- Jun 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time
Love, love, love Love, love, love Love, love, love There's nothing you can do that can't be done Nothing you can sing that can't be sung Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game It's easy Nothing you can make that can't be made No one you can save that can't be saved Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time It's easy All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need Nothing you can know that isn't known Nothing you can see that isn't shown ......... ```
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
5 Tips to Make Meditation Easy and Enjoyable
www.harmonet.hu www.harmonet.hu
A népi mondás szerint: "Ha ezen a napon esik, negyven napig esik egyfolytában." "Medárdus napja ha tiszta, nem jő a rossz idő vissza"
docdrop.org docdrop.org
cosmology as i'm using it here is the human perception of our world or 00:00:53 even the universe and the human place therein so right away you see that it touches on what we typically call the big questions right the religious questions who are we what 00:01:06 are we where did we come from how did we get here what is our purpose all of that can be cosmology when you throw humans into the equation
turtles they can be pretty cheeky
turtles are great at helping out the other collectively
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World | Nomi Prins | Talks at Google
twitter.com twitter.comTwitter1
Conor White-Sullivan 𐃏@ConawH-LAM/T one of the most useful acronyms I’ve ever come across. A handy way to categorize the interwoven ways we have to augment the human intellect Language Artifacts Methods In which a person can be trained From our great prophet Doug Engelbart https://dougengelbart.org/content/view/138/#2c…
- for : H-LAM/T
twitter.com twitter.com
!- for : H-LAM/T
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
“Knowledge production is a group activity, not an individual one.” (Engelbart).
!- about : language, artifacts, methods, tools, trained
!- for : H-LAM/T
scalingsynthesis.com scalingsynthesis.com
Backlinks🪴 Start Here ...is to find data structures and interfaces that support synthesis and innovation in a decentralized discourse graph. Some suggested starting points: To jump straight into the ideas: [[I- Search as a primitive]] [[I- A DSL for a discourse graph with information entry, visualization, and retrieval]] [[Q- How might we navigate the structure now or later tradeoffs]] For broader context
nice way to show back links as search results
rushkoff.medium.com rushkoff.medium.com
Don’t Hide the TechToo Much Artifice is a Symptom of Something Wrong
www.geeksforgeeks.org www.geeksforgeeks.org
Mathematics | Walks, Trails, Paths, Cycles and Circuits in Graph
www.chilimath.com www.chilimath.com
How to Solve Quadratic Equations using Factoring Method
www.ontopia.net www.ontopia.net
Steve Pepper is the founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Ontopia, a company that provides topic map software, consulting, and training services.
!- profile : Steve Pepper
This paper describes the crisis of identity facing the World Wide Web and, in particular, the RDF community. It shows how that crisis is rooted in a lack of clarity about the nature of "resources" and how concepts developed during the XML Topic Maps effort can provide a solution that works not only for Topic Maps, but also for RDF and semantic web technologies in general.
crisis identity WWW
|- for : Web, Broken Wheel
root cause is location addressing, seeking good's eye view normative accummulation of "conventional" knowledge separated from the context of its discovery, disregarding its source "personal knowing", production
Curing the Web's Identity Crisis
www.ontopia.net www.ontopia.net
Welcome to the Omnigator
www.topicmaps.org www.topicmaps.org
The question of how to label a relationship is one of naming, not direction
- flip : labeling naming not direction
Parameters are information, in the form of a set of topics, that expresses the appropriate processing context for a variant name. Having selected a particular topic name, an application may choose to examine the parameters of its variants (if any) in order to select the most suitable form of that name.
prohibits a processed topic map from containing multiple topics with the same base name in the same scope.
names in scope
ontopia.net ontopia.net
distinction between addressable and non-addressable subjects.
addressable and non-addressable subjects
provide powerful new ways of navigating large and interconnected corpora.
navigate large interconnected corpora
knowledge structures and associating them with information resources
knowledge structures
associated with resources
personal first, self-organizing networks of structured outlines containing written text and hypermedia context always in intentional/conceptual/meaningfully shaped/salient contexts.
Everything of interest is high resolution addressable. These addresses are derived from the way connections are created using trailmarks to the body of emergent networks
|- flip : separation of knowledge structures and associated information sources
index replicating, in miniature, the structures of its subject, in order to provide a more manageable view of the whole.
present at scale
back-of-book index can be likened to a carefully researched and hand-crafted map
book index map
“a book without an index is like a country without a map”.
index map
the names assigned to association types (such as “was influenced by”) imply any kind of directionality.
- flip : association names do not imply directionality
The goal with topic maps is to achieve a one-to-one relationship between topics and the subjects that they represent, in order to ensure that all knowledge about a particular subject can be accessed via a single topic.
- flip : topic subject correspondence
Topic maps as portable semantic networks
The TAO of Topic Maps Finding the Way in the Age of Infoglut
www.otherlife.co www.otherlife.co
Personal Knowledge Management is Bullshit
|- about : PKM bullshit
marc.tries.fed.wiki marc.tries.fed.wiki
This excerpt from the original wiki's welcome page provides a window into the now frozen past. We've opened up a portal between that past and our now distributed federation of personal wiki sites where sharing is by creative commons. Welcome.
wiki.c2.com wiki.c2.com
See fedwiki's C2 for Me
en.wiktionary.org en.wiktionary.org
pragma (plural pragmas or pragmata) (computing, programming) A compiler directive; data embedded in source code by programmers to indicate some intention to the compiler. This pragma stops the compiler from generating those warnings we don't care about.
|- gloss : TrailMarks
|- snippet : high resolution addressing in TrailMark - |- for TrailMarks - |- example : clues in markdown - nestrd
earlier used the generic trailmark 'for' to indicate that the current annotation is relevant for the designated/named topic given as the target/object/subject for the TrailMark for.
From the Ancient Greek root πρᾶγμα (prâgma, “a thing done, a fact”). May be a back-formation from pragmatic.
|- gloss : pargma
prâgma, “a thing done, a fact”
|- gloss : pragma
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
When a seemingly random action offers a benefit to the organism's survival, the neuronal pattern leading to that action gains meaning.
oops meaning?
This “outside-in” view portrays the mind as a tool for learning about the true nature of the world
outside-in view
I had to wrestle with the difficulty of trying to explain something that I didn't really understand.
difficulty explaining understand
perception-action theoretical framework was right or wrong
theoretical framework
How the Brain ‘Constructs’ the Outside WorldNeural activity probes your physical surroundings to select just the information needed to survive and flourish
www.disruptiveconversations.com www.disruptiveconversations.com
On The Need To FOCUS In Our Age Of Hyper-Distraction...
www.google.co.uk www.google.co.uk
!- search : hyperconversation
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
Compiler interpreter and_bootstrapping
full bootstrapping
guide.fission.codes guide.fission.codes
All of the apps that you have published with your account are listed on the Apps page.
There is a live beta of the development version available at https://dashboard-develop.fission.app/. It might delete your apps or eat your JavaScript.
The account dashboard for the Fission platform dashboard.fission.codes
twitter.com twitter.com
You can ship WebNative Apps with @FISSIONcodes from your browser
WebNative: all you need is a browser
No Backend, No CLI No Databases with @IPFS
the Network IS the Open Commons Database No Master/Slave arrangements
You are your own master
Born interoperable Apps flock to you
talk.fission.codes talk.fission.codes
Wikilinks support for Discourse
multi player tool for thought
mutiplayer TfT
The real power of wikilinks comes from supporting interwiki prefixes. Support [[es:w:]] and [[wd:]] and [[wookie 1:]] and you’re really going places.
interwiki prefixes
Using Discourse brings in multiplayer and commenting, @-mentions, and more.
brings multiplayer, commenting and @mentions
use Discourse as an interlinked digital garden of notes.
discourse as interlinked garden of notes
To make it even better, we’d like to use a [[wikilinks]] double bracket syntax to link to new and existing pages.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
git clone https://username@github.com/username/repository.git
fix wrong account used for gitlab
utf8-icons.com utf8-icons.com
⛆ (RAIN) utf-8 character icon RAIN is one of the 256 characters in the Miscellaneous Symbols Unicode subset.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
git branch backup-master
git fetch --all
github.com github.com
Git Credential Manager
transfer vscode setup from one pc to another
itnext.io itnext.io
Take Your VS Code Configuration Anywhere Easily with Settings SyncJust When You Thought Visual Studio Code Couldn’t Get Any Better, It Did
{ content-visibility: auto; contain-intrinsic-size: 1px 5000px; }
css { content-visibility: auto; contain-intrinsic-size: 1px 5000px; }
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
Emergent framing proposes that the best ideas or best concepts have not yet emerged because the preparatory work that would allow them to emerge has not occurred.
emergent framing
!- epistemic - principles : TrailMarks, IndyLearn, Learning Gardens
- May 2022
teilab-static.arch.tamu.edu teilab-static.arch.tamu.edu
Only ifthe processing of symbolic representations is related to the tacit context within which theybecome meaningful, does a semantic engine becomes possible.Polanyiana 2003/1–2. 133© Polanyiana 2003/1—2: 133-157
!- for : - IndyWeb - reveal - TrailMarks
That's what TrailMarks in MindGraph does
Gyuri Lajos, [02/05/2022 10:47] MindGraph was designed not as a knowledge representation scheme using TrailMarks inline notation (intentional mark in | intentation) but to support intentional presentation of ideas within intentional contexts that exhibit them as hypermaps to arbitrary precision and inter changeable|operable morphic presentation|exhibition designed for specific purposes where the very means get explicated in a form optimizing comprehensibility and morphic manipulatibility
Gyuri Lajos, [02/05/2022 10:56] Problems define their own conceptualisation of solutions in any commonly existing problem situation
Gyuri Lajos, [02/05/2022 10:58] Once you realize that connections are key and pay attention these ideas emerge I be seen so many variations realized in this space
Gyuri Lajos, [02/05/2022 10:58] Not surprisingly all are commensurate sometimes isomorphic
Gyuri Lajos, [02/05/2022 10:47] MindGraph was designed not as a knowledge representation scheme using TrailMarks inline notation (intentional mark in | intentation) but to support intentional presentation of ideas within intentional contexts that exhibit them as hypermaps to arbitrary precision and inter changeable|operable morphic presentation|exhibition designed for specific purposes where the very means get explicated in a form optimizing comprehensibility and morphic manipulatibility
Gyuri Lajos, [02/05/2022 10:56] Problems define their own conceptualisation of solutions in any commonly existing problem situation
Gyuri Lajos, [02/05/2022 10:58] Once you realize that connections are key and pay attention these ideas emerge I be seen so many variations realized in this space
Gyuri Lajos, [02/05/2022 10:58] Not surprisingly all are commensurate sometimes isomorphic
Gyuri Lajos, [02/05/2022 17:00] Make content context addressable, indexed by explicit intent and meaning.
Gyuri Lajos, [02/05/2022 17:01] Maintain veryfiable provanance not onlyu for contributions but all associated interaction reading, and references IndyWeb IndyLab
Robert Haisfield @RobertHaisfieldFollows youProduct manager at @edgeandnode. Nonlinear writer and tools for thought researcher / user. Heavily influenced by behavioral science and game design.Berkeley, CArobhaisfield.com/aboutJoined August 20111,602 Following4,908 FollowersFollowed by PKM ONE, Björn, and 84 others you follow
twitter.com twitter.com
Everything around me was someone's lifework.
twitter.com twitter.com
Most apps have implicit state machines. The quickest way to get to an initial state in a state machine is to stop it and start a new instance of it. That's why when you run into a bug (undesired/unexpected state), "turn it off and on again" is super effective.
Joel Chan is synthesizing knowledge@JoelChan86Follows youProfessing #hci #cognitivescience #creativity #toolsforthought #metascience @iSchoolUMD & @hcil_umd | tweets ~= fleeting notesepistemological hinterlandsjoelchan.meJoined October 20111,955 Following2,937 Followers
uxdesign.cc uxdesign.cc
Ultimately, we want to conclude with our personal understanding of this whole terminology craze, and we hope you agree, or at least feel inspired to reassess your mental model.
“UX” generally happens before “UI.”
UX vs. Product Design vs. UI: The Never-Ending Battle
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Read this great article on the differences/overlaps between UC/UI/research and more, advocating that we create a digital product design practice. But we think there's even something more that needs to be integrated inside digital product design: business model and fully self managed P&L. And eventually unlock it from the single organisation and bring units fully in the market as we preach with our #3EO approach
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Simone Cicero 2nd degree connection 2nd CEO at Boundaryless. Original Creator of Platform Design Toolkit. Thinkers50 Radar 2020.
jovensemrede.files.wordpress.com jovensemrede.files.wordpress.com
the process of human thinking happens throughassociative chains and that Problem Solving Instructional Strategies proposed by Polya are essential for teaching methodsthat intend to develop teaching based on independence and on critical reasoning
associative chains Polya
Problem solving and critical thinking in a technological world
critical thinking
oasislab.pubpub.org oasislab.pubpub.org
!- for : holonic, knowledge synthesis, IndyLearn
Here is a visual diagram of the entities and how they relate to each other to form a system for synthesis.
system for synthesis
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Presentation of Ontopic Studio 2022.1 at the Knowledge Graph Conference - KGC
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Ontopic 568 followers 1h • Edited • 1 hour ago We prepared a short video about #ontopicstudio for the The Knowledge Graph Conference 2022.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Status is offline MaRi Eagar CEO|Regenerative Leadership Innovator|Author of The Regenerative Traveler
Ꮘ (CHEROKEE LETTER QUI) utf-8 character icon CHEROKEE LETTER QUI is one of the 96 characters in the Cherokee Unicode subset.
!- for : retrospective
www.nti.org www.nti.org
(The full recommendations are available on page 22 of the report.)
report pdf
ocw.mit.edu ocw.mit.edu
Video Lectures 1A: Overview and Introduction to Lisp
indieweb.org indieweb.org
This is the classic cold start problem of social. The answer to the traditional chicken-and-egg question is actually answerable: what comes first is a single chicken, and then another chicken, and then another chicken, and so on. The harder version of the question is why the first chicken came and stayed when no other chickens were around, and why the others followed.
www.eugenewei.com www.eugenewei.com
Status as a Service (StaaS)
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
In other words, telling users that they can either cancel their accounts or start paying wasn’t fair as Google accounts are often more than an email inbox. It felt a bit like Google was blackmailing administrators.
It's a pretty good deal. I had a paying google apps fur works for 6 7 years $15 for 3 or so accounts.
You get what you pay for. pay nothing you may get nothing
Somebody must be paying for the domain name too You may be paying for server space you never used
Google will let legacy G Suite users migrate to free Google accounts
www.wiley.com www.wiley.com
The New Edge in Knowledge: How Knowledge Management Is Changing the Way We Do Business
i2insights.org i2insights.org
a part rather than the whole of the total universe of conceivable considerations, and of serving some parties better than others.
universe of conceivable considerations
Assessing assumptions about boundaries with critical systems heuristics May 24, 2022May 24, 2022
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Assessing assumptions about boundaries with critical systems heuristics by Werner Ulrich
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Gene Bellinger 1st degree connection 1st Storyteller Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, United States Contact info
julian.digital julian.digital
Thread Notes
Thread Notes
how about You live in your networked thread notes and all the app syou need come to you as you need them!
!- about : The IndyWeb Vission
While email might need an overhaul, I see a way bigger opportunity in rethinking digital note taking.
rethinking digital note taking
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
creative flywheel that generates finished works
creative flywheel that generates
works worthy of sharing
but make it evergreen with full recapitulatibility of it autopoiesis and in a form that the it can provide the means to access all its future revisions attributed to contributors over time
depending on what state of maturity your learning is at
can be just collating but can also be conversing
I'm posting these little emails as trail markers, every week or so.
I do trailmark everything that enters my tacit to explicit loop
articulate search capture organize synthesize
started doing it on the margins like here
this way I make my reading not only active
but turn it into articulateion and writing on the margins
to be surfaced, shared and expanded upon within TrailMarks but open to be used resused in other systems
And thanks to
annotations are social with a potentially global reach
and can be integrated into an interpersonal settings through consteallations suppored on the IndyWeb
!- about : IndyWeb
NB these trailmarks will soon be resolvable as portals to the evergreen permanent HyopeMedia and HyperCapability context that they name!
The dream machine. Unconscious R&D. A second subconscious.
What you propose to call a second unconscious
I like to call extenalization of our mutual learning synthesized into inter intellect through
co-creating commons based, peer produced, interchangeable interopeable system that helps us to augmenting our tacit awareness and help us to articulate and share them
constructed a new system—a cybernetic system—designed to amplify capture-organize-synthesize? If we carefully closed the right feedback loops, could we construct a creative flywheel that generates finished works almost by accident, through a stream-of-consciousness process? That’s what I am attempting to build.
This is an ambition like Descartes' Mathesis Universalis
not to be accomplished by any one man,
And in fact what we are after is a n engine for Symmathesy =
Mutual Learning
Mixing up the order of capture-organize-synthesize
It is not the order that is impostant but the flow from one to the other
and of course must add search and articulation
articulation is distinc from synthesis
in a sense just writing down ideas is indeed synthesis but I would suggest to distinguish this from the synthesis that is possible within the augmentation tool
Also there is the need for scaling sytnhesis through inter personal communications, conversations tht are continuous without being synchronous between your past selved or with others
Why do we expect ourselves to create good ideas from nothing (synthesize)? It’s much easier to generate ideas when you have lots of material (capture) clustered by themes and relationships (organize)1.
Geniuses, poets can do the synthesis with their unaided unaugmented minds
but for the rest of use this will not work
Potentially if we can augment the intellectual effectiveness of the individual human beings we need to provide the tools and processes that can support that, yes
Why do Word Processors present you with a blank page (synthesize) instead of offering scratch notes (capture) that are relevant (organize) to your writing goals?
This logic leads to what I am doing right now
"Writing on the margins as part of capture"
Articulation, write where ever you arae as the ideas arise
Why do file systems force you to name a file (synthesize), and place it in a folder (organize) before you can write in it (capture)?
Finding/inventing the right name for your tacit awareness through articulation is the ultimate synthesis
when you look through this lens, it suddenly becomes clear that many of our creative tools are backwards or broken!
could not agree more!
Here’s a real-world example:
mutually reentrant arising
looking for a fixed point
when additional attempt at Capture (it better implies searching)
and in fact search is ambient automatic and repetable
Organize and Synthesize show diminishing returns
and what you have attains a lvel of coherence
that makes it valuable to be shared with otheres and your future self as ready to be duisseminated through whatever channels are deemed appropriate
Synthesize new meaning.
digital gardeni9ng from seeds to shoots to flowers and fruits
"don't prepeare the words, prepare the feeleing"
"catch the feeling first*
Remember keep writing on the margins as I do here
Everything you write down anywhere provides words to have searches running that can surface relevant context and content
explicating your tacit awareness presenting it both the relevant adjacent wholistic contexts
and focal contents sub contexts
the thing you call subconscios
Organize to give some first-pass structure using rough heuristics. Card sorting, clustering, filing, arranging, etc.
Organization can be accomplished by
- breaking up text into nested list structures
- turn list items into clues using trailmarks
- trailmarks themeleves are high resolution content in context addresses, so "organization" is by creating bidirectional references between contents in meaningfully/intentionally addressable 'named' contexts
Capture as much as possible without judgment.
at the point of capture which I do with the help of hypothesis annotation but any other annotation tool, or read it later would do that allows notes to be attached to it
part of the capure is to write down anything that comes to mind as a self-relevant by association comment
try to name the context or topics that it may be highly relevant. A kind of forward linking. There by ensuring that when you are in an adjacent context the item that is being captured will be surfaced for your consideration
This is an example for this
I use trailmarks notation for this. which itself is in a state of continual development.
!- for : Digital Gardening, MindGraph, Hypermaps of Meaning
Need less to sat words that are being highlighted will be surfaced as auto-asspciations
What if your notes could self-organize—from scratch notes, to draft, to finished creative work—through a stream-of-consciousness process—like dreaming?
into a digitalpensieve
Helps you to bring to mind everything you have related to waht you have in mind!
500ish.com 500ish.com
The First Truly Personal Computer
www.academia.edu www.academia.edu
Thomas Dreher History of Computer Art
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Everything that I thought and felt about everything had its beginnings right there.
Read this for deeper explanations of these principles: https://www.cosmic-core.org/free/the-six-principles-of-the-esoteric-stream-of-knowledge/
Gyorgy Doczi - from The Power of Limits
look it up
[HELP]! English translation of Attila Jozsef's Song of the Cosmos
working on it
www.cosmic-core.org www.cosmic-core.org
All in reality, seen and unseen, are interconnected and interpenetrate one another. There are infinite dimensions that are interconnected to make a unified harmonious whole. All points in space, time and consciousness are connected.
The fundamental principles of the Universe are Unity, Infinity and Harmony
The Six Principles of the Esoteric Stream of Knowledge
hu.wikipedia.org hu.wikipedia.org
Kiskunságból Budapestre került parasztlányból lett mosónő.
mother from kiskun
József Attila költészete forradalmat jelentett a magyar irodalom történetében: az az új szemléletmód, ahogyan verseiben az »én«-t felépíti, láttatja, összhangban volt Európa és Amerika akkori költészetével. Öröksége sok évtizedre meghatározta a magyar költészet tendenciáit. Ahogy minden igazán nagy alkotó esetében, az övében is azt látjuk, hogy száz évvel születése után legalább annyi újdonságot tud mondani, mint a megelőző évtizedekben
örök újdonság, mert örök
Minden, ami költészetünkben addig volt, beleolvadt József Attilába; minden, ami azóta van, vele kezdődik
vele kezdődik
ig.ft.com ig.ft.com
The Climate GameCan you reach net zero by 2050?Can you reach net zero by 2050?
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
The Climate Game — Can you reach net zero?
ittle difficulty in seeing that objects are also events that our world is a collection of processes rather than entities
processes rather than entities
the western mind is that we have taken a restricted view of human knowledge 00:04:17 for us almost all knowledge is what a taoist would call conventional knowledge because we do not feel that we really know anything unless we can represent it to ourselves in words or in some other system of conventional signs
conventional knowledge
for words can be communicative only 00:02:49 between those who share similar experiences
words communicative experiences
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
my anti-social-media talk had found such a large audience on social media.
indy social networks
social indy media
Even as we dream of abandoning social media, we search for ways to redeem it.
search for ways to redeem
social media
attention economy,
Local file Local file
The PKM market is fragmented, with countless tools that don’t always play welltogether. While there has been an effort from some players to better integrate withother apps, most integrated tools such as Unito are focused on teams, and Zapiermay feel overkill for most knowledge workers. There is an opportunity to build asuper-connector for tools for thoughts, allowing knowledge workers to make themost of their systems across platforms.
tools don't play well together
Unito for teams
Zapier overkill
super-connector for tools for thought
knowledge workers make the most of their systems across platforms
!- for : IndyWeb, IndyHub
commons based, peer-produced, evergreen interchange and interoperability of hypermedia along with the means of creating, sharing and playing with them
people centered interchange AND interop
Ness Labs - Discussion forums and online meetups about mindful productivity, creativity,metacognition, and tools for thought
Ness Labs
!- for : IndyLab
The InterIntellect - Online salons about about philosophy and science, education, literature,technology, psychology, history, and more
Based around communal values ofself-development, intellectual curiosity, and peer-learning, these communities have widely varyingbusiness models, from freemium to premium.
communal values
intellectual curiosity
mutual learning
niche knowledge sharing communities are emerging.
niche knowledge sharing communities
Information and communication technology’s most important contribution toknowledge sharing in communities consists of the realization of a sharedinformation base (communality) and facilitating communication independent of timeand place (connectivity)
shared information base
facilitating communication independent of time and place
Communality and connectivity
shared information base
facilitating communication independent of time and place
Communities can help to connect peersworking in various projects with each other.
connecting peers
emergent communities
Knowledge sharingcommunitiesThe agoras of knowledge workers
knowledge sharing communities
Consulting (SuperPeer, Houcan, MentorCruise
Some indie thinkers go onto building new tools for thoughts, such as Andy Matuschak with Orbit, orTom Critchlow and Toby Shorin with Quotebacks.
Andy Matuschack Orbit
!- search : quotebacks, consulting superpeer
Indie thinkers spend their time asking questions, researching nichetopics, connecting ideas, and share their newly acquired knowledge online for people to consume
have conversations that are continuous without being synchronous
and contiguous with participants entire externalization of their intellect for an emergent inter intellect
hard to work with together, and multi-tools workflows can be cumbersome.
!- for : value prop - IndyWeb
multi-tools workflows
integrate withother tools through APIs or multiple export options.
need web intents
!- for : IndtWeb, Indy Social Networks
better still, HiFi interchange AND InterOperability within People Cantered emergent interpersonal Indy Social Autonomous Evergreen Networks .
Memex has launched a feature which allows users to export highlights and notes tomany formats and platforms, including Roam Research.
memex export highlights
A popular integration is Instapaper to collectarticles + Readwise to save the best highlights + Roam Research to take further notes and connectideas with existing knowledge.
instapaper + roam
The 5 C’s of personal knowledge management
The missing piece
Open Research Commons
Augmenting Human Inter Intellect
Hypothesis Annotation makes reading active and social
TrailMarks invite you to curate ideas on the margin
InterPersonal Social Research Gardening
∑ - social annnotation - wiriting on the margins - interpersonal research graph - interpersonal digital gardening
!- for : - IndyWeb - value prop - IndyDig - slogan - Make Research Self-Organizing, Resumable, Evergreen and Social
GitBook lets users explore the evolution of ideas
Gitbook evolution of ideas
“learningin public” mindset is the digital garden,
learning in public the digital garden
Obsidian has recently launched a solution to turnnotes into a static website, with bi-directional links, horizontal browsing through interactive panels,and overlaid link previews
turn notes into static websites
4 IndyDat
Knovigator and Learn Awesome encourageusers to collaborate on their learning journey.
knovigator collaborate on learning journeys
Personal knowledge management is becoming multiplayer. Users can invite others to contribute
PKM multiplayer
What ifwe could keep the scattered bits and pieces that typicallyescape us, get lost or fade away? What if we could give ourcluttered, captive mind freedom to flow over?
scattered bits and pieces
lost fade away
cluttered captive mind freedom to flow over
The flexibility of a curated knowledge graphallows for a more pluralistic approach
curated knowledge graph
pluralistic approach
goal is to create a platform for collaborative researchand learning.
collaborative research and learning
newdissemination tools
!- for : surface - IndyDat
named after Samizdat dissemination tool
dissemination tools
What can Superpeer do for you?Turn your audience into loyal, paying followers with our seamless video experience and subscriber management tools.
seamless video and subscriber management
berrycenter.org berrycenter.org
Louis Bromfield liked to point out that the people of France survived crisis after crisis because they were a nation of gardeners, who in times of want turned with great skill to their own small plots of ground
nation of gardeners
A couple who make a good marriage, and raise healthy, morally competent children, are serving the world’s future more directly and surely than any political leader, though they never utter a public word.
couple good marriage
raise healthy, morslly competent children
But the discipline of thought is not generalization; it is detail, and it is personal behavior. While the government is “studying” and funding and organizing its Big Thought, nothing is being done. But the citizen who is willing to Think Little, and, accepting the discipline of that, to go ahead on his own, is already solving the problem. A man who is trying to live as a neighbor to his neighbors will have a lively and practical understanding of the work of peace and brotherhood, and let there be no mistake about it – he is doing that work.
citizen willing to Think Little
accepting the discipline
solve problems
For most of the history of this country our motto, implied or spoken, has been Think Big. I have come to believe that a better motto, and an essential one now, is Think Little. That implies the necessary change of thinking and feeling, and suggests the necessary work. Thinking Big has led us to the two biggest and cheapest political dodges of our time: plan-making and law- making. The lotus-eaters of this era are in Washington, D.C., Thinking Big. Somebody comes up with a problem, and somebody in the government comes up with a plan or a law. The result, mostly, has been the persistence of the problem, and the enlargement and enrichment of the government.
Think Little
not Think Big
Think Little By Wendell Berry by Berry Center | Mar 26, 2017 | Wendell Berry | 2 comments
Established in 2011, The Berry Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing focus, knowledge and cohesion to the work of changing our ruinous industrial agricultural system into a system and culture that uses nature as the standard, accepts no permanent damage to the ecosphere, and takes into consideration human health in local communities.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The Berry Center The Berry Center 593 subscribers
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Nāgārjuna (approximately around 150 CE).[2]
middle way
an inherent self-sufficiency that was not caused by something else.
inherent self-sufficiency
The MMK makes use of reductio arguments to show how all phenomena (dharmas) are empty of svabhava (which has been variously translated as essence, own-being, or inherent existence).
dharma void of inherent existence
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
Looking back at Google+
community.webmonetization.org community.webmonetization.org
an impromptu social network for a participatory immersive theater event driven online
impromptu social network
participatory immersive
Understory Garden Final Grant Report
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
Much of this is possible to cobble together with the systems we have today: wget, http, web pages. It’s not perfect, but it works.
can be done with webnative= all you only need is a browser
with IPFS is the network is your data store
commons based peer produced constellations = IndyWeb
What if I could open website files, edit, and remix them? Add links. Mark them up with highlights Write margin notes.What if the whole web was built around copying/remixing/sharing?
now you are talking about IndyWeb =
What if I had a little local Google that could search the full text of everything I’ve ever saved?
What if I had my own personal wayback machine?
can do, and upload it to web3.storage or fission.codes
What if the browser saved a local copy of everything I bookmark?
can do, and upload it to web3.storage or fission.codes
Own a copy of your corner of the internet. This shift in perspective from network-first, to local-first is compelling.
personal first but interpersonal
Saving copies of everything is like low-budget p2p
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
interesting ways of thinking is thinking together
I don't want to store my brain on someone else's computer.
extellect of mind
Here is my bicycle for the mind.
my bycicle for the mind
If you want to make a living flower, you don't build it, you grow it from the seed.—Christopher Alexander
www.dougengelbart.org www.dougengelbart.org
And that knowledge production is a group activity, not an individual one.
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Weaving the Web The original design and ultimate destiny of the World Wide Web, by its inventor
blog.thegovlab.org blog.thegovlab.org
Cunningham and Caulfield discussed a number of different use cases and examples, showing how different groups could have their wikis interact with each other and the outside world. All of the different groups above are using heavily overlapping sources and data, but each have a different take on the end product. Their wikis will be able to have the same foundational pages, but combined in different ways with different pieces of analysis.
www.technologyreview.com www.technologyreview.com
Digital gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internetA growing number of people are creating individualized, creative sites that eschew the one-size-fits-all look and feel of social mediaBy Tanya Basuarchive pageSeptember 3, 2020
Digital Gardens
substack.net substack.net---1
cabal zine
cabal.chat cabal.chat
Why am I an admin when I join someone else's cabal? Cabal has implemented a subjective moderation system. What that means is that everyone is an admin from their own perspective. The moderation system has two tiers: admins and mods. Mods can hide other users entirely from view. Admins can assign mods, in addition to also being able to hide users. We are currently working on additional abuse-prevention features that will tie in to the existing moderation system. You can read more about cabal's moderation system in the cabal zine
subjective moderation
dat-ecosystem.org dat-ecosystem.org
Cabal Cabal is an experimental p2p community chat platform, focusing on group chat in channels. nodejs
a constellation of people and shared values
Ink & Switch We are an industrial research lab working on digital tools for creativity and productivity.
ink and switch
Dat Ecosystem is comprised of many groups bulding on top of the Hypercore protocol. But it's also more - a constellation of people and shared values.
docs.datproject.org docs.datproject.org
Dat brings publishing within reach for people with a wide range of skills, not just technical.
brings publishing
that the original uploader can add or modify data while keeping a full history and that it can handle large amounts of data.
original uploader can change
www.datprotocol.com www.datprotocol.com
FastArchives sync from multiple sources at once. SecureAll updates are signed and integrity-checked. ResilientArchives can change hosts without changing their URLs. VersionedChanges are written to an append-only version log. DecentralizedAny device can host any archive.
changer host without changing URLs
Dat is a new p2p hypermedia protocol
hypermedia protocol
github.com github.com
Hypercore Proposals
github.com github.com
"Dat Enhancement Proposal" (DEP) documents,
github.com github.com
Dat Ecosystem ARCHIVE