10,000 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2022
    1. Ted Nelson maintains that a two-way linking system would preserve context online. How could an alternate foundation to the Internet have affected our relationship with information


    1. The SRI system was heavily moded

      !- concept : moded system

    2. From the Archives: Xerox Parc’s Engineers on How They Invented the Future And how Xerox lost it

  2. bafkreiga45rrkej6ydkdxeaf6hivhykqxij5kezhppoftzc4c5gpfaufqu.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreiga45rrkej6ydkdxeaf6hivhykqxij5kezhppoftzc4c5gpfaufqu.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. alphabetic civilization.xxi

      The alphabet is probably the second most important invention in human history, second only to the invention of language, but it does not follow that Western civilization is reducible to the invention of the alphabet. I claim that modernity arose in England prior to the invention of printing press. Modernity cannot therefore be reduced to the printing press. The invention of the printing press however did play a significant role in facilitating modernity. The same is true about the relationship between the alphabet and Western civilization.


    2. xxi


    3. “We ought, says Kant, to become acquainted with the instrument beforewe undertake the work for which it is to be employed; for if the instrumentbe insufficient, all our trouble will be spent in vain... But the examinationof knowledge can only be carried out by an act of knowledge. To examinethis so-called instrument is the same thing as to know it. But to seek toknow before we know is as absurd as the wise resolution of Scholasticus,not to venture into the water until he had learned to swim.” HegelEncyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences (1830) Introductio

      jump water learn to swim

    4. Justice is a transcendent object of inquiry


    5. Our experience of the realwill always transcend what we can articulate


    6. The limits ofour articulation are not the limits of the world.

      limits articulation world

    7. real can be wholly captured by rules

      real captured by rules

    8. source of knowledge is reason applied to our experience

      knowledge reason applied to experience

    9. The Enlightenment deletes revelation

      delete revelation

    10. an order in which all our needs are satisfied by theState

      order all needs satisfied by the state

    11. Modernity as anEnlightenment creed was imposed by reformers from without its spiritualcontext.

      imposed without spiritual context

    12. The difference between theseresponses was not as great as you might think.xviii

      xviii The first history of Socialism assumed that it was a conservative movement. Watson (1998).

    13. new type of literature called a novel, in which charactersdetailed their experience of life


    14. Via Modernaand the latter planted the seeds of the Reformation.

      via moderna reformation

    15. but what does thousay?

      what does thou say

    16. A religious tradition arose which encouraged apersonal quest for truth. The Quake

      personal Quest

    17. emphasised experimental inquiry

      Man, being the servant and interpreter of Nature, can do and understand so much and so much only as he has observed in fact or in thought of the course of nature. Beyond this he neither knows anything nor can do anything.—Francis Bacon, 1620, The New Organon https://hypothes.is/a/mCrkBqtyEeysc2vMiKIPwg

    18. as individuals in a continualprocess of inventing themselves
    19. Maga Carta


    20. This different conception of the State created modernity

      different conception of state

    21. Transcendentideals constrain those who aspire to determine in advance what is just andwhat is true.

      determine in advance and for all

    22. The fact that all knowing is situatedis not a defect; it is the ground from which any pursuit of truth becomepossible.

      the ground

    23. all knowing is situated

      knowing situated

    24. but there is no view

      from nowhere. all knowing is situated

    25. Advancing our understanding requires us to alienate ourselvesto some degree from the context of our understanding

      alienate from the context of understanding

      moving from the specifics to a more general

    26. Scientists operate in communities dedicated(which is to say passionately committedxiv) to uncovering truths about thenatural world.

      Here is the Tub Tudomany is about the World not just the Natural World It is a unity

    27. xii Polanyi was a “dissenter from the dissenters” T.Scott & M.Moleski p.23

      dissentrr from tyhe dissentetrs

    28. passionately committedxiv

      xiv “Emotion is not a blind non- or irrational upsurge...but an intelligent response to something apprehended. Of course, like everything else, it can go wrong...As for the link, an essential one, between emotion and the apprehension of emotion, Polanyi refuted the dichotomy of fact and value, above the level of what is merely physical, and demonstrated that all organic, mental and personal processes and activities set goals and standards for themselves which...they succeed or fail in attaining.” p.43 Allen 2005

    29. What is just is discovered in courts

      just discovered

    30. seeking tofind what is jus

      reference please!

    31. A free society is the belief that the best way of makingdiscoveries about transcendent ideals is to protect the freedom to pursuethem

      protect fhe pursuit of transcendental ideals

    32. philosophers stone exists which can transform our beliefs into absoluteknowledge

      transform beliefs to absolute knowledge

    33. Dynamic Society
      • concept ; Dynamic Society
    34. makepolitics into a secular religion
      • about : politics secular religion
    35. life wants to live for sacred reasons.

      In Yoda Speech it would read:

      The Life Sacred Reasons for to live wants

    36. a sense of rootedness and wholenessin radical politics.vi

      radical politics iv

    37. vii Gluck pp.7-9
      • for : radical politics
    38. he “Compromise” era (1867-1918)


    39. Greeks in theirLyric Age
      • about : Lyric Age Greeks
    40. Schola Angolorum
    41. iv The first mention of the Schola in Roman records is in the LiberPontificalis in 799
      • for : Schola Angolorum
    1. Comment management

      is on Arena's horizon

      • for : IndyWeb

      working on inter personal inter social networked comment management. Taargeting hypothesis as a social network over the web. Next it will be are.na as another implicit social network for thinking together

    1. Come for the Network, Pay for the Tool

      !- for : social - constellation - Indy Web


    1. The purpose of encrypting a file with its own hash is to generate the same output every time the same file is encrypted.

      now if the file contains evergreen resolvable name of author? we can have forward compatibility

    2. Shared files are encrypted using their SHA1 hash and then added to IPFS. The CID of the added file and the aforementioned encrypting hash are then sent to the chatroom peer(s) in a general or private message.

      enctupt files with their own SHA1 hash

    3. Name of the room is the shared secret.

      name of the room is the shared secret

    4. The usual Create Alias/Nick + Create/Join room workflow (akin to IRC).

      !- for : IndyPub, Chat

    5. Real-time, secure, peer-to-peer messaging using IPFS pubsub. Allows in-chat file/directory sharing and private messaging. Works over both internet and LAN. Built-in NAT-traversal using IPFS autorelay.

      !- for : IPFS, Chat

    1. The Open Wisdom Commons Book, an evergreen publication continuously co-authored by core members of Open Wisdom Commons, written in markdown format with Obsidian.

      !- about :Open Wisdom Commons

    2. Open Wisdom Commons Emergent community in self-discovery process.

    1. Indylab1 8 members Seeding the IndyVerse

      !- for : IndyLab,Telegram, Channel

    1. How the debt crisis of 2008-09 fueled populist politics Research shows that in Hungary, debt drove voters to the right, as part of a consequential shift.

    1. Supported Search Choices


    2. “Search Choices” in Mojeek

      webintent to do parallel searches

      *In TrailMarks we do omni search which is search across search engines +

      search across social annotations tools +

      your own MindGraph

      or of people you are connected to

    3. Varied viewpoints are good in search, as they are in debate.

      how about being able to search within what you have engaged with on line

      MEMEX originally given to us the superpower of indexing every page we looked at, so that if you could think of a couple of words that appeared on the page you could retrieve it even if you did not annotate r engage with the page at the time

      *unfortunatly it ahs been turned off later*

    1. “[...]the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”


    1. burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'"

      “The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'"

    1. 4:50 new coordination mechanisms that enable us to solve these challenges at scale

      5:30 handle the breadth of challenges

      problems billions of people

      blockchain to build coordination schools

      underestimated potential impact

      right size scale

      web 2.0 extractive and captured

      Cryptographic economic structures

      mechanisms we can deploy

      Software is eating Mechanism Design

      incentive structures

    1. Myco@mycodotspaceThe Future is Owned by Everyonemyco.spaceJoined November 20201,390 Following2,321 FollowersFollowed by Ledgerback Digital Commons Research Cooperative, StarkRekt Maestro, and 10 others you follow

    1. While this blueprint may be applied to many different forms of organizations, to begin we are focussing specifically on what we call Digital Social Clubs: communities of like minded individuals who gather together on the internet. Our goal is to enable these groups to be anything they want to be: a community, a collective, a coop, a company.

      digital social clubs

  3. myco.space myco.space
    1. Own your communityHave fun earn togetherMyco makes it easy to bring your people together, by giving them shares in the communities they're building. Join the thousands of people who are realizing the power of collaborative ownership.



    1. Interlinguality in historical conceptography Jochen A. Bär From the journal Lexicographica https://doi.org/10.1515/lex-2021-0004

      !- about : conceptography

    1. I'm interested in this research - could you provide the full-text for it?

      I am writing on the topic of "Thought Vectors in Concept Space" and are developing tools to create it and came up with the name conceptography for Concept space to match the linkography which is a way of curating articulating thought vectors (TrailMarks) in their own Meta ConceptSpace or indeed meta-conceptography

      I do believe that problems define their own solution

      conceptography is indeed the key to translation

      mapping concpet spaces across languages - Gyuri Lajos

    2. how a discourse lexicography that crosses language borders could be structured.

      discourse lexicography can be structured

    3. The article deals with theoretical and methodological questions raised by the idea of a multilingually oriented lexicography of discourse. The fact that words often cannot be translated exactly, but are to be seen in different lexical field contexts in each individual language will be treated as well as the phenomenon of interlingual influence (especially in cases of active multilingualism shown by single discourse actors). After some introductory remarks and general observations, a proposal will be developed (based on a historical example: the discourse of European Romanticism) as to how a discourse lexicography that crosses language borders could be structured.

      words different lexical field contexts =

    4. Interlinguality in historical conceptography

      !- for : conceptography

    1. Perkeep is your personal storage system for life.

      pss personal storage system

      PSS + IPFS = IPSS

    1. A representation of the concept of a tree. The four upper images of trees can be roughly quantified into an overall generalization of the idea of a tree, pictured in the lower image.

      Summs up what's wrong with current thinking

    2. Theory-theory[edit] Main article: Theory-theory Theory-theory is a reaction to the previous two theories and develops them further.[11] This theory postulates that categorization by concepts is something like scientific theorizing.[5] Concepts are not learned in isolation, but rather are learned as a part of our experiences with the world around us.[11] In this sense, concepts' structure relies on their relationships to other concepts as mandated by a particular mental theory about the state of the world.[14



    3. as concepts that are structured around each other seem to account for errors such as whale as a fish (this misconception came from an incorrect theory about what a whale is like, combining with our theory of what a fish is).[14] When we learn that a whale is not a fish, we are recognizing that whales don't in fact fit the theory we had about what makes something a fish. Theory-theory also postulates that people's theories about the world are what inform their conceptual knowledge of the world. Therefore, analysing people's theories can offer insights into their concepts. In this sense, "theory" means an individual's mental explanation rather than scientific fact.

      concepts are structured around = each other

      articulation of concepts

    1. .poster_box

      poster CSS ``` .poster_box { position: relative; width: 100%; }

      .poster_imagebox { height: 0; position: relative; overflow: hidden; }

      .poster_imagebox--yellow { padding-bottom: 105%; }

      .poster_image { display: block; object-fit: contain; position: absolute; width: 100%; }

      .poster_image--yellow { height: 80%; bottom: 0; } ```

    2. Harper, 1966 HTML Poster

      !- for : HTML Poster

    1. all of which are beginning to be understood in convergent intentional terms (such as in terms of information)—are serving as a midwife for an emerging era of intellectual history that will ultimately be as important, I believe, as the era of materialist science—an era I call the age of significance.

      The age of significance indeed

      and there will always be signs to mark it like TrailMarks, as thought vectors in concept space

      new Cosmologies of adjacency and situatedness knowl'edge at the edges with the knowing subject


    2. Who can say, these days, what is real and what is virtual, what is genuine article and what mere simulation? Are online phenomena abstract or concrete,3 formal or informal, symbolic or non- symbolic, real or representational? No one seems to know, for sure.

      We need to Augment philosophy itself so that we can show and tell

    3. Hang around a while, to figure out what has happened, and one finds oneself plunged into the metaphysical deep.

      plunged into the metaphysical deep

      need to scaffold our rise to meta-meta-symbio-psychoi-physical systemic higher vewpoints affording the vantage point to recognize the symbolic unity of all https://indylab1.fission.app/hyp?viewpoints symbolic unity of all

    4. There is not even agreement on the most basic questions: what computation is, whether it is a concrete (physical) or abstract notion, etc2

      what computation is?

    5. Nevertheless, many standard terms of art—program, process, algorithm, symbol, data structure, information, implementation, architecture, complexity, state, nondeterminism, digital, virtual, online, and the like—remain only partially excavated, bereft of satisfactory analysis.

      terms partially excavated

      bereft of satisfactory analysis

    6. philosophy

      To the extent that Philosophy's self image is that it is but footnotes to Plato (please insert your all time favourite philosopher of the day, I would say Hegel)

      Then clearly the best way to go about doing philosophy must be writings on the margins of the greats and crate new synthesis to which all amounts to. do that in a self-hosting conversations that are continuous, without being synchronous, evergreen, permanent, always re-sumable reusable, remixable re-volutioable, learnable mutual learning symmathesy

    7. computing is instead a site: an historical occasion on which to see general, unrestricted issues of meaning and mechanism play out.

      site of meaning and mechanism

    8. computers are intentionally significant physical artifacts—the best we know how to build.

      intentionally significant artifacts

    9. Beyond manifesting a dialectical interplay of meaning and mechanism, computers per se do not have what I earlier said they must have, in order to constitute a genuine subject matter: they are not sufficiently special. As we saw, it is incumbent on a theory of computation to take ‘computational’ to be substantial property, for the class of computers to be thereby restricted. For there to be a “there, there”—for there to Page 39 be something for a theory of computation to be a theory of—the computational must constitute a determinate subset of everything that is or anyway could be the case.55 But every candidate theory to be explored here, when subjected to rigorous examination, will turn out to fail: either because it is too narrow, in the sense of not applying to some things we ought to (in fact already do) call computers, or else because it is so broad as to be essentially vacuous, amounting to no more than a vapid form of physicalism.

      dialectic interplay of meaning and mechanism

      vapid form of physicalism

      the subject matter is the mutual arising of symbols and mechanisms which is everywhere and in fact it is a proper subject matter in the sense of understanding the nature and workings of Symbolic Unity of being per se

      there is a clear and distinct convergence in all theories of everything in what I like to call Symbolic Unity

    10. The problem, however is not just that we have not had an adequate theory of computing, in the past. Nor is it that we have no adequate theory, now. Much more strongly—and in what at first will seem a dismal conclusion—we will never have such a theory, in the future. We will never have a theory of computing because there is nothing there to have a theory of. Or rather, to put it more accurately: it will be a major conclusion of this investigation that neither computers, nor computing, nor computation, nor anything close by, are ultimately the sort of phenomenon that will sustain an intellectually satisfying, trenchant, powerful theoretical account.

      never will have an adequate theory of computing

    11. The third difficulty with current theories of computing, beyond the fact that we understand neither meaning nor mechanism, is more surprising yet—and more consequential.

      neither meaning nor mechanism

    12. fifty years of mathematical theory—to say nothing of unrelenting hyp

      5ö years of mathematica theory

      unrelenting hype

    1. Perkeep is your personal storage system. It's a way to store, sync, share, import, model, and back up content. Keep your stuff for life.

      Keep your stuff for life

    2. About Perkeep (née Camlistore) is your personal storage system for life: a way of storing, syncing, sharing, modelling and backing up content.

    1. Perkeep@PerkeepOrgyour personal storage system, for life (previously named Camlistore)Everywhereperkeep.orgJoined June 2011260 Following1,959 FollowersFollowed by SDO Ⓐ, Digital Life Collec., and 6 others you follow


    1. Perkeep lets you permanently keep your stuff, for life.

    1. mechanism to support an infinite number of valid stateinterpretations (see sec. 1.1.2).

      support multiplicity of state interpretations

    2. Because any given state is simply the resultof a series of atomic updates, the log can be used toreconstruct past states or process retroactive updates

      reconstructability of state based on atomic updates

      !- for : recapitubaility

    3. The CAP theorem [15],
    4. ES and command queryresponsibility segregation (CQRS) patterns

      ES event sourcing = CQRS command query responsibility segragation =

      !- hypothesis : - in an interpersonal conversational setting - where information exchange is continuous, eventual consistent without being synchronous - things get simplified with a uniform single pattern that is composable


    5. E. Brewer, “Towards Robust Distributed Systems,”in 19th ACM Symposium on Principles of DistributedComputing (PODC), 2000, [Online]. Available: http://pld.cs.luc.edu/courses/353/spr11/notes/brewer_ keynote.pdf.
    6. forward-compatible applicationupdates

      !- concept : forward-compatible application updates

      • concept : forward-compatible applications
        • permanent storage of data along with the code used to create processes it
    7. Weprovide an overview of some important technologiesrelated to the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) thatmake it possible to rethink ES in a decentralized network.Finally, we cover challenges to security and accesscontrol on an open and decentralized network,

      IPFS rethink ES in a decentralized network

      IPFS for Event Sourcing in interpersonal networks

    8. event sourcing (ES) and discuss drawbacksto using these approaches in decentralized systems

      !- hypothesis : <br /> - limitations can be overcome if we adopt a people-centered trustful topologies for interpersonal trusted but verifiable communication patterns.

    9. providing the flexibility and scalability required bytoday’s apps.


      interchangeabiity and interoperability not only of data but the very intentional capabilities needed to engage with it


      build solution that can be scalled and be provisioned in any constellation at any scale without needing to make any changes to the way the domain is modelled and the intentions are embodied

      ThreadDb Texttile is one way

    10. solve major challenges with building a secure anddistributed network for user data
      • secure
        • trust but verify
      • distributed
        • people-centered networks where each indyvidual is an autonomous hub in their own(ed) networks
    11. six challenge areas: flexible data formats,efficient synchronization, conflict resolution, access-control, scalable storage, and network communication.Based on our findings, we propose a novel architecturefor event sourcing (ES) with Interplanetary Linked Data(IPLD) — which we call Threads – that is designed tostore, share, and host user-siloed data-sets at scale
      • flexible data formats
        • universal self-defined malleable extensible, future compatible data formats
      • efficient synchronizations
      • conflict resolution
        • *no conflict continual synthesys *
      • access control
        • full provenance people centered ownership, requests to source
    12. [2] T. Berners-Lee and K. O’Hara, “The read–writeLinked Data Web,”
      • concept : read-write Linked Data Web
    13. uild data-driven apps and services whileusers remain in control of their own data

      data- driven apps and services

      self-administered services

    14. alternative approach that allows individuals tocapture the value of their data and still allow developersto build new interfaces and experience on top of thisdata. This approach is called user-siloed data and itfundamentally separates apps from their users’ data

      !- concept : user-siloed data

      • allow individuals

        • capture the value of their data
          • re-mix, re-use, share with provenance
      • allow developers to

      • build new interfaces
        • surfaces
        • controls
        • affordances
    15. e data is generally not accessible toother apps and services
      • for concept -:app-siloed data

      data not accessible to other apps and services

    16. problems may arise ifover time a company’s incentives shift from providingvalue to users, to extracting value from users

      company's incentive shifts

      • from providing value to user
      • to extracting value from users
  4. www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
    1. by speaking in at least two modes at once we begin to actually honor the complexity of the situation

      speaking two modes at once

      begin to actually honor the complexity of the situation =

    2. reached square one 00:09:53 by openly confronting the necessity for paradox

      confronting the necessity for paradox =

    3. an obligation to make sense be non-trivial not to 00:09:27 squander resources in foolishness uh an obligation to awaken and an obligation to at the same time dream
      • obligation to make sense = no foolishness obligation to dream =
    4. it's paradoxical responsibility to dream and 00:09:13 coexisting and simultaneous with that an obligation to awaken
      • reponsibility to dream = obigation to awaken =
    5. the obligation upon the conscious people 00:08:44 near the control surfaces near the levers of the human machine is immense
      • obligation
      • conscious people near the levers of the human machine
    6. the real hard choice that you're being pushed toward and that you might consider making before the yawning grave rings down the curtain on this cosmic drama is 00:01:48 actually intellectual responsibility freedom and uh a devotion to uh what scientists call 00:02:01 elegance of thought
      • hard choice
      • yawning grave
      • curtain cosmic drama

      intellectual responsibility

      • devotion to elegance of thought
    7. you are going to be condemned to live out the consequences of your taste really 00:03:47 really and if you have no taste you know god help you because you are you are self-condemned to an appalling nightmare 00:03:58 uh you won't be getting it all the subtle stuff will go by you while while your head is uh filled with can't nonsense foolishness

      live out the consequences of your taste

      self-condemned to an appalling nightmare

      you won't be getting it all the subtle stuff

      can't nonsense foolishness

    8. the beautiful what is it 00:03:31 easy to discern the beautiful is easy to discern

      beautiful easy to discern

    9. intellectuals defined as people who figure it

      intellectual people who figure out

    10. The Dangers Of Our Modern World - Aldous Huxley


      Everything whole is in shattered parts,

      every flame just a fitful ebb,

      every love in bits,

      everything splintered.

    1. Az Élet él és élni akar…2020.02.14.Dancs IstvánNational Geographic MagyarországA Szent György- hegy csúcsához közel készült ez a fotó, amely ékesen bizonyítja, hogy az élet valóban élni akar- ahogy Ady Endre is fogalmazott.

      "Life lives and to live it wants...."

      the title alludes to to live and want to live but leaves out the sacred reason

      Life for sacred reasons to live wants



    1. Ady Endre: A Tűz Márciusahttps://www.eternus.hu › vershttps://www.eternus.hu › vers · Translate this pageAz Élet szent okokból élni akar. S ha Magyarországra dob ki valakit, annak százszorta inkább kell akarni. Életet és hitet üzen egy halott
    2. !- search : "az élet szent okokból"

    1. A liveblog is a blog post which is intended to provide a rolling textual coverage of an ongoing event, similar to live television or live radio. Liveblogging has increased in usage by news organizations and blogging establishments since the mid-2000s, when they were initially used to broadcast updates of technology conferences in the absence of or alongside streaming video captures, and like microblogs, have gained currency as an online publication format which performs the same function as that of live television news coverage. The BBC uses the word "live text" for its own liveblogging events.


    1. A concept map or conceptual diagram is a diagram that depicts suggested relationships between concepts.

    1. The theory-theory (or 'theory theory') is a scientific theory relating to the human development of understanding about the outside world.[1] This theory asserts that individuals hold a basic or 'naïve' theory of psychology ("folk psychology") to infer the mental states of others


    2. 'perspective taking' is sometimes used to describe how one makes inferences about another person's inner state using theoretical knowledge about the other's situation.[2]

      perspective taking

    1. The Theory Theory Revisited20 years ago psychologists began to outline a constructivist set of ideas about cognitive development and conceptual structure sometimes called “the theory theory.”

      constructivist set of ideas about cognitive development

    1. What is Delve?Delve is a software to analyze qualitative data. It’s a simple to use, collaborative online qualitative analysis tool that allows you to find rigorous, human insights quickly.With online qualitative research software like Delve, you can stay organized and analyze qualitative data efficiently when completing your dissertation or other research.

    2. Qualitative Analysis Made Easy CAQDAS for coding in qualitative research. Analyze transcripts from in depth interviews and focus groups together with your team. Start Free Trial      <img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59934311ff7c50540c53f047/1579130011436-6ED28KWABAGF98K3M6JF/Delve-Qualitative_Tool.png" alt="Delve-Qualitative_Tool.png" />

      qualitative analyssis delve

    1. In mathematics, a space is a set (sometimes called a universe) with some added structure

      universe with some structure

    1. universal application, or cross-platform application.

      cross platform

    2. Understanding Universal Applications

    1. 🐢 (TURTLE) utf-8 character icon TURTLE is one of the 768 characters in the Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs Unicode subset.


    1. We propose a“massivelyparallel”approach that seeks to cultivate large num-bers of independent but mutually reinforcing projectseach addressing particular aspects of hyper-polarizationin specific contexts

      massively parallel

      independent but mutually reinforcing projects

      weaving autonomous networks mutually reinfocing projects

    1. defend liberal democracies while also helping them live up to their ideals.

      live up to their ideals

    2. The Hyper-Polarization Crisis: a Conflict Resolution Challenge

    1. followed cues from the embedding Hypothesis help page


    2. You can use click on the < button in the top-right of your browser window to read and write comments on this post

      Yes it worked even in the browser that does not have the hypothesis extension


    3. I’m a huge fan of Hypothesis, so I trust them as a third party, and the fact that the software is free is also a big plus.

      me too

    1. PROSOCIAL Why is Talking About Power Important? By Paul Atkins

    2. Elinor Ostrom — whose work on the Core Design Principles informed the theoretical background of Prosocial — did not explicitly focus on the issue of power, at least to my knowledge. Still, the issue of power necessarily runs through her work, particularly in her third core design principle: “Collective Choice Arrangements: Most individuals affected by a resource regime are authorized to participate in making and modifying its rules” (Ostrom, 2010, p. 253). This principle is about shared power — what has come to be called ‘power-with’ as opposed to ‘power-over,’ terms I will elaborate further below.


      shared power


      as opposed to



    1. designed to promote social coherence within app spaces
      • for : principles - IndyWeb

      social coherence within app spaces is nice

      but with IndyWeb

      unenclosable social coherence is attainable accrosss anti-app spaces and in fact

      inter app spaces, over the web using anti-apps as sidecars to existing even siloed web apps

    2. bring along to new applications.
      • for : concept - universal anti-app

      • for : IndyWeb

      instead of bring along (owned data) to new applications*

      all IndyWeb Anti-Apps Alter-Apps are instead of decoupling data and apps in the sense that the datamodel is not baked into the app code but have independent existence and the app is built around such a model in a uniform way

    3. simple to move between ‘islands’ by allowing users to control their data in such a way that it’s easy to bring along to new applications.
        • move between islands
        • xxx
        • yy
    4. applications that anyone can easily spin up by creating or forking code

      applications that anyone can spin up by forking

    5. key ingredient of our unenclosable system: forkability, which means that anyone is free to leave any space, create another based on the same (or similar) source codes and rulesets, and invite people to the new version. For true forkability, users need to be able to migrate easily between versions, taking their data from one version — for example their complete activity on a social network or search engine — and load it into the new version.


      • for : principles - IndyWeb

        • once used permanent evergreen available
        • resume-able, trans migratable
        • forward compatibility assured
        • evergreen both data and the ability to do anything with it is open, commons based permanent
    6. So, one key ingredient in making any system fundamentally unenclosable is the ability for anyone to create segmented spaces of coherence into and out of which people can freely associate, with rulesets that are particular to those spaces.

      create segmented spaces of coherence Description

    7. converge toward enclosure.

      converge towards enclosure

    8. global consensus mechanisms are still a form of carrier enclosure, and there are necessarily some nodes (or users) who have more say than others in determining the legitimacy of transactions and adopting updates to the rulesets.

      global consensus is carrier enclosure

    9. Unenclosable Carriers and the Future of CommunicationThe Nextnet Series

    1. The other segway is actually a trademark: it refers to a motorized, two-wheel personal vehicle. The confusion is understandable: both segway and segue share a pronunciation, and the spelling segway looks more logical to us than segue.

      segue vs segway

    2. Segue or Segway? Which word should you use when moving on to a new subject?


    1. As an example, consider the "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) syndrome. It is a highly touted feature for many vendors. It provides a definite advantage for the final process of converting a computer-held document to a nicely formatted hard copy. But what does it do for authorship? Well, in our framework, it has a negative impact. We were happy to abandon those constraints of lines and pages and other formatting geometry which did not contribute to matters of content and structure. We have chosen instead to provide the authorship process with structured files, flexible addressing, flexible window-size viewing, level and truncation viewspecs, etc. -- things that would be awkward or impossible to provide in a WYSIWYG environment. This provides the authorship phase with flexibility and power for studying and manipulating content and structure that we wouldn't consider trading off for WYSIWYG. Save it for the production phase.

      !- about : WYSIWYG

      what you get when you print it

    1. #255 | Peter Zeihan: The Collapse of Globalization and America's Retreat - The Realignment Podcast

    1. In Judaism, yetzer hara (Hebrew: יֵצֶר הַרַע yēṣer haraʿ‍) is the congenital inclination to do evil, by violating the will of God.

      congenital inclination to do evil

    2. Yetzer hara


    1. Transforming data. Transforming teams. dbt™ helps data teams work like software engineers—to ship trusted data, faster.

      ship trusted data faster



    1. “On our move-the-ecosystem-forward initiatives, there are a bunch of irons in the fire. The biggest one is something we’re calling the semantic layer, which is a brand new way for Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics tools to access a single set of business concepts (metrics, entities, and more),” Tristan Handy, the CEO and founder of the dbt Labs, told VentureBeat.

      move-the-ecosystem-forward initiative

    1. support for meta already enable full data cataloging capabilities. Now, it’s a matter of improving the functionality and making it more active/alive.

      full data cataloging capability

    2. the semantic-free BI tool simply holds a reference to metadata in the headless layer.

      reference to metadata in the headless layer

    3. using a universal (unified) semantic layer, recently termed “headless”. The idea is that all consumers of data (BI, ML, and other tools) can “speak the same language” by accessing a “single source of truth” where common metadata semantics are applied.

      universal (unified) semantic layer

    1. In 2011, Marc Andreeson published his seminal essay, “Why Software is Eating the World.”

    1. Noesis (phenomenology), technical term in the Brentano–Husserl "philosophy of intentionality" tradition


    2. Noesis is a philosophical term, referring to the activity of the intellect or nous.

    1. This made me realize that there must be a general science which explains all the points that can be raised concerning order and measure irrespective of the subject-matter, and that this science should be termed mathesis universalis — a venerable term with a well-established meaning — for it covers everything that entitles these other sciences to be called branches of mathematics.

      not just res extensa


    1. Communicating About the Social Implications of AI: A FrameWorks Strategic Brief Artificial intelligence (AI): good or evil? Author Patrick O’Shea , Lindsey Conklin, Emilie L’Hôte, Michelle Smirnova Published October 19, 2021
    1. FollowClick to Follow FrameWorksInstFrameWorks Institute@FrameWorksInstWe conduct and share original communications research to help reframe social issues. Proud recipient of MacArthur Award for Creative & Effective Institutions.Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Organization Washington, DCframeworksinstitute.orgJoined September 20101,748 Following12.6K Followers


    1. Changing the conversation on social issues Using framing to unlock change

    1. n 2021, the FrameWorks Institute, in partnership with the MacArthur Foundation, released a research brief describing some of the most prevalent misconceptions about what “AI” is and how it works.

      misconception what AI is

    2. Whatever the merit of the scientific aspirations originally encompassed by the term “artificial intelligence,” it’s a phrase that now functions in the vernacular primarily to obfuscate, alienate, and glamorize


    1. What AI cannot do It is often assumed that AI will become so advanced that the technology will be able to do anything. In reality, there are limits.