAlong with the usual activities of a hub, these hubs are platforms that support a wide ecosystemof individuals and organizations for doing systems change in their location. They run multipleparallel themes and activities supporting and connecting multiple different communities. They runprojects, run labs, and build collaborations that connect and align large groups of individuals andorganizations within a given domain towards changing the systems they form part of in a tangibleway. They require a substantial investment of time and energy, resources to maintain

      ecosystem hub

    4. Creator HubThese hubs are social enterprises forming the core of the network. They provide services andlead projects. As well as developing a community and running regular events creator hubshave a business model and well-defined set of paid services they can provide. These hubs aremore closely aligned and integrated with the platform and follow network best practices

      creator hub

    5. Community HubThese hubs are communities of practice working to build a local community and hostregular events. They have a core team, host a full set of activity and are activelyinvolved in building their community

      community hub

    6. Connector HubA connector hub is the most basic form of hub. This is where all hubs start out. Thistype of hub represents the community in a given location and hosts infrequentevents connecting people through meetups or discussions

      Connector Hubs

    7. NetworkingCommunities are social networks, thus indeveloping one we need to think of how we arebuilding the network of connections. This can beabout taking the time to connect with peopleone-to-one or it may be events where we areconnecting people many-to-many

      communities are social networks

    8. Platform ModelSi is organized as a platform organization.This means there is an underlyingorganization that supports and developsthe networks. The platform provides a setof services to help setup, maintain anddevelop the hubs over the lifecycle.

      platform model

    9. Learning + ApplyingSi Hubs are not just for learning and networking, but also for collaboration and doing.

      learning ntworking collaboration doing

    1. became a tyrant in his stead.

      tyrant in his stead

    2. satanic” phase, when each in turn strives to become the sole and uncontrolled lord ofeverything

      satanic lod of everything

    3. sees these struggles as being a consequence of the spiritualevils that beset humanity in his age

      spiritual evils

    4. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, againstpowers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickednessin high places
    5. model of mythopoesis


    6. recorders of true historical fact, or of truevision

      recorders fact true vision

    7. consciously constructed in the mind of a single human individual

      not mind single individual

    8. grand unified story.

      grand unified story

    9. re-forming of the world of the narrative

      re-forming world narrative

    10. epic as a formof grand narrative, where the events narrated have relevance on a cosmic scale

      epic grand narrative cosmic scale

    11. synecdoche


    12. domestic drama

      domestic drama

      home epic

    13. In its most “unredeemed” form, the epic is the epitome of everything Blake hates inthe classical tradition

      epic epitome hate

    14. recover the original, true meaning ofsymbols and ideas (in his words, “visions”), which, in accordance with his scheme ofhistory, had been buried and forgotten, or perverted to other ends

      recover the true meaning of visions =

    15. the ideaof a retributive Godhead

      retributive godhead

    16. Shakespeare & Milton were both curbed by thegeneral malady & infection from the silly Greek & Latin slaves of the Sword”
    17. viewed themselves as heirs of Imperial Rome,

      imperial Rome


    1. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    1. Shakespeare & Milton were both curbd by the general malady & infection from the silly Greek & Latin slaves of the Sword.

      silly slaves sword

  8. www.systemsinnovation.network www.systemsinnovation.network
    1. Get the full scoop on hubs with this guide: https://www.systemsinnovation.io/post/si-hub-guideWe are currently setting up about 5 new hubs every 6 months, this guide explain the setup process:https://www.systemsinnovation.io/post/hub-setup-guideIf you are interested in setting one up in your location feel free to reach out: https://www.systemsinnovation.io/request-location

      setting one up

    2. Si Network A global community of systems innovators

      check this network out. It might be useful for our work, https://www.systemsinnovation.network/share/uoBZ9l9-Ra77RFlj?utm_source=manual

    1. using NFTs for research citation & retroactive value attribution networks.

      0 Retroactive Value Attribution Networks

    2. open research collaboration exploring networked media
      • for : Open Learning Commons

      open research collaboration

    3. cartographic mapping exercise — an exploration of decentralized digital technology

      cartographic mapping exercise

      decentralized digital technology


    4. self-determination, permissionlessness, and self-governance




    5. make the medium the message

      make the medium the message

    6. exploration of open science, self publication, and peer-to-peer scientific discourse.

      open science

      self publication

      peer-to-peer scientific discourse

    7. Web3.0 offers a space to explore new modalities for research and science.

      space to explore modalities =

    8. The scaffolding of Cyberspace

      interpersonal scaffolding of Cyberspace

    9. ‘how do we simultaneously navigate and build digital territory?’.

      how to

      simultaneously navigate = builkd digital territory =

    10. Zine exploring the frontiers of “Navigating Information Infrastructure”, created using the very digital public infrastructures that the collection itself discusses.
      • for - related : IndyLab
      • exploring capability infrastructure

      Zine exploring the frontier = navigating information infrastrucure =