22,718 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. "maker, author, poet," variant of poiētēs, from poein, poiein "to make, create, compose."

      "maker, author, poet," variant of poiētēs, from poein, poiein "to make, create, compose."

    2. "one endowed with the gift and power of imaginative invention and creation, attended by corresponding eloquence of expression, commonly but not necessarily in a metrical form"

      gift and power of imaginative invention

    3. poet (n.)


    1. Apple’s design displays text from its 1997–2002 Think Different ad campaign

      Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is…


    1. A lélek mértéke a nosztalgiák és a lelkifurdalások, a tiszta vágyak és a tiszta megbánások.

      The soul's measure are the nostalgies and remorse, the pure desires and true regrets.

    2. Hiszen igaz: a művész azért művész, hogy az illúziót valóra váltsa, a költő azért költő, hogy a lehetetlent letesse.

      Since true:

      the artist is artist to realise the illusion.

      the poet is poet, to let the impossible be

    1. The proxy server must not be placed in a network where sensitive resources are accessible via an intranet

      must not

    2. others may use your server to hide actual IP from the destination server.

      hide originating ip

    3. Adding a security section in the documentation? #152

      for Cors Anywhere

    1. Note: as of February 2021, access to the demo server requires an opt-in, see: https://github.com/Rob--W/cors-anywhere/issues/301



    2. Requesting user credentials is disallowed.


    3. for - Indy Web Kernel

    4. CORS Anywhere is a NodeJS reverse proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
    1. How to Execute After Page Load in JavaScript ?

      called after entire page loaded window.onload = function() { ... };

    1. Repository


    2. Friendly emoji lookups and parsing utilities for Node.js


      for - tech.mix

    1. 💖 simple emoji support for node.js projects

      ```import * as emoji from 'node-emoji'

      emoji.emojify('I :heart: :coffee:!') // 'I ❤️ ☕️!'

      emoji.find('heart') // { emoji: '❤', name: 'heart' } emoji.find('❤️') // { emoji: '❤', name: 'heart' }

      emoji.get('unicorn') // 🦄 emoji.get(':unicorn:') // 🦄

      emoji.has(':pizza:') // true emoji.has('🍕') // true emoji.has('unknown') // false

      emoji.random() // { name: 'house', emoji: '🏠' }

      emoji.replace('I ❤️ coffee!', 'love', { preserveSpaces: true }) // 'I love coffee!'

      emoji.search(':uni:') // [ { emoji: '🦄', name: 'unicorn' }, ... ]

      emoji.strip('I ❤️ coffee!') // 'I coffee!'

      emoji.unemojify('🍕 for 💃') // ':pizza: for :dancer:'

      emoji.which('🦄') // 'unicorn'


    1. Nov 20, 2023 — Friendly emoji lookups and parsing utilities for Node.js. 💖. Latest version: 2.1.3, last published: 3 months ago. Start using node-emoji in ...(function(){var eid='z9PoV';var a=google.c.mcar;var b=a?0:Date.now(),c=document.getElementById(eid);google.c.mfrvt(b,c);google.c.ub();c&&!a&&google.c.maft(b,c);})();


    1. Package


      emoji.for - node.package

      A package (parcel), as contains items ordered online. Depicted at various angles as a light-brown, cardboard box, with a shipping label and its top taped shut.

      Commonly used for content concerning shipping, delivery, and moving as well as for boxes more generally.

    1. We can start by displaying title and favicon. Because of CORS limitation on frontend we'll need a backend server. An easy way is to use CORS Anywhere. Its demo ...
    2. google.search - get favicon browser only

    1. Oct 6, 2021 — This phrase suggests that an organism's development will take it through each of the adult stages of its evolutionary history, or its phylogeny.


    2. New York Botanical Gardenhttps://www.nybg.org › blogs › science-talk › 2017/02New York Botanical Gardenhttps://www.nybg.org › blogs › science-talk › 2017/02



    3. “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”


    1. your content will be publicly accessible, and may be used and re-shared by others on Linktree and across the internet.

      will be reshared accross the internet

    1. import { name as circleName } from "https://example.com/shapes/circle.js";

      import https

    1. Load optimized npm packages with no install and no build tools.


      • install
      • build tools

      for - htmx - browser native indy applets

      <svg class="hero-logo mt6 mb2 svelte-194ivpm" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 111 24"><title>Skypack </title><path fill="currentColor" d="M38.63 8.71v.36H35.8v-.36c0-1.74-1.09-2.43-2.82-2.43-1.74 0-2.53.69-2.53 1.81s.8 1.67 2.68 2.06l.51.11c3.26.69 5.32 1.81 5.32 4.6 0 2.79-2.24 4.71-5.76 4.71-3.51 0-6.01-1.95-6.01-5.25v-.22h2.82v.22c0 1.81 1.19 2.75 3.15 2.75 1.95 0 2.93-.87 2.93-2.1 0-1.27-1.01-1.7-2.97-2.14l-.51-.11c-3.19-.69-5-1.77-5-4.53 0-2.75 2.1-4.45 5.36-4.45 3.27.01 5.66 1.68 5.66 4.97zM46.45 12.84l5 6.44h-3.37L44.5 14.5l-1.48 1.27v3.51h-2.79V4.04h2.75v8.4l4.49-3.95h4.05l-5.07 4.35z"></path><path fill="currentColor" d="M63.06 8.49l-5.9 15.13h-2.97l1.52-3.66-4.49-11.47h2.97l2.86 7.78h.22l2.86-7.78h2.93zM63.89 8.49h2.68v1.45h.22c.65-.94 1.7-1.77 3.58-1.77 2.57 0 4.89 2.17 4.89 5.68s-2.32 5.68-4.89 5.68c-1.88 0-2.93-.83-3.51-1.7h-.22v5.76h-2.75V8.49zm8.62 5.4c0-2.14-1.27-3.37-2.97-3.37-1.7 0-2.97 1.23-2.97 3.37s1.27 3.37 2.97 3.37c1.7-.01 2.97-1.24 2.97-3.37zM81.27 8.2c2.82 0 4.6 1.45 4.6 4.16v6.95h-2.61v-1.27h-.33c-.18.47-.9 1.56-2.9 1.56-2.21 0-3.95-1.23-3.95-3.48 0-2.21 1.74-3.37 4.16-3.37h2.97v-.62c0-1.01-.62-1.77-1.99-1.77-1.38 0-2.03.72-2.21 1.7l-2.53-.83C77 9.61 78.44 8.2 81.27 8.2zm-.69 9.16c1.52 0 2.61-.94 2.61-2.39v-.18h-2.75c-1.01 0-1.63.51-1.63 1.27s.61 1.3 1.77 1.3zM92.71 8.2c3 0 4.81 1.77 5.32 4.16l-2.64.58c-.14-1.3-.94-2.35-2.61-2.35s-2.9 1.23-2.9 3.29c0 2.1 1.27 3.29 2.9 3.29 1.67 0 2.46-.98 2.68-2.35l2.64.62c-.62 2.35-2.35 4.13-5.39 4.13-3.15 0-5.61-2.35-5.61-5.68 0-3.37 2.46-5.69 5.61-5.69zM105.56 12.84l5 6.44h-3.37l-3.62-4.78-1.48 1.27v3.51h-2.75V4.04h2.75v8.4l4.49-3.95h4.05l-5.07 4.35zM16.06 11.5l-4.09-2.04 4.09-2.04c.19-.1.31-.29.31-.5 0-.21-.12-.41-.31-.5l-5.09-2.54a.55.55 0 00-.5 0L5.39 6.42c-.19.09-.31.28-.31.5V12c0 . 2.04-4.09 2.04c-.19.1-.31.29-.31.5 0 . 2.54c. 0 .17-.02.25-.06l5.09-2.54c.19-.1.31-.29.31-.5V12a.596.596 0 00-.32-.5zm-5.33-6.51l3.84 1.92-3.84 1.92-3.84-1.91 3.84-1.93zM6.2 7.81l3.28 1.64L6.2 11.1V7.81zM6.89 12l3.84-1.92L14.56 12l-3.84 1.92L6.89 12zm3.28 3.44v3.28l-3.28-1.64 3.28-1.64zm5.09 1.31l-3.97 1.99V14.9l3.97-1.99v3.84z"></path><path fill="currentColor" d="M10.73 24c-.09 0-.17-.02-.25-.06L.31 18.86a.567.567 0 01-.31-.5V5.65c0-.21.12-.41.31-.5L10.48.06a.55.55 0 01.5 0l10.17 5.09c. .21-.12.41-.31.5l-10.17 5.09c-.09.03-.17.05-.25.05zm-9.62-5.98l9.61 4.81 9.61-4.81V6l-9.61-4.81L1.11 6v12.02z"></path></svg>

    1. tempt us to grant them absolute power with utopian promises of superhuman autonomy and dystopian threats of subhuman servitude


      • superhuman autonomy
      • subhuman servitude
    2. Human, ForeverThe Digital Politics of Spiritual War


  2. Feb 2024
    1. Man Technologist

      emoji 👨‍💻 =

      for - tech - tech.mix - Indy0.Net - dream.code - dreaming in code

    1. Thought Balloon


      emoji.for - thought - dreaming - dreaming in code

      A large cloud-like shape more commonly known as a thought bubble.

      Used to represent thinking, or thoughts, and commonly used in comics to display the thoughts of a drawn character. May also be used to represent a dream, or daydream.

    1. Nut and Bolt


      for - object

      A metal bolt with a nut threaded around it, as by a wrench. Often positioned at a 45° angle, the head of the bolt at the upper left. Commonly used for various content concerning tools, building, and construction. May also be used for other hardware, including screws.

    1. Construction

      🚧 for - development - dev - emoji - work - make

    1. Heart Exclamation


      emoji.for - Clue 💡❣️

      A decorative exclamation mark, where a heart forms the top part of the symbol, and a circle the lower part. Similar to the way to the man in business suit levitating also creates a similar shape.

    1. Fake Server is a bridge between Jasmine and Sinon which provides a simplified interface for creating and mocking ajax requests when writing tests with Jasmine.

      bridge Jasmine Sinon

    1. more connected than ever, but not with each other
      • more connected
      • but not with each other

      for - interpersonal networks - browselet - manifesto

    1. How Hypothesis interacts with document metadata

      link rel canonical

    1. it does not incorporate a transport protocol

      and it is intended to use different transport protocols as appropriate, including the - Session Announcement Protocol [14], - Session Initiation Protocol [15], - Real Time Streaming Protocol [16], - electronic mail using the MIME extensions, and - the Hypertext Transport Protocol.

    2. SDP provides a standard representation for such information
      • media details,
      • transport addresses, and
      • other session description metadata

      to the participants.

    3. SDP: Session Description Protocol

      RFC 4566

    1. (SDP)

      exchange peer information (SDP). Session Description Protocol -



      RFC 4566

    2. signalling channel

      exchange peer information (SDP).

    3. Trystero manages a clandestine courier network that lets your application's users talk directly with one another, encrypted and without a server middleman.

      clandrestine coourier network

      talk directly with one another

    4. Actions are smart and handle serialization and chunking

      for you behind the scenes.

      This means you can send - very large files and

      whatever data you send

      will be received on the other side as the same type

      • (a number as a number,
      • a string as a string,
      • an object as an object,
      • binary as binary, etc.).
    5. Let's say we want users to be able to name themselves:

      Let people name themselves

    6. // buy round for the house (second argument omitted)

      send a mesage to everyone

    7. Send and subscribe to custom P2P actions:


    8. Browsers can only handle a limited amount of WebRTC connections at a time

      why Rooms?

    9. heart yearns for fuller decentralization

      yearn decentralization

    10. use Firebase for "production" apps where you need full control and reliability

      firebase for production

    11. 📯 Trystero

      <svg width="100" height="200" fill="black" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 30 60"><title>Skypack</title><path d="M17.387 12.213L10.95 9l6.438-3.212c.3-.15.487-.45.487-.788a.875.875 0 00-.488-.788l-8-4a.874.874 0 00-.787 0l-8 4c-.3.15-.487.45-.487.788v8c0 .3.162.588.412.75l.075.037L7.038 17 .6 20.212c-.3.15-.487.45-.487.788 0 .337.187.637.487.788l8 4a.874.874 0 00.388.087.874.874 0 00.387-.087l8-4c.3-.15.488-.45.488-.788v-8a.842.842 0 00-.476-.787zM9 1.975L15.037 5 9 8.025 2.963 5 9 1.975zM1.875 6.413L7.038 9l-5.163 2.588V6.413zM2.963 13L9 9.975 15.037 13 9 16.025 2.963 13zm5.162 5.413v5.162l-5.162-2.587 5.162-2.575zm8 2.05l-6.25 3.124V17.55l6.25-3.125v6.037z"></path></svg>

    12. peer information (SDP).

      to - SDP

      To establish a direct peer-to-peer connection with WebRTC, a signalling channel is needed to exchange peer information

    13. talk
      • directly with one another,
      • encrypted and
      • without a server middleman.
    14. Trystero manages

      a clandestine courier network

    15. Serverless WebRTC matchmaking for painless P2P: make any site multiplayer in a few lines


    16. 📯 Trystero

      <svg width="100" height="200" fill="black" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 30 60"><title>Skypack</title><path d="M17.387 12.213L10.95 9l6.438-3.212c.3-.15.487-.45.487-.788a.875.875 0 00-.488-.788l-8-4a.874.874 0 00-.787 0l-8 4c-.3.15-.487.45-.487.788v8c0 .3.162.588.412.75l.075.037L7.038 17 .6 20.212c-.3.15-.487.45-.487.788 0 .337.187.637.487.788l8 4a.874.874 0 00.388.087.874.874 0 00.387-.087l8-4c.3-.15.488-.45.488-.788v-8a.842.842 0 00-.476-.787zM9 1.975L15.037 5 9 8.025 2.963 5 9 1.975zM1.875 6.413L7.038 9l-5.163 2.588V6.413zM2.963 13L9 9.975 15.037 13 9 16.025 2.963 13zm5.162 5.413v5.162l-5.162-2.587 5.162-2.575zm8 2.05l-6.25 3.124V17.55l6.25-3.125v6.037z"></path></svg>

    1. <svg width="100" height="200" fill="black" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 30 60"><title>Skypack</title><path d="M17.387 12.213L10.95 9l6.438-3.212c.3-.15.487-.45.487-.788a.875.875 0 00-.488-.788l-8-4a.874.874 0 00-.787 0l-8 4c-.3.15-.487.45-.487.788v8c0 .3.162.588.412.75l.075.037L7.038 17 .6 20.212c-.3.15-.487.45-.487.788 0 .337.187.637.487.788l8 4a.874.874 0 00.388.087.874.874 0 00.387-.087l8-4c.3-.15.488-.45.488-.788v-8a.842.842 0 00-.476-.787zM9 1.975L15.037 5 9 8.025 2.963 5 9 1.975zM1.875 6.413L7.038 9l-5.163 2.588V6.413zM2.963 13L9 9.975 15.037 13 9 16.025 2.963 13zm5.162 5.413v5.162l-5.162-2.587 5.162-2.575zm8 2.05l-6.25 3.124V17.55l6.25-3.125v6.037z"></path></svg>

    1. fill

      The fill attribute has two different meanings. For shapes and text it's a presentation attribute that defines the color (or any SVG paint servers like gradients or patterns) used to paint the element; for animation it defines the final state of the animation.

    1. how we get coherence at global scale

      is through shared aspiration you know um let me jump in on and and shared purpose maybe isn't it but a shared vision of humanity might be and and right now the shared vision of humanity is awfully um ominous uh and the world is changing dramatically we've all gotten very comfortable living in our Global World

    1. Hope

      Grant that the day's work of my hands, lofty Fortune, I may complete! Grant that they will not exhaust me! No, these are not empty dreams: now but mere poles, these trees will one day give fruit and shade

    1. Placard


      A sign on a post, commonly used to promote ideas, causes, or make announcements. Often used used in the context of politics to represent a lawn sign or a poster brought to a protest. Also seen in commercial advertising.

      Shown with indiscernible writing or not writing at all, this emoji is flexible in its use. WhatsApp shows a peace sign, which tilts the meaning away from commercial use.

    1. use the ring as a first-in-first-out queue

      (let ((fifo (make-ring 5))) (mapc (lambda (obj) (ring-insert fifo obj)) '(0 one "two")) (list (ring-remove fifo) t (ring-remove fifo) t (ring-remove fifo))) ⇒ (0 t one t "two")

    2. 6.8 Managing a Fixed-Size Ring of Objects
    1. google.search: emacs copy ring

    2. This returns a list of the objects in ring , in order, newest first. Function: ring-copy ring ¶. This returns a new ring which is a copy of ...
    1. govern your use of our services

      for: Flipped Services

      While 1's use of an existing SaaS is governed by applicable Terms

      linking to content on these services emboady fair use of these services and imply Terms for such practice

    2. pursue deliberate simplicity

      One of our core values is - to pursue deliberate simplicity

      — so we’ve tried to distill our terms and conditions into their simplest, most accessible form here.

    3. content sharing platform

      Linktree is a - content sharing platform that

      enables creators to - connect their audiences - with their most recent and relevant - content.

    1. duty, to replace the old networks

      duty to replace

      the old networks -

    2. a callous, secretive, controlling, and exploitative animus
      • a callous,
      • secretive,
      • controlling, and
      • exploitative

      animus guides - the centralized networks of the Internet and - the corporations behind them

    3. the proprietary, centralized architecture of the Internet at present

      Since the 0 proprietary, centralized architecture of the Internet at present

      has induced most of us to - abandon these rights, however reluctantly or cynically,

      we ought to demand - a new system that

      respects them properly.

    4. Self-Sovereign Identity vs. UNDP’s Digital Public Infrastructure


    5. Authored by Larry Sanger, Co-founder of Wikipedia

      Larry Sanger

    6. The Declaration Of Digital Independence
    1. digital public infrastructure (DPI) across the globe. This strategic move, strongly supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, aims to see 50 countries develop and scale at least one DPI component by 2028.
    1. Self-Sovereign Identity Crisis 2021-11-23 Lionsgate

      Through deceptive marketing practices the first-movers in the Digital ID market have done-away with the sovereignty. As a result a burgeoning new industry is experiencing a Self-Sovereign Identity Crisis.

    2. done-away with the sovereignty.

      done-away with the sovereignty.

    3. Self Sovereign Identity (SSI)


    1. ⊚ Circled Ring Operator (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

      utf8.for - chrome browser

    1. Tanabata Tree


      emoji.for - wish

      Goes Great With

      🌲 🌳 🎍 🎎 🎐 👹 👺 🏷️ 🤞 🔰 🏣 🔖 🏯 🗾 🇯🇵 🌴 🌾 🌿 🍀 🍁 🍂 🍃 🦥 🪴

      A Tanabata tree, a type of wish tree on which people hang wishes written on paper and other decorations during Tanabata, a Japanese festival celebrating two heavenly lovers. Depicted as one or two stalks of green bamboo, on which hangs one or more slips of paper, generally red.

      Often used to represent various plants or as a green accent color.

    1. Get IFrame's document, from JavaScript in main document

      ``` javascript function GetDoc(x) { return x.document || x.contentDocument || x.contentWindow.document; }


    1. without there being any 00:53:19 message apparatus in the in the underlying engine this allowed you to write programs that were essentially message oriented

      virtual live interpersonal ascync communication PlexMarked HyperPlex Documents

      where textual content is self-descrined and organized and presented for better - comprehension - re-use/purpose/mix ing and collaboration

      Human Actor Asycn/Real Mess networked named channels communication Model integral design integration of concerns

      🐋💡big.idea - 🌱.🧑‍🤝‍🧑🤖.🙩🌱 hu-ma-n/chine.symbiosys

    2. from

      for-indy.nexus - 🐋💡big.idea - 🌱.🧑‍🤝‍🧑🤖.🙩🌱filogeny hu-ma-n/chine.symbiosys

    3. a production version in assembly code

      production version in assembly

    4. the 00:42:14 procedure got not just an argument but the entire input stream whatever else there was in the program

      entire input stream

    5. t sort of was parsing while it the program was parsing while it ran

      parsing as it run

    6. it was fairly Lisp like

      lisp like

    7. had a lot of fun with there's a system called meta

      was it

      META IV

    8. Oral History of Dan Ingalls


    1. I've worked for ten years on the Lively Kernel project [1,2,3], originally created by Dan Ingalls at Sun Microsystems.

      I've worked for ten years on the Lively Kernel project [1,2,3] ...


    2. Dan Ingalls. Dan, why don't you explain to us what you've been doing for the last 40 years? It's a long story, but if we go back to the ...(function(){var eid='z9PoV';var a=google.c.mcar;var b=a?0:Date.now(),c=document.getElementById(eid);google.c.mfrvt(b,c);google.c.ub();c&&!a&&google.c.maft(b,c);})();


    1. Lively Kernel. * Note: Transcripts represent what was said in the interview. However, to enhance meaning or add clarification, interviewees

      Oral History of Dan Ingalls to

    2. Jun 22, 2010 — ... Dan Ingalls. Dan, why don't you explain to us what you've been doing for the last 40 years? It's a long story, but if we go back to the ...


      We're here at QCon London 2010 and I'm sitting here with Dan Ingalls. Dan, why don't you explain to us what you've been doing for the last 40 years?

    1. from

      We're here at QCon London 2010 and I'm sitting here with Dan Ingalls. Dan, why don't you explain to us what you've been doing for the last 40 years?

    1. joining the two loose ends of a common overhand knot, resulting in a knotted loop.

    1. A trefoil (from Latin trifolium 'three-leaved plant') is a graphic form composed of the outline of three overlapping rings, used in architecture, Pagan and Christian symbolism, among other areas.

    1. Clown Face


      emoji.for - the.Pun

      A circus or birthday clown displayed with white face makeup, a red nose, exaggerated eyes and smile, and two tufts of hair (red or blue). Commonly used as comment on TikTok or other social media platforms to indicate that a person is foolish, idiotic and/or selfish.

      May instead describe something that is creepy or scary. Sometimes used as an unflattering alias for Donald Trump.

    1. "It's magical thinking to believe that only the good guys can have privacy. Encryption protects everyone or it is broken for everyone."

      encryption protects everyone or broken for everyone

    2. The battle over end-to-end encryption: Legislation threatens user privacy

    1. Cuneiform unicode subset

      1 𒀀 𒀁 𒀂 𒀃 𒀄 𒀅 𒀆 𒀇 𒀈 𒀉 𒀊 𒀋 𒀌 𒀍 𒀎 𒀏 𒀐 𒀑 𒀒 𒀓 𒀔 𒀕 𒀖 𒀗 𒀘 𒀙 𒀚 𒀛 𒀜 𒀝 𒀞 𒀟 𒀠 𒀡 𒀢 𒀣 𒀤 𒀥 𒀦 𒀧 𒀨 𒀩 𒀪 𒀫 𒀬 𒀭 𒀮 𒀯 𒀰 𒀱 𒀲 𒀳 𒀴 𒀵 𒀶 𒀷 𒀸 𒀹 𒀺 𒀻 𒀼 𒀽 𒀾 𒀿 𒁀 𒁁 𒁂 𒁃 𒁄 𒁅 𒁆 𒁇 𒁈 𒁉 𒁊 𒁋 𒁌 𒁍 𒁎 𒁏 𒁐 𒁑 𒁒 𒁓 𒁔 𒁕 𒁖 𒁗 𒁘 𒁙 𒁚 𒁛 𒁜 𒁝 𒁞 𒁟 𒁠 𒁡 𒁢 𒁣

    1. Fish Cake with Swirl

      emoji.for - design - explore ࿚🍥🖺 pilot

    1. Detective


      An undercover investigator, wearing a hat, and sometimes using a magnifying glass to closely inspect evidence. This emoji did not originally recommend emoji modifiers, but a proposal was created to address this.

    1. Memo


      for - pad - crypt.pad indy.pad 🗫🖧.📝

      A white piece of paper with text written on it by a yellow pencil, positioned over the sheet, tip down, at a 45° angle. Commonly used for content concerning various types of documents and writing, including signing (in sports).

    1. Triangular Ruler


      emoji.for - experiment 👀❔exp.with - htmx design spec 📐🍥

      A triangle or set square, as used by engineers or architects to draw straight lines at angles. Variously depicted as a metal, wood, or plastic right triangle with length markings, its hypotenuse to the right.